HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-07-16, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1964 PAGE FIVII Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriam:, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c, REPEATS -- 2c a word; Minimum 50e. CASH! DISCOUNTS- % Off if paid ,by Saturday following last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE --- Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE RASPBERRIES - For picking appointments or orders, call Stanley Gingerich, phone 79r15, Zurich. 28,b 1956 CHEV BEL AIRE-2 door hardtop, six cylinder, standard transmission, many e x t ra s Phone Grand Bend 238-2761. 28,b NIONTMORENCY CHERRIES - Bring containers and pick your own. Sharrow's orchard, 11/2 miles north of Dashwood. Phone 136. 28,p DUO -THERM Sp a c e Heater, complete with fan. Priced rea- sonable for quick sale. Apply to Herb Turkheim, phone 133, Zurich. 26,p Drain Tile For quality drain tile in all sizes from 4" - 14". Now producing 3,000,000 tile annually. For prices either F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield or deliti Br- ed to your farm or yard. Phone or white RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. RR 2, London, Ont. Phone 227-4721 Luaan Office open -7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE -Underwood, new model. Reg- ular price $215, special at only $175, for two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Lim- ited, Zurich. 16,7,p BLACK AND WHITE sweet cherries are now ready. Mont- morency will be ready next week. Bring your containers and pick your own at Ridgeway Fruit Farms, Elmer Wells, three miles south of Camp Ip- perwash on the gravel road, tenth of Bosanquet. 27,p LOW DOWN PAYMENT .Electrically -heated ranch style home, just one year old. Large living room with spacious din- ing area, fully broadloomed. Three good sized bedrooms with large closets and tile flooring. Lovely kitchen with ample built - :in cupboards and tiled floor. Deluxe bathroom, tiled walls and floor with coloured fix- tures. Located on a quiet Zur- ich street and beautifully land- scaped; 66x132 lot, complete with unfinished garage and priced reasonable. Phone Zur- ich 63. 17,b PORTABLE TYPEWRI'T.ER - Underwood, new model. Regu- lar price $69.95, for only $59.95, two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich. 16,7,p asseissauwasesmastristeawassemessaw GET A BARN CLEANER SILO ADER & JNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER• RAFRALONGER DERW OM G SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION John Beane, Jr. Phone Collect HU 24250 B;RUCEFIELD, ONT. senswsmeeseszesesstaraussisrossessims FOR SALE CHERRIES - Both black and white sweet cherries will be ready July 3. Montmorency cherries ready by 12th of July. Bring containers and pick your own at Murray Bros. 3% miles southwest of Thedford on Ridge Road, Bosanquet. 26,7,p BLACK & DECKER 61/2" skill saw, used very little. Brydon Boy mahogany water skiis, new harness. -Apply Alf Schwichten- berg, phone 270, Zurich No. 1 WHITE HONEY, 25 cents per lb. Fifty lb. lot or better 23 cents per lb. in customer's containers. J. W. Haberer, Zur- ich, three blocks south of main intersection. 28,9 1964 HONEY -25 cents per ib. in your own container. Apply to Ferd Haberer, phone 112, Zurich, 27,8,b PAGE GARDEN Tractor and 6 implements. Piano and bench. Combination radio and record player, RCA Victor, with quan- tity of records. All articles in good condition. Hector For- tier, phone 87r5, Zurich. 27,p CHERRIES - Black and sweet and red sours. We still have some of each. Pick your own or buy ready picked. Lorne Teeple, Arkona 828-3645. 28,b TWENTY-TWO PIGS - Nin e weeks old. Ron Westlake, Bay- field. Phone 60r2. 28,p 1961 VOLKSWAGON - White, window washers and custom radio. Excellent condition. one thousand dollars. Ron West- lake, Bayfield. Phone 60r2. 28,p ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, awnings, siding, aluminum and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reason- able prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own in- stalling. Walker Aluminum Sales. Phon 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 24,tf BLACK SWEET Cherries, abun- dant supply; also Montmorency and Richmond sours. Pick your own at Wynrove Ridge Farm, located directly behind Marven Ellis Supertest gas station, on Highway 21, in Forest, Ontario. Allen F. Braun, Forest. 27,8,b WANTED TO BUY WANTED -We are in the mar- ket for live poultry. Contact Rudy Petzke, Hensall, phone 328W or 83. 25,6,7,b WANTED - All denominations in Canadian coins. Old coins from 1858 to 1938, 1949. New coins, any years up to 1960, but these must be in brand new condition. Will pay good prices. Please write, stating condition, denomination and year to Box JCK, South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich. 22,3,4,5,6,p MISCELLANEOUS COMBINING and Swathing grain, beans and corn. Contact George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, phone Zurich 71r7, 28,9,30,1,b SANITATION SERVICE -Septic Tank pumping; tank and drain- age repairs. For immediate service, phone Bill Finch, Grand Beni; 238-2291. 25to34,p CUSTOM COMBINING - Case 600 self-propelled combine, with straw chopper. Call Peter Be- dard, Zurich 264. 26,tf CUSTOM SWATHING and hay conditioning. Apply to A. J. McCl.inchey, phone 97r7, Zur ich, 22 to 28,b WHITEWASHING - Any o n e w a n t i n g whitewashing and cleaning of barns clone, contact William Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 24,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Joy Ann, to Cornelius Abraham Klassen, of Vineland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klas- sen, Vineland. The wedding will take place July 25, 1964, at 2:30 in Blake Mennonite Church. 28,p Mr. and Mrs, Menno Steckle announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Rebec- ca Ruth, to Eugene Elton Bend- er, son of Mr, and Mrs. Elton Bender, Hensall. The wedding to take place August 15 at 3:00 p.m. at the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Zurich. 28,b IN MEMORIAM McKenzie -In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Robert McKenzie, who passed away one year ago, July 19, 1963. From hospital bed to heavenly rest, God took him home to be his guest: We lived in hope, and prayed in vain That he would soon be well again. But God decided, we must part He eased his pain, but broke our hearts, And while he rests, in peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife Laurene and family. HELP WANTED MALE - High school student wanted for general work in plumbing, heating and appliance field. Apply in person to Ginge- rich's Sales and Service, Zurich. 26,b FEMALE -A shorthand typist, some bookkeeping experience. Apply in person to Barrie Jack- son or write to General Coach Works in Hensall. 28,b FOR RENT UPSTAIRS APARTMENT in Zurich. Available immediately. Apply to Lucky Dollar Food Market, Zurich. 12,tfb a>vis41111MIli Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND - T W I ST - MONDAYS - 9-12 P.M, THE CLASSICS Spectacular New Group WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS 9-12 p.m. THE DEL -REPS SATURDAYS - 9-12 P.M. LIONEL THORNTON AND HIS Casa Royal Orch. mrasiagniaMMEMIE FARM EQUIPMENT TURNER'S QUALITY Farm Equipment; Freeman tractor loaders; George White Mach- inery: T;a for r,n] Car Tires Appy u) \:n s Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. ofacaismancausascussomummatassaffams Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 27269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-68 smoismetemisvonooszeassamosssolosio BIRTHS DEICHERT - In Scarborough General Hospital, on Wednes- day, July 8, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deichert, a son, Kenneth Wayne, a brother for Ricky. LINSAY-Keith and Lois (nee Henderson), Tor o n t o, an- nounce the birth of their son at Toronto, Wednesday, July 8, 1964, a brother for Pamela and Sheila. LOST and FOUND DEALER'S LICENCE PLATE - No. 4098M, between Zurich and Bayfield. Finder please con- tact Taylor Motors Ltd., Zurich. Reward. 28,b DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND MUSIC BY Desjardine Orch. Moden - Rock'n'Roll - Square SPECIAL FRIDAY, JULY 17 "The Cavaliers" 4 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Mercury 1/Ton Pick -Up Truck, Appliances and Household Effects. on the premises in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public aucton on FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 24 at 7:30 p.m. Truck - Mercury 1958 1 -ton pick-up truck, with low mileage, in A-1 mechanical condition. Household Items - Gilson Bluebird 16 cu. ft. deep FARMERS! For all your grain handling re- quirements, see us for the new MINNEAPOLIS SELF-PROPELLED • COMBINES • MC CONTINUOUS-FLO Grain Dryer KLEAR VISION COMBINE CAPS Gravity Flow • STEEL GRAIN BOXES • - GRAIN AUGERS - HAUGH. BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT One Mile East of Brucefield Fresh Pitted Cherries SWEETS AND RED SOURS See Them Pitted See What You Buy 'Buy them for less than you would expect' Save 50c per pail by bringing your own containers (only when Pitter is in operation) each day from July 20th to approximately August 1st. Retail and Wholesale PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW w HEATING • Oil Burner Service - Electrical Work - GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! HARDWARE, FURNITURE, COAL, CEMENT PI-IONE 8 - DASHWOOD TOWNSHIP y AF HAY AI TENDERS The Township of Hay is calling for Sealed Tenders to construct the following drain: SIDE ROAD 5/6---L.R.W. DRAINAGE WORKS, 1964 Excavating and levelling approximately 4,340 cubic yards. Cleaning tinder Highway Culvert. Y Provision for erosion control. The plans, specifications and profile, which form the Engi- neer C. P. Corbett's report, may be seen at the engineer's office, Lucan, Ont., or at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Hay. Tender forms may also be received. A marked cheque for 10% of bid must acccompany tender. These tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by Saturday, July 25, at 6:00 p.m. Lowest or any fender not necessarily accepted. C. P, CORBETT, P.Eng. Lucan, Ont. Dated July 8, 1964. H. W. BROKENSHIRE Clerk, Township of Hay Zurich, Ont. freeze; Kelvinator large size re- frigerator; Magic Chef 4 -burner propane gas stove; Coronado space heater. Please Note -The above items were recently purchased and in new condition. Kitchen table, 6 kitchen chairs, arm chair, kitchen cabinet, dresser, small stands, commode chair, etc. ' No reserve -everything to be sold to settle estate. Terms -Cash MRS. RUBY MAIER Executor for the estate of the late Carl Maier. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. 28,9b 0 ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE to be held at GRAND BEND Next to the Roller Rink on WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 at 2 p.m. Any donations to this sale will be greatly appreciated. Sponsored by Grand Bend Lions Club Lawrence Mason, President ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer PROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF ZURICH - MONDAY, AUGUST 3 CIVIC HOLIDAY ZURICH VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF ZURICH zIALS8 ONT1R1� Sidewalk Tenders Sealed Tenders are being called for the construction of approximately 300 lineal feet of sidewalk (more or less). Contractor to supply all material and mix cement. All tenders to be in the hands of the clerk -treasurer by 6 p.m., Saturday, July 25, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. ELDA WAGNER, Clerk -Treasurer, VILLAGE OF ZURICH. NOTICE TO DEBT_'; OY 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in urban andsub- divided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as o ften as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. Also, after July 25, 1964, proceed- ings will be taken to destroy Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. ALEX CHESNEY Cllr ori County Weed Inspector 3 1