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Zurich Citizens News, 1965-01-21, Page 6
PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1965 Zurich LCW Study Mission Hospital Twenty-eight members at- tended the first meeting for 1965 of St. Peter's Lutheran Church Women. The executive, Mrs. Carl Willert, Mrs. A. Fink- beiner, Mrs. Doerr and Mrs. Lawrence, chose for the pro- gram study, ",A vis`t to Valore Hospital in South India". Dr. Ida Scutter, an active and consecrated missionary, was the founder of this mental hospital.' The vast population, lack of education and extreme poverty result in a high count of mental illness. Psychiatrists and trained hos- pital staff are greatly needed to care for and treat the many patients. Dr. Rose Chock() is the hospital supervisor now. LCW president, Mrs. Carl Wil- lert, presided for the business. She noted that 36 good cheer Christmas boxes were deliv- ered, ten by the Luther League members, who sang carols for. shut-ins. Many thank you notes were read. A work committee was select- ed to bring in recommendations for various projects throughout the year. Two planned projects are quilting for the Waterloo Lutheran University, and mak- ing afghans. Members are to knit six inch squares from any oolor yarn. The LCW will serve a smor- gasbord dinner to the congre- gation's annual meeting on Jan- uary 27 and prepare a "Youth Sunday" dinner in February. Convenors for the groups were named. Mrs. L. Prang will convene group one, Mrs. L. Rader, group two, and Mrs. H. Knopp, group three. 0 Junior Farmers Beet At Clinton Ian McAllister, former Huron County agricultural representa- tive, took part in a Huron Coun- ty Junior Farmers' leadership conference at Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton on Saturday. The theme, "Youth takes a look at itself", dealt with par- liamentary procedure and pro- gram planning. Donald Pullen, assistant agri- cultural representative for Hur- on, chaired a panel discussion on "Opportunitiesf or travel". DUWARD *ADAMS RADIO — TELEVISION • Sales and Service • DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Dial `Zurich Days — 236-4094 Nights — 236-4186 "Always ready to serve you" If I had it to do over again, I'd raise my family differently. I'd let the kids grow up in hap- py ignorance of the finer things of life. That's exactly what most of my present fancily would have preferred anyway, but the Old Girl wasn't having any of it. And 1, like all docile North American fathers, swallowed all that jazz about "personality ful- fillment" and " developing na- tural talent" and "creative in- terests". I've spent enough on musk lessons, for example, for those kids to buy myself a brand new Cadillac, or pay off half the mortgage on my house. This month, my son Hugh is giving two piano recitals before trying his music exams, the cul- mination of 10 years of lessons. 'It's just about the culmina- tion of the old man's credit in these parts, too. All it involves is the renting of two halls, the l printing of two sets of invita- i tions and program, and the pur- chase of new suits and dresses for the whole family. Even at that, I could fight my way out of the morass of bills and face the future, shaken but game, if this were the end of the affair. But I learned, in a short but devastating exchange with my wife, that it's only the begin- ning. "Well",, I beamed, "at least it'll be nice not to have to pay for lessons next year, what with all the expense of sending him to college." "Don't be silly!" she snapped. "Of course he's going to go on with his Inusic next year . He's scarcely begun." And I reeled out of the room, speechless. I could see the fu- ture: old dad pumping the treadmill for the next 10 years in a welter of music lessons at $13 a rattle and university fees at $1500 a year. You see, just as Hugh gets out of college, his sister, who also takes piano les- sons at the same tariff, will be ready to begin. It isn't fair, somehow. In 10 years I'll be a broken, beaten old man, ready for the bone - yard, just when I should be entering those golden years you see in the insurance ads: trips to Europe, curling, golf, fishing. And what will I get out of it all? Likely nothing but a .gagle of grandchildren, who will be dumped with us every time their parents want to go on a skiing vacation or a jaunt to Mexico. In despair, I nought out an old friend who had been through it all with three sons and a daugh- ter. Surely he'd have some Expert Watch Repairs • Trophies and Engraving • DIAMONDS -WATCHES - CHINA Anstett Jeweliers LTD. CLINTON — WALKERTON — SEAFORTH Exciting New Profit Opportunities SHUH.GAIN vealer SNUR•OAIN DIVISION tlllliQ9Pu N3 SHUG'GAIN You can grow calves for the profitable veal calf market in only 9-11 weeks with SHUR-GAIN Vealer. Less than 200 pounds of this exciting new product will raise a calf to market weight . . . calves that will grade "good" to "choice". FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS and with a special high fat level, SHUR-GAIN Vealer gives you amazingly low Seed conversions. TEST FEED YOUR NEXT CALF ON SHUR-GAIN Vealer and learn for your- self about the exciting new profit opportunities from feeding for the Veal Calf Market. M. DEITZ and SON ZURICH words of comfort. He did. "Smiley, old boy," he chor- tled, there's nothing to it. But you've forgotten a few items. First of all, your son gets mar- ried in third year college and you subsidize them and the baby, until he graduates. Then there's your daughter's wed- ding. Knowing your wife, I fig- ure that will cost you one cool grand. Then your son, and your son-in-law, will take turns hit- ing you up for a couple of thou- sand for down payment on a house or furniture or a second car, or something. "It's not that they're grasp- ing," he went on, chuckling. "It's just that this is the way the system works nowadays. They'll be making good money, but they won"t have any credit, and you have. So they'll use yours." "But when do I start paying off my mortgage on the house and putting by for my old age?" I whimpered. "Don't worry about that," he twinkled. "You can always re- finance your mortgage at 18 per cent interest. And I wouldn't worry about your old age. By the time you've paid to have Crossword ACROSS 25 Let it stand 1 Sever 26 Hindu wom011'8 500111001 27 Angers 28 'Vegetable 30 I6unoe 32 Electrified particle 31 Worthless piceo 36 Ponclto 39 Truthful 41 Rely 45 Large tooth 47 Neither 48 Peaceful 49 ltnliou Community 51 Train track 62 Slave 63 Dispatch 4 TGd wheal 6 Ilnsteleac 89,64 9 Inoodefinite 8011010 4 11y lug toys 0 Legal Hangs 12 Blackbird 13 Lif legs 11 Malt drink 15 Longs for 17 irregular 19 Stalks 20 Intends. 21 Stitch 23 Change color of 24 Like 26 Drink slowly 29 Morning moisture. 31 Holy person 33 God of war 35 Immerse 37 Mechanical repetition 38 Strive for 40 Spread to dry 42 Seine 43 Part of to be 44 Gypsy 46 A number 48 Light boat 50 Skin openings . 5.4 Places of worship 56 club out 57 Lubricate 58 Devil 60 Tavern • 61 Precious stone 62 Tendency 03 Guided DOWN 1 Head coverings 2 Single 8 Prong 4 Embraced 6 within 6 Abound '1 Made a mistake 8 Wanders away 9 Rodents 10 high priest 11 Dry, as Woe 16 Printing measure 18 Close to Q2 Marry 24 Poker stake COM ®GSI®. ,,E411111111 `IIL1d .w1g9 d ® IMO .. At 5 IgCriii ,iiiiiilgri VI , I Rign©n ON [1 FA ;rz �.@� N. 10r]"QI ®�;ri S ?ui�:©A .'-' \d ' ©.� •a o DIS ®Oa "DVMin 2-141C2 g. IUM om' iii,.., �I" S W ©1 .• ba ... S 13 23 9 Nild PJ_Lind 1V _L2igN I®IINV Sill:P.01911)4 13 lO® Solution 9-I.62 l 2'5 .. At 5 L 7 8 ? /0 /1 l2 • 13 14` 13 16 17ill ill III 11 IIIIII 121 25 111111 gill �. 1 limtvid.. 85 3s win _ 5y55 '/8room 501 5i 1155 57 60 5? 62 45 y our grandchildren's t o"e t h straightened and" (here lie. pos- itively cackled) "paid for their first ten years of dancing and skating and music lessons, you won't have any old age left." All I could do was quote from Hamlet, "For this relief much thanks," and go quietly off to check my insurance policies, and look for my wife's bottle of sleeping pills. Local Farm Forum Discuss Problems Created by Image Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger were hosts to the meeting of the Unique Farm Forum last Monday night. Nine members were on hand for the discussion that revolved around "The Farmer's Image". The group resolved that farm- ers should try to keep their public image high for the bene- fit of their own business as agriculturalists. 4 A review of the recent prob- lems of FAME was also heard and the feeling of the assembly was that the meat packing en- deavor would recover to some extent. The next meeting on January 25 will be held at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Herb Klopp. BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH "Professional Hair Care" Agent for Dry Cleaning useamamermanommammillimillIme TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of producer members of the HURON COUNTY IIOG PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION will be convened at the hour of 1 p.m., E.S.T. on ~ February 2, 1965 AT THE Legion Hall, Clinton for the purpose of the proper business of the annual meet- ing, the election of officers, the election of voting repre- sentatives. Between the hours of 2:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the above-mentioned date, NOMINATIONS for county committeemen under the On- tario Hog Producers' Marketing Plan will be held. IF AN ELECTION IS REQUIRED FOR COMMITTEEMEN, it will be held on Tuesday, March 2, 1965 and the polling places will be AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOM, CLINTON; SHERWOOD'S, DUNGANNON; GORRIE HALL, GORRIE; WALTON HALL WALTON, and EXETER TOWN HALL, ERETER GET THE THINGS YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE A HOME DURING THE i Westinghouse White Sale! Laundromat Refrigerator Like, this 11.7 cubic foot, two -door refrigerator -freezer that offers you a separate Zero -Degree freezer compart- ment to take up to 105 pounds of food. And a big refrigerator com- partment that defrosts itself automa- tically and keeps a constant tem- perature throughout because of the Westinghouse Cold -Injector Coaling System. Shelves adjust to 10 posi- tions, too, for maximum storage flex" ibility. The Westinghouse 2 -cycle, Heavy Duty Laundromat Automatic Washer has exclusive, multi -speed tumble washing action that cleans your clothes by plunging them in and out of hot, sudsy water 57 times a minute. And because it has tumble washing action it uses less water, less bleach and less detergent ... and assures cleaner, whiter, brighter clothes. $259.00 AND TRADE Freezer What would you do with 772 pounds of food? Eat it, eventually, and save a lot of money on your food budget while you were at it. The Westing- house Chest Freezer with Slim Wall Urethane construction for maximum interior space lets you buy in large quantities-- just like the grocer. $239.00 $289.00 AND TRADE Dryer Range Want to do your best baking and roasting ever? Try this automatic Westinghouse 30 -inch Rotisserie Range. It's simple to cook on and easy ti clean. Its Miracle Seal Oven has spread -even oven heaters for the most delicious baking you've ever done. Here's the ideal way to defeat bad weather on your wash day. This Westinghouse Automatic Electric Dryer takes up to 24 pounds of damp clothes and dries them better and safer because it has a Balanced Air Flow System. It has a handy lint collector, too. $159.00 Television Set $199.00 AND TRADE The Westinghouse 23 -inch 'Instant - On' TV gives you both picture and sound as soon as you click the switch. There's no wait, no warm- up and walk back. Shelbond pic- ture tube assures you of clear, sharp reception. $259.00 AND TRADE "SEE OUR USED APPLIANCES, TOO" GINGERICH'S Stiles & Service Ltd. ZURICH — CLINTON -- SEAFORTH