HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-10-08, Page 5TI'"1t1R$DAY, OCTOBER. 8, 1964 eurrow ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE MVO Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriam', Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50e. CASH DISCOUNTS-- % ISCOUNTS-% Off if paid ,by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE. -- 10c added on second bill. FREE - Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE -- 11 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE ZENITH HEARING AID, used but still in excellent condition. Phone 107, Dashwood after 6 p.nt. ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, siding, aluminum and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reason- able prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own in- stalling. Walker Aluminum Sales, Phon 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 24,tf SPRAYED APPLES -Pick your own, low trees, no climbing. Spy, King, Russet, Snow, Ta1- man Sweet, Delicious, etc. Bring your own containers. Picking days, Monday, Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday only, starting Saturday, Oct. 5. Fred McCly- xnont & Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. 39,40,b DUO THERM Oil Stove Heater, in good condition. Apply Mrs. S. Sararas, 86 Richmond Street, Kensall, 39,40,p DRY WOOD. Apply Archie Parson. Phone Hensall 345W4. 40,p GOOD BAKE OIL Stove, almost new. Phone Hensall 212W Jennie Buchanan, 40,I 1949 PONTIAC Sedan delivery 26,000 guaranteed mileage, al new tires. Box WK, South Hur an Publishers. 40,1 OVENREADY Chickens, 6112 tc 8 lbs. Apply to Russel Oesch RR 1, Varna, phone 355W3 Hensall. 40,1,1 SIX ROOM, 3 bedroom horns with double carport and coin pieted rec. room; 11/2 bath rooms, furnace and completes decorated, large lot. Reg Black Zurich, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS WINDROWING AND BEA PULLING - Contact Jack M Clinchey, phone 97f7, Zurich. 35,6,7,8, WHITEWASHING - A n y o n wanting whitewashing an cleaning of barns done, Contac William Watson, phone 37r1 Dashwood. . 24,t SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc cleaned. Will be in Zurich an district every second week. Fo appointments call Zuricl: 248, or in case of emergence call Del Schwartzentruber, die 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tf FARM EQUIPME TURNER'S QUALITY Fart Equipment; Freeman tracts loaders; George White Mac] inery; Tractor and Car Tire Apply to Amos Gingericl Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. o GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOA)ER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER. I:ORIV1ANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM / BADGER SALES : SERVICE • INSTALLATION John Beane, ir. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. BIRTHS 9, COLEMAN -Mr, and Mrs. Jack N Coleman are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Sandra Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, October 3, 1964. A sister for c Michael. DEICHERT-1VIr. and Mrs. Fred Deichert are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their second daughter, Ann Eliza- beth, on October 1, 1964, at I Clinton Public Hospital. A sister for Catherine. SCHROEDER-At South Huron Hospital on Saturday, Octo- ber 3, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schroeder, Zurich, a , daughter, Victoria Grace. A first grandchild for Mr. and t Mrs. Ed. Schroeder and Mr, I and Mrs, Gordon Bloch. Cards of Thanks a We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all those who assisted in any 1 way during our recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. 1 A. C. Blackwell and Dr. C. J. Wallace. -The Albrecht Family. c i COMING EVENTS c Annual Fall Rummage Sale, Hensall Arena, Saturday, Octo- i ber 17, 2 p.m. For pick-up ; service call 199 or 47. Spon- sored by Hensall Kinette Club. . 39,40,1 FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM Apartment, liv- ing -room, kitchen and 3 -piece bath. Phone 178W, Zurich. 39,48,p ACREAGE FOR RENT, 150 acres on Bluewater Highway, 2 miles south of St. Joseph. Ap- ply to Cyril Masse, 4211 Lake- view, Detroit 15, Michigan, or • phone Zurich 188. 40,1,2,p UPSTAIRS 4 -ROOM Apartment, kitchen, living room, dining room and bedroom. Mrs. Mary Bedard. 40,p CUSTOM WORK KITCHEN CHAIRS upholstered. t Phone Hensall 189. 39,40,1,2,b , Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS I ]n the Estate of ALBERT SURERUS All persons having claims against the estate of Albert e Surerus, late of RR 1, Dash - 1 wood, Ontario, deceased, who t died on or about the 13th day of July, 1964, are hereby noti- f fled to send in to the under- Personal Representative signed " of the said deceased on or be- d fore the 17th day of October, r 1964, full particulars of their ir' claims. Immediately after the I said date the said Personal Rep - b resentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased hav- Mg regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. n Dated at Exeter, this 28th day T of September, 1964. 1- BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST s. COMPANY, i, 1 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. Executor • By BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario Their Solicitors herein. 39,40,1,b Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company, OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 aro aminampaummiriitsoirmitemilmorammimal AUCTION SALE f Household Effects and other iscellaneous Items on the premises, CENTRE STREET ZURICH on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 omplete listing in next week's paper ED REICHERT, Proprietor ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 0 HOLSTEIN ISPERSAL SALE Of 40 Selected Holsteins Fifth Annual Sale on the premises LOT 9, CON. LAKE ROAD EAST miles South of Grand Bend r 2 miles North of Klondyke o -Op, Thence 1/4 mile East on Iighway 21. The undersigned auctioneer eceived instructions to sell by ublic auction on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 at 1:30 p.m. Sale includes 40 Holstein eifers, majority to freshen round sale date, remainder in Jovember. Cattle all of good type and uality, selected from top lead - ng blood lines. An ideal opportunity to se- ure fall rink replacements. Calfhood vaccinated. Convince yourself by inspect - ng this herd before sale date. Tale will be held under cover. Plan to attend. Terms -Cash JOE VAN DONGEN & SON, Proprietors GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 39,40,b 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Farm Grain, Miscel- grain, consisting of wheat, oats and barley; 1,800 bales mixed hay; 51 pounds mixed grass seed; quantity turnip seed. Household Effects: Findlay wood and coal kit- chen stove, in new condition; Woods 20 cu, ft. deep freeze; 2 rangettes; electric radio; rock- ing chairs; typewriter; antique furniture, including 2 settees; chair, platform rocker; 3 trunks; rack; many other miscellaneous items. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms - Cash LLOYD STEWART, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctnioneer 40,b 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Truck, Farm Ma. chinery, Horses, Cattle, House- hold Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises LOT 6, CON. 14, HAY TWP. 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, thence 11/4 miles north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 1 p.m. Tractor and Farm Machinery: Int. Farman "H", in good condition; Mc -Deering binder, 7 -ft. cut, on rubber, like new; Mc -Deering power take -off mow- er, 7 -ft. cut; Mc -Deering 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill; Mc - Deering 7 -ft. spring tooth cul- tivator, on rubber; Fleury Bissel 30 -plate tractor disc; Oliver 3- furrow plow, on steel; 4 -section Diamond harrows; 2 -section Dia- mond harrows; Mc -Deering plat- form hay loader; Mc -Deering team scuffler; McDeering single scuffler; sulky plow; heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack; John Deere, team -drawn spreader; gravel box; dump rake; set of sleighs; cutter; cir- cular saw; fanning mill; wood- en land roller; walking plow; extension ladder; step ladder; block and tackle; set brass - mounted team harness; chime bells; team bells; root pulper; wheelbarrow; single harness; Viking 650 cap. electric cream separator; milk pails; quantity cedar posts; steel cable; chains; forks, shovels, butcher kettle; many other miscellaneous items. Truck: 1951 Ford 1 -ton truck with stock racks. Horses: Team Belgium x Hackney gen- eral purpose geldings, 6 years Of Tractor, Thresher, Machinery, Cattle Hay, Household Effects and laneous Items on the premises LOT 6, CON. THAMES HIGHWAY 83 21/2 miles east of Exeter or 33/4 miles west of Farguar The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 1 p.m. Tractor and Thresher: Allis-Chalmers WC Farmall tractor, in good condition; Rob- ert Bell 28 -inch cylinder thresh- er, completely equipped, on steel; 120 feet 7 -inch thresher belt, like new. Farm Machinery: Mc -Deering 7 -ft. binder, new condition; 13 -run' Int. grain and fertilizer drill; Mc -Deering 3 - furrow tractor plow; Int. stiff tooth cultivator; Cockshutt trac- tor spreader; 3 -drum steel rol- ler; 3 -section lever harrows; M -H hoe drill; Fleury Bissel tractor disc; 4 -section Diamond harrows; Deering mower, 6 -ft. cut; New Idea mower, 6 -ft. cut; side delivery rake; dump rake; rubber tire wagon; steel tire wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack; hay loader; horse-drawn manure spreader; Conde 2 -unit milking machine, with piping for 12 cows; Viking cream separator; Clinton fanning mill; i ro n kettle; power emery; walking plow; electric brooder; heavy duty fence stretcher; crosscut saw; steel posts and plow points; posthole auger; logging chains; wrenches, grease guns; roll barbwire; hinder trucks; stoneboat; chicken crate; team harness; chains; forks; shovels; barrels; etc, Cattle Seven dual purpose Short- horn cows, with calves at foot; 7 Durham cows, due to freshen Nov -and Dec„ Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due in Nov.; 3 Hereford heifers, rising 2 years old; purbred Hereford yearling bull; reg. Hereford bull, rising three years old. Cattle all of choice type and quality. Hay and Graig 2,000 bushels choice mixed ROAD old, guaranteed true and reli- able. Cattle: Roan Durham heifer, due be- fore sale date; part Durham and Hereford cow, carrying third calf, due before sale date; red Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, due in Oct.; part Here- ford and Durham cow, carrying third calf, due in Nov.; red Durham cow, carrying third calf, due in Dec.; roan cow, carrying second calf, due in Dec.; red heifer, due in Jan.; part Hereford and Holstein cow, milking, due in March; roan cow, milking, due in April; red Durham cow, due in May; roan Durham cow, milking, recently rebred; red Durham heifer, fresh, with calf at foot; 2 Jersey cows, milking; 2 Hereford heif- ers, rising 2 years old; Durham cow, milking; 3 Durham yearl- ing heifers; 5 Durham and. Here- ford spring calves; reg. Here- ford heifer, rising 2 years old; purebred Hereford bull, rising 3 years old, Feed: Half acre golds. Household Effects: Frigidaire 4 -burner electric stove, in A-1 condition; General Electric deluxe 9 cu, ft. refrig- erator, like new; steel bedstead; dresser; sideboard; r o c k i n g chairs; chesterfield and two chairs; daybed; feather tick; cradle; cellar table; kitchen and bathroom scales; toilet set; kit- chen chairs; floor lamps; fern stand; kitchen utensils; crocks; sealers; variety dishes; etc. Ne reserve as the farm sold. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Large United States and Cana- dian Company in agricultural field urgently requires repre- sentative in this area for Crop Service department. Applicant must have recent agricultural background and be well re- garded in area. Position is full-time, or can be handled at first along with your present farming operation. Suc- cessful applicant can expect earnings between $100 - $150 weekly with excellent opportun- ity for early advancement in this area. Write and tell me about your- self. Reply at once to P. J. HARRINGTON, Vice -President, Box 84, London, Ont. imememswesaalanameneweeme massmillillommommoommell 24th Annual Sale of REGISTERED HEREFORDS turnips and man - * * y' The undersigned will sell for STUTT BROS. Forest, Ontario WEDNESDAY, OCT, 21, 1964 at 2 p.m., D.S.T. 30 Head 14 Bulls, 16 Heifers Most of the Bulls are perform- ance Tested and eligible for Grant of 20% * * � Catalogue on Request W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer almisalaiMMENUMNIMeNtion 1S Terms - Cash ELGIN RADER, Proprietor GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer .11111111111116 Reception FOR MR. and MRS. 'CLARENCE OVERHOLT (nee Theta Mailman) ON SAT,. OCT. 10 IN THE Zurich Arena Music by "STU BERRY" Everyone Welcome Television Views by William Whiting Hockey nights in Canada are coming soon. CBC -TV will tele- vise the all-star hockey game this . Saturday. First regular season game will be seen on the 17th, with Boston at Toron- to. CTV will carry their first game on October 21, with Chi - OMNI eago at Montreal. This year, viewers will see all teams on Wednesday nights instead of the usual diet of Montreal vs Toronto. ABC are putting their top movies in on Sunday nights. On the 18th they will play "A Hole in the Head," with Frank Sinatra, Edward G. Robinson, mumgammaissmamOSIMIllk Secretary -Treasurer Wanted Applications will be received by the undersigned Tele. phone System for the position of Secretary -Treasurer. Please make applications in writing and forward before Wednesday, October 14th, 1964. Applicants should have bookkeeping ability, be bondable, and be willing to learn. Reply, stating education, employment background, avail- ability and salary expected. Applications will be held in confidence. Training assistance will be provided. TOWNSHIP OF HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM R. G. Black, Secy.-Treas. Zurich, Ontario 1 Secretary -Treasurer Wanted Applications will be received for the position of Secretary. Treasurer of the undersigned company. Applications should be in writing and should state age, lemployment history, qualifications and salary expected. State avail- ability. The applicant for this position should have bookkeeping experience, initiative, should be bondable and of stable personality. Training assistance will be given. Please forward applications to the undersigned not later than Thursday, October 15th, 1964, Applications will be held in confidence. REGINALD G. BLACK, MGR. and SEC'Y-TREAS., The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Zurich, Ontario Stocker and Feeder SALE ON Sate, Oct. 10 at 1:30 p.m. 600 Head of Steers, Cows and Calves •ENSALL SALES ARENA AUCTIONEERS: HAROLD JACKSON HECTOR McNEIL For Consignments Phone Hensall 235 Victor Hargreaves Jack Morrissey Clinton 482-7511 Crediton 234-6200 Federal - Mogul - Bower i (Canada Ltd1) 11 Mechanical Rubber Division t MITCHELL ONTARIO Requires MEN For Steady Work on Incentive Basis. EX.PERLEI'v C'ED MEN ARE MAKING BETWEEN $I..60 - $2.40 PER HOUR AND TJP. We also require Women and Y • uths FOR Steady, Interesting Work. Full Range of Benefits Available. Apply to 80 ARTHUR STREET MITCHELL, ON ARiO