HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-10-01, Page 6"PAOE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1964 SchooI Exhbits Up At Zurich Fall Fair School children of the dis- tri t: did their share to make, the Centennial ecli'ron of the Z , icil Fall Fair a great sue - Exhibits from'' the schools w = un from previous years', and judges agreed that the qual-' ity of the entries was better ever. Results are listed with the c ers name in each class ap- pearhle first. Grain and Vegetables Fleets: Helen B i a c k w e 11, :Wayne Beierling, Ruby Beierl- ing. Mary Oesch, Gary Truem- ner. Carrots: Mary Margaret Clarke. ke. Gary Hugill, Ida Ann Blackwell, Christine Haberer, Paul Flaxbard. Spanish Onions: Mary Desch, Richard Schilbe, Peter Jantzi, Luke Jantzi, Don Truemner. Large Yellow Onions: Ronald Smith, Ray Jacobe, Sharon Jaeobe, Mary Blackwell, Diane Smith. One Quart Dutch Sets: Sharon Jacobe, Donna Schilbe, Richard Schilbe. Potatoes: Donna Schilbe, Richard Schilbe, Peter Jantzi, Clare Lawrence, Rose Marie Grenier. (Early Potatoes) Potatoes, Late: Elaine West- lake, Douglas Rader, Judy Mil- ler, Ida Blackwell, Ralph Geiger. Field Corn: Donna Schilbe, Edward Farwell, Don Truem- ner, G. Weido, Richard Schilbe. Wheat, 1 pint Seed: Marlene Oesch, Wayne Beierling, Ed- ward Farwell, Glen Milner, Ray Weido. Oats, 1 pint Seed: Audrey Oesch, S. Richardson, Ralph Geiger, Ruby Beierling, Joyce Beierling. Barley, 1 pint Seed: Aurdey Desch, Ruby Beierling, Wayne Beierling, Joyce Beierling, Keith Farwell. Tomatoes, Red: Judy Miller, Helen Blackwell, Mary Black- well, G. Weido, Ray Jacobe. Tomato e s, Yellow: Paul CHAMPIONS: ALL BOYS — Winners of the Baby Show Monday were all boys which just goes to show that Centennial contests are not only for girls. That sleep, easy-going nap on the left is the winner in the six month and under class. He is David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, Zurich. Janes. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert, Zurich, took no chances that Mom might slip up on his grooming for the contest. He carried his own brush just to make certain that he would be at his best at all times. James (centre) was the winner in the six to 12 months' class. Dennis Hoffman (right) smiled and waved to his public following his election as winner in the 12 to 18 month class. Dennis, who believes that a sparkling personality will take you to the top, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hoffman, Zurich. Special service bulletin for Mutual Life policyholders IMINIIIII Hair you arranged with Mutual Life for an income if you become disabled? If you became disabled and unable to work for a long period of time — the bills wouldn't stop coming in. Your family would still have to be clothed and fed. The mortgage, the light bill and the heating would have to be paidnotto mention medical expenses. That's why it's a good idea to arrange for disability income through The Mutual Life. You can add disability income protection to your present Mutual Life policy for a small additional charge -- or include it with a new plan. Then if, through sickness or accident, you were unable to work for a certain length of time — Mutual Life would pay you a monthly income. (It would begin after a three or six month waiting period depending on your choice) . And, what's more, Mutual Life would pay your premiums as well. Your Mutual Life representative will be happy to discuss disability income protection with you at any time. Why not call him today, or simply complete and mail the coupon for more information. 1 1 1 1 1 The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, ONTARIO/ ESTABLISHED 1869 I am interested in Disability Income. Please send me your pamphlet "Would You Receive Regular Income If Disabled?" NAME STREET 1 1 1 1 1 CIT]'. PROVINCE Mt -64.90 millaim Immo snow mom arum miliam mmo puma mmio mom. =ma 1 REPRESENTATIVE: G. R. Godbolt, CLU, Phone 235-2740 Collect. Corner Sanders and Edwards Streets EXETER, ONTARIO. Truemner, Ray Jacobe, Wayne Beierling, Joyce Beierling, Ruby Beierling. Tomatoes, Green: Mary Mar. garet Gingerieh, Ray Weido, Sandra Richardson, Ralph Geig- er Ida Ann Blackwell. Pears: Marlene Desch, Mark Adams, Elaine Westlake, Wayne Beierling, Ralph Geiger. Plums: Wayne Beierling. Apples, Northern Spy: Helen Blackwell, John Blackwell, Mary Gingerich, Keith Farwell, Wayne Beierling. Apples, McIntosh: Mary Mar- garet Gingerich, Jane Gingerieh, Gary Hugill, Elaine Westlake, Edward Farwell. Apples, Snow: Sharon Jacobi, Ralph Geiger, Ray Jacobi, Rita Farwell, John Blackwell. Apples, Delicious: Bernadette Farwell; Ralph Geiger, Ruby Beierling, Wayne Beierling, Joyce Beierling. Plate of Grapes: Martha Gascho, Elaine Westlake, Ralph Geiger, Donna Schilbe, Shirley McClinchey, Pumpkin, Pie: Freida Beierl- ing, John Deichert, L a r r y Truemner, Don Truemner, Rich- ard Schilbe. Pumpkin, F i e 1 d: Elizabeth Deichert, Robert Doerr, Rich- ard Schilbe, Larry Smith, Donna Schilbe. Cabbage: Patricia B e n d e r, Arleen Bender, Wayne Truem- ner, Audrey Desch, Helen Black- well. Drumhead Cabbage: Don Truemner, Gary Truemner. Art (Mounted) Grade One: Anne Rasenburg, Ruby Beierling, Cheryl Turk- heim, Patsy Denomme, Shelly Burgess. Grade Two: Yvonne Oud, Wil- hemina Blom, Bradley Oke, Linda Neeb, Darlene Willert. Grade Three: Eddie Verkerk, Effie Hovuis, Judy Miller, Nancy Schantz, Patsy Neeb. Grade Four: Jim Rader, Earl Gascho, Kim Black, Sandra Gingerich, John Blackwell. Grade Five: Cheryl Clausius, Carol Gingerich, Thelma Ramer, Douglas Rader, Jake Verbeek. Grade Six: Norma Schantz, Dianne Adkins, David Siebert, Julie Burgess, Mary Gingerich. Grade Seven: JoAnn Theil, Linda Stade, Marcia Merner, Marjorie Erb, Sandra Richard- son. Grade Eight: Larry Kipper, Dale Dignan, Linda Luther, Sina Verbeek, Dorothy Stebbins. Writing Grade One: Elizabeth Dei - chert, Patsy Denomme, Richard Gingerich, Gregory Love, Stephen Bedard. Grade Two: Arlene Bender, Randy Dietrich, David Lovell, Dean Bowman, Patrick Bedard. Grade Three: Nancy Schantz, Catherine Bachert, Abram de May, Susan Dignan, Judy Miller. Grade Four: Christine Ha- berer, Sally Dietrick, Alma Oud, Sandra Gingerich, Elizabeth Oud. Grade Five: Carole Gingerich, Don Truemner, Barbara Brown, Thelma Ramer, Sharon Jacobe. Grade Six: Ruth Anne Fleis- chauer, Norma Shantz, Richard Schilbe, Marlene Rader, Cora Van Raay. Grade Seven: JoAnn Thiel, Sandra Richardson, JoAnn Mil- ler, Sandra Desjardine, Freida Beierling. Grade Eight: Carol Johnston, June Bender, Douglas Stade, Richard Turkheim, Linda Desch, Crafts Grade One: Ricky Masse, Deidre Brenna, Janice Ramer, Gregory Love, Richard Parsons. Grade Two: Arlene Bender, Darlene Willert, Dean Bowman, Paul Truemner, Cathy Brennan. Grade Three: Susan Dignan, Martha Erb, Michael Miller, Nancy Schantz, Audrey Oesch, Grade Four: Ricky Reiger, Kim Black, Alanna Masse, Earl Gascho, Douglas Turkheim. Grade Five: Carole Gingerich, Bonnie Neeb, Thelma Ranier, Sandra Webb, Brian Fields. Grade Six: Debbie Merner, Linda Webb, Mary Ellen Giner- ich, Norma Schantz, Patricia Bender. Grade Seven: Gail Bedard, JoAnn Thiel, Marion Schroeder, Martha Gascho. Grade Eight: Eugene Regier, Doug and Audrey Bedard, Ken DUWADD WcADAMS RADIO—. TELEVISION 41 Sales and Service 1r DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Phone 254 — Zurich "Always ready to serve you" dltatarKIEIMMINSallannalltillallatIMEMIWIE onnections—Insects Bernadette Farwell, Ralph, Geiger, Joyce Beierling, Ronnie Desjardine, Sandra Gingerieh, Philip Rade r, Gary Hugill, Wayne Beierling, Terry Black. F lowers Zinnias: Marlene Gesell, Joyce Beierling, Jane Waters, Helen Blackwell, Sandra Desjardine. Asters: Gary Hugill, Cheryl Gingerich, Ralph Geiger, Ricky Beierling, Maureen Hartman, Marigolds: Jim Rader, Ralph Geiger, Sharon Jacobe, Ruby Beierling, Helen Blackwell. Snapdragons: Ralph Geiger, Ruby Beierling, Joyce Beierling, Mary Blackwell. Table Bouquet: Paula Siebert, Ralph Geiger, R a y Jacobe, Sharon Jacobe, Helen Blackwell. Specials Hi Fashion, Best Dressed Doll: Linda Webb, Elly Lansbergen. Hay Township Farmeres' Mu- tual Insurance Co., Posters de. Farwell, Clare Lawrence, Rich- Junior: Grades 4, 5, 6: Cheryl and Turkheitn. Clausius, Carole G i n g e r i c h, picting fire prevention: Prim-; Randy Decker, ary: Grades 1, 2, 3:Shelly Tay- ` Intermediate: Grades 7, 8: lor, Bradley Datars, Darlene Tay-1 Shantz, David Siebert, Willert, I JoAnn Thiel. KING .:CH4&OL in the Hensafl Arena Wednesday,, October 7 2 P.M. AND 8:30 P.M. DEMONSTRATOR — MRS. VIOLET SCRIVER, Formerly of CKCO-TV, Kitchener Draws for Shopping Bags of Groceries—Lucky Door Prizes Admission: 75 Cents SPONSORED BY KIPPEN EAST WOMEN'S INSTITUTE I 0 I Fertiliz rs BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT NOW OPEN BULK OR BAGGED FERTILIZER BULK SPREADER AVAILABLE! A. 9. MUSTARD, MANAGER PHONE 482-7435 NEW DEADLINES For Newspaper Advertising Due to a change in mail services, this newspaper must be at the post office several hours earlier than in the past. To meet this new deadline, we will have to enforce the following deadlines : Half Page and Full Rage Advertisements: We must have copy on the Friday prior to publication. AH Other Display Advertisements: We must have copy no later than Monday at six o'clock. Classified Advertisements -- Tuesday Evening: No classified ads will be accepted on Wednesday. Ail Correspondence and News Stories: Must be in no later than Tuesday evening — earlier when possible. We appreciate receiving any copy for this newspaper as soon as it is available. Please do not wait for the deadline. THESE DEADLINES !: ECOME EFFECTIVE AS 1; F OCTOBER 1 ! YOUR CO.OPIERATION WILL BE APPRIEC'IATED I South Huron Publishers Zurich Citizen's News . Hensall Observer PHONE 133 — ZURICH PHONE 5 — i1EBNISALL I -;rile: YbjY+'V