HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-10-29, Page 4'FAGS: FOUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1%4 Iteiii About r.mach iObituary Fred Rader nd Alt's. Morley li'it':u'.. I' :'•_'.t, atilt:;.; vi:ith Cathy, Craig. Lou and Chris Mecum. of Wis., visited' with rx1 Mrs. `l'i'd Steinbach and attended the funeral of the Fred Iladicr. Dashwood. en, M.. and Mrs. Elton Schnell r the weekend with rela- ti,.es and friends in 'Zurich, I, -field and the surrounding mo];,: S,.;riday visitors with Mr. and Herb ire: Jardine were '\Ir. a:: i Mrs. 'i'c'es Kennedy, Kit- . ever: Mrs. Adeline Neeb. Mit-1 e.i; Mrs. Cecelia Restemayer, F.:.: -t cldale: Mr. and Mrs. Ward Chamber Vacancy '...s \Vilma Dinnin, who has been secretary- of the Grand C" -..ti and Area Chamber of C tititneree since April of 1963, t it lered her hesignation at +alo.:.4ay's general meeting of t'le Chamber. She will remain v ith the Chamber until Novem- ?ter 30, 1964, when her resigna- ._ ; becomes effective. A five -man committee has e.e:: delegated to seek a new Get all the humidityyou need Over 6 gallons per day Plus these other outstanding features: • Freedom from line dust • Humidity for the whole house • Fully automatic filling and operation • Easy installation, low cost operation • Fits on any warm air furnace Let us show you how to make your home liveable with the new Lau L7 Humidifier. Only $74.95 installed in most locations FOR MORE PARTICULARS Contact Zurich Hardware MAIN ST. — ZURICH Fritz, l'77.s iter Mr. and Mrs. El- roy Desjar'dit..' and family, Zur- Mt, and .1r. and Mrs. Stanley. huttlop.Stratford. Mr. and '.Sirs. Milton Oesch. Mr. and AIN. Ralph Jewell and Mr. and Mrs. John Berry were in Owen Sound Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to attend a conven- tion of the Association of On- tario Counties. Mr. George Deichert has re- turned home from South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Desjar- dine were recent visitors at Mount Forest. 0 BLAKE NEWS Mr. Stephen Gingerich, Mf. Lee Erb, Mr. Charles Erb, Miss Dorothy Erb and Mrs. Albert Clausius attended the funeral of David Gerber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gerber (car -truck victim) at Meadville, Penn., on Wednesday, October 21. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle and son David, were Mr. and Mrs. John Steckle and family, Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle and family, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoist and son Mark, of St. Jacobs; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frey and family, Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb and family spent Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Corney Klassen, at St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gingerich and fancily were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Zehr and family in Zurich. Rev. Ephriam Gingerich, rep- resentative of the Western Men- nonite conference, is attending the Publication Seminar Board meeting at Laurellville, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers and daughter, Bonnie, London; Victor Nichols, Lambeth; Kath- leen and Mary Ellen Burdge, London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Mary Hey. Mrs. Ed. Steak, of Huronview, is spending a few days with Mrs. Mary Manson and Mr, and Mrs. Newell Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. John Lebold, Wellesley, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schwartzentruber and Mrs. Nancy Schwartzentruber. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Schwart- zentruber and Donnie, of Wing - ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widrick, Lois and Raye, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mase Erb and Mrs. Nancy Schwartzentruber. Grant Schwartzentruber, first year student at University of Waterloo, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schwartzentruber, and fam- ily. Miss Ferne Schwartzentruber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Ed Schwartzentruber, Blake, has re- ceived word that she has suc- cessfully passed her RN exams. She is continuing her nursing career on staff at Stratford Gen- eral Hospital where she trained. a When the Son of Man embarked on His earthly mis- sion, before He healed the sick, and worked miracles, He called disciples unto Himself. Our Lord had special instructions for His disciples. We do well to consider the implications of His call to discipleship. What is a disciple? How does one become a dis- ciple? Can a person be a Christian without being a dis- ciple? What are the promises for discipleship? If you care to consider this basic Christian respon- sibility please write to ME in care of the THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Fred Racier, 79, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, friday, October 23. His I wife, the former Clara Kraft, I passed away in 1961. One sis- ter, Mrs. Adeline Kraft, survives as well as a number of nieces and nephews. He was a member of Zion Lutheran Church and a retired farmer. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Monday when the funeral service was held in Zion Luth- eran Church, with the pastor, Rev. William Getz, officiating. Interment was in the Lutheran Cemetery. Pallbearers were John, Alvin and Harold Rader, Oscar Miller, Ted Steinbach and Bert Klopp. Local Horse Wins Three in a Row Scion Gratton, the spirited three-year-old racer, owned by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKinley, Zurich, stretched his winning streak Monday to three consecu- tive victories in three times out at the Western Fair Raceway, London, He was clacked in 2:091;'5, his fastest time to date. The horse is considered by raceway officials as one of the classiest seen at the track in a long while. The son of Gratton - Tiny Brooke has become a fav- orite with racing fans both in and around London and in Zur- ich and district. Interest here is running high, and many people from the area have at- tended the races to see the Mc- Kinley money -winner in action. 0 Wartburg Meet Discusses Unity Pastor William Getz, Dash- woond, was among 50 Lutheran pastors of the Ontario district who atended a two-day confer- ence at St. John's Lutheran Church, Wartburg, last week. An address by Rev. John Kiifner, of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Georgetown, centred around world-wide Christian unity. "Unity is not something man creates in the church, stated Rev. Kiifner. "Unity comes about of itself through faith in Christ!' It was announcced that spe- cial evangelism thrusts are planned for the 30,000 member denomination in Ontario in 1965. The first will be an evan- gelism festival in all congrega- tions on January 24 and the second will be two Saturday and Sunday exangelism training EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B -D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 — 10:00 a.m--Worship. 11:05 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Bible Society Serv- ice at the Lutheran We invite you to worship with us. Canadiansocial worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest in this column but can't undertake persona! replies. DEAR DORIS—I have been a very unhappy married woman ever since I was married 18 years ago. I had a heart operation three years ago, and since then I can- not get my doctor out of my mind. Every time I saw him at his office he always stared at me (especially when he was about to check my heart!). I am almost sure that he hypnotized me once (by talking to me). The last time I saw him was for my annual check-up last year. He still stared at me. It almost broke my heart to see him so tired and sad look- ing. There never was a word of love or gesture between us. (He is a married man.) Could he be very unhappy also? Should I see him next year for my annual check-up again? What would be your best solu- tion to this problem? HEART BROKEN DEAR HEART — See him again, No! Your empty hands and .heart have made you dream foolish dreams. Don't be mis- guided by the disturbing intima- cy of the man -doctor woman - patient relationship. When he stared he was concentrating! Forget him and seek help in handling your own unhappy marriage. DEAR DORIS—We were liv- ing on the farm with my hus- band's parents until a year ago, when we moved to the city. My mother-in-law and I did not get along. Once she slapped my face in front of my little girl. A big fight followed. After that I packed my things and left with my two children. Both my husband and I do not like the city. My husband wants to go back to his parents' farm because he has a lot of money invested there, but I would pre- fer to get a farm of our own. workshops for laymen in Kit- chener and Ottawa during the month of May. Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 — 10 .a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! St. Peter's Lutheran 'Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., S.D. Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 7:30 p.m.—Bible Society Service, You Are Welcome OTICE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Canadian Bible Society Zurich Branch WILL BE HELD AT Have Comfort On Tap --Whenever You Need It! Don't let cold weather catch you with your coal bin empty — Let us fill you bin now. COAL St. Peters Lutheran Church ON IS ARRIVING EVERY DAY! NOW IS THE TIME FOR Sunday, November 1, at 7.30 pm GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Andrew Brndlar, London SOUND FILM - AFRICAN LIFE: Freedom in their Souls. My own relatives tell me that a wife must do whatever her husband wants to do whether she likes it or not. I would be miserable if I went back there, but what can I do. IN DESPAIR DEAR IN DESPAIR — Stand by your guns. Being where your husband is doesn't mean mourt- ing disaster by living with a domineering mother-in-law. If the parents won't give hint his percentage to get him start- ed on a farm of his own, he and you will have to save up. r r ir DEAR DORIS — I am 15, my boy friend is 19 and we love each other. Now I ani going to have his baby and he wants to marry me. My stepfather says he is too old for me and won't let him conte to see me. How much right is your stepfather sup- posed to have. IN LOVE DEAR IN LOVE —Until you are of legal age to marry with- out parental consent, your step- father has the say, as well as the responsibility of taking care of you, just the sane as if he was your real father. But you should be seeing a social worker to discuss realistic plans for your future. Go to your nearest child care agency for help and understanding. r r r DEAR DORIS — I'ni not a drinking woman and I'm not used to icer around the house. My husband promised me he would do without his boor. He stopped for awhile but now it's in our house and every day he has his beer. I've given up my love of green onions because he hates the smell. I hate the smell'of beer. L.M. DEAR L.M. — It's time to bring your marriage up to date with tolerance of onions and beer. Lov' is worth it, isn't it? Equip yourself now with FOOTWEAR ® to meet the occasion. G EVERY SIZE IS NOW AVAILABLE MEN'S RAWHIDE Insulated Boots MEN'S RUBBER Thermo Boots MEN'S SHEARLING Lined Curler WOMEN'S CossackBoots "REALL STUNNING" Various Heights and Heels We again have a full range of fleece•lined overboots for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN at Lower Prices than ever. „I IIi,l,IIIl,II,,,,,, Oesch Shoe Store PHONE 130 — ZURICH Assorted Flavours Jell-O Powders _ Sunny Vale -213 Oz. Fruit Cocktail Assorted Coronation —48 Oz. _ 8/88c _ 2/88c Fruit Drinks - - - - 3/88c Nature's Best — 15 Oz. Applesauce 6/88c Minnette's — 20 'Oz. Tomatoes 5/88c Color Prints Tulip Margarine _ _ 4/88c St. William's -9 Oz, Assorted Jams _ _ 4/88c Puritan —24 Oz. Beef Stew 2/88c Tomato or Vegetable —10 Or. Aylmer Soup _ _ _ 7/88c Tall Tins OAR ,,;! try.. Carnation Milk _ _ 6/88c Libby's Fancy Quality -48 Oz, Tomato Juice - - - 2/65c 5 Lb, Bag — instant or Quick Robin Hood Oats - - - 57c Facelle Royale -2 Roll Pak Bathroom Tissue _ 2/53c Weston's Pumpkin Pies - - _ 2/88c Giant Size with Chinaware Premium Bonus Detergent_ _ _ 79c Stokely's Cream Style -15 Oz. Corn or. Peas _ _ _ 2/33c 20c Off 24 Oz. Joy Liquid Detergent 75c FRUIT and VEGETABLES FANCY McINTOSH APPLES -' - - _ 3 LBS. 25c U.S.A. LETTUCE, 24s _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ HEAD 23c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 48s 5 FOR 43c SUNKIST ORANGES, 180s _ _ _ _ 2 DOZ. 85c MEAT SPECIALS COOKED HAM HOFFMAN'S SUMMER SAUSAGE _ COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE FRESH PORK PICNICS DOERR'S PHONE 140 --- ZURICH LB. 95c _ LB. 75c LB. 39c _ _ LB. 35c losommommummommmuminiminsimir