HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-09-10, Page 6PAVE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1964 Items About Zurich f:a lain and Mrs. R. Joyce, of New Jersey, spent the past week -end visiting with their c_s:ai::s, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfiic and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar cir b. Me. and Mrs. Reg Black and family and Mrs. Herb Mousseau were week -end visitors in Bar- rie, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carse and family. Stmday visitors with Mrs. Pearl Meliek were Mr. and Mrs. .tennis Calfas, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Caifee. Cameron and Beccie Ann. all of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Niel, of Dearborn, Mich. and Mrs. Della Meliek and ''Melvin, of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer, of Elm Park Motel, Palmerston, a:e spending a few days in Gravenhurst. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Heywood and Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel en.ent the holiday week -end in -Detroit, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Art Meininger. Recent visitors with Mrs, Pearl Meliek were Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hilker and son, Philip, of Kitchener, Mr and Mrs. Michael Hart- man have returned to Toronto Television Views by William Whiting The three American and two Canadian networks launch their £aII sehedules this Sunday. Dif- ficult choices will be left to the viewers. Here's one example: DANNY KAYE will be seen Tees rays 8:30-9:30 on the CBC, a: d RED SKELTON will appear at the same time on ITO sta- tiene (Independent Television C e rators). of which Channel 13 in ;his area is a member. A few predictions: Sunday at i 3 TV's WALT DISNEY will wipe. out CBC'c CANDID CAM- ERA. Monday at 8:00 CTV's BEWITCHED will beat CBC's SHOW OF THE WEEK. Tues. by at 3:00 CBC's JACK BENNY will knock off CTV's PETTI- COAT JUNCTION. Thursday at 7.30 OUTER LIMITS will make SOME OF THOSE DAYS very short. * * According to the ratings, it was another triumph for NBC. CBS's new anchor team had no effect. The averages showed 52% share of audience for NBC, 35?' for CBS and 13% for ABC. More people watched the Dem- ocratic convention than the Re- publican. They had a Wednesday night peak of 41 million view- ers, cer pared to the .Republi- cans' 36 million. It was strange that the peak was not reached on the final night when the Kennedy tribute was seen. * * a: ED SULLIVAN will feature a repeat telecast of The Beatles on Sunday, September 20. Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11. a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, S.A., B.O., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 -- 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship, 11:05 a.m.—Church School. We invite you to worship with us. after spending three weeks' va- cation with their mothers, Mrs. Theresa Hartman and Mrs. Armand Denomme. Guides Re-orgasrize The Zurich Girl Guides will resume their meetings on Tues- day, September 15, at the home of Mrs. Stewart Deitz. All girls 10 years old and over are wel- come to attend the meetings, which start at 7 p.m. Women's Institute The first fall meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute will be held next Tuesday night, September 15, starting at 8:15. All members are requested to bring a guest, and any ladies of the community are welcome to attend. 0 Helen Grainger Is Feted At Showers On August 29 the members o the E.Y.F. and the Young Adul Sunday School class of the Zur ich E.U.B. Church gathered a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Schade for a social eve ning in honor of two of thei members, Helen Grainger an Wayne Horner. Crokinole was enjoyed and presentation of two living -roe lamps was made by Phylli Schade and Joan Rader wit Norma Geiger reading the ad dress. Both Wayne and Helen thanked the groups for their gifts. Following this a wiener and corn roast was enjoyed on the lawn. The ladies of the Zurich E.U.B. Church honored Miss Helen Grainger with a miscel- laneous shower in the church basement on Monday, August 31. Phyllis Schade escorted her to a decorated chair on the platform and Norma Geiger read the address. Gifts were hidden in a "Wishing Well", arranged by Mrs. C. Schade, Mrs, F. Kipper and Donna and presented by N o r m a Geiger and Phyllis Schade. Helen thanked the ladies for their many lovely gifts and in- vited them to her trousseau tea on Saturday, September 5. Trousseau Tea Mrs. Russell Grainger enter- tained on Saturday, September 5, at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Helen, whose marriage to Wayne Horner takes place on Saturday, Septem- ber 12. Receiving the guests with her were the bride -elect and Mrs. Harold Horner, mother of the groom. Mrs. Eugene Bender, Misses Gwen McBride, Norma Geiger and Mona Schade dis- played the trousseau in the af- ternoon, and Margaret Horner, Elaine Deichert, Mary Erb and Mona Schade in the evening. Misses Shirley Keys and Phyl- is Grainger served in the after- noon and evening. In charge of the register were Elva Keys nd Cathryn Grainger. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Gladwin Westlake, Mrs. Bert Dunn, Mrs. Jack Scotch - mer, Mrs. John Keys, Mrs, Ardell Grainger, Mrs. Jack Ryan and Mrs. Clarence Schade. f t r d a m s h 1 a St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mrs, Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNOAY,'SEPTiEMBIER 13 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome JESUS CHRIST 15 LORD l CHURCH TRADITION OR THE WORD OF GOD? The Bible says there is one mediator between man and God. Church tradition says you may call on many saints. All of them, some more or less, have pull with the Almighty. It may be that by naming as matey as possible you may strike a lucky one. It is becoming more necessary as the judgment of God is falling on nations, for each individual to make up his mind what authority he is going to give his personality to. The tradition of men or the Bible—this is the choice. 'There is ONE mediator between man and God. The man Jesus Christ. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest in this column but can't undertake persona! replies. DEAR DORIS—I am 60, twice widowed, and in the past three years have nursed my husband, then my mother and father, through painful long last ill- nesses. This spring I travelled to England and on the trip over I met a widower, 67. He was most congenial and we returned on the same boat. In Montreal he wanted me to stay with him but I said if he wanted that kind of person he could go his own way and I mine. He has been sick. He smokes 50 cigarettes a day, has a chronic cough and high blood pressure. I believe, in spite of any faults I see in him, I care for him. Now that I am back home I am depressed. Life is so empty. Sometimes I wonder what is there left for me? All my loved ones are gone. LOOSE END DEAR DOOSE END — Over three years you have spent yourself unstintingly. Now the anti -climax of nothing to do, nowhere to go, is well-nigh un- bearable. Perhaps you do care for this man, but this is no time to fall into his arms. All too soon he might reverse the roles by fall- ing into your — with his own chronic, debilitating illness. First, readjust your life with a new, life-giving interest. De- liberately set out to find a new circle of friends. Sources? Your church, or the YW, volun- teer work, or a club whose pro- ject dovetails with your talents. Then take another look at him. DEAR DORIS—I want to put an ad in the paper and from this ad I will be expecting much correspondence. I don't want to use my real name because I am quite well known here and I don't want people phoning or visiting me. Can I change my An old saying, often used by members of the legal and medi- cal professions, states, "If your family physician can scare you into taking care of your health and your lawyer can scare you into behaving yourself, you'll live a long and fruitful life." NOTICE The Office of STATE FARM INSURANCE has been moved from the location behind the Hay Township Clerk's Office in Zurich, to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Denomme, on Rosalie St., Zurich. Mrs. Denomme will stilt 'look after Zurich business of State insurance Company for Ken Etu.e. Phone 33 — Zurich name in a situation such as this? WONDERING DEAR WONDERING — You could use a "nom de plume". But a box number is the usual thing, in your case. The news- paper will be glad to oblige. DEAR DORIS—I'm 15 and am in love wth a boy 17 years old. The trouble is he is English and I am German and father does not want me to go with English guys. Another boy 16 years old likes nie and he is German. Every time .the boy I love comes past our house and waves I get in trouble with my father. What should I do? I can't break up with him because I care too much about him. I don't like the other guy at all, but my family can't get it through their heads, MIXED UP DEAR MIXED UP—Your old country father is shocked by your Canadian ? flirting. And I am shocked because in mak- ing the change -over from Ger- man to Canadian teen-age ways, you have gone overboard. You are not in love. If you could take on a little more poise, and your father were to get his citizenship papers, there might be some chance for compromise, 0 Obituary William Denomme A well-known and highly re- spected citizen of the Bluewater Highway, William Sidney Den- omme passed away on Friday, September 4, in South Huron Hospital. He had been ill only a few weeks. Born in Hay Township on March 23, 1900, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Denomme. His wife is the former Alice Ducharme. Surviving besides his wife are three sons, John, Montreal; Bob, Exeter, and Louis, Halifax; four daughters, Mrs. Leonard (Ger- trude) Etue, Tecumseh; Mrs. DECORATION SERVICES DASIHWOOD EUB CIEMETERY Goshen Line SJN.d SEPT. 13 GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. M. Shatto, Zurich Special Music by EUB Men's Quartette Dashwood Band in Attendance Sliver Collection Proceeds for Cemetery Fund Have Comfort On Tap --Whenever You Need it o Don't let cold weather catch you with your coal) bin empty -- Let us fill you bin now. COAL IS ARRIVING EVERY DAY! NOW 115 THE TIME FOR SEED CLEANING Bring it to us for the best service! • STADE I WEIDO PHONE 72 ZURICH Anthony (Anastasia) Hoffman, RR 3, Zurich; Mee Leonard (Theresa) Debus. Zuriek, and Mrs. Roy (Elva) Albright, 'rhamesford; two 1) r o t 11 e r s, Rend, RR 2, Zurich; Dennis, Wallaceburg; and one sister. Mrs. Bert (Rachel) Mahler, Dela- ware. There are also 36 grand- children and three great grand- children. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, until Monday morning, when removal was made to St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, Mass was conducted at 10 a.m. by Monsignor W. Bourdeau, with interment in the adjoin- ing cemetery. 0 Mrs. E. Oesch A life-long resident of this area, Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch passed away suddenly at her home near Blake on Friday, September 4, in her 75th year. Her husband, Rudolph Oesch, passed away some years ago, Born on November 11, 1889, she was a daughter of the late Joseph and Caroline Oesch. Surviving are one son, Wil- liam Oesch, RR 1, Varna; one daughter, Mrs. Bert (Susan) Faber, Kippen; and two broth- ers, Samuel, of Hensall, and David, RR 2, Zurich. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, until Try... eieeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee Monday, September 7, when .re- moval was made to the Zurich Mennonite Church, where the service was conducted by Rev. 0. Jantzi, at 2 p.m. Burial was in the Goshen Line Mennonite Cemetery, 0 Harry Lawrence A funeral service for Harry Lawrence, formerly of Logan Township, was held at the Lock- hart funeral home, Mitchell, on Thursday afternoon. Rev. Wal- ter Goddeti, of Trinity Anglican Church, officiated. The pallbearers were Andrew Park, Ivan McDougall, William Lawrence, Hilliard Lawrence, Fred Lawrence and Ferdinand Miller, Burial was made in Trinity Anglican Cemetery. Friends and relatives attend- ed from Toronto, Scarborough, Zurich, Hensall and Mitchell. NOTICE Zurich Men's Bowling League The Zurich Men's Bowling League will begin bowling on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Anyone that is interested in bowling on the Men's League, please contact Louis Willert, the secretary of the Men's League. 34,5,6,7,b thm*vaemblei IDEAL FOR atfie46 CHILDREN'S LUNCH -IES — OR AFTER SCHOOL SNACKS! Butter Tarts - Donuts • DATE SQUARES • 0 I Cookies - Brownies When thinking of the children's sandwiches, always think of "Tasty -Nu" Bread"—so fresh and so tasty—the children will love it! TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 — ZURICH r!IIDIl9111 41111111'" 41111k1 ilii ��i ii111!r► Weston's Streusel Coffee Cakes 16 Oz. Nestle's Quik . - _ Colored 3 -Lb. Pkg. Tulip Margarine _ Ellrnarr-16 Oz. 3 Tins 29c Brunswick Sardines _ 29c Sunny Vale -23 Oz. _ 55c Fruit Cocktail _ - 49c 3 -Diamond —Solid —PA Oz. _ 65c Fancy Tuna 37c Peanut Butter _ - - - 29c Instant or quick —3 -Lb. Pkg. Quaker Oats 43c White, Chocolate, Lemon Duncan Hines Cake Mix F RES HG R E or Apple -Raisin E Sunny Vale -4.3 Oz. Orange Juke 55c Food -Saver — 100 Ft. Roi6 Heavy Wax Papers _ 33c Assorted -1040z. Tins 2/83c Crown Drinks _ FRUIT and VEGETABLES N CABBAG LARGIE HEADS SNO- 'HITE CAUU FLO SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT SU E 'E _ 6/49c ead 15c 2 FOR 49c 6 FOR 49c _ _ Doz. 55c qKIST ORANGES, 138s - - - MEAT SPECIALS a 41101111111 FRESH, LEAN SPARER FRESH HAMBURGE R BS LBu S9c 2 LBS. FOR 79c LB. 3h LB. 49c GRADE 'A' FRYERS, 3 Lbs. Up MACARONI CHEESE LOAF DUTCH LOAF, CHICKEN LI AF OPEN EVERY WEDNESIDAY TILL LABOUR DAY, ALSO OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS DOERR'S PHONE 140 — ZURICH