HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-11-26, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1944 PAGE FIV1E Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS-- % Off if paid by Saturday following last Insertion BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE— 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday e FOR SALE DeKALB ready -to -lay pullets. McKinley Farm and Hatchery, phone 335, Hensall. tfb,b SPRAYED APPLES, Spy, Rus- set, Snow, Delicious, Talman Sweet, Baldwin, etc. Fred Me- Clymont & Son, 1 miles south of Varna. STEAM COAL, large quantities now available. Factory and Re- finery Surplus, RR 2, Zurich. 43,b .ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, siding, aluminum and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reason- able prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own in- stalling. Walker Aluminum Sales, Phon 235.0722 (collect) Exeter. 24,tf ANTHES IMPERIAL Conver- sion Oil Burner, including stack control, thermostat, limit con- trol. All in good condition. Price $55. St. Boniface Church. See Lee Regier, Zurich. tfb ONE B C FEED Cooker, with new elements and new cooker jackets. Apply Merino Steckle, phone Hensall 324J4, after No- vember 15, 262-5447. 45,6,p MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and big garage, Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 236-4396. __ 46tfb SEDORE MANURE leader for 3 -pt. hitch tractor, $25. Used heat houser to fit Massey -Fer- guson 35 tractor; Mina can milk cooler; 5 -gal. Woods water heat- er. Curtis Gingerich, Zurich, CALVES — Hereford -Holstein crossed. Leo Regier, RR 2, Zur- ich, phone 236-4876. 47 COOK STOVE, Findlay, in good condition. Apply to Jake Ho- vius, RR 2, Hensall, phone 2364810. 47 20 WEANER PIGS, apply to Jake Hovius, RR 2 Hensall, phone 236-4810. 47 7 PIGS, 10 weeks old. Barry Mousseau, RR 2 Hensall, phone 2364819. 47 GIRL'S Beautiful Red Winter coat, size 14, almost new. Girl's dark skirt, size 12, brand new. Bargains. Mrs. T. H. Meyers, Zurich. 47,p FREE—One box Scripture text Christmas cards with every $12 purchase. Come in and see our stock of Bibles, books, plaques, etc. Also hand-woven scatter rugs. Stanley Sauder, North :End Exeter. • 47,tfb FARM EQUIPMENT PORTABLE TYPEWRITER — Underwood model, new, regular price $94.50, for only $83.50. Two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich, COMING EVENTS Euchre—Lodge Hall, Hensall, Friday, November 27, 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by CP&T Committee of Amber Rebekah and Odd - fellow lodges, Hensall, Every- one welcome, admission .50c. Lunch provided. 47,b WANTED TO BUY HOCKEY GLOVES, pants and shin pads, shoulder pads for boys 15 and 16. Call N, J. Cor- riveau, 2364954. 47,p HAY, any quantity. Call Albert Erb, phone 2364884, Zurich. 47,b LOST .and FOUND STRAYED to Lot 5, Con 6, Stan- ley Township, one Hereford steer around 600 pounds. Ralph Turner, phone 262-5347 Hensall. 47 FOR RENT NEWLY DECORATED heated 2 -bedroom apartment. Private entrance. Basement and gar- age. Phone 262-5080, Hensall. 46,p APARTMENT, in Hensall, main floor, heated. Available Decem-• ber 1. Phone 236-4829, Zurich. 47,8,b TURNER'S QUALITY Farm Equipment; Freeman tractor loaders; George White Mach- inery; Tractor and Car Tires. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & uBUNK FEEDER 'LL GET BETTER PER, FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR SERVICE BADGER . INSTALLATION John Beane, Jr. NEWLY decorated heated 2 - bedroom apartment. Private en- trance, basement and garage. 262-5080, Hensall. 47,b HOUSE, on Highway 84, be- tween Zurich and .Hensall, 4 bedrooms, hot and cold water. Apply to Jake Hovius, RR 2, Hensall, phone 236-4810. 47 MISCELLANEOUS ORDER YOUR Christmas flow- ers early. Plants, arrangements, cut flowers. Nete's Flowers, 236-4614, Zurich. 46,tfb MAINTENANCE Home and office cleaning; also carpentry, painting, wall papering and all types of flooring, hardwood, lin- oleum, etc. For information, contact John Roelofs, 154 An- drew St., Exeter, or call 235-2906 any time after 5:15 pan. Reasonable rates. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 tiRUCEFIELD, ONT. oesaanaceemeenvinimeseammesseercersta WHITEWASHING — Anyone wanting whitewashing and cleaning of barns done, contact William Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 24,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb SANITATION SERVICES—Sep- tic pumping and tank drainage. Repairs. For immediate service phone Bill Finch, 238-2291. HELP WANTED South, Central, North Reeves (Continued from Page 1) thing that made up my mind is that I have been here seven years and would probably need to stay another in order to see the county history. (Laughter). If reeve in 1965 I will definitely be a candidate for warden. It has been a difficult decision to make, but I will definitely be a candidate." Reeve Morgan appeared to be still thinking it over when col- leagues said, "Come on, Mor- gan." Cards of Thanks DISTRICT SALES MANAGER Large international company in agricultural field requires District Sales Manager. Appli- cant must have recent agricul- tural background. Prefer mar- ried man between ages of 25-40. Car necessary. Successful ap- plicant will receive complete field training in company sales program. If you are interested in a job with an established and growing company, and im- mediate income of $6,000 to $8,000 per year, and an early opportunity for advancement, write and tell us about, your- self. A personal interview will be arranged, Reply to: E. McLachlan, presi- dent, Box 84, London, Ontario. 46,7,b Dead Animal REMOVAL I wish to thank my neighbors and the many friends for the lovely cards and flowers sent to me while I was in the South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Special thanks to the WMSA for the flowers and treats and to Rev. Ephraim Gingerich, and Rev. Orval Jantzi for their visitation and prayers. Also to Dr. C. Wallace for his kindness.—Mrs. Moses Erb. We wish to convey our sin- cere thanks to all those persons who were so kind during our recent loss of a dear brother and uncle. Your expressions of sympathy through cards, flow- ers, food and other means made our sorrow easier to bear, and will never be forgotten. — The brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews of the late Harvey Neeb. 47,b The family of the late Bruce Klopp wishes to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the many floral trib- utes, cards and expressions of sympathy that were received during their recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. Blackwell, Dr. Wallace, the nurses at South Huron Hospital and the pallbearers. — Elmore •Klopp and family. FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 ncenciamememetamscenieneavenen If you're a Canadian coin collector... SLINGL HOME HET " Good old Canadian cur- rency is worth saving any time of the year. And this winter you can save it two ways with CO-OP* SUNGLO Fuel Oil. You'll save because Sunglo is as efficient, de- pendable, and economical as any fuel you can buy. You'll save again be- cause Sunglo earnings are shared by you the members . that's a saving only Co-operatives can of/'e'. Start your Canadian coin collection now . . switch to Sunalo and save I "It is 30 years this year since we had a warden in Clinton," he said, "and I am gratified that some of my constituents thought I would be a good one. If you decide to put me up in that chair with the gold chain around my neck, I will look as pretty as I can. We all have to have that one qualification—to be a member—and I do not know that I will have it; there are those who don't like me down there. • I do not doubt that there is not a man here but is capable of holding down the job of warden; I never met a finer body of men." Delegated by council to pay their compliments to Warden Jewell, Reeve Glenn Webb did so, and added: "When you were elected in Huron, I felt that al- though the system has draw- backs, it is still capable of electing the proper roan for the job. The members of 1964 council are very proud of you, and the people of Colborne can be justly proud of you, and I am sure anyone associated with you this year would agree." Warden Jewell, in thanking county council, and Mr. Berry on behalf of the staff, said: "We have had many important de- cisions, and I believe council has made them well. I regret I won't be back, IN MEMORIAM Hiuser—In loving memory of a dear mother and father who passed away 18 years ago this month. Loving memories never die, As years roll on and days go by. In our hearts a memory is kept, Of those we loved and will never forget. —Always remembered by daughter Mary and grandchil- dren Anne and Marlin. Pearson—In loving memory of a dear father and brother, Gordon A. Pearson, who passed away one year ago, November 23, 1963. —Ever remembered by his daughter and son-in-law, Shirley and Ken Keller, Dashwood, his grandchildren, Tandy and Lori; his sister, Mrs. Lenna Dick, Sea - forth, and his brother, Nelson, Dungannon. Hensall District Co-operative Hensall — Zurich — Brucefield *Registered Trade Mark Exeter Problem To Huron EMO Emergency Measures co-ord- inator for Huron County, W. Stuart Forbes, said recently that the civil emergency plan is well advanced in most parts of the county except in Exeter where reaction to the proposals has been slow. "We have by-laws based on county by-law 55 in all the towns but Exeter," said Mr. Forbes. "Exeter is one of our problems and we would like to get along with the plan as quickly as possible." County co-ordinator Forbes said that the civil emergency plan in Goderich is well ad- vanced and added that Wing - ham is organized the same as County Board County appointments to high school boards were confirmed by by-laws at the closing ses- sion of county council last week. They are: Russel Bolton, to Sea - forth, for one year; Norman Counter, to Central Huron, for three years. and Elmer Bell, to South Huron, Exeter, for three years. Mr. Bell served this year, R. K. Peck has another year to run on the Clinton board, and J. C. Brewer was re -appointed to Wingham board. Reception and Dance FOR MR. & MRS. GARY ALEXANDER SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Fri., December 4 Music by IAN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome! R. Newman Sharer PHONE 236.2303 GRAND BEND Real Estate and Business Broker Representative — G. Norman Rivers, Phone 94, Bayfield COMMERCIAL • RESORT • RESIDENTIAL • FARM "YOUR SUMMER LIVING 1S MY BUSINESS" NOMINATION TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Stanley,, that a Nomination Meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Varna, on Friday, November 27, 1964 At the hour of 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., for the purpose' of Nominating persons for the office of Reeve, 'Deputy! Reeve, and three Councillors for the year 1965, also five School Area Trustees at large. IF AN ELECTION IS NECESSARY THE POLLS WILL BE OPEN IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES WITH THE FOLLOWING DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICERS: PLACE D.R.O. SCHOOL Non. 1 _ LAWRENCE FALCONER SCFIOOL No. 10_____.___.__. _ JOHN AIKENHEAD SCHOOL No. 14... ___NELSON HOOD TOWNSHIP HALL_ _._ NORMAN SMITH SCHOOL Non. 5.__...___ _____WILLIAM ARMSTRONG SCHOOL No, 4 WEST.... ___..__..__....._._LEONARD TALBOT MR. LOUIS DENOMME'S HOME, LOT 25, SB CONCESSION ... TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD__..__.._ ON PHILLIP DURAND MRS, JESSIE BLAIR onday, December 7, 1964 And will be open from 9:00 o'clock a,m, until 6:00 o'clock p.m. and no longer Please note that when a proposed candidate is not pres- ent at the nominating meeting, his nomination paper will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidende that the proposed candidate consents to be so nominated. MEL GRAHAM, Township of Stanley Dated at Varna, this 18th day of November, 1964. the county planning group. He reported that a rescue in- structor has been approved for the county and that the com- mittee is hoping in the new year to begin training for res- cue groups. The instructor has been in contact with the safety group at the Goderich Salt Mine and it will be part of the organ- ization. Plans for auxiliary pol- ice in various Huron centres are going along well, Those serving with the auxiliary police are trained by EMO and are un- der the direction of a police chief approved as an instructor. A traffic plan has been com- pleted for Huron County in the event of a disaster. Traffic will move in one direction and no lane will cross another. The provincial police has ap- proved the plan, which has been sent to EMO in Toronto for its favor. Mr. Forbes also commented on the erroneous reports that EMO requires a fully paid fire chief. He said that while this is desirable it is not compul- sory, SCHOOL SUPPORTERS IN ZURICH I have been nominated to seek election to the Hay Town- ship School Area Board, on which Zurich is to have one member. It would certainly be a pleasure for me to serve our village in this important capacity. 1 have been a life-long resident of this community and know the thoughts of the people. As well, 1 am vitally interested in the education of our young citizens, being the father of three children. I have followed the school question in this municipality very closely and am well acquainted with the problems. If I receive your favor at the polls on Monday, 1 will work with and for the citizens of Zurich to put your desires before the board, and 1 pledge tireless effort to ensure the best education possible for our boys and girls. Gerald Gingerich To the Public School Supporters OF TIS VILLAGE OF ZURICH On January 1, 1965, the Hay Township School Area, of which Zurich is a part, will be under a new form of ad- ministration in accordance with a new act formulated by the Ontario Department of Education. Zurich will have one representative on this board and it is my honor to have been nominated to place my name before the electorate, for this office. In an increasingly technical era, it is essential that the youth of our community be given the best education pos- sible. If given your mandate at the polis on Monday, November 30, for the office of School Trustee, I will en- deavor to improve our educational system. I solicit your support, Garnet Leitch 'dr9 N i n a t #s n PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given in compli- ance with By-law No. 26, passed October 26, 1964, under authority of the Municipal Act, a Meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Township of Hay will be held in the Township Hall IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1964 At the hour from One to Two o'clock p.m. for the Purpose of Nominating Candidates for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and councillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1965, and for Four Trustees for the Hay Township School Area Board for 1964 and 1965. The two school area trustees having the highest number of votes to be elected for a two-year term and the two with the lowest number of votes for a one-year term. Wen a Proposed Candidate is not present, his Nomin- ation Paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in writing signed by the Proposed Candi- date satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be nominated. In Case a Poll Is Demanded POLLS WILL BE OPENED ON Monday, December 7, 1964 In the Several Polling Sub -Divisions of the Township as follows: D.R.O, Poll Clerk Poll Polling No. Place 1—School House No. 2 2—Stewart Bell Residence, Lot 20, Con, 3 3—Town Hall 4—Town Hall 5—Charles Becker's Gar. 6—Earl Guenther Block 7—School House No. 3 8—C. R. Burgess' Store Percy Campbell L, Chapman Hugh McEwan Allan Crerar Bert Klopp Claire Deichert T. Steinbach Arnold Merner Hilton Truemner C. Pepper Reinhold Miller Sidney Baker Glen Weido Lionel Wilder F. Ducharme E. Corriveau Said Polls will be kept open from Nine o'clock a.rrt, until Six o'clock p.m. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, Ontario, November 12, 1964.