HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-06-25, Page 1No. 25 -FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS E ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1964 $3.00 PER YEAR -- 7 CENTS PER COPY" LOYAL FAN ATTENDS BANQUET - When the members of the Hensall-Zurich Combines were honoured last Friday night at a banquet in, the Hensall Arena, their most loyal fan over the past years was present at the event. Showing off their new jackets to Mrs. A. Joynt, who seldom misses a game, are Earl Wagner and Bill Shaddick, on the left, and Bruce Horton and Russ Klopp, on the right. Zurich Women's !nstitute Entertains Other groups On 5Oth Anniversary The spinning wheel, the big leather rocker and an arm. chair, the oblong parlor tables, an ole] -fashioned love seat, a youngster's small rocking chair and doll cradle, the coal oil lamp, and a child's christening dress and slip, was the stage setting when the Zurich Women's Institute celebrated its 50th anniversary on June 17, in the Community Centre. Mrs. Delbert Geiger and Mrs. Thomas Meyers, dressed in cos- tumes of fifty years ago, wel- comed the guests who were members of the eight South Huron Institutes, former officers and members of the Zurich W.I., and friends. Mrs. Harold Thei] was in charge of registration and 180 ladies signed the guest book. The meeting opened with the singing of "0 Canada", after which the minutes of the first meeting of January 8, 1914, were read by the present sec- retary. Corsages were presented to four ladies who were members in 1914, and who were present for the occasion: Mrs. Jean Manson, of Exeter; Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Mrs. Marie Hess and Miss Pearl Wurtz, of Zurich. Two other members of 1914 were not able to be present: Mrs. Elizzie Hey, of London, and Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich. Mrs. Newell Geiger conducted an "In Memoriam" service for all departed members of the W.I. during the years. Baskets of flowers were placed on the stage by these five ladies, for every 10 years of W.I., Mrs. Harvey Cowen, of Exeter; Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer, of London; Mrs. Hilton Laing (nee Sally Manson) of Exeter; Miss Ethel Hess, of Zurich, and Mrs. Matilda Tetreau, of Grand Bend. Mrs. Ken Breakey and Mrs. Harold Rader sang a duet. Miss Patricia Damude, home economist for Huron County, in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Orville Struthers, of Mit- chell. In her address, she stated, "we need faith, love, and and friendship to make for good Christian living." Mrs. Tom Meyers gave an in- teresting history of the Zurich W.I. from 1914 to 1964. Ruby and Joyce Bierling gave several tap dance numbers. The Zurich ladies sang musical numbers, with Mrs. Milton Oesch as pian- ist. Mrs. Tom Meyers gave a reading "Jacob Strauss". Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner and Mrs. Leonard Erb conducted a penny sale. A buffet lunch was served, with Mrs. Tom Meyers and Mrs. Nancy Koehler pour- ing coffee. Bouquets of purple and yellow flowers (the W.I. colors), a three-tier anniversary cake and candles decorated the table, Hay Scheeis Sold By Public Auction On Saturday �r email A horse show, baby show, Carl Willert) RR 1, Zurich; beef feeder calf club showing Michael John (Mrs. Clarence and individual classes rounded Ducharme) Zurich. out the 77th annual Hensall All contestants received per - Twilight Spring Fair and Im- sonal prizes for showing their plement show last Wednesday youngsters. Mrs. Jack Del - night. bridge, Exeter, was in charge of Fifty-six prize Hereford feed- directing registered nursing as- ing calves also were judged and sistant students Jill Thompson, sold at auction. Isabel McCowen and Nancy Gel - Prior to the•opening Wednes- lately in making the choices. day eve, 200 school children pa- Feeder Calf Club raded to the grounds, headed by George Townsend, of RR 2, the Centralia RCAF Trumpet Seaforth, was grand champion Band. Murray Gaunt, MPP (L -Hur- on -Bruce), officially opened the fair, along with Huron County Warden Ralph Jewell, Hensall Reeve Norman Jones and fair president Earl Dick. Master of ceremonies was M. C. "Tory" Gregg. School Parade Results School parade results: (1) No. 7 Hibbert! No. 10 Hay, teacher Mrs. Faye Forrester; (3) No. 1 Tuckersmith, teacher Mrs. Lau- rabelle Reichert; other school entries included: (2) Hensall kindergarten, H e l e n Scane; Hensall Room 1, Beryl Elgie; Hensall Room 2, Mrs. Shirray; Hensall Room 3, Eric G. Mans- field; Hensall Room 4, Mary M. Haugh; Hensall. Room 5, Robert G. Reaburn. Lucky Draws Lucky draw winners: $5.00 prize, Lillian Eggett, Hay No. 10; Laverne Harburn, Hensall. $2.00 draws, Kathie Henderson, Peter Bisbock, Keith Roozel and Grant Jones. Baby Show Winners Six months and under, Marion Lynda (Mrs. Francis Hunt), RR 1, Seaforth; Robert Warren (Mrs. Sharon Jones) RR 1, Lu - can; Gregory Ian (Mrs. Alexan- der Hoggarth) RR 2, Kippen. Other entries included: Gary Do' glas (Mrs. Gary Van Steeg) Hensall; Gordin (Mrs. Keith Love) RR 1, Zurich. Six months and over: Kris Lee (Mrs. Richard Bedard) RR 2, Zurich; Joanne (Mrs. Mildred Bell) Hensall; Kevin Murray (Mrs. Neil Newman) Cromarty. Other entries included: Laurie Ann (Mrs. Cecil Pepper) Hen- sall; Dennis (Mrs. Les Hoffman) RR 3, Zurich; James Paul (Mrs. • Last Saturday afternoon saw the final chapter written on three school properties in Hay Township, when auctioneer Al- vin Walper wielded the ham- mer and sold all three, for the Hay Township School Area. Biggest revenue came from the property formerly known as SS12, on the 14th concession. Rosaire Bedard, RR 2, Zurich, paid a total of .$1185 for the land and school building, while an old shed on the same prop- erty brought the sum of $45 from. Peter , Eisenbach, owner of Eisenbach Museum at Grand Bend. On the Bluewater highway, where land only was sold, the amount paid was $80. Pur- chaser of this piece of property was Arthur Brisson. The site was formerly known as SS11, Hay. The third property sold was known as the tin school, or SS8, Hay, on the Bronson Line. Rudolph Becker purchased both the land and building for the sum of $590. A number of smaller items were sold at the two schools, such as desks, a furnace, bells, etc. The sales attracted a large following of interested specta- tors. 0 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP The prize for junior showmanship at the Hensall Spring Fair last Wednesday night went to Bevin Kinsman, of Cromarty, Shown here just after he presented the Bank of Montreal award to the junior showman is V. M. Pyette, manager of the Hensall branch of the Bank of Montreal. (Photo by Phillips) Gospel Services Begin July 5 showman and senior winner at the Beef Feeder Calf Club showing at the Spring Fair and tib tr Implement Show. Junior showman was Bevin James Kinsman 9, of Cromarty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kins- man. He made his first arpear- ance in the fair ring. Contestants showed 56 Here- ford feeding calves. Grain - Barry Miller, RR 3, Exeter, 591 pounds; Gerald Townsend, RR 3, Seaforth, 561; Beth Passmore, RR 3, Exeter, 550; Brian Miller, RR 3, Exeter, 542; Bevin Kinsman, Cromarty, Leslie Coleman, Kippen, 1492; 481; Wayne Maver, RR 1, Kirk - (Continued on page 5) The Stariite Drive -In gospel services will resume activities on Sunday, July 5, for the fifth consecutive season. Services are held each Sunday evening during the summer months, at the Starlite Drive -In Theatre, Shipka. A re -organization meeting was held last Friday night at the Dashwood EUB Church, when an executive was chosen for the comming season. Chairman is T. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood; vice-chairman, Edgar Cudmore, Hensall; secretary, Rev. R. S. Hiltz, Exeter; treasurer, .Alvin Finkbeiner, Crediton. Head usher for the services is Carl Oestreicher, Dashwood. A number of outstanding speakers are being contacted to officiate for the outdoor serv- ices, and among them will be J. ] . Baughey, well-known radio speaker. ky Area Field Meet Has Br ter a Sister Acts Declared Champions Two sisters and two brothers walked off with top honours last Friday when the Hay Town- ship School Area and St. Boni- face School. held their annual joint field meet in Zurich. The sister combination was Beth and Faye Troyer, who placed first in junior and intermediate girls' division, and the boys were Laurie and Kim Black, who topped the juvenile and junior boys' divisions. The girls are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, and the boys are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Black, Zurich. Other individual champions in the meet were: juvenile girls, Doreen Krainik; senior girls, Sharon Whittaker; intermediate boys, James Ramer and Lorne Miller (tied); senior boys, Ken Clarke. Complete results of the meet were as follows:juvenile girls, dashes, Doreen. Krainik, Darlene Willert, Joyce Beirling: high jump, Joanne Rasenberg, Mir- iam Rasenberg, Darlene Willert; broad jump, Darlene Willert, Maura Gascho, Doreen Krainik; three-legged race, Susan Badour and Doreen Krainik, Willy Blom and Yvonne Oud, Susan Decker and Janet Webb. Junior girls, dashes, Beth Troyer, Mary DeMooy, Judy Datars; high jump, Beth Troyer, Mary DeMooy, Sandra Munn; broad jump, Beth Troyer, Mary DeMooy, Nancy Miller; softbail throw, Beth Troyer, Minnie Rooseboom, Mary DeMooy. Intermediate girls, dashes, Sandra Desjardine, Faye Troy- er, Shirley Thiel; high jump, Faye Troyer, Bernadette Far- well and Carol Gascho (tied), Nancy Miller; broad jump, Faye Troyer, Katherine McEwen, Shirley Thiel; softball throw, Bernadette F a r w e 11, Carol Gingerich, Gwen Clausius. Senior girls, dashes, Rose - Marie Weigand, Charlene Be- dard, Marilyn Gascho; high jump, Kathy Rowe and Patsy Willert (tied), Sharon Whit- taker, Marjorie D u c h a r m e; broad jump, Sharon Whittaker, Marion Schroeder, Lynda Lu- ther; softball throw, Joanne Lansbergen, Elaine Westlake, Marion Schroeder. Juvenile boys: dash, Howard Gingerich, Patrick Bedard; sack race, Laurie Black, Howard Gingerich, Billy Bedard; broad jump, Laurie Black, Tony Lans- bergen, Peter Hendrick; three- legged race, Laurie Black and Howard Gingerich, Eugene Hartman and Timmy Stark, Dean Bowman and Tlandy- Decker. Junior boys: dash, B xbby (Continued on Page 5' HONOUR CHARTER MEMBERS -Four lacl'es who were charter members of the Zur- ich Women's Institute when it was organized fifty years ago were honoured at the anni- versary celebration last Wednesday night. Shown here from left to right are, back row, Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Zurich; Mrs. Marie Bess, Zurich; Miss Pearl Wurtz, Zurich, Seated in front is Mrs. Jean Manson, of Exeter. The four were presented with cor- sages. Two other charter members of the organization who are living but were unable to be present are Mrs. Elizzie Hey, London. and Miss Anna Hess. of Zurich. About 200 ladies attended the event from various sec- tions of the county.