HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-07-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR Hensafl School (Continued from Page 1) aid Noakes, John Noakes, Mi. chael Sangster, Sheila Sangster, Jackie Simmons, Garth Sinker, Dorothy Skea, Shirley 'Sinal Peggy Stretton, Joe Vanston Mac Williams. Teacher—Mr. E. Mansfie Grade V to Grade VI Iris Alexander, Allan Bisback, Susan Broadley, Garry Clement, Anne Keys, Douglas Mock, Ricky Parker, Joey Reaburn, Linda Sangster. Wendy Web- ster. Teacher—Mr. E. Mansfield Grade V to Grade VI Bill Cameron, Ron Clement, Kenneth Ferguson, Bill Hast- ings, Bill Hoy, Bill Hesse, Suz- anne Sinker, Lenny Smale, John Taylor, Beverley Whiteman. Teacher — -Mrs. M. Haugh Grade VI to Grade VII ll.irgie Allan, Debbie Ander- son. Bev (:lark. Donna Forrest, Susan Elliott. Linda Hay, Doro- thy 'Opfer, Lynda Koehler, Ro- bin Lambie, Mary Mock, Linda Reid, Keith Roszel, Pam Sang- ster, Marjorie Schwahn, Sharon SmaIe, Jane Smith, Pam Taylor, Peggy Vanstone. hurray Walk- er. Peter Williams, Teacher — Mrs. M. Haugh Grade VII to Grade VIII Janice Bonthron, Betty Cam- eron, Beth Cook, Carolyn Cook, Bill Cornell, Michael Davis, Muriel Ferguson, Lynda Fuss, Michael Hoy, Susan Jinks, Ken Jones. John Joynt, Linda Keys, Linda Jane Kipfer, Sharon Lav- ery. Linda Lowery, John Moir, Cheryl Mousseau, Patricia Parke, Allan Reid, Robbie Tay- lor Jerry Tudor. Teacher — Mr. R. Reaburn Grade VW to Grade IX Pauline Bell, Chrissie Cam- , emu, Arleen Chipchase, John Go d d a r d. Cathy Henderson, Gary Kyle, Marilyn Maxwell, Brenda Noakes, Bonnie Peters, Jane Pyette, Charles Schwalm, u'= Juan Simmons, John Skea, Ken e, Sande. Bill Taylor, Gerald Vol. land. Id Teacher --- Mr. R. Reaburn Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, JUNE 28 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m, — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! Eggammassassicostmoszszmssmsageassi EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev, A. M. AMACHER, BA BD; Minister Mrs. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 28 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. We invite you to worship with us. St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 28 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome mammosemmmmatemmmm 0 South Huron High (Continued from Page 1) XII A Class I honours—Steven El. der, Keith Hay, Danny Len- aghan, Class II honours — Garry Scholl, Brenda Smillie, Class III honours — Sandra Troyer. XII B Class II honours—Paul Am. cher, Jim Bisback, Ted Mock, David Pyette, Ruth Petty. Credit — Ken Bachert, John Elder, Ruth Geiger, Cat h y Scane. Credit in listed subjects — David Dale, (Eng,, Hist., Math., Latin, French), Robert Hoffman (Eng., Hist., Math., C h e m., French), XII B Credit in listed subjects—Bob McNaughton (Hist„ Chem., Lat- in and French), Brian Mustard Eng., Hist., Grade XI Hist., Chem., French), David Taylor (Hist., Chem.), Ruth Ann Flax - bard (French), XII C Class III honours — Cameron Witmer. Credit—Gail Siebert. Credit in listed subjects — Bernard Bedard (Eng., Hist Math., Chem., Bkg., French) George Farwell (Hist., Geog.) Howard Lawrence (Eng., Hist. Chem.). Special Commercial Class II honours — Elaine Keys, Mona Schade. Class III honours — Harvey Beierling. Credit in the listed subjects—. Allan Roszel (Bus. Law., Bus, Correspondence, Communica- tions, Merchandising, Typing, Penmanship, Economics), MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL REGIER were married at St. Boniface Church, Zurich, by Father C. A, Doyle. The bride is Lisa Soudant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Soudant, Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Regier, RR 2, Zurich. Zurich Women's Institute Records interesting History Over 50 Years , On January 8, 1914, a Mrs , Hastings, of Exeter, district sec- , retary, met a number of ladies at the home of Mrs. Minnie Fritz to organize a Zurich Women's Institute. Miss Anna Hess was a district director in 1914. Some of the names from the 1914 list of members were Mrs. William O'Brien, Mrs. Charles Fritz, Mrs. Jonathon Merner, Mrs. Peter Manson, Pearl Wurtz, Miss Matilda John- son, Miss Vera Seibert, Mrs. J. Gascho, Mrs. Oscar Koehler, Miss Margaret Lamont, Mrs. John Hey, Flossie Hartlieb, Ger- tie Hartlieb, McIvina Koehler, Mrs. William Hey, Miss Marie Thiel. During World War I, 1914- 1919, the women did a lot of sewing and knitting for the boys overseas. In 1919, the W.I. members donated $25 to the town library. No record books are available for the years 19204929. It is . thought these books may h been lost in the store fire T. L. Wurm in 1924, Miss P Wurtz was treasurer of the ich W.I. in 1919. In 1930-1933, Mrs. Elm Klopp was president. The gr made the name quilt for 10 name and realized a nice s from, the sale of this quilt. The Institute decided to bu a better and large stage a platform in the Zurich To Hall. They had the district nual in 1932, Mrs. Ivan Ka fleisch, secretary 1932 -19 Mrs. Harvey Cowan, treasur Mrs. O'Dwyer secretary, 193 June 1933, guest speaker w Miss Emily Guest. Mrs. Eliz Hey was made a life member the district at Hurondal distri annual. Mrs. Harry Hess w president from 1933-1935; Be trice Manson was secretary fro 1934-43. In 1935, at Seaforth distri annual, Mrs. Caroline Oesch, Blake, took her spinning whe and showed the ladies how t spin yarn and twist it. M Oesch was 75 years old and thi picture is in the Tweedsmui book. Mrs, Melvin Brown wa treasurer 1934-1935. During 1936-1940 and 1953, Mrs, Thomas Meyers, president, the group finished paying off the debt for the platform and stage, had plays, concerts, bake sales, teas, to try to raise money. Mrs. Charles Fritz and Mrs. William Bassow were made life members of the W.I. World War II broke out and the ladies turned willing hands to making jam to send overseas. In 1939 was the 25th anni- versary of the local society. Roll .call was answered by a handkerchief shower to be in- cluded in the cheer boxes sent to the boys in the services. In 1941, Mrs. Menno Oesch, president, conducted a quiz on Hand Book, Mrs, Harry Rose was president from 1942-1947. During 1954-1956, 700 pounds of jam had been sent overseas. They catered to the first ban- quet for Federation of Agricul. ture at $L00 a plate. In 1946, the war was over and local boys were beginning to return home, Had honor ban- quets for all service men and women at hotel and each one received a ring from the coun- cil. Mrs. Tom Meyers was on the purchasing committee and rings were purchased from Al- bert Hess, jeweller, From 1948.1951 Mrs. Gus Roche was president, Mrs. Tom Meyers was elected to the Pro. vincial Board for a three-year term. The Institute paid $50 toward pain for Town Ball; $15 to Huron County Children's Aid; made quilts for Children's Ward in Victoria Hospital. In 1950, Miss, Bryant, from the department, instructed a three-week workshop for South 0 Hay School Area (Continued from Page 1) Second class honours —Caro- lyn Thiel, Richard Walker, Bar- ry Thiel, Wesley Dignan, Dwight Zehr, Tim Decker, Emily Waters, Albert Hovius, Helen Leibold, Douglas Rader, Judy Deters, Jane Waters, Pass—John Corriveau, Randy Decker, Dianne Clarke, Bonnie Neeb, Marvin Erb, Wayne Beierling, Jerry Willert. Transfer—Ray Finkbeiner, Promoted to Grade VII Second class honours—David Siebert, Richard Schilbe, Dale Erb. ROMM V C. W. McQuillin, teacher Grade VI fo Grade VII First class honours — Mary Ellen Gingerich, Carol Gascho, rl CurchSchool AT St. Peter's ,thea n Church ZURICH Monday, July 6 to July 17 Classes from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Register your children with the director Mrs. Claire Deichert eoatotemoometaimoaaeseamonnialeonsemammm Assitamenamignmemasmoonsommumme D CROSS AMPAIGN IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH A group of girls in the community will be calling door-to-door to collect for the Red Cross Society, ON FRIDAY, JULY 3 Your co-operation and assistance will be appreciated, Kay Hovius, Dale Brown, Linda Webb, Julia Burgess, Norma Shantz, Didi De Mooy, Ruth Ann Fleischauer, Gary Hugill, Ed- ward Gingerich, Gwen Clausius, Marlene Rader, Terry Black, Dianne Adkins, Ronald Desjar- dine, Michael Walker, Ruth oper, Douglas Coxon, Tanya arkins. Second class honours—Debbie lerner, Paula Siebert, Hubert hiel, Gary Daters, Clifford ingerich. Pass—Mary C. Gingerich, Conditional promotion—Carl inkbeiner. Grade VII to Grade VIII First class honours — David antzi. Second class honours—Marcia Ierner, Ronald Oesch, Pass — Glenn Gascho, Patsy inert, Brian Dignan, Barbara ower. Transfers — Gerald Rader, onald Clarke. ROOM VI D. L. O'Brien, Principal Promoted to Grade VIII First class honours—Martha ascho, Jo -Ann Thiel, David rown, Clare Lawrence, Faye royer, Ronald Corriveau, Shir- y Thiel, Luke Jantzi, Linda tade, Garry Truemner, Shirley cClinchey, Second class honours—Dianne ehr, Paul Flaxbard, James amer, Elaine Westlake, Pass—Philip Rader. Promoted to Grade IX First class honours — Larry i p p e r, Richard Turkheim, ry Gingerich, Marilyn Gascho, ouglas Stade, Edward Prang, Second class honours—Carol hnston, Ettie Wynja, Dale gnan, Douglas Erb, Ross Lei. ld. Pass --Lois Ratner, Sylvia. erner, Sharon 'Whittaker, chard Fisher, Danny Black, th Leibold. Transfer—Marion Schroeder, S P sl T G F J W G D G B T le S M Z R K Ga D Jo D1 bo Me Ri Ru ave of earl Zur- ore oup ca um ild nd wn an- lb - 33. er. 3. as zie of ct as a - et of el 0 Mr s r s Huron. One hundred ladies took the course. Mrs. Elmore Klopp and Mrs. David Du- charine looked after the lunch for the courses, In 1952, held a very success- ful talent show with Alvin Wol- per as master of ceremonies. During 1953, donated $25 to library, held strawberry and ham supper, catered to co-op banquet, contributed $200 to South .Huron Hospital, $50 to Community Centre, got water piped into the Town Hall and had cupboards installed. Took part in penny round -up for Mental Health; bought Union Jack flag for the Girl Guides, some of the members attended A,C.W.W. at the Maple Leaf Gardens in August, at Toronto. Still no luck in getting the Tweedsmuir history started. In 1954, the Catholic Women's League and the W.I. put on a supper in the Town Hall to pay off expenses for the cupboards, Mrs, Bill Forrester, secretary - treasurer (1952-1954). In 1955, donated $25 towards a Provincial Scholarship. Mrs. Gordon Hess won a quilt that tickets had been sold on. Mrs. Harold Thiel sold the most tickets on the quilt as well as the lucky ticket. During 1956, entertained the district annual, the E.U.B. ladies served the dinner. The Insti- tute and C,W.L. sponsored a Canada Packers' cooking school; also made 25 teddy bears for made two dozen uniforms for needy children in Middle East; Children's Aid. In the years 1957-1960, Mrs. Leonard Erb was president; had sale of plants, roots and bulbs; sold a quilt donated by a mem- ber, Mrs. Mary Manson. Mrs. Delbert Geiger gave account of her trip to Ottawa and the St. Lawrence Seaway. Started to sponsor 4-H girls' blub. Dona- tions were sent to the King Whyte Show for needy children at Moose Factory. Had a suc- cessful bake sale. Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, secre- tary 1956-1957; Mrs, Menno Desch, secretary 1958 and 1957; Mrs. Newell Geiger, treasurer, 1953-1964. During 1958, had a speaker on composers of music and played some of their music. Had a florist demonstrate how to care for planta. Presented Mrs. Manson, oldest member, with an orchid for mothers' meeting. Had Mrs. Del Bell demonstrate on dress making. Lost two members, Mrs, Harold Finlay and Mrs. Menno Oesch, by death. Catered to baseball club with hot turkey supper; paper on founding and settling of Bluewater and St. Joseph by Alfred Ducharme; donated to the Fair Board and St. Johns Aumbulance. Mrs, Roy Morenz gave demonstration on gift wrapping for Christmas. In 1959, tour of county court house and museum at Goderich; operated booth at Zurich Fair; demonstration on braided mats without sewing then) together, by Mrs. Melvin Brown. Mrs. A. Shirray, of Hensen, displayed clothes worn by their family in the 1900's. Donated to Ade- laide Hoodless Home. Mrs, Harold Thiel secretary 1959- 1964. In the year 1960, demonstra- tion on flower arrangement by THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1964 Mrs. Milton Oesch; film on St, Lawrence Seaway and facts on Canada. Display of dolls from. Many countries and juice -cans made into footstools. During 1961-1964, Mrs. Del- bert Geiger was president, Dem- onstration on home nursing by Mrs. Siebert; sponsored 4-11 Clubs now on food and cloth- ing; took program to residents of Huronv.iew; talk on Jamaica and Florida by Mrs. Wurtz and Miss Olive O'Brien; paper on Indians in Canada; sent books and clothing to remote areas in Northern Ontario. Mrs. Harold Thiel attended officers' confer- ence in 1963. Frons the minutes of January 8, 1933, Institute meeting, a humorous play entitled, "Enter- taining' the Minister", was well given by these girls, Ruth Brown, Kathleen Kockems, Vera Flaxbard, Greta Haberer and Gertie Turkheim, DUWARD McADAMS RADIO — TELEVISION Sales and Service • DAY AND NIGHT CALLS Phone 254—Zurich "Always ready to serve you" Amessomems HEATING Oil Burner Service Electrical Work - GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! MEAN'S HARDWARE, FURNITURE, COAL, CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD ABINIMMINIMININIMERESEMEMEMBEENSIMIL `.�:`�„"..`,:,;�: >:�.•.'"<%`kiv�,'x.,�.°,,�:-�.� .'nom::.>� .' ....., Hamburg or Hot Dog Weston Buns 2 pkgs. 53c With Free Draw on a Barbecue Set Assorted Packages Cookies Giant Size Package Tide Heinz — infant or Junior -5 Oz. 3/88c 79c Baby Foods - - - - 9/88c Golden Dew, Colored — 1 Lb. Pkg. Marifarine Facet le Royale — 2 -Roll Pkg. Paper Towels - - 4/88c _ 2/88c Chase & Sanborn, Fresh--1-Lb. Bag Ground Coffee _ _ - - 83c Fray Bentos — 12 Oz. Corned Beef 49c St. William's -9 Oz. Asserted Jams - - - 4/88c Kellogg's —12 Oz. Pkg. Corn Flakes Nabob — Assorted Flavors Jelly Powders _ Deep Brown -20 Oz. Libby's Beans _ Allen's Vitaminized —20 Oz. Apple Juke _ _ Facelle — 200's — Packages Facial Tissue _ Sunnyvale -28 Oz. _ lOJ$8c _ 4/88c 5/88c _ 5/88c _ _ 49s _ 3/$1 -33c 2/31c _ 2/49c Fait Cocktail _ - Fancy, Halves -20 Oz. Aylmer Peaches _ Ellmor-16 Oz. Peanut Butter - - Regular Packages Kr ft ers - - Heinz — 11 Oz. Tomato Catsup - Club House -4 Oz. Tin Pure Black Pepper - _ 35c Club House -8 Oz. - 3/88c o zilla Olives _ - _ 29c MEAT SPECIALS Hoffman's COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 2 LBS. BBc SMOKED COTTAGE ROLL LB, 59c Dutch Loaf, Chicken Loaf, Macaroni and Cheese Loaf LB. 49c DOERR'S PHONE 140 _. ZURICH