HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-06-18, Page 8;.•e.0 e.v...0:;,..,1-,,+.x,1}Rti•r.,.a<r..r:.ah i.cF::44Rfs,'?✓�"::'r. ... n.:K#,. ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme and there was much to talk about of the olden days when the Ducharme's and Grattons were close neighbours in the Port Blake vicinity. Holy Name Rally On Sunday afternoon last at three o'clock the Holy Name Societies from Zurich, Mount Carmel and Luean joined the society of this parish. With a short parade they entered St. Peter's Church in this St. Jo- seph parish. There were cere- monies for the occasion as well as a talk given by Father Mc- Guire, concerning the founder of the Holy Name Society, as customary pledges were taken by the Holy Name members. The afternoon was a beautiful one for the occasion. .Brother Andre Even though he had influ- SMORGASBORD SUPPER HEN1SALL UNITED CHURCH Wed., Jane 24 5 to 7 p.m. featuring . . . Turkey, Ham, Salads Desserts Adults $L50 Children, up to 12, 75c Take-out Orders must be ordered by Wednesday noon. Phone 114 or 99 Sponsored by United Church Women 41477 , :}:.. •�'..'. enced the priests by his good conduct due to his frail condi- tion he was not yet to sure to be admitted, but also came the good news for him towards the enol of the month of December in the year 1871 after he had past his twenty-sixth year, mak- ing his first professional vow in the college and he was given the charge of porter for ,many years. Brother Andre had many friends in all walks of life and to him they were all 'alike so far as giving them, aid in nt.)- ments of despair by words of encouragment and as well pray- ing for them in their ailment for improved health. In this issue about the year of 1902 and to Brother Andre's suprise, one of his close friends, N. M. Can - tin, the founder of the village of St. Joseph on the borders of Lake Huron. (To be continued) SPECIAL OFFER MEN'S SUMMER JACKETS ALL SIZES SHOWERPROOF Only $15.95 SPORT SHIRTS A wide variety of short and long sleeves from $2.98 up MEN'S SUMMER SHORTS We have a large variety, from $4.50 to 10.95 pr. MEN'S KNEE SOCKS TO MATCH! BELTS • TIES r SOCKS CUFF LINK SETS A GIFTS FOR EVERY TYPE OF FATHER AT OASCHO'S DRY GOODS PHONE 59 — ZURICH 1 PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1 Huron Wili Have Police Auxiliary Goderich—Huron has a com- plete complement of police aux- iliaries in process of geeting their training, "and this is the only county in which this has happened," EMO co-ordinator W. Stuart Forbes reported to • county council. "I believe," he said. "you are going to have a municipal pol- ice force, and it will facilitate a great many things, particularly in planning. We have to sup- ply uniforms when they are trained. I feel if we give these thorough training, the local force could be trained at the same time and brought up-to- date in police matters. Also. it is a great spot for picking new constables, whereas now you ad- vertise all over the country and sometimes they pan out and sometimes not. Also, they are available at any time the town requires. In Clinton I feel they are short one constable, and with four auxiliaries they would have under this plan they could alleviate any difficulty and give our auxiliaries training for emergency." Accepting a recommendation of the emergency measures committee. of which deputy reeve E. O. McDwain, Goderich Township, is acting chairman, council voted an increase of $4,125 in the EMO program for uniforms. subject to approval of provincial and Dominion an- thorities, who provide 90 of approved expenditure. "We feel this should. be finalized this year," -i1r. McI wain said. "We have tried to simplify matters and bring them down to a common sense. everyday basis," Mr. Forbes told council. "I think some of the things issued by the two governments have to do with cities, and in this county the army finds us unimportant as far as early warning is concerned. Last fall we were interested in flood control. We are setting aside the atomic bomb for some fu- ture date. We are planning for it, but not in the same measure as flood disaster. "The county government con- trols the whole county, but it is difficult at our headquarters, with the budget we have, to cover the whole county, so we are going down to the town level and making the town re- sponsible for. the area around it." BIG PICKEREL—A 10 -pound pickerel was caught last week at Shwanega, near Parry Sound, by Glenn Deitz, of London, formerly of Zurich and Hensall. The fish is believed to be one of the biggest pickerel caught in the area for some time. Mr. Deitz was in company with Charles Meyers, of London, another former resident of this area, when the fish was caught. Kippen East W.I. The regular meeting of the Kippen East Women's Institute will be held Thursday evening, June 18, at 8:15 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, with Mrs. Robert Gemmell as co -hostess. Roll call, "What I have done to further my education since leaving school." Speaker is the home economist, Miss P. Damude. Contest will be in charge of Mrs. Robert Gemmell, and the lunch" Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. William Caldwell, Mrs. Vivan Cooper, Mrs. James Mc- Naughton. 0 Organize Canvas The Hay Township Federa- tion of Agriculture have organ- ized a canvass of the township in connection with the upcom- ing TB clinic, to be held later this month. Canvassers for the Federation are Harold Campbell, Zan Mc- Allister, Carl Willert, Glenn Greb, Stewart Thiel, John Mc-, Clinchey, Raymond Ducharme, Clem Regier, Elgin Hendrick, Maurice Finkbeiner and Wil- fred Rousseau. The Federation is asking everyone in Hay Township to avail themselves of this oppor- tunity to have a free test. Dates and locations of clinics are list- ed elsewhere in this paper. 0 Kippen Institute Sells Recipe Book The Kippen East Women's In- stitute, marking the 30th anni- versary of their organization, have prepared a book of recipes which they are selling for a fund-raising project. The books are now available from any member of the organization. Made up of 100 pages of tempting recipes, the books were printed in Zurich by South Huron Publishers, .and have just been completed. The group had 1500 of the books made up for selling purposes. Price of a book is $1.00. nfas'rrifi�F .1aw:+414F7t,1.Ja,=.risme 21 F EE For Your Family's HURON'S FREE T Detection Clinics and plan to have A.L. of your family atemi one of them TB CLINKS IN HURON COUNTY Operating 2 to 5 p.m. — 7 to 10 p.m. each day, except where noted FIRST Location DAY BRUSSELS—School _ June 29 June 30 ETHEL—Community Centre July 2 FORDWICH — Community Hay _ July 3 GORRIE—Community Hall., July 6 WiNGHAM — Armouries July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 RE- VISIT July 2 July 3 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 13 July 14 July 15 DUNGANNON — United Church _______ __ July 13 July 16 July 14 July17 CLINTON—Town Hall____ July 15 July 20 July 16 July 21 July 17 July 22 BLYTH — Community Memorial Hall July 20 July 23 July 21 July 24 SEAFORTH -- Northside United Church ZURICH --Community Hall June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 25 June 26 June 29 June 30 July 2 FIRST RE. Location DAY VISIT DASHWOOD—Town Hall June 29 July 3 CENTRALIA (RCAF Station) Community Centre _.-_.__.. June 30 July 6 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. CENTRALIA (Village) United Church ._ July 2 July 7 HENSALL— Community Arena July 2 July 7 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. July 3 July 8 CREDITON _ Community Hall ____--._._ July 6 July 9 ELIMVILLE—Township Hall July 7 July 10 EXETER—Community Arena July 8 July13 July 9 July 14 July 10 July 15 GODERICH --- Victoria St, Pubic School... July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 EAFIYELD---Town Hall .... July 20 CLINTON RCAF STATION -- Ritchie Building .-..._ __ _._ July 21 CLIP THIS SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE HURON COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION Nommomemisimumwamommummommim July 16 July 17 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE CAI-, FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent), Mr. Cyrille Ducharme, of Windsor, called on his parents on Tuesday evening last on his way from London where he at- tended a welfare meeting. in being a delegate from Sandwich East Township, Beginning last week farmers fanners have been busy plant- ing their beans. The weather has been good and a warm shower between time with 'warm weather has made it pos- sible for the beans to shoot up quickly. Farmers have an earl- ier variety of seed beans now and it is not necessary for early seeding as in former years, thus escaping late spring frost. There has been much traffic on this highway the past week- end. AIready some are taking their holidays and bringing along with them their boats for fishing enjoyment and boat rid- ing. Others had their trailers to accommodate them, and their children, which in many places are out of school for their sum- mer vacations where they will enjoy their outing. Those who have cottages along the lake have had them cleaned up so that on their arrival there is no work or worry to marr their holidays. Those who come from cities, where they have been confined in shop work and of- fices, will find great relief, and at the same time for some whose health is impaired, they will greatly benefit from it. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gratton, of Port Blake, were Sunday eve- MixoniElsramEmeimEmen HAM and STRAWBERRY SUPPER. BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH Toes., June 23 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults — $1.25 Children — 60c '®A MERINEEMEEMEMSaingMENEW HAM and STRAWBERRY SUPPER ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH, KIPPEN Friday, June 19 5:30 TO 8 P.M. Aults SI.25 - - Children 60c Pre-school Children Free ! Everybody Welcome! r. rr•.-s RECEPTION FOR MR. and MRS. BOB LeBEAU (nee Carol Pepper) ' IN THE Seaforth Legion Hall ON SAT., JUNE 20 Everybody Welcome I Reception crid Dace FOR MR. & MRS. JOHN CONSITT (nee Helen Boyes) IN THE LEGION HALL. SEAFORTH Friday, June 19 Music by CLARENCE PETRIE and His Nighthawks Everyone Welcome 1 EXETER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. OPE N ONDA: 5het J 2. P.M. T 9 Devon Building - Exeter 17111111117!1111111'717171111111111071111711111111111111111, Due to increased membership, the Exeter Credit Union has expanded its office space. The public are being invited to come in and see the new and modern office, equipped to give the members better service. FREE REFRESHMENTS Donated by George E. Rether, with Jack Rice Caterers Ltd., Mayfair Bakery,Erstnan's Bakery, Tuckey Beverages Ltd., Exeter Dairy Limited A Cordial Invitation is Extended to Everyone! re)rnelanr,rr/Nlrnr771717777 8177711171777,7777r77777r77177e7777177771111 01H1f77717777 77R177777771777,7717777RPo77777777777•71tourertmetr,r H77rrr7tr, rrtrl Ol flllllll 1117116IS