HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-11-12, Page 4Millal2E:a251 'PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1964 items About Zurich Mrs. Robert Lipsky', Mrs. Al., bort Karn and John Modma un, Chesley. were week -end guests with i1Ir. and Milton Oesch. The Zurich Women's Insti- tute are sponsoring a drive for the Huron County Children's Aid. Donations of new and used toys and clothing, as well as money, should be made by November 30. Articles will be picked up or they may be left with Mrs. Harold Thiel or Mrs. 'T. H. Meyers. Mrs. Harry Rose, Mrs. Milne Rader and Mrs. Vic Dinnin were in Windsor recently to visit Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Kuntz. Citizens of Zurich and district have been asked to prepare a : 'he complete catalogue at Citizen's News ZURICH, ONTARIO history of their home, farts, business and ancestors. This information is valuable to the completion of the Tweedsmuir History, begun by the Women's Institute. Curator for Zurich is Mrs. T. II. Meyers. Mexican Theme Arts and Crafts The November meeting of the Women's Society of the Evan- gelical UB Church was held last Thursday evening. Mrs. Thomas Meyers was chairman and gave a reading, "A Trip to the Potters". "As ter shapes our lives," she said, Mrs. Mary Hey read the Scrip- ture lesson. The chapter in the study book was given by the commit- tee, Mrs. Thomas Meyers, Mrs. Menno Stoekle, Mrs. Mary Hey, Mrs. Herb Desjardine, Mrs. Har. rison Schoch and Mrs George Bullock. The contribution the Spanish Americans make to fine arts, crafts, peace, htunan rela- tions, family ties and Christian faith was explained. 0 Rev. Plant, minister of the United Church in Brucefield, rose to speak at the recent meeting of the CIA held in that church. He stated that the church's business could be com- pared to that of CIA. "You sell car . insurance," said Rev. Plant, "and we sell Fire Insurance". lirt.Ac-riJRaU,I •I4n...r,NLL b Ya4a;'' a4 V. Get utility C,,,-ttle Minerals Make sure your cattle have proper :minerals supplied at all times by _making available SHUR-GAIN Es- sential Minerals or SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals; fed free choice. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle contains all the essential minerals needed by your livestock to help improve feed assimilation and general animal health. SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals for Cattle contains high level of phos- phorous for areas or feeding con- ditions with a particularly bad phosphorous deficiency. MW DMZ essential minerals for cattle 14.41119,1141..4,. . SNUN•SAIN DIVISI01i ZURICH nd SON — ON — (41 RY EASE DEEP FREEZE REG, VALUE $315 15 CUBIC -FOOT SIZE only $219. We need used Refrigerators and Stoves — Trade in your old models now while we can allow you the best trade-in price 1 ZURICH MAlI OiARE DASHVAIOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RACIER, Correspondent) The teachers and pupils of Dashwood Public School are in- deed grateful to the people of Dashwood for their generous support of UNICEF. Principal Don Finkbeiner reported $52 was collected. Aaron Oestreicher, of West Lorne, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and family recently. Mrs. Louis Wolfe, of Clifford, is spending some time with her daugher and family, Mr. and Mrs Carl Oestreicher. Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Mrs. Hugh Boyle attended the London area convention at St. Thomas as delegates of Dash- wood WI last week. Mrs. Boyle also modelled a wedding dress of light cashmere over 50 years old. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyle were Mr. and Mrs. John Arnott and Mrs. Stew- art Calvert, of Willowdale. Douglas Rader, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader, had the misfortune to fall off a pony and fracture his left arm. Remembrance Sunday was ob- served at the Dashwood EUB Church when those who served their country in the armed services were extended a special welcome. Mrs. Ervin Rader, David, Paul and • Sharon spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and girls of Lon- don. "Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR Pastor: Orval M. Jantzi SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service 7:30 p.m.—Service will be can- celled in favour of the EUB Service, YOU ARE WELCOME! St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome s 1 Robert Becker is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Flossie Stade, Mrs. Ade- line Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stade and Sherrie at- tended the funeral of the late Herman Eidt, 31, at Ingersoll on Sunday. He was a brother- in-law of Mrs, Stade and lived in Dashwood when he was young. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutchin- son, of Russel's Point, Ohio, are spending some time with Mrs. Henry Eagleson and other rel. atives. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bearss, Port Colborne, visited Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth Martene and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mar- tene and boys. Officers Elected The annual church meeting of Zion Lutheran Church was held with the following officers being elected: President, James C. Hayter; vice-president, Gor- don Kraft; secretary, Albert Rader; current treasurer, Ervin Rader; current secretary, Harry Hayter; mission treasurer, Har- old Schroeder; mission secre- tary, Lloyd Rade r; elders, Charles Martene, Lloyd Willert, Melvin Stade; trustees, Harold Stire, Oscar Miller, Leonard Restemayer; Sunday school su- perintendent, Albert Miller; as- sistant superintendent, Robert Hayter. 0 Huron County Crop Report Continued fine weather is helping farmers complete their fall work in record time. Corn harvesting is progressing well with corn moistures lowering satisfactory. Turnip and sugar beet harv- esting is going ahead. Fall plowing is about 60% complete. EMhiANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship. 11:05 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.ni.—Illustrated Lecture on Hong Kong, Miss Myrtle Lefever We invite you to worship with us. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. Who hath believed and is baptized shall be saved; but who hath disbelieved shall be condemned." We see here that faith and baptism go together so that it is assumed that any who believe will also be baptized. The other alternative is to be condemned. This is one of the several places in Holy Writ where it is explicit that baptism follows faith. Have you believed and have you been baptized on your confession of faith? Any one who cares to be sure of these things please write to ME in care of the Zurich Citizens News. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE MATTRESSES ALL SIZES Spring -Filled from $19 up 13I1141 11111 11111 nn1,u110011111 Smooth Tops from $54.50 up Choose fro n our large selec- tion of top quality mattresses 4•SEATER FOAM CHESTERFIELD (with zippered cushions) $229,UOnly $174.95 ° VAL REG. Westlake PHONE 89J 1 Only Kroehler Two-piece CHESTERFIELD SUITE. Special of 149 Furniture ZURICH Stamp Collection Takes Top Mace Charles Mickle captured top honors at the annual exhibition of the London Philatelic Society held last Saturday in St. Paul's Cathedral. He was presented with the Robert Simpson Co. shield and rose bowl by former CFPL an- nouncer Bill Wheeler, repre- senting Simpson's. Mr. Mickle will keep the large trophy for one year and his name will be inscribed on it along with the top winners of other years. The rose bowl, inscribed Sim- pon's annual award to the Lon- don Philatelic Society for the best exhibit in all classes 1964, will be kept by Mr. Mickle. He was also a winner of the top gold awards in the competitive exhibition. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Hensall, Charles teaches high school in Hamilton, n EUB Speaker From Hong Kong Miss Mrytle M. Lefever, a teacher under assignment by the Board of Missions of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Hong Kong, will speak in the Emmanuel Evan- gelical United Brethren Church, Zurich, on Sunday, November 15, at 7:30 p.m. During her most recent term in Hong Kong, Miss Lefever has been teaching English in the True Light Middle School and holding evangelistic meetings with the' workers living in and around the apartment house in which she lives. In addition to this she is active in the minis- try to and with many refugees, Miss Lefever is a graduate of Lebanon Valley College in Ann- ville, Pennsylvania, and received her master's degree in religious education from Biblical Semin- ary in New York City. She was commissioned as a missionary in 1926 and served in China until forced to leave in 1951. After a period of de- putation service, she began to teach in the school in Hong Kong in 1953. Members and friends of the Zurich churches are invited to attend this service. The Rev. M. Shatto is the pastor of the church. Mrs. Menno Steckle led in prayer and Rev. Shatto prayed in the Spanish language. Mrs,. Shatto showed some of the arts and crafts of Mexico. Mrs. Ken Breakey and Mrs. Harold Rader rendered a duet, Miss Olive O'Brien reported on the 'Workshop on Worship held in New Hamburg on Octo- ber 24. The election and installation of officers for 1965 was in the Fi! charge of Rev. Shatto. Presi, dent, Mrs. Harold Rader; first vice-president, Mrs. Oscar Greb; second vice-president, Mrs. L. Erb; recording secretary, Mrs. Newell Geiger; assistant, Mrs. Russell Grainger; treasurer of WSWS, Miss Olive O'Brien; treasurer of LA, Mrs. Jack Me- Ciinchey; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. G. Koehler; pianist, Mrs. Beatrice Hess; assistant pianist, Mrs. Pearl Melick. "THE CHOCOLATE Layer Cakes 45c and 55c TOW/4W #4.4.41•414WW Applesauce Cake 40c Blueberry Muffins 50c DOZEN TASTE WILL TELL THE DIFFERENCE" TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 — ZURICH HEAR an SEE illustrated Lecture on Hong Kong MISS MYRTLE M. LEFEVER, S.A., M.R.E. Graduate of Lebanon Valley College and Union Biblical Seminary, New York English Teacher at True Light Middle School, Hong Kong Sunday Night, Nov. 15, at 7:30 Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church ZURICH Everyone Welcome! Free-will Offering for Hong Kong air sT�!rr# f` er d � r ryr Club House -- 2 Lb. Peanut Butter _ - - _ 79c Angel Food WNeston's Cakes _ - _ 39c Kounty Kist — 15 Oz. Peas 6/88c Baker's Jiffy — 1 Lb. Tin — 15c Off Instant Chocolate _ _ 57c Salada Orange Pekoe — 60s Tea Bags 75c Yum -Yum — 32 -Oz. Jar Bick's Pickles _ _43c Maxwell House — 6 Oz. — 20c Off Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ 97c King Size Fah, 40c off _ - Pineapple -Grapefruit — 48 Oz. - _ 93c Delmonte Drink _ _ _ 32c 11 -Oz. Bottles Delmonte Catsup _ 2/39c Delmonte — 20 Oz. Peach Halves 33c Delmonte — 20 Oz. Fruit Cocktail 33c Swanson — Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Pork TV Dinners 59c FRUIT and VEGETABLES ARIZONA GREEN ONIONS _ _ _ 2 bunches 19c FRESH LOCAL CABBAGE LB. 5c McINTOSH APPLES, Fancy Grade _ _ 3 Lbs. 19c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, White, 48s _ - _ 10/69c MEAT SPECIALS MINCED HAM LB. 49c SMOKED PICNICS LB. 39c FRYERS, Grade T, 3 lbs. and over _ _ _ LB. 37c DOERR'S PHONE 140 — ZURICH