HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-06-18, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1964 PAGE FIVI Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a wordl Minimum 75c, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS - 3A Off if paid .by Saturday #o&lowing last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE - Births, Marriages, Deaths, DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE WHITE BRICK HOUSE - 11 storey on Richmond St, N. in Hensall. Contains 3 bedrooms and 4 -piece bath upstairs; one bedroom, 2 -piece bath, living room, dining room, kitchen and sunroom downstairs. Oil furn- ace. Three lots. Realy for oc- cupancy, Call 317, Hensall. 22,3,b ALUMINUM DOORS, windows, aw n!ngs, siding, aluminum and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reason- able prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own in- stalling. Walker Aluminum Sales. Phan 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 24,tf GARAGE, approximately 24 ft. by 15 ft. Call Rodger Veneer, 59 Hensal, after 5 p.m. 24,b 20 -INCH STOVE, Viking, apart- ment size, in A-1 condition, ideal for summer cottage. Also a bar stool, reasonable. Phone 251 Hensall, or contact Mrs. EEric Kennedy. 24,5,6,7,b Drain Tile For quality drain file in all sizes from 4" - 14". Now producing 3,000,000 tile annually. For, prices either F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield or delis Br- ed to your farm or yard. Phone or white RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. RR 2, London, Ont. Phone 227-4721 Lucan Office open -7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays 7:00 e.m, to 12:00 noon. ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE -Underwood, new model. Reg- ular price $215, special at only $175, for two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Lim- ited, Zurich. 16,7,p LOW DOWN PAYMENT Electrically -heated ranch style home, just one year old. Large living room with spacious din- ing area, fully broadloomed. Three good sized bedrooms with large closets and tile flooring. Lovely kitchen with ample built- in cupboards and tiled floor. Deluxe bathroom, tiled walls and floor with coloured fix- tures. Located on a quiet Zur- ich street and beautifully land- scaped; 66x132 lot, complete with unfinished garage and priced reasonable. Phone Zur- ich 63, 17,b PORTABLE TYPEWRITER - Underwood, new model. Regu- lar price $69,95, for only $59.95, two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich. 16,7,p GET A op Baia BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEARSERVICE- INSTALLATION R SALES • FOAER John Beane, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. pasiormaliiimasommaismir FOR SALE ZURICH HOUSE -newly paint- ed, living room, bedroom, kit- chen on main floor, 2 bedrooms, bathroom upstairs. Oil burn- ing furnace, garden. Will sell with easy terms, or rent. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, Bill Armstrong, salesman. 23,tf WANTED WANTED - Store work, baby sitting, light housework. High school student desires employ- ment now, and until end of July. Willing to go to the lake. Apply to Mary Payne, phone Hensall 271w3. 24,b BIRTHS WILSON - Adam and Wanda Wilson (Baker) wish to an- nounce the safe arrival of their son, at Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Junee 11, 1964. WANTED TO BUY WANTED - All denominations in Canadian coins. Old coins from 1858 to 1938, 1949. New coins, any years up to 1960, but these must be in brand new condition. Will pay good prices. Please write, stating condition, denomination and year to Box JCK, South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich. 22,3,4,5,6,p WANTED -Live poultry. We are in the market for live poul- try. Contact Rudy Petzke, Hen- sall, phone 328W. 22,3,4,p COMING EVENTS STEPHENSON FAMILY reun- ion will be held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Sunday, June 28. Supper at 5 p.m. Bring your own dishes and silverware. Sports will be held after sup- per. 24,p GENERAL MEETING of the public, in connection with the Starlite Drive -In Gospel Serv- ices, will be held at the Dash- wood EUB Church on Friday, June 19, at 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. 24,h Cards of Thanks I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends, neighbors and relatives who so kindly remembered me with treats and visits while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Addi- son and Dr. Goddard, and all the nurses on the floor. - Bert McBride. 24,b MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM SWATHING and hay conditioning. Apply to A. J. McClinchey, phone 97r7, Zur- ich. 22 to 28,b WHITEWASHING - Anyone wanting whitewashing and cleaning of barns done, contact William Watson, phone 37r19, Dashwood. 24,tf FARM EQUIPMENT TURNER'S QUALITY Farm Equipment; Freeman tractor loaders; George White Mach- inery; Tractor and Car Tires. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock, 33-tfb Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS --- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 FOR RENT UPSTAIRS APARTMENT in Zurich. Available immediately, Apply to Lucky Dollar Food Market, Zurich. 12,tfb URICI By -Law No. 48 1964 - OF THE Village of Zurich COUNTY OF HURON A By Law to authorize the stopping up of 198 feet, more or less, of Edward Street, in Volland Survey, between John and Frederick Streets. WHEREAS, pursuant to the powers contained in the Muni- cipal Act, R.S.O, 1960, Chapter 249, Section 459 and 462, the Council of every municipality may pass By -Laws for stopping up all or any part of any high- way within the limits of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS the Hay Town- ship School Area Board pro- poses to construct additions to No..7 School and this additional space is required. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Zurich deem it advisable to close the aforesaid street. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNI- CIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COR- PORATION, OF THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ENACTS AS FOL- LOWS: 1. That the said Edward Street, Volland Survey, approximate- ly 198, more or less, between John and Frederick Streets be stopped up and closed. 2. That the notice of the pro- posed By -Law shall be pub- lished once a week for four successive weeks in the Zur- ich Citizen's News, a news- paper published in the Vil- lage of Zurich, and the first of such publications to be made on the llth day of June, 1964. 3. And further take notice that the Council of the said Cor- poration of the Village of County Council Hears Interesting Report of Road, Health Committees Goderich - Many miles of county road constructed and paved 15 to 20 years ago are deteriorating and will require increased maintenance expendi- ture, county council was told by road committee chairman Jo- seph Kerr, Wingham, reporting upon the annual two-day spring road tour. Work on the 1964 road and bridge program is well under way, the report stated. The culvert on road 16 in Morris is complete, and work on the sub- structure of the Varna north bridge is under way. Grading on road 10 has started. The report listed 28 contracts awarded. Three contractors, George Radford, R. H. Jennison IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Consisting of Hay Township Schools, Land and Misc. Items on the premises as LISTED AND STATED TIME The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 20, Parcel No. 1 - Northeast corner Lot 19, Lake Road West, Township of Hay, Highway 21, 2 miles south of St. Joseph, with no buildings, which will be offered for sale on the premises at 1:30 p.m. Parcel No. 2 - School No. 12, Hay Township, Lot 18, southeast corner Con. 15, 21/2 miles west of Zurich, thence one mile south, on which is situated white brick school house, 27x 461/2, in good con- dition, suitable for residential purposes. Contents to be of- fered separately: school desks and table, blackboard. teacher's desk, enamel sink, 200 gal. oil tank, roll woven wire, steel and cedar posts, large antique school bell. Sale to take place on the premises at 2:30 p.m. Parcel No, 3 - School No. 8, Hay Township, southwest corner Lot 6, Con. 12, 114 miles north of Dashwood, on which is situated frame ing to see the advances now school house covered with metal gradually being made in envir- sicling, 441 x 321,;, newly in- onmental sanitation. Many gaps Zurich will hear in person, l stalled oil furnace. Building remain in this field, particul- or by Counsel, Solicitor, or in good condition, spacious arly with regard to the public Agent, any person who claims grounds, suitable for residen- serving of food and food prod - that his land will be prejudi- tial or business projects. Con- nets, and wide variations are cally affected by the said By- tents to be offered separately: noted in the application of ex - Law, and who applies to be 200 gal oil tank, Clare-Hecla and Saugeen Spraying, are sup- plying a total of 113,000 cubic yards of maintenance gravel for a total of $101,060 Radford is also supplying $84,200 worth of granular gravel. K. & M. Fenc- ing, Sebringville, is doing $4,150 of fencing erection, A,B.C. Concrete will receive $18,552 for pre -stressed beams for the Varna bridge. Miller Paving is supplying calcium chloride at $46,65 a ton. "To completely eliminate the dust problem on our 200 miles of gravel road would require in excess of 1,500 tons of cal- cium chloride," the report stated. "Our maintenance budg- et will not allow this expendi- ture, and therefore we must put up with dusty conditions during prolonged dry spells." Health Report The rabies clinics operated by Huron Health Unit have now been officially recognized by the federal department of agri- culture, Dr. R. M. Aldis an- nounced in his report to county council. Thanks to the assis- tance of the health of animals branch, he said, these clinics are now operated at no fee to the public, and the response has justified their confidence in this measure. The first free clinic was held last month in Colborne, hard hit recently by rabies. "With typhoid in Britain causing headlines, many people may entertain the hope that such a disaster could not hap- pen here," stated the re- port. "The plain truth is that while typhoid itself has been rather quiet in Ontario lately, close relatives in the Salmonella family have been extremely ac- tive. One of the more distress- ing features of these other ill- nesses is that the baby and young child are liable to remain carriers for an indefinite peri- od, despite the use of our most sophisticated drugs. "You will all be familiar with the sharp rise in infectious jaundice which began about four years ago. It is encourag- heard at a meeting to be held at the Zurich Municipal Of- fices, Zurich, Ontario, on Monday, July 6th, 1964, at the hour of 8:00 in the eve- ning. Dated at Zurich, Ontario, this 8th day of June, 1964. MRS. ELDA WAGNER, Clerk. 23.4,5,6,b DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Works of Canada, Room B 322, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Otta- wa 8. and endorsed "TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE FEDERAL BUILD- INGS THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE ,OF ONTARIO, 19'4-64", will he received until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.), TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1964 Tender documents can be ob- tained through: Chief of Pur- chasing and Stores, Room C-459, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa; Office Managers at: 241 Jarvis Street, Toronto; 457 Richmond Street, London; Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. oil furnace and pipes, school desks and table, 2 crokinole boards, quantity of books, li- brary table, pressure pump, etc. Sale to take place on the premises at 3:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE School buildings and land to be offered separately. In the event schools and land are sold to separate buyers, buildings must be removed within 60 days of sale date. Transfer of deeds and permits to be paid by purchaser, Terms - Cash ELIVIER ROWE, Chairman Hay Township School Area H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Sec.-Treas. Hay Township School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 - Dashwood 22,3,4,b FARMERS! For Your HAYING REQUIREMENTS See Us For WAGONS AKTEV MOWERS RAKES -Reel and Wheel Types F O X FORAGE EQUIPMENT HAUGH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT One Mile East of Brucefield isting legislation." The following staff changes were noted: Miss G. V. Adair, former su- BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Come as late as 11:00 p.m. and see complete show THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 18-19 'Boys' Night Out' KIM NOVAK JAMES GARNER Colour Cartoon nri•.1^iwv�PSMOw�e.rJrJ.MeneJMd.M••ms•A SATURDAY and MONDAY June 20.22 'Summer Holiday' CLIFF EDWARDS LAURI PETERS and THE SHADOWS Colour Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 23.24 EDGAR ALLAN POE'S "The Raven" VINCENT PRICE PETER LORRE BORIS KARLOFF (Ault Entertainment) Colour Cartoon pervisor of nurses, left May 1 to join the Ontario Welfare Council. The board has ob- tained the services of Miss Louise Robertson, Stratford, who will join the unit in July. Mrs. Vera Tudor, Hensall has been granted a year's leave of absence to do post -graduate work in nursing at the LTnivers- ity of Western Ontario. Miss Norma Westgate, Exeter and Miss Emily Jenner, Gode- rich, leave this summer for nursing post with the health de- partments of London and To. ronto, respectively. Mrs. Helen West, a 1964 graduate of the public health nursing course at Western, has been hired to serve in the Exeter district. STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Friday and Saturday Nights JUNE 19 and 20 (Double Feature) "Bye Bye Birdie" (Colour) Janet Leigh, Dick Van Dyke "It Happened to Jane" (Colour) Doris Day, Jack Lemmon COMING ATTRACTION: JUNE 24, 25, 26, 27 "Lawrence of Arabia" Alec Guinness, Peter O'Toole, Anthony Quinn •* Open Every Night After June 24 * * Children under 12 in cars Free! e•f:Y •'.-ate:.% Huronview Report "I think we are set up and ready to go on home care, hut we have received no applica- tions yet," said deputy reeve James Hayter, of Stephen, in presenting the report of Huron - view Board. Some 20 homes in the county have been inspected. Superintendent H. C. John- ston reported 32 admissions to Huronview since first of the year, and 209 residents. The capacity is 209. DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND MUSIC BY Desiardine Orch. Moden - Rock'n'RoII - Square Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND TWIST Every Friday "THE SEVEN DEL•REYS" Sensational on Opening Night! Now Engaged for Complete 1964 Season! 9- 12 p.m. Admission $1.00 * * �w Every Saturday DANCE TO Lionel Thornton and His Casa Royal Orchestra 9 -12 p.m. Admission $1.50 M.+•+frog H-'^�., 4m'•._�ni.. n�....45 -.�fewYl•L+. t .i$EST 'ir RELAXERS REST ROCKERS •r.: -V^ • Summer Furniture • Folding Lawn Chars • $5.25 each -- or 2 for $9.95 1,41-1." p.,1,.' 6. Chaise Lounges • From $9.95 up Drop in and see the wide selection of Gifts we have to offer -'you will please Father! Westlake Furniture