Zurich Citizens News, 1964-12-03, Page 6'PAGE SIX
Centralization -
Definite Trend
in Huron Schools
t;oderich --• Considerable ac-
tivity in construction of rural
public schools, as result of the
acceleration of township areas,
is indicated in the first report
to county council of its recent-
ly appointed public school con-
sultative committee. Presented
by Reeve 1Mlorgan Agnew, chair-
man, it listed the following de-
Ashfield — Representatives
of the various boards met and
generally agreed to move to-
ward construction of another
central school.
Colborne—The board at a re
cent meeting decided to inves-
tigate the possibility of con-
structing an addition to the
central school.
Grey --A tender for a new 9-
roo111 school and auditorium
has been accepted.
Hullett—Agreement to build
a central school reached at
several meetings.
Morris, Brussels and Blyth
will have one board after Jan-
uary 1. Meetings of the boards
have been held. Councils of
these three municipalities and
of East Wawanosh met to con-
sider proposals for three schools
—Brussels, Blyth and Belgrave.
Stanley — Several meetings
There's a great Coo -haw these
days about conformity, which
has become a dirty word. Edu-
cationists and editors, social
workers and sob sisters warn us
that one of the great threats to
freedom in the modern world is
These Cassandras claim that
we're turning into a nation, a
world, of conformists. They
threaten that the golden age of
have been convened.
Turnberry—All pupils will at-
tend the enlarged central
school after January 1.
Usborne—New central school
Inspector James Kinkead,
who spoke to the report, em-
phasized that the committee is
a "fact-finding" body.
"There is a greater desire on
the part of councils and school
boards to get together," Mr.
Kinkead said. "Years and years
ago, the one -room school repre-
sented the centre of a commun-
ity, but these are 110 longer
communities, and I think we
have to have a community
•r r j e•
Every dollar you
saved went right
to work in 1964
John Bannister, Manager
Zurich. Branch
Bank of Montreal
the real individual, the rebel,
the non -conformist, is nearing
an end and that very soon we
shall be slaves, eating what
everybody else is eating, wear-
ing what everybody else is
wearing, doing what everybody
else is doing, and thinking what
everybody else is thinking.
I find myself remarkably
calm in the face of these pro-
phecies. In fact, I think they
are pure poppycock.
In the first place, I see noth-
ing wrong, with conformity. 1t
merely means, "compliance
with established forms". In
short, the individual accepts the
responsibilities and the re-
straints which society imposes
on him.
The vast majority of people
have always been conformists.
If you happened to be a canni-
bal, and the piece de resistance
was roast missionary, you sat
down with the rest of the boys
and enjoyed the preacher. You
didn't say, `.`Gee, I don't know
fellas. Maybe we're making a
mistake. Maybe we shoulda
boiled him." No, sir. You con-
formed. You went along with
the crowd.
If you happened to be a Ro-
man legionary, happily hacking
up Gauls and ancient Britons,
you didn't stop in the middle of
the orgy and ask yourself, "Is
this the real me, or am I just
doing this because everybody
else is?" If you did, you were
a dead non -conformist,
Equally, if you happen to be
a modern than, and your kids
and wife are putting you over
the jumps, you conform, You
don't take a tow -by -four and
pound your kids into submis-
sion. You threaten to cut off
their allowance.
In the second place, the de-
liberate, or conscious, non -con-
formist is a simple pain in the
arm. He is the type who thinks
he can't be a painter unless he
has a beard, who thinks he can't
be a poet unless he needs a
hair -cut badly.
Perhaps the greatest conform-
ists in the world today are teen-
agers. In their desperate at-
tempt to avoid conformity, they
become the most rigid conform-
ists in our society. They dress
alike, do their hair alike, eat
the same food, listen to the
saute music. All this, in an ef-
fort to revolt against society,
to be non -conformists!
Not that there haven't been
great non -conformists, Beethov-
en, Tolstoy, Gauguin comm to
minim. But they were great, not
because they were non -conform-
ists, but in spite of it. They
had talent, Mac, On the other
hand Bach was a church organ-
ist, anisic teacher and had chil-
dren. Shakespeare worked
atrocious hours, lived an ex-
emplary life, and never missed
getting his hair cut regularly.
Alexander the Great, Napol-
eon, the Marquis de Sade, Hit-
ler and Lee Oswald were non-
conformists. You know what
they contributed to the world.
Does this mean every non-
conformist is a nut? Not nec-
essarily, though probably. He
is usually an unhappy chap who,
Now on Hand -- At Factory Cost!
Priced at $14 and Up!
for some deep -buried reason,
must attract attention,.
Trouble is, the people who
constantly warn us of the dan-
gers of conformity have con-
fused the non-eonformnist and
the individual. The former is
to be pitied, He is seeking firm
ground in a quagmire. The lat-
ter is to be envied. He has
found a prune (himself), in the
porridge of society, and he
chews happily ever after.
Perhaps old Polonius put it
best in hamlet. His son is going
away to college. The dad gives
him a lot of advice about con-
forming. Then, in an unex-
pected and untypical flash, he
adds, "This above all. To thine
own self be true; thou can'st
not then be false to -any inan."
Shur -Gain Beef Silasupplement 'A'
Increase daily gains by 1/2 lb. and lower feed conversion 20%
with SHUR-GAIN'S new 40% Beef Silasupplement "A".
This new supplement to be fed with top quality corn silage
provides all the necessary nutrients to make silage a com-
pletely balanced ration.
For more profit from your silage and from your beef cattle,
use SHUR-GAIN Beef Silasupplement "A". See you SHUR-
/r1M2Waas2 ka a''aM=WaM4VatWiDal atcptDatZmrDmm74D'MarDIDM5mAla t r14--21 M 0tZ+2mM MOMMIN24-WMd'r i-DwI rNr r5mA2MarletigatDaaiD*41: r 420**MtDIDMD aa0M*tvrr Mt2rDilYtA
As Manager of your local branch of the Bank of
Montreal, I would like to report to you briefly
about the use we made of the savings dollars which
you placed in our keeping in 1964.
Let me say that our country's economy got 100
cents of effort from every savings dollar entrusted
to us in the past year. A large portion went to
assist people in financing things that meant an
improved way of life for them ... such things as
cars, home improvements, household appliances of
all kinds, Another very substantial proportion of
your savings dollar was lent to small, medium and
large business enterprises, encouraging them to
expand and to employ more people.
The personal savings of all our customers this
year amounted to very nearly one-half of the total
deposits of $4,340,434,848 at the Bank's year-end
on October 31st, 1964. This figure is the highest in
all our 147 years of banking and allowed us to
bring our loans to a record high of $2,728,862,030.
Another $874,466,266 was invested in high-grade
'government bonds which have a ready market,
plus .$268,181,390 in other securities—mainly short-
term credits to industry.
What else did your hard working dollars do in
1964? Well, they breathed new vitality into vir-
tually every community across our nation. They
financed new industry and created new jobs ...
helped farmers improve both their farms and their
way of living ... constructed new schools and
helped students get a better education ... built
new roads and highways... supported community
projects, large and small, of many kinds.
Yes, your savings dollars worked hard in 1964 —
and hardest of all for you. For, steadily accumulat-
ing at interest, they are a sound investment in a
better future for yourself and your family.
On behalf of the Bank of Montreal, may I say
"thank you" for your confidence in "My Bank" and
for the opportunity you are giving us to work with
you in building a more prosperous Canada.
TOTAL ASSETS $4,668,056,569
working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1827
Over 0
All Tickets Are Good For a Chance on Each Draw Prize
in Merchandise to Be Given way !
Dominion Hotel
3 Draws — Dinner for Two
Zurich Hardware
Corning Ware -6 -Cup Coffee Perk
Gingerich Sales and Service
Roaster -Toaster Oven
Gascho's Dry Goods
$20.00 Gift Certificate
Zurich Builders' Supply
Electric Tea Kettle
Doerr's Superior Market
2 Draws—$10.00 Gift Certificate
Westlake Furniture
Swivel Rocker
Hensall District Co-operative
$10.00 Gift Certificate
Klopp's Service Station
$5.00 Gift Certificate
Taylor Motors Limited
One Passenger Snow Tire
Deichert's Meat Market
Dinner Ham
Bob's Barber Shop
5 Draws -5 Haircuts
®'Brien Produce
Breakey Electronics
Folding Picnic Hamper
Hess Jewellery
Ladies' or Gents' Watch
Town & Country Beauty Shop
$10.00 Gift Certificate
Zurich Bowling Lanes
3 Draws—One Ticket Entitles
Each Couple to Three Games
Hi -Fashion Beauty Salon
$10.00 Gift Certificate
Zurich Variety Store
3 Draws
Plush Doll — Toy Pig — Plush Santa Claus
M. Deitz & Son
100 Pounds Flour
Johnston Barber Shop
Bottle Hair Tonic
Hurondale Dairy
4 Draws— 1 Strips 3 -qt. Jug Tickets
2 Strips Qt. Milk Tickets; 1 Strip Beep Drink Tickets
Yungblut's Meat Market
Dinner Ham
Oesch's Shoe Store
Earl's Barber Shop
5 Draws -5 Haircuts
Tasty -Nu Bakery
2 Draws— Christmas Cakes.
Zurich Citizens News
6 Draws — One -Year Subscriptions
Lucky Dollar Food Market
$10.00 Gift Certificate
Rose's Lunch Bar
5 Gallons Gasoline
Stade & Weido
Sunbeam Fry Pan
St. Joseph Esso Service
2 Draws — $5.00 Gift Certificates
McAdam TV and Record Shop
$15.00 Gift Certificate
Grand Bend Cleaners
Dry Cleaning — $5.00 Gift Certificate
The Following Businesses Made Cash Donations Toward This Co-operative. Draw
Hay Mutual Fire Insurance
Desjardine Auto Supply
Mousseau & Parkins Garage
Hay Municipal Telephone System
Lloyd O'Brien Plumbing & heating
We Wish to Acknowledge Our Appreciation in This way for Your Patronage in the Year 1964
Leo's Plumbing & Heating
J. W. Haberer Insurance Agency
Robert Westlake
Haberer-Westlake Burial Vaults
Wagner Confectionery
McKinley Farm & Hatchery
N. Corriveau, Contractor
South Huron Veterinary Clinic
Ruston Transport
Prang's Garage
Bank of Montreal
Lucky Draws will be made on Wednesday evening, December 23, at 9 p.m at the
Community (entre following a Community Carol Singing Program