HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-07-16, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1964 PAGE THREE News of HENSALL District Mr. and Mrs. B. Van Gent, of Leamington; Mr. M. Van Dyke, of Grand Bend, and Mr, and Mrs. Roland Gelderland, of Ridgetown, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Sim Roobol. The Misses Troyann and Pau- line Bell skated a preliminary dance duet at St. Thomas "Pop Concert" Wednesday night. Honour Former Residents Mr. and Mrs. John Horton, Kindersley, Saskatchewan, who have been here on vacation since early June, were honored at a gathering of Horton -Wren relatives, which took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Soldan, Hay Township, recently. Mr. Horton was married in 1918 to Sadie Walker of the Clinton district. In 1919 they went west and settled near Kinders- ley, Saskatchewan. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Niccholas Horton and was born in Usborne Township. Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Hensall, is a sister. In an address presented by Mrs. John Soldan, Mr. and Mrs. Hor- ton were reminded of the con- tribution they have made to the "history making" of that part of Canada, which during their time has become one of Canada's wealthiest areas. As a token of memory, they were presented with a purse. Mr. Horton made a fitting reply, after which all partook of a de- licious repast. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Come as late as 11:00 p.m. and see complete show THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 16.17 That Amazing Dolphin "Flipper // CHUCK CONNORS LUKE HALPIN Colour Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY July 18-20 Academy Award Show 3 Oscars //HUD.// PAUL NEWMAN PATRICIA NEAL MELVYN DOUGLAS (Adult Entertainment) Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 21.22 //What Ever Happened To Baby Jane // BETTE DAVIS JOAN CRAWFORD (Adult Entertainment) Cartoon • Ricky .Bedard has returned to London after visiting his prand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Peiffer, of Kalamazoo, Mich,, and daugh- ters Diane and Jeane, were re- cent house guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, Hay Town- ship, and attended the Lumley School (SS 10 Uusborne) re- union. Mrs. Peiffer was the former Ethel McDougall. Six Return It was a happy re -union for the cclass of Easter, 1913, when the grounds of SS 10 Usborne came alive with former pupils on June 28. In a class of seven beginners six returned. They were Victoria Bolton (Mrs. J. Soldan); Robert Cann, Bert Hor- ton, Violet Westlake (Mrs. Mak- ins); William Westlake, and Evelyn Whitlock (Mrs. F. Horn). The seventh member, Alvin Alexander, was drowned in a canoe accident north of Fort William in 1926. The late Henry Horton was the teacher. In September Miss Bella MacDou- gall, of Usborne, began teaching duties and was teacher for the following six years. Miss Mac- Dougall (Mrs. McEwen) who now resides in Exeter, was pres- ent at the re -union. A very popular teacher and one of the best in her time, she again ranked high in the popularity of the day. In her time she taught four pupils who became teachers, namely, Helen And- erson (Mrs. F. Dawson); Carrie Anderson (Mrs. S. Graham); the late Elva Bolton (Mrs. Spell- man), and Victoria Bolton (Mrs. J. Soldan). Edgar Thompson, another pupils, is a minerologist and resides in Toronto. Top Skater Miss Pauline Bell, St. Thomas School of Skating, came -in four- teenth out of a class of 135 skaters, competing from Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, California, Calgary, Chatham Win ds o r, North Bay, St. Thomas, Galt, Blenheim, Woodstock, Corunna, Leamington, Wallaceburg, Riv- erside. She skater a solo on' Wednesday night at the "Pop Concert" held in the Arena, St. Thomas. Pauline is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hensall. The annual picnic of Hensall Legion and Auxiliary will be held at Riverside Park, Exeter, on Sunday, July 19. Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie and her sister, Mrs. R. S. Hopkins, of Chicago, have returned from a five week motor tripthe to West Coast. Hensall Girl Guides Joan Simmons, Jane Pyette, Carolyn Cook, Janice Bonthron, Beth Cook, Linda Keys, Patricia Parke, Margaret Allan, Peggy Vanstone, and Junior leader Lois Simmons are spending this week at the Girl Guide camp at Glen -Mac Scout camp, near Sea - forth. Allan Roszel has been em- ployed in the office •of E. L. Mickle and Son, Ltd. cthicc Hensall United Church REV. HAROLD) F. CURRIE, Minister 11 a.m.—Union Services at the United Church during the month of July. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. J. PHILIP GANDON, Rector 9:45 a.m.—Morning Service. 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. Carmel Presbyterian Church Mrs. M. Dougall, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship Service This Space Contributed By General Coach Works Mrs. Dorothy McDonald, Ailsa Craig, spent a few days visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, R, A. Orr. Miss Jane Smith has returned after spending a week at the Girl Guide camp at Glen -Mac Scout camp near Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. McEwen are having the exterior of their home painted white, with green trim. The Presbyterian manse at Hensall has been sold to Don Travers, of St. Thomas, a civil servant who is employed at Clinton Air Station. Mr. and Mrs. Travers and family expect to take up residence in Hensall shortly. Miss Lorna McCoy, of Oak- ville, is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Miss Beverley Whiteman. Miss Jean Henderson is visit- ing with her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lind- say, and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr at- tended the Orr re -union at Riverview Park, Exeter. About 50 members attending from London, Parkhill, Chesley, Kin- cardine, Ripley, Win g h a m, Langside and Kinlow. Mrs. Edna Caldwell, Mrs Glenn Bell, Mrs. Beverly Bea- ton and Mrs. Inez McEwen, past noble grands of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall, attended the in- augural of the new district deputy president, Mrs. Harry Beaver, at Pride of Huron Lodge rooms, Exeter, Monday evening. Miss Katharine Roszel, re- cently graduated from Wells Business Academy in London, and has accepted a secretarial position with Canadian Liquid Air, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen, Stratford, Mrs. Paula White and family, Toronto, visited last week with Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray, and with Mrs. Robert McKenzie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Currie, Clinton, were Sunday guests with Mrs, Robert McKenzie and family. DUWARD IWcADAMS RADIO — TELEVISION • Sales and Service • DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Phone 254—Zurich "Always ready to serve you" Judy Ginn, young and talented Vancouver artist who has been singing professionally for only two and one-half years, has an impressive broadcast and night club career already behind her, having appeared in clubs across Canada and in the U.S.A. and on numerous CBC radio and television shows,. Her first major network show began Thursday, July 2, on CBC radio. It is called Judy Sings and features an orchestra lead by Bobby Reid, with guest singers. Hotel Hensall RSM Open Every Sunday SUNDAY SPECIAL BARBECUE Spare Ribs & Chicken $1.75 Steak, Roast Beef and Other Fine Foods Available Throughout the week enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the SHERWOOD ROOM PHONE 6, HENSALL, FOR RESERVATIONS CN,.L 4 Kippen Institute Plan Meeting Kippen East W.I. July meet- ing, taking the form. of a Back- wards Meeting, will be held at Bill Gibson's cottage at Home- stead Heights, Wednesday, July 22. Hostess, Mrs. Harry Caldwell, co -hostess, Mrs. Grant MacLean. Roll call, "Tell a Joke". Committee to entertain grand mothers, Mrs. Ross Sararas, Mrs. Grant MacLean. Spelling match, Mrs. James McNaughton; sing- song, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; con- test, Mrs. Alex McGregor; lunch convenor, Mrs. William Gibson. Each member is asked to bring a guest and meet at Kip - pen at 8 p.m. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now TENDERS WANTED Tenders are invited for the painting of the interior of the HENSALL ARENA. For further information contact the Secretary -Treasurer. Sealed tenders are to be in the hands of the undersigned by Saturday, July 18, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L. McNAUGHTON, Secretary -Treasurer, 26,7,8,b Hensall, Ontario. AUCTION SALE AT THE Clinton Legion Hall CLINTON, ONTARIO Monday Evening, July 20 8:00 P.M. SHARP Auctioneer Leo E. Bird will sell without reserve a large selection of Finance Company Repossessions; Bankrupt Stocks; Bailiff Seizures and Personal Consignments of Modern Household Furniture, Television Sets, Appliances and Brand New Clothing for the Entire Family. THIS IS JUST A PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD FURNITURE—a 1 -piece chestabed living room suite that folds out to full % bed with spring filled mattress inside; a 2 -piece French Provincial chesterfied suite covered with a top grade nylon cover; 2 other assorted chesterfield suites with foam cushions; two 2 -piece davenport suites with swivel rockers; two 9 -piece chrome or coppertone kitchen or dinette suites; two 7 -piece suites and one 5 -piece deluxe coppertone dinette suite; 3 bookcase bedroom suites com- plete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and matching box spring and mattress; 2 sets of lamps consisting of a trilight lamp and two table lamps to each set; step and coffee tables with solid arborite tops; two 39" continental beds complete with headboards and legs; one 54” continental bed complete; 4 full-size spring filled mattresses; 2 hostess chairs; platform rocker; 9 x 12 rug; telephone table; chrome rocker; kitchen step stool; baby's hi -chair. APPLIANCES AND TELEVISION—a large refrigerator with. full cross top freezer; 2 electric ranges, one being a deluxe model; a long skirt washer with pump; a 15 cu. ft. deep freeze that holds over 500 lbs. of frozen food; automatic washer and dryer (matching. pair); combination radio and record player; 7 different television sets -21" models that have been all checked over and are in A-1 working con- dition. CLOTHING—Ladies', Men's, Boys', Girls' Babies' and Teen- agers' bathing suits, shorts, slims, slacks, socks, nylons, blouses, sport shirts, play suits, and many, many other items of summer wear too numerous to mention. AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD Terms—Cash Cheques Accepted on Furniture 3% Sales Tax in Effect :..c•.:yi%..i.:^�;/r..:>::::.;.:>r:.::.:�G>.....::�...:1.::.i:::F.„.....;r.'•'M%,::,C:.,:!'!:U:: v.r.. .,:.�'S°' r..•... >.';w:.a :: n•' . > .F ._'•..s..%nY..y2,:;� s.:�3 � •u.::.i..p+:n..n i.;.....:.5....i:.�.a..•. t .. ....E:,cF£�.4 n' �f•Y>... fi::Y,..: :.: SWEET PICKLED — CRY -O -VAC 1s Cottage Rolls LB. 49c PORK SPARE LB, 55c Vanity — 2 -Roil Pack, Assorted Colours Toilet Tissues _ _ 10 rolls $1 Compare at 93c Giant Cheer — Giant Size Comet Cleanser Miracle Whip — 32 Oz. Salad Dressing _ Special 68c - - - - 3/79c Golden Dew — 1 Lb. pkgs., Margerine _ _ - 58c SCHNEIDER'S ASS'T'D-6 Oz. Pkgs. COLD CUTS ? FOR 39c ROUND k oro LB. 69c • PRODUCE FEATURE No. 1 — GOLDEN RIPE Banyrnas 6 Lb FROZEN FOOD 88c SWANSON'S 11 OZ.—BEEF, TURKEY or CHICKEN Coloured _ 5 I'bs. 98c TV Dinners _ _ 2 dor $1 Mount Royal — 15 Oz, Tins Choice Peaches _ _ _ _ 5/88c For Regular or Dry Hair—Regularly 59c — Special Halo Shampoo _ _ Special 48c Weston's — 20 Biscuit per pkg. Ginger 'boy Cookies _ _ 2/45c Dare's New Chocolate — 36 Biscuits per pkg. Brownie Cookies _ _ _ _ 38c Thermo pre -pack -1 doz. per pkg., Regularly 39c (Poly -maid Plastic) Drinking Cups _ Special 29c HENSALL- ONTARIO