HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-08-20, Page 6teAGE SIX THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1964 25 YEARS AGO AUGUST, 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Roswell O'Brien and family of Saskatoon are vis- iting with the former's brother, Mr. William O'Brien, and fam- ily. of Zurich. Mrs. Casper Walper, of town, and grand -daughter, of London, left recently for Saskatchewan where they will visit with Mrs. Walper's son, William. Mr. and 1lrs. Ferd Haberer and family. Mr. John Turkheim, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haberer and Lenora are away up north on a motor trip. A. J. Kalbfleisch, F. C. Kalb- fleisch,Wiliian Lamont, Charles Fritz and Ward Fritz attended the banquet held at Toronto on Tuesday evening of last week in honour of Premier Macken- zie King, celebrating the 20th anniversary of his leadership of the Liberal party. Orville Witmer. Zurich, milk aid cream distributor, recently received the necessary equip- ment for the pasteurization plant and is having the same in- stalled in his dairy this week. Patsy Stelck was a week -end visitor with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyers, in Zurich. Early Sunday morning a severe electrical storm swept over this section, uprooting some trees on the 14th conces- sion. Two horse:: in the field of Jacob Meidinger were killed by Iightning. 15 YEARS AGO AUGUST, 1949 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clausius and children. Mr, Orland Gerb- er, of Zurich, and Miss Marcella -OF- YEARS GONE -BY- Boshart, of Baden, have return- ed home from a motor trip to Milfred, Middleburg, and other points of interest in Indiana. Mrs. Earl Hey w o o d and daughter Patricia, of Wingham, spent a few days at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel, in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Parkins and daughter Sandra, of Zurich, are spending the week up north in the Georgian Bay district. William O'Brien, Jr., has ac- cepted a position in the Zurich branch of the Bank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gascho and Linda spent Sunday visit- ing with relatives and friends in Wardsville. 10 YEARS AGO AUGUST, 1954 A one-armed Hensall truck driver was rescued from. drown- ing Tuesday after his truck crashed through a wooden bridge and landed upside down in three feet of water in Nine Mile River, five miles north of Lucknow. With water only eight inches from top of the cab, driver George Beer man- aged to stick his head out the window above the water until help came. Troopers Bob Forester and Bob Fisher, of Petawawa Camp, spent two weeks at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Forester and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, near Zurich. Miss Marion Yungblut has re- turned to Zurich after a vaca- tion with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meidinger and children and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bedard, of Goderich, spent several days with relatives and friends in Detroit. SERVED IN OUR GDERI X�IG ROOM ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE I ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH • ' minion Hotel PHONE 70 - ZURICH ery rvest Time ear 1J 4. �i '"?...4.,' 1�/� / Al � ..... _. STOCK UP NOW ON • Binder Twine We carry the famous "Plymouth Red Top" ARE THE BUGS EATING YOUR GARDEN? "KING" BUG KILLER FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND FARM NEEDS will rid you of any unwanted pests! .,mob...... I.....n. ~....,,,.a FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND FARM NEEDS Shop at Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING -- HEATING -- TINSMITHING" PHONE 72 ZURICH T IPOHAY . The Reeve Councillors and Ratepayers, The Corporation of the Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario.. Gentlemen: I have audited the accounts and records of the Township of Hay for the year ended December 31, 1963, and have prepared therefrom the Statements listed in the Index aOperaticcompaying this report. ons The operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $8,190.10, compared with a surplus of $1,074.47 for 1962. Presented herewith is a condensed, comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the three years ended December 31, 1963, 1962, 1961. REVENUE 1863Year ended December 31 1962 Taxation $161,310,66 $137,290.09 $138,9031961.93 Debenture debt recoverable ...20,045.00 8,335.00 8,500.00 Subsidies -Province of Ontario . 44,479.62 37,434.26 35,974,51 -Other municipalities ... ___ 199.26 16.00 166.66 Licenses and permits 1,319.00 1,481.50 732.00 Interest and tax penalties _.. -- _.. 2,964.91 2,583.04 2,549.67 Other revenue __.___.,..._...____-.._ 4,510.93 5,193.26 2,182.92 Miscellaneous ___..._..._......______....____ 634.18 208.53 193.57 $235,463.56 $192,541.68 $189,203.26 EXPENDITURE General government _.__-_..._.._...__.__ $ 10,913.43 Protection to persons and property.._ 2,916.81 Public works -roads ... ...._ _. ___.__._. 72,171.42 Sanitation and waste removal_____._ 62.00 Social welfare __ 1,189.32 Education _... __....._ __.._ _._ 67,425.42 Recreation and community service_ 1,300.73 Debt charges _______.___ _ ---_._ _ 24,992.52 Capital expenditure out of current revenue County rates _. Police village rates and grants______ 2,904,50 Taxes refunded and written off_.___._ Sundry Provision for deferred income_._____ 182.39 43,214.92 9,193.38 2,066.93 52,533.45 234.00 380.67 57,199.80 2,740.25 12,796.51 8,923.27 42,442.96 2,603.25 85.82 266.92 $ 9,092.55 2,660.55 46,068.04 50.00 1,833.62 57,627.69 938.46 12,753.96 8.724.68 41,874.90 2,425.50 79.36 3.04 466.56 $227,273,46 $191,467.21 $184,598.91 Surplus for year $ 8,190.10 $ 1,074.47 $ 4,604.35 General Since the account of $5,721.00 due to the Township from the Com- munity Centre Board appears to be uncollectible, it is suggested as in prior years that council pass a motion stating that the account be written off. No budget has been prepared for 1963 as is required by the Mun- icipal Act R.S.O. 1960, section 297. It is suggested that a budget be prepared each year in accordance with the Statute. I have not examined a fidelity bond for the secretary -treasurer of C.R.C.S.S. No. 1 Hay and No. 1 Stanley, so it is presumed that he is not bonded. The Schools Administration Act, Section 34 (7) requires that a bond is carried, Cemetery investments of registered principal $200.00 and bearer coupons were examined in the Clerk -Treasurer's office on July 22, 1964. It was noted that some 1963 coupons still had not been deposited to the Cemetery Bank Account. The 1963 Warble Fly Subsidy which should have been applied for in 1963, still had not been applied for by July 22, 1964. I have estimated the amount of this subsidy at $150.57 and have set it up as due from the Province of Ontario. In 1963, $300.00 of Hay Township School Area funds were deposited in the Township bank account. An adjustment transferring the funds to the proper account had not been made at the time of my audit. If the Township and its employees are going to participle in the Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement System, it is suggested that de- ductions and remittances be made in accordance with the Regulations per- taining thereto. Deductions should be made each month and should be remitted with the Township's share before the last day of the month following the deduction. At present no remittances have been made, although an amount equal to the Township's and employee's share for 1963 has been set aside in separate bank accounts of the Township and School Area, Interest at 6% per annum will be charged by the Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement System on late remittances. The deferred revenue amounting to $3,565.42 as indicated in schedule 8 of the Auditor's Report should be used to reduce the tax levies for school and county purposes in 1964. During 1961, 1962 and 1963 Tile Drain loans amounting to $27,700.00 have been made, but the debentures have not been forwarded -to the Prov- ince of Ontario to recover this money. The result is that during the year the Township is borrowing at a bank interest rate of 53/4% and loaning it out at 4%, This is costing the Township $485.00 per annum. The unpaid principal of such loans at December 31, 1963, was $25,612.30. It is suggested that the debentures be forwarded immediately to the Province of Ontario and in the future the money not be loaned until it has been received from the Province of Ontario. There is no authority permitting the Municipality to have a surplus of $81,264.24. The Municipality should set up Reserves as permitted by the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, section 297 (2), and a memorandum from the Department of Municipal Affairs dated May 31, 1957, outlines the type and amount of reserves that are allowed. Auditor's Opinion Subject to the foregoing qualifications, I report that in my opinion (1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice have been within the powers of the municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1963, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Date of filing: July 29, 1964. A. M. HARPER, License Number 2544 . AUDITO RS REPORT Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1963 ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation .___.. $ 12,000.00 Collegiate and High 84,501.60 Due from Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises (for Debentures) Telephone System 362,000.00 $ 47,063.80 96,501.60 362,000.00 Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17)._ 12,010.34 Due from Other Funds....._._ 512.43 LIABILITIES Drainage (other than General)._ Schools Public and Continuation... $ 12,000.00 Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises Telephone System 362,000.00 Total Due to Other Municipalities (For Debentures Assumed -Schedule 2) Investment in Capital Assets Revenue Fund Balance Sheet Cash on Hand Cash in Bank $518,088.17 $ 12,522.77 12,000.00 362,000.00 $386,522.77 84, 501.60 47,063.80 $518,088.17 December 31, 1963 ASSETS $ 549.90 4,622,01 $ 5,171.91 Accounts Receivable Sundry _________._.._ 2,601.27 2,601.27 Due from Province of Ontario 8,617.47 Due from Other Municipalities._ 1,159.91 Due from Schools .. 128.87 Due from Other Local Boards and Commissions (specify) Hay Municipal Telephone System 5,000.00 Community Centre Board 5,721.00 10,721.00 26,107.50 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) 26,107.50 Other Assets (Specify) Tile drain loans receivable 25,612.30 Lots owned by Township 38.99 Municipal drains 14,837.72 Due from sale of telephone debentures 124,485.96 164,974.97 Total Assets $219,482.90 LIABILITIES Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) $ 4,000.00 Accounts Payable _._____._ . 3,353.52 Debentures and Coupons Due Interest $ 526,50 Due to Other Local Boards and Commissions (Specify) Ausable River Conservation Authority 1,774.83 Due to Other Funds (Specify) Capital Funds 512.43 Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) 3,565.42 Due to Hay Municipal Telephone - proceeds of debenture issue 124,485.96 Surplus (Form C)_ 526.50 1,774.83 512.43 128,051.38 81,264.24 Total Liabilities and Surplus.____ _._____.______. $219,482.90 Revenue Fund Surplus Accunt December 31, 1963 Debit Credit Balance Balance at beginning of year $73,278.81 Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget Adjustments affecting operations of previous years (specify) Adjustment 1962 Province of Ontario Road Subsidy _ $640.67 Interest earned in 1962 on Tile Drain Loans Balance after above adjustments.. _.. Surplus for the year (Form D) Totals of Debit and Credit columns Balance of Surplus at year end (Form B)__ Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the year ended December 31, 1963 REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Schedule 3) Long -Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario - Children's Protection $ 1,002,23 Direct Relief _--.__ 833.38 Highway Improvement 36,099.54 Payments in lieu of municipal taxes 187.70 Unconditional Per Capita Grants 6,206.20 Other (specify) Warble Fly.__._.._ 150.57 Other Municipalities: Town of Wingham Licenses and Permits ,include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc..._.___._.______ Other Revenues- Rents, Concessions and Franchises 745.00 20.61 Service Charges .._.__._.___.._____.._._,_._... 3,745.32 Miscellaneous (specify) Sundry Spraying Warble Fly and Weeds Gross Total Revenue . Total Revenue Section 2.00 632.18 $161,310.68 20,045.00 44.479.62 199.26 1,319.00 2,964.91 436.00 8,190.10 $640.67 $81,904.91 EXPENDITURE General Government Executive and Legislative $ 1,874.20 Administrative 6,133.65 Other ___._ 2,905.58 Protection to Persons and Property Fire 1,100.00 Weed Spraying 276.01 Law Enforcement 68.50 Protective Inspection 143.20 Warble Fly 595.02 Ausable River Conservation Authority 734.08 $73,278.81 73,074.14 $81,264.24 $ 10,913.43 Public Works -Roads, Highways and Streets, etc,-_ 2,916.81 72,171.42 Sanitation and Waste Removal_._ 62.00 Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Relief Assistance ___ __._ 1,096.22 Welfare Administration 93.10 1,189.32 Education, including; debt charges (Schedule 9)_..__ 67,425.42 Recreation and Community Services 1,300.73 Debt Charges Long-term Debt Charges (Schedule 11)41,534.20 Less own share of school debt charges 18,807,16 22,727.04 Short-term interest and other charges _ 2,265.48 Joint or Special Expenditures 4,510.93 County Rates _______ __._ 43,214.92 Police Village Rates . _.___. 2,904.50 Miscellaneous (specify) Provision for deferred revenue. 182.39 634.18 235,463.56 235,463.56 Gross Total Expenditure_ Surplus for the year Total Expenditure Section_. 24,992.52 46,119.42 182.39 227,273.46 8,190.10 $235,463.56