Zurich Citizens News, 1965-01-07, Page 6THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1965
Bosanquet Cottagers Want Water
But Request Estimate of Expense
The meeting between Grand
Bend Citizens'i Water Committee
and Bosanquet residents inter-
ested in water from the pipeline
was held last Wednesday eve-
ning with Dr. E. A. McMaster
acting as chairman.
The lengthy discussion was
followed by a decision that
Grand Bend and Bosanquet of-
ficials would go to Toronto to
meet with OWRC committees
and request that a pipe of suf-
ficient size to service the fu-
ture needs of Bosanquet be run
to the edge of Bosanquet Town-
ship at the southern limits of
Grand Bend. No date was set
for the proposed meeting.
Grand Bend had previously
filed a formal request with the
Ontario Water Resources Com-
mission to have water from the
pipeline. Present plans call for
an 8 -inch pipe to the northern
:limits of the village.
It was felt, however, that
Bosanquet residents to the
south of the village, especially
those with summer homes along
the lakeshore, could be inter-
ested in acquisition of water
from the pipeline. Pinery Park
officials have also shown some
Grand Benders called the
meeting in an attempt to speed
up negotiations within Bosan-
Spokesmen from the Bosan-
quet sub -divisions of Southcott
Pines and Beach 0' Pines voiced
their interest in water from the
pipeline but indicated that they
would like to have some idea of
the cost of the service.
Mr. James Montieth, Petrolia,
.engineer for Bosanquet Town-
ship, told the meeting that no
accurate estimate of cost could
be made until the OWRC had
I air
I with
received the findings of the
local engineers and had laid out
tentative plans for the network
of pipes.
Montieth indicated that he
assumed the cost would be rea-
sonable and said that the price
of water would be about 14c
per thousand gallons from the
pipeline. He cautioned, how-
ever, that to that would be add-
ed the debenture debts and the
cost of distribution.
Eric Mcllroy, owner of the
Lakeview Casino in Grand Bend
and a landowner in Bosanquet,
stated that homeowners were
not interested in engineers fig-
ures and projections for the
next 20 years.
He said residents in the area
needed water and wanted to
know how much it was going to
cost them. He said he hoped
Bosanquet didn't stall until it
was too late.
Bosanquet reeve, William Sit-
ter, told the meeting that when
there was sufficient need to
warrant a supply of water from
the pipeline, residents could be
assured that they would get it.
He said Bosanquet had never
disregarded the needs of the
people but cautioned that there
would have to be genuine de-
mand before it could be con-
sidered worthwhile.
Grand Bend village clerk,
Murray A. Desjardins noted
that 168 invitations had been
sent out and said that he had
received 23 replies to the corre-
spondence which included ques-
tionnaires for persons unable to
There were 12 affirmative
answers and 11 tentative affirm-
ative replies to the questions
pertaining to their interest in
water from the pipeline.
Our Entire Hotel k Equipped
Listening Pleasure
Dominion Hotel
DIAL 236 4371 — ZURICH
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams
and Gloria, of Dashwood, were
New Year's guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Miss Wilnui Branderhorst un-
derwent surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, Monday, De
cember 28.
The many friends in Hensall
and community were shocked
to learn of the sudden passing
of P. W. Phillips, of Wyndcliff
Crescent, Toronto. His wife is
the former Ida Cudmore, of
Members of Hensall Women's
Institute will appear on "Act
Fast" CFPL, London, in the
near future. The program will
be taped Saturday, January 30.
Miss Olive Briars, of London,
England, was a Christmas and
New Year's guest with Mr. and
1VIrs, Barrie Jackson and fancily.
Family Reunion
The Legion Hall, Hensall,
lovely in Christmas motif, was
the setting Christmas Day for
Yuletide festivities when over
50 descendents of the Volland
families from Goderich, Varna,
Kippen, Clinton, Walton, Crom-
arty and Hensall gathered to
hold Christmas Day together.
A delicious Christmas dinner
and supper was served and a
social time spent in playing
cards and renewing acquain-
Family Gathering
Celebrating Christmas with
Mrs. Violet Schwalm were mem-
bers of her family: Sgt. Karl
Schwalm, Mrs. Schwalm, Ricky
and Terry, Petawawa; Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Schwalm and Susan,
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Christmas Party
The Christmas Sunday school
party of St. Paul's Anglican
Church was held in the Sunday
school rooms Saturday after-
noon, January 2. Rev. J. P.
Gandon was in charge of the
recreational period, and Mrs.
Barrie Jackson in charge of the
party. Each child received a
The choir of the church pre-
sented Mrs. Fred Broadley with
a gift, prior to her departure
for Marlette, Mich.
Hensall WI Plans
Education Topic
Each Sunday evening on CBC television, Flashback dips into
the past, bringing the famous before the cameras to remi-
nisce. They're quizzed by (from left) Allan Mannings,
Maggie Morris, Blwy Yost and moderator Bill Walker, along
with a special guest panelist.
Schwalm, Elaine, David and
Brian, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur O'Hara and Peter, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac-
Farlane, St. Thomas; Mrs. Mer-
vyn Schwalm and Bob, Strat-
ford; Ron McKenzie and Ray
Schwalm, Hensall. Other mem-
bers from British Columbia and
Stratford were unable to attend
the Christmas dinner held at
the New Commercial Hotel,
Hensall, on Sunday.
Lucky Winners
Winners in the Christmas
draw at Als Supersave Market
were: 1, stuffed Santa Claus,
Mrs. H. Toornstra, RR 2, Hen-
sall; 2, hair dryer, Donna Rich-
ardson, RR 1, Zurich; 3, turkey,
Mrs. Otto Willert, Dashwood.
Draw Winners
.At their regular meeting of
Murphy LOL, No. 170, a draw
was made for a $50 bill for first
Hen s a 11 Women's Institute
will hold their Citizenship and
Education meeting Wednesday
evening, January 13, at 8:15
pan., in the Legion Hall.
Roll call: "Improvement in
our school since I was a pupil."
Motto: "Deeds done for your-
self die yith you, but deeds
done for others live on."
Eileen Marie, of Sacred Heart
Guest speaker will be Sister I
Convent, Zurich.
prize and a $10 hill for second
prize. Mrs. Charlie Cunning-
ham, of Clinton, was the lucky
winner of the first prize, and
Clarence Volland, Hensall, lucky
winner of the second prize.
Proceeds were for the building
Win Prizes
Allan Reid, of Hensall, was
the winner of the money doll,
valued at $25, drawing his own
ticket. The project was spon-
sored by Legion Ladies' Auxili-
ary. Jill Drysdale won the
Christmas cake and Mrs. R. J.
Drysdale the five pound box of
chocolate. Draws were made
Christmas eve at the Regal
Grill, the latter two draws spon-
sored by the restaurant. At
Irwin's Ladies' Ready -to -Wear
the bedspread was won by
Peggy Vanstone, and the sweat-
er by Mrs. Clarence Volland.
Income Tax Forms
Handy This Year
The massive mailing of six -
and -one half million income tax
forms direct to taxpayers is
scheduled to begin on January
8. This is a new method' of
distributiing tax forms, accord-
ing to an announcement from
the department of national
In addition, farmers and fish-
ermen, for whom a special
"F a r m e r' s and Fisherman's
Guide" is printed, will be re-
ceiving these about one week
before they get their tax forms.
.Every tax payer who filed last
year will receive a "personal-
ized" tax form withh is own
name, address and identifica-
tion number, together with an
extra copy to keep for his own
records, Included will be a tax
guide, a brochure explaining
the new procedure and a return
Taxpayers should begin re-
ceiving their forms in Prince
Edward Island, Nova Scotia and
New Bruswick beginning Jan-
uary 12; in Newfoundland be-
ginning January 15; in British
Columbia, Alberta, the Yukon,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba be-
ginning January 18; in Quebec
beginning January 15 (Montreal
area beginning January 18); and
in Ontario beginning January
19 (Toronto and Hamilton areas
beginning January 25).
Exciting New Profit Opportunities
611101 PROS
You can grow calves for
the profitable veal calf
market in only 9-11 weeks
with SHUR-GAIN Vealer.
Less than 200 pounds of
this exciting new product
will raise a calf to market
weight . . . calves that
will grade "good" to
"c h o i c e". FORTIFIED
with a special high fat
level, SHUR-GAIN Vealer
gives you amazingly low
feed conversions.
Vealer and learn for your-
self about the exciting
new profit opportunities
from feeding for the Veal
Calf Market.
AYS ONLY m0- Ili3.a RS
Co aha end T e Advaniage
or Gonerrsity!
Production of General Motors cars and
trucks has resumed. Daily output will rise
speedily and our plants will soon reach
maximum capacity. We wish to express
our sincere thanks to everyone who has
waited so patiently for this good news.
Our appreciation embraces many people
across Canada ... our customers ... our
suppliers ... and our dealers.
To the customers who have cars or
trucks on order and are awaiting delivery,
we are particularly grateful for your faith
in our products, for your forbearance
and for your understanding. Now that
our production has started again, rest as-
sured we will fill your orders as quickly
as possible.
To our suppliers, we extend our sincere
appreciation and offer the encouragement
that soon all our operations will be back
to their normal level. Already, you are
providing the many quality products and
services that will enable us to reach peak
production with minimum delay.
We thank our dealers and their employ-
ees—the men whose important job it is
to sell and service General Motors cars
and trucks. We know they will welcome
this renewed opportunity to fulfil the trans-
portation needs of every customer.
Those of you who have not yet ordered
your new vehicle can now buy your choice,
confident that delivery will be made with-
in a reasonable time. Every effort will
be put forth by our dealers, our suppliers
and ourselves to meet your requirements.
It is our belief that our 1965 cars and
trucks are the finest ever produced. This
is confirmed by the enthusiastic reports of
the thousands of customers already driving
them. Try them out soon at your General
Motors dealer's.
Again we thank you, and., along with
all our employees, we extend warmest
seasonal greetings and good wishes for