HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-10-29, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1964 PAGE THREE ews off' -IE1 SALL District Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexan- der have returned from a pleas- ant month's vacation visiting cousins in Manitoba and Sas- katchewan. They made the trip by train, Mr. Harold Bonthron left on Sunday, October 25, by jet for a two weeks' vacation to Rome, a trip he won by selling the most mattresses for the Sealy Coxnpany, Toronto. He was one of a hundred salesmen across Canada taking the trip. Mrs. Fred Peters, of Hensall, returned to her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Peters, of Stratford, after spend- ing the week -end with her hus- band, Mrs. Fred Peters, and daughter, Miss Bonnie Peters. Mr. and 1VIrs. Dave Ingram (nee Mariene Reid), a recent bridal couple, were honored at a reception and. Glance in Zurich COomamnity Centre Saturday evening, October 24, with the arena filled for the event. The young couple were presented with a purse of money. Music for dancing was provided by Desjardine orchestra, Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie visited over the week -end with Mr. and 'Airs. Ray Hillier and family at Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Syd McClinchey, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, of Auburn, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Har- burn and family, curs YOU A CANADA SAVINGS BOND AT "MY BANK TpO 3 MILLION CANADIANS Id BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%-- $2,50 FOR A $50 BOND, 145 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC, BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK. OF MONTREAL 60oueza'Gr4$ 64414 WORKING WITH CANADIANS 1N EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1811 Bible Society To Canvass Hensall Members of the Anglican, Presbyterian and United churches of Hensall will can- vass the village during the first full week of November on be- half of the Canadian Bible So- ciety. The Anglicans will be responsible for visiting all homeowners west of the tracks, the Presbyterians will cover the area south of Main Street, and the United Church people will canvass north of Main Street. The Canadian Bible Society is an auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, founded in 1804 for the sole purpose of encouraging the wider circula- tion of the Holy Scriptures. This purpose is achieved by translation, publication and dis- tribution. Many millions of people in the world today are just learning to read, and it is the main task of the Bible So- ciety to provide these people with the Word of God in their own language at a price they can afford. Because this often means selling for below cost, the support of all those who value the Bible is important. If the canvassers should miss you, it would be appreciated if you would send a donation to the treasurer, Mr. Victor Pyette, in care of the Bank of Mont- real, Hensall. 0 Obituary Manley Jinks Manley Charles Jinks, life- long resident of Hensall, died suddenly Friday evening, Octo- ber 23, when he suffered a heart attack while taking inventory at General Coach Works of Can- ada, Hensall, He had been em- ployed with the firm for the past 12 years. Born in Hay Township, Mr. Jinks was in his 57th year. He was active in Sunday School work at the United Church where he was a member and had been teaching Sunday School class for several years. Surviving are his wife, the former Irene McClinchey; one son, Ross, London; two daugh- ters (Bernice, Mrs. Bill Shupe, Champagne, Ill.; and Susan, at home; four grandchildren, and his stepmother, Mrs. C. L. Jinks, Hensall. His father passed away in December of 1963. A public funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral home Monday at 2 p.m., con- ducted by Rev. Harold Currie. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were W. C. Smith, Rodger Venner, Fred Beer, Jim Taylor, George Walz and Allan Crerar. 0 Hensall Kinsmen Plan Kids Party Hensall Kinsmen are doing something constructive to cur- tail the activities of local prank- sters this Hallowe'en. The •or- ganization has planned a fun - filled party complete with cos- tumes and prizes. Proceeding will commence with a lively parade beginning from the Town Hall et 7 p m Youngsters are asked to appear in Hallowe'en attire ready to parade to the arena where the judges will choose the win- ners in each class. •Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed and best comic costumes in three different age groups: under eight years, 8 to 12 years, and over 12 years. Films will be shown and each child will receive a Hallowe'en treat. CARMEL Presbyterian Church HENSALL Rev, John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Beatrice Hess Organist and Choir Director Sunday, Nov. 1 10 A.M.—WORSHIP SERVICE HOLY COMMUNION 11 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU! Rev. John Boyne To Hensall Charge Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D., of Cavell Presbyterian Church in Exeter, will tempor- arily fill the vacancy at Hen - sail's Carmel Presbyterian Church. The church has been without a resident minister since Rev. Ross McDonald left in January to take a position in Rodney. Mr. Boyne will assume his new duties this Sunday at the 10 a.ni. worship service. The Carmel board of session and managers agreed to the pro- posal presented to then by the presbyteries of the district. The board also engaged the services of organist and choir director Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Zurich, commencing November 1. Mrs. Hess will replace Mrs. Malcom Dougall who resigned recently after seven years in that capacity. 0 New Convenience For Area Farmers A new mobile feed milling service has recently been organ- ized by Hensall District Co-op. The enterprise will be of great benefit to farmers in this area and effect them considerable savings in time and money. The co-operative has just pur- chased a modern Seco mobile feed milling unit of the newest and most revolutionary design. This equipment literally brings the feed mill to the farm and eliminates the time consuming chore of carrying grain and fodder to the mill for process- ing and then back to the farm. Mr. Garnet Mousseau says, "Only the new Seco mill has the many features so long needed AMBER REKEKAHS The regular meeting of Am- ber Rebekah Lodge, I3ensall, was held in the Lodge Hall, Wednesday evening, October 21, withe Noble Grand Mrs, Clar- ence Volland presiding, The district deputy president, Mrs. Ruby Beavers, of Exeter, and her staff from Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, installed the new officers. Taking office are: Junior past noble grand, Mrs. Clarence Vol - land; noble grand, Mrs, John Ingram; vice grand, Mrs. George Clifton; recording secretary, Mrs. Blighton Ferg; financial secretary, Mrs. Ernest Chip - chase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Cor - to take the guess work out of mobile milling. These include a more accurate and "turbulent" milling action, larger hammer - mill and automatic pushbutton control. Our new service defin- itely enables the farmer to bet- ter utilize his roughage and. home-grown grains." Mr. Mousseau and Wilmer Ferguson are attending an in- tensive training school at the Seco company in Nashville, Tennessee. There, they Will be thoroughly prepared in all phases of mobile milling, feed nutrition and operation. belt; warden, Mrs. Leona Parke; conductor, Mrs. Jack Corbett; musician, Mrs. William Fuss; chaplain, Mrs. Earl Campbell; color bearer, Mrs. Howard Lem - mon; RSNG, Mrs. Beverly Bea- ton; LSNG, Mrs. Inez McEwen; RSVG, Mrs. R. A. Orr; LSVG, Mrs, Lindsay Eyre; IG, Mrs. El- gin Thompson, and OG, Mrs. Hugh McEwen. A corsage and gift was pre - seated to Mrs. Beavers by Noble Grand Mrs. Ingram on behalf of the lodge. Following the meeting tickets were sold on a tablecloth and won by Mrs. Blighton Ferg, and a tea towel won by Mrs. Wil- liam Smale. Refreshments were served. _ --0 Kinsmen Council In Niagara Fails Members of the Kinsmen Club of Hensall will attend the district 1 fall council meeting being held in Niagara Falls, Oc- tober 31 and November 1. Lo- cal delegates to the meeting are: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baker, Mr. and l'drs. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mickle, and Mr, and Mrs.: Bill Fuss. The fall council meeting is a gathering of all club presidents 6 HEATING • it Burner Service Electrical ;' ,,ork GIVE -US A CALL FOR SERVICE! O\T ON U Ti of the district, together with the district executive headed by Governor ;Mit Edgar, of Clin- ton. The governor and his ex- ecutive cornmitee will lay be- fore the delegates plans for the operation of Kinsmen affairs in this area over the next club year. A member of the national ex- ecutive of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs will also be on hand to explain the overall poli- cies adopted for. the all-Cana- clian organization at its recent national convention. The Kinsmen meeting will enable Kinsmen from District 1 to exchange service ideas, to learn more about parliamentary procedure, and hear how other IIIMIRENSIBENUIRLEINCININEWEIECHEMERIIIIIIMENS DUWARD Manna RADIO — TELE -VISION Sales and Service O DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Phone 254—Zurich "Always ready to serve you" Open Friday & Saturday Nights Nforansammumccummao clubs raise funds for charity. Two of the Kinsmen club ob- jectives are to train their mem- bers in modern business and professional methods and ethics and to carry on service work in their communities. It is esti- mated that more than one and one-half million dollars is raised by Kinsmen each year for local welfare projects across Canada. CESIZEMEMIEREMMIFIEMEMMIIIMMISHJA BUILDING CO.I" TRAM O CUSTOM CARPENTRY 0 YOU NAME IT . . . . . WE'LL DO IT ! No job is too large or too small for us, DICK BEDARD PHONE 80r3 — ZURICH Call Us for Free Estimates td Hens 1 pen Every Su 1 DINIa,,.G RIOT day SUNDAY SPECIAL BARBECUE Spare Ribs & Chicken $1e75 Steak, Roast Beef and Other / h Fine Foods Available HARDWARE, FURNITURE, COAL, CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD FOR Throughout the week enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the SHERWOOD ROOM PHONE 6, HENSALL, FOR RESERVATIONS Roasts Spare-RibsChuck or Blade Fresh Pork Roasts LB. 39c LB. 49c 'HIGHLINER 1 -LB. PKG. BOLOGNA Cod Fillets M.B. 29c 33c STORE HOURS: OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TILL 9 P.M. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT 'TILL 10 P.M. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Fearman's Kindless Cubed Side Bacon Stewing Beef LB. 47c LB. 49c Ground (huck LB. 49c Supreme 2 -Lb. Poly Bag French Fries 49c NEW CATELLI DINNERS Frontenac Half Gallon Ice Cream 75c Noodles Romanoff Spaghetti (Tomato Sauce) Spaghetti (Meat Sauce) 3 PKGS. Mother Parker's -6-0z. Jar Instant Coffee 99c Sealtest —8 Oz. ..r.....,,. Dip and Dressing _ _ _ _ 25c Monarch —21/2 -Lb. Package Tea Bisk 39c Vankirk-12-0z. Package Chocolate Chipits _ ^ _ 45c FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE ONE PACKAGE OF WESTON'S Old English Muffins WITH PURCHASE OF SUPER -SAVE 16 -OZ. JAR PEANUT BUTTER _ _ _ 37c FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE gmiewatanammiemaarampammsammeicommeam PRODUCE FEATURE Nestle's -1 -Lb. Tin Choconlate Quik _ _ _ _ _ 47c Maple Leaf —14s Sockeye Salman - -- - 3/79c 3 -Lb. Tin Fluffo Shortening _ _ _ _ 89c No. 3—FLORIDA 48c White Grapefruit _ _ _ 8/59c Shop and save at Ads HEN5ALLiONTARIO