HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-07-23, Page 6PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1964 SH WEEKLY REP WCASE T ON THE LIVELY ARTS ENTERTAINMENT NEWS 6' ViEWS At long last, color television may be just around the corner for Canada. J. Alphonse Ouimet, presi- dent of the CBC, said in his -annual report tabled in the Commons Tuesday that sales of color TV sets in the United States indicate growing public acceptance of color television. He sad the CBC already has demonstrated its enthusiasm for this branch of television but has been concerned until now about troducing it too soon because of Iimited public ac- ceptance and its high costs. "It :s not felt that we could either long or wisely remain out of the field if and when color gains ground rapidly," Mr. Ouimet said. The CBC will continue to assess the situation for it appli- cation to Canada. A petition demanding Judy Garland be deprived of the cus- tody of her two children was removed from the court calen- dar when estranged husband Sid Luft's attorney indicated a possible agreement to end the legal battle. Luft, whose stormy 10 -year marriage to Miss Garland ended with separation in 1962, refer- red in his petition to the sing- er's traveling companion, Mark Herron. Asking he be granted cus- tdoy of Lorno, 11, and Joseph, 3 i P Service GAS • OIL * TIRES Your only Shopping Centre on Highway 21, between Grand Bend and Bayfield GROCERIES • LUNCHES • • GIFTS • OPEN 8 A.M. TO 12 P. NOW — FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — WE HAVE ICE (UBES ST. JOSEPH ESSO SERVICE Edith and Charlie Burgess Edith and Charlie Burgess 9, Luft described Merron as a "person given to idleness, pro- fligacy and dissipation". He claimed Miss Garland intended to take the children to London. SHOWS TO WATCH Friday, July 24 — Telescope (CBC). Two old salts reminisce. Andy Griffith Show (CTV). An armored truck loaded with gold gets Sheriff Andy Taylor into trouble. Saturday, July 25—World of Sport (CBC). Baseball game of week. Great Movies (CBC). Sunday, July 26—Ed Sullivan (CBC). The Hour Glass (CTV). Good dramatic fare. Monday, July 27—The Texan (CTV) new western series. Play - date (CBC). More drama. Tuesday, July 28—Joey Bish- op Show (CTV). Nature of Things (CBC). Science for a summer evening. Wednesday, July 29 — Sus- pense Theatre (CBC). News- magazine (CBC). News analysis of significant events. Thursday, July 30—The Lucy Show (CBC) followed by Grind! (also CBC). A double-dose of comedy. Let's Sing Out (CTV). University folk singing. Those who have seen screen- ings of "The Visit" are estatic in their comments about Ingrid Bergman's appearance as well as her performance. They say she's amazingly youthfull .. . George Raft is due in Gotham to discuss TV panel show offers, a result of his popularity on the late shows .. , Susan Stras- berg is playing her sex appeal to the hilt in The High, Bright Sun, currently being shot in London and co-star Dirk Bo - garde isn't too pleased about her scene stealing. Reception and Dance FOR MR. & MRS. PHIL JEFFREY IN THE ZURICH ARENA ON SAT., JULY 25 Music by KEN MITTELHOLTZ and "The Twylites" Everyone Welcome matmemaimsaugninis 12 H.P.—BALL BEARING -1725 RPM Leland Electric Motor Mounted on base—equipped with manual thermal overload protection. Special at $32.50 mors ,,N01 te+a+woeoswow,PPY.11 rm*4soo.ae.e,rawo„+ P Roto Tiller 212 HP Briggs & Statton motor REG. PRICE $139.95 SAMSON DOMINION Electric Tea Kettle 2 quart size — single element, automatic REGULAR PRICE $12.95 Juice Servers 32 OZ. SIZE—REG. 99c Only 79c 48 OZ. SIZE—REG. $1.59 Special $119.45 Only $1.29 ELECT Only $8.88 QUEEN SIZE TV Snack Table A Real Buy At Only 52.25 K FENCE BATTER! ES -- SPECIAL AT $14.95 r.rw Pr.r.uere•.r,e.ers.rvNIwaver.a-e s,er•awowawr,ea,11,"0, oMI.I srrwrn." a.+nrris•o.ow1.4,0, . saw^s GOLF BALLS Only 55c each BADMINTON SETS Special at $7.84 NM+NB,V6,4.I!4'dd..A.PAMRdO•PAS,M,e`.O IhP-0'4dY.®.►4,4,AlIaMRJdJwNVrMPari6,1,04 PNO,PO,11,MA tJJ~MANNI'rMMMIY BARBECUES -- CHARCOAL m- LIGHTER FLUID A•PJJ./'•dNdJMf.NWAI•.AMI1'd'dvN�@1dd,9JJWNN4PJ MB^OWPJPMAf JJ.hm 4Bd.td,PIPdJd'dd.lB`IrP•TJ.IAtJ FOR THE CHILDREN Bicycles -- Wagons — Tricycles Kiddie Cars -- Wading Pools R4V'JM'4JIMrJs4,4J J.PJM44J4•MM4,M0.4 4Jd0#4.44P,PIPIW,�,N II - Drop Into Our Self -Serve Store and Browse Around ZURICH HARDWARE MAIN STREET ZURICH Married 45 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Harold Boyce, of the Goshen Line north, Stanley Township, ob- St. Peter's CL Pian Lucky Draw The July meeting of St. Peter's Catholic Women's League was held in the recrea- tion room of St. Mary's School. The meeting was opened with prayer by Monsignor Bourdeau. Roll was called and minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was given. To date there are 56 paid-up members. Mrs. Law- rence Regier reported on the communion breakfast and the giving of the scholarships to the first and second highest stu- dents in grade eight. Mrs. William Ducharme, Sr., donated a lovely gift, proceeds of which were to be used for league work. Monsignor and members were in favor of sell- ing tickets on this quilt. The quilt and two other prizes will be on the tickets. The winning names will be drawn at a social evening, August 30, in the par- ish hall, League members and their husbands and families are welcome, and the neighbouring parishes of Zurich, Grand Bend, and Mount Carmel, in particu- lar, are invited. The mission gift was raffled and was won by Mrs. Louis Masse. The meeting was voted adjourned by Mrs. John Den- omme and seconded by Mrs, Leo Regier. Prayers were said and a social hour followed. RWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Come as late as 11:00 p.m. and see complete show ..w.awe..P.,.,s�wr.ans..,.o...r..a,.........,.. THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 23-24 "Take Her, She's Mine" JAMES STEWART SANDRA DEE (Adult Entertainment) Colour Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY July 25-27 "It Happened at the World's Fair" ELVIS PRESLEY JOAN O'BRIEN Colour Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 28-29 The Great War Drama "A Farewell to Arms" ROCK HUDSON JENNIFER JONES (Adult Entertainment) Colour Cartoott served their 40th wedding anni- versary this past Saturday. A special feature of the event was -a surprise dinner held in their honour at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce were mar- ried in London on July 19, 1924, by Rev. F. W. K. Harris. Since then they have lived on the farm at RR 1, Varna, in Stanley Township. The couple have nine chil- dren: Harvey, Clinton; Mrs. Merton (Ila) Good, Goderich; James, London; Harold, Varna; Clayton, Varna; Ken, Varna; Grace, Goderich; Mary, Gode- rich, and Mrs. William (Viola) Carter, Goderich. Following the dinner on Sat- urday evening, the group moved to the home of John Armstrong, where the rest of the evening was spent visiting with friends and members of the family. A number of gifts were presented the couple from their family and friends. 1/111111111An1A1I t1/AIAI 111111,11„ 111111AA11111/11111111111lI/111111I111n1111111111/AI111/III/11111111/ I1n1I 111A1A111/A1An11A11YAA1 RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" Spicy Fresh Peach 'n Caramel Shortcake Bake your favorite Spice Cake Mix in a square cake pan, ac- cording to package directions. !'lace generous squares of cooled cake on individual des- sert plates. Cover cake squares with Caramel Sauce (see recipe below). Spoon plenty of sweetened, sliced fresh On- tario peaches over each square. Top with whipped cream. Caramel Sauce ua lb, vanilla caramels (about 36) 1/4 cup water Melt caramels in the 1/4 cup water in top of double boiler over hot (not boiling) water. Blend well by stirring. Makes 1 cup Caramel Sauce. (This sauce niay be served hot or cold.) 111111,1,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11,11111111,111111111,11111111,111,1,1111111111111„11111111111,1111,111111111111111.. siR Oi:ViZMiTii•M,fie,, Bigger, Better Bean Harvests Begin Here You get more beans ... better beans ... cleaner boons when you use the Innes Bean Windrower, It's just as Important as your combine and pullor knives. Gentle handling eliminates crack- ing and shelling. Windrows are formed with beans up away from soil for faster drying, cleaner combining. individually replaceable RubberSet Fingers work better, last longer. No other machine protects edible beans and your combine likes Inness No other machine makes combining beans so easy! Your choice of models to form windrow from 2, 4, 6 or .8 rows in 20" to 34" plantings. Write for literature to select right model for your conditions, kat Cuts Tillage Costs ... increases Yields ... Takes Least Power Innes chops and shreds better and takes Tess power, tool ... because it's designed better, because it's made better! Hardened hammers are individually replaceable in balanced pairs. Innes starts in balance and it stays in balance, so there's no vibration. You get better tilth, better yields with less labor because Innes works better. You save more, too, because Innes takes least power! Innes ... your better buy, because it's precision made! SEE YOUR DEALER OR WRITE FOR LITERATURE Costs Less to Own . . . Puts More Grain in the Bin You'll save big dollars when you buy the Innes 15 L. -C Floating Pick -Up ... yet you'll get features not found on others costing hundreds more. Exclusive design never wraps, can't plug ... gently lifts the wind. row to put more grain In the hopper. New individually replaceable RubberSef Fingers on Extra W -I -D -E's work better, last longer. 4 Regular Models to 84". 4 EXTRA W -1 -D -E's from 8' to 14'. ?ww 4'4 CHOPA 3t /6fiery.),�I Ci nt.eribured by H. L. TURNER (Ont.) LTD. Blenheim, Ontario , eE Nr ORF. 1 CIA's .Accident and Sickness could give YOU 24-hour protection IF YOU WERE UNABLE TO WORK BECAUSE OF AN ACCIDENT fi R SICKNESS ... the regular family would go on ... there would be additional expenses that come with an accident or illness AND, if you are a farmer, you might have to hire someone to do the chores for a while. Here's How CIA'c Accident and Sickness Ins . ranee Could Help You Meet This Emergency It could keep a monthly cheque coming in for a while if you were unable to work because of an accident or sickness (up to 36 months for accident; up to 12 months for sickness). You can buy varying amounts of monthly protection. It could pay medical expenses for accidental injury up to $500 or $1,000, whichever amount you have chosen. It could pay a lump sum in the event of accidental death or permanent impairment (total or partial).) THIS COVERAGE IS AVAILABLE ON A SIX -MONTHS PAYMENT PLAN If you already have Workmen's Compensation or CIA'c Farm Work Accident protection, providing coverage for yourself while engaged in farm work, this policy provides desirable supplementary protection. CIA is able to provide good insurance economically because of its modern billing system. If you'd like more information, just call one of these Huron County CIA representatives: RR 1, Kirkton RR 3, Zurich RR 2, Brussels RR 5, Wingham Rattenbury St., Clinton 319 Huron Road, Goderich John Street, Seaforth R. W. FRANCIS B. W. KLOPP RUSSELL KNIGHT L. A. MONTGOMERY P. A. ROY W. G. TURTON W. A. WRIGHT 3488 93 R1 328 J 4 357-3739 HU. 2-9357 524-7411 193 J C rA Co-operators Insurance Association Sponsored by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture