HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-11-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, NQV.EMEEIt 5, 1964 Proud Peacocks Get the Bird Mr. Harry Sherwood, property owner in Green Acres, Grand Bend, and ornamental bird fan- cier, has been ordered by Grand Bend council to have tine "squawks" removed from his four peacocks. Residents in the sub -division have complained about the dis- turbance caused by the pretty but noisy birds. Council has been advised that a minor op- eration performed on the birds' throats will still their lusty call. 0 L1JE;,ATE Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dueharme, Sr., were Mr. and Mrs. Omar Denomy and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Denomy, Grosse Pointe, Michigan: Miss Yvonne Papineau and friend, Detroit, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs. Desmond Dueharme and family, London, and Mr. and Mrs, Har- i -old Seimon and fancily, Goder- ich. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Debbie, Stewart and Wendy moved on Saturday into the house they recently purchased in Bayfield. They have lived :or the last three and a half years in the house on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grain- ger. On Friday the teacher and pupils of SS 4 W. Stanley had a going -away party for two of their pupils, Debbie and Stewart Turner, who are moving to Bay- field. Miss Boyce had decorated two cakes, one with Debbie's name and one with Stewart's name printed on it. Wendy Greer read an address and Deb- bie was presented with a corn- flower vase and Stewart re- ceived a wallet. Mrs. Joe Chapman and Jo- anne, Goderich, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Miss Sandra ihrestlake, nurse - in -training at St. Thomas Hos- pital, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Westlake. Mr. Elgin Fassel, Milwaukee, has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake recently and visited other relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Horner,. Highgate, spent thew eek -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger. LADEN TABLES AND HEARTY APPETITES - The good cooks of Dashwood went all out last Wednes- day evening to insure that all guests went home happily satisfied. From the faces of these busy diners, it is evident that the efforts of the women did not go un- appreciated. The building committee of the Commun- ity Centre in charge of the fund raising event reported that the entire affair was a huge success due mainly to the co-operation of the citizens. Prize Winners The annual Hallowe'en Mas- querade dance at the Bluewater Danceland was held Friday, Oc- tober 30. Winners of the various prizes were as follows: Best fancy couple: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe_. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe. Best coinic •couple: Marion Kerslake, Glen Lamport; Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller. Best fancy lady: Genette Turner, Lucille Geffrey. Best fancy man: Mrs. Orland Reichert, Freddie Taylor. Best comic lady: Richard Stade, Lawrence Krover. Best comic man: Don Corri- veau, Rose Doyle. Best Hallowe'en costume: May Turner, Ian Stevenson; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Get Quality in Cattle Minerals Make sure your cattle have proper minerals supplied at all times by making available SHUR-GAIN Es- sential Minerals or SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals; fed free choice. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle contains all the essential minerals needed by your livestock to help improve feed assimilation and general animal health. SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals for Cattle contains high level of phos- phorous for areas or feeding con- ditions with a particularly bad phosphorous deficiency, essential minerals for cattle 1,...._,, .......„..,,,,,..„...„ SBOR•GAIN DIVISION CIN/WAP, ?CURS {UR -Gatti M. DEITZ and SON ZURICH RICH HARDWARE Offers You the Best in 1LUMBING HEATING E LECTRICAL GIVES US A CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES! Store Ho rs: OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT Tiff 10 P.M. eC �I CLOSED Saturday Night at 6:30 ZURICH HARDWARE PHONE 63 --• ZURICH Five Men To Return Ekcton Unlikely For Hay No election seems in the off- ing this year for ratepayers in the Township of Hay, since all members of the present council have indicated their willingness to run for office another year. At the Monday night meeting of council, reeve John Corbett, deputy -reeve Delbert Geiger, and councillors John Tinney, Lloyd Hendrick and Joe Hoff- man all indicated they would be willing to return to their re- spective positions. No word has been spread of any new candi- dates entering the field, al- though there is plenty of time before nomination day on No- vember 27. The present council have been Area Farmers To Tour FAME Plant The FAME commitee of Hur- on County is sponsoring two bus trips for area farmers. The agenda includes a guided tour of the new Farmers' Allied Meat Enterprise Processing plant at Burlington and a few hours at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. November 13 will be the date of the first bus trip with the bus leaving Seaforth at 6:30 a.m. and travelling No. 8 High- way to Clinton, No. 4 to Wing - ham and on vie No. 86. On November 20, the trip will be made again with the bus leaving Seaforth at 6:30 a.m. and travelling No. 8 High- way to Clinton, down No. 4 to Exeter and on via Highway 83. All township committee men have tickets which sell at $4 each or contact Chairman Alex McGregor, Kippen. in office as a unit for the past two years, and there has been little indication from any rate- payers of dissatisfaction. There could however, be an election in the township again this year for, members to the Hay School Area board. At the present time there are five members from the township on the area board, but under the new arrangement to take effect January 1, 1965, there will be only four. To date, no school board member has indicated his wish to withdraw from the board, so there could be at least five candidates for the four positions. At the Monday night meeting of council, engineer B. M. Ross was authorized to complete deeds for land purchased from Philip Masse and Harry Bassow for road widening on the Bron- son Line. Payment for the land was authorized to be made as soon as the deeds are com- pleted. A report was read from Stephen Township on the Mud Creek Drain, which affects some ratepayers in Hay. On advice of engineer C. P. Corbett, 'the council authorized the clerk to send a notice to the ratepayers involved, advising them of the reading of the report and the proposed passing of the by-law. according to the Municipal Drainage Act. The date of the reading is to be set by the clerk as soon as all information is ready. In other business at the meet- ing, council approved making payment of one-half of the con- tract price on the Geiger Drain- age works, to L. H. Turnbull, the contractor. Council also approved the purchase of a wreath to be placed at the Cenotaph in Hen - Next time, try .. . PRODUCED BY T, G. BRIGHT & CO., LIMITED • NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA I sall on Remembrance Day, No- vember 11, in memory of those from Hay Township who gave their lives during the past wars. The next meeting of council will take place in the afternoon, on Tuesday, December 8, at 1:30 p.m. Bowling Scores Dough Boys 4 -Matthew Du- eharme 673. Questionaires 0 - Bob Haye 607. The Wonders 0 -Doug Shantz 451. Globe Trotters 0 -Bob Lavery 654. Butcheretes 4 -Ed Datars 611. The Wildcats 0 -Terry Thiel 532. The Rockets 2 -Jim Bedard 665, - Hot Shots 2 - Bob Horner 638. The Strikers 1 - John Paul Rau 533. The Flyers 3 -Jack Hamilton 693. High single: Matthew Du- eharme 334. High triple: Jim Bedard 754, High average: Jim Bedard 213, SR. B. MIXED LEAGUE Hawkeyes 3 - Claire Geiger 562. Whippoorwills 4- Alb e r t Clauius 526. Seldom Wins 4 - Delbert Geiger 568. Varieties 3 -Lee Willert 596. Ramblers 7 -Jack Bannister 595, Hi Hopes 0 -Lloyd O'Brien 349, High single: Vic Dinnin 278. High triple: Claire Geiger 601. ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Hi Lites 5 -Delores Schilbe 541. Dashettes 2 - Marion Rader 558. The Aces 7 -Dot Monroe 610. Dominionaires 0 - Carmel Sweeney 471. Pin Poppers 0 -Mona Camp- bell 502. Packers 7 -Shirley Braid 523. We Hopes 2 --Marlene Ingram 475. 'CTntouehables 5 -Gladys Mc- Gregor 473, High average: Dot Monroe 198. High single: Elda Laidlaw 296. High triple: Dot Monroe 744. MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Big Six 2 -Is Laporte 512. Tops 5 -Don O'Brien 640. Guys and Gals 2 -Florence Denomme 540. Happy Gang 5 -Percy Bedard 651. Strikers O -Roberta Hamilton 670. Hensall Hornets 7 - Ernie Laidlaw 784. Bone Breakers 2 -Ladd y Krainik 566. Hustlers 4 -Len Bates 539. Ups and Downs 2 -Glen Thiel 571. Nite Hawks 5 -Hazel McEwan 626. Ladies' high single: Hazel Mc. Ewan 312. • Ladies' high triple: Jean Cor- niel '701. Ladies' high average: Hazel McEwan 18. Men's high single: Jim Bedard 327. Men's high triple: Ernie Laid- law '784, Men's high average: Jim Be- dard 204. 0 Dashwood Prolect (Continued from Page 1) Wein, Helen Rader, Lorne Beck- er, Delbert Geiger, May Trainor, Mrs. Lloyd Willert, Mrs. F. Sie- mon, Pat Sullivan, L. Weigand, Edward Restemeyer, Jean Guen- ther and L. Beaver; jack -pot winner: Bill Waring. Members of the building com- mittee are Jim Hayter, Sid Baker, Harry Hayter, Lorne Kleinstiver, Harold Schroeder, Harry Hoffman, Albert Miller, Cliff Salmon, Stewart Wolfe and Charles Snell. • Jim Hayter stated that a meeting has not been held to determine what will be done with the surplus funds but said that several improvements to the Community Centre have been advocated by the commit- tee. ommittee. OFFERS YOU THE BEST IN OFFICE EQUIPMENT Underwood Quanta PORTABLE ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE The Quanta will add, subtract, gives credit balances, multiplies and points all the steps and results of every calculation. SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $21 5.00 Nand -Operated Model SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $124.50 (Othr Models as Low as $85.00) underwood QUANTA SEE OUR PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS ON DISPLAY 1' Underwood Lettera 22 The world's most portable typewriter, weighing less than 8% lbs., yet hae. all the features of a standard ma- chine. Features include key -set tab- ulation, 43 key keyboard, automatic ribbon reverse, etc. SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $94.50 Give Us a Call For All Your Office Supplies! South Huron Polishers Zurich Citizens News • The Hensall Observer PHONE 133 -• ZURICH