HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-06-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1964 Letter '+';,rk;ie n. Editor, Zo.rieh, i)e.:trie D..ir Le.1). t .d bri,f :: +.. t,e etinlgrat- ti .,,e r,t ,a•t the five service yee ;irL' priwi..ling to the people of Zut•ieh and the surrounding are.,. :41y mother .ttr has been sending pie the C'itizen's News from time to time and I am nu eh impressed with the high quality of your paper. I particularly want to com- mend you for the vision and editorial courage that you dis- played concerning the location- of-sehool issue. Your "second look" suggestion of February 6, indeed was common sense. It is a geographical principle that all basic services of a region should be located in a central place. In fact, this central place theory explains why villages and towns were established in the first place. The real problem in Ontario is that the township boundaries are archaic. They were laid out in the middle of the last cen- tury and snake little sense to- day. Many functions now car- ried out by townships could be done much more effectively at the county level. The local municipal boundaries should be re -drawn so that each town is at the centre of the tributary region that it serves, This, in effect. is what you recommend- ed and what is being carried out as far as schools are con- cerned in your area. Keep on pressing, and you may eventu- ally push the government into establishing a municipal struc- ture geared for the twentieth century. Sincerely yours, Ralph R. Krueger, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, University of Waterloo, ZVaterloo, Ontario. Items About Zurich I Mr. and Mrs, Victor Lyndaker, Beaver Falls, N.Y„ and Mr. and ;Mrs. Elton Roggie, of Carthage, N.Y., were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wicl- rick, on the Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. herb IIowald, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors at the home of ?Ir. Henry How- -laid, in Zurich. 1MIr. and Sirs. Ed Neeb. of St, Marys; Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Wil- helm, of Shakespeare; Mrs. Adeline Neeb, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Koebel, of De- troit, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs• Herb Desjardine. Wedding Bedard -Swift Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church, St. Thomas, was the setting recently for the wed- ding of Linda Jean Swift and Ronald Dennis Bedard. The bride is the daughter of Mr. CELEBRATE ANNIVERS ARY — Mr. and Mrs, Henry Adkins, RR 2, Hensall, celebrated their 45th wedding anni- versary last Saturday night, when all the members of their family gathered at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, for a dinner in their honour, Mr. and Mrs. Adkins were married in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on June 18, 1919, by Rev. H. Rembe. Every since, they have lived on the present farm they own on the fifth concession of Hay Township. Present for the anniversary celebration were their five sons, Howard, Wilmer, Stewart, Jack and Donald, and their families, and their daughter, Mrs. Ernie Powell and family. One brother, William Adkins, of Owen Sound, was also present. Mrs. Adkins was the former Violet Fuss, of the Zurich area. In the middle ages printing, was considered a "genteel" oc- cupation, and to get in the busi- ness, apprentices actually paid piaster printers for their train- ing instead of being paid. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man." Here is affirmed the sacredness of life and the ceremony of expiation which reminded people of God's decree. The ceremony of expiation which reminded people of God's de- cree was fulfilled and accomplished by Jesus Christ. Since the blood of Jesus made complete atonement for all sin and since grace is reigning today, it is now unnecessary for any man to die for his own crime. The Pharisees brought a woman taken in adultry to the Lord. The question was, should she die for her crime? The Pharisee who sure he had not committed a sin was to take the first step in capital punishment. Since none cast a stone they admitted that they likewise were worthy to he stoned. The mercy extended to the woman is the mercy extended to all so that none need die for his own crime. We believe capital punishment to be wrong and unnecessary. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robin- son will be "at home" to friends and relatives on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Annivers- ary, on Wednesday, June 24, from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the evening, at their -home on the Goshen Line, Stanley Township. No gifts, please. 0 Dedicate Organ The dedication of the new organ at Goshen United Church will take place on Sunday, June 28, at 11:30 a.m. All friends of the congregation are being ex- tended a special invitation to attend the service. The minister, Rev. Murdock Morrison, will be speaker for the occasion. Special music will be supplied by the choir of the church. • 0,1 .;� � •� .u+���' lad' tPSf� SOUTH R 0i4,1 JUNE 21 TO 28 SPEAKER: eve Y� Hamilton SONG AND CHOIR LEADER: Mr. Gordon Hamilton London SERVICES: Sunday, June 21, at 3 p.m. Monday to Friday, at 8:30 p.rn. Closing Sunday, June 28, at 8 p.m. and Mrs. Alonzo Swift, St. Thomas, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Bedard, Zur- ich, and the late Dennis Bedard. Rev. Father Richard Bedard, an uncle of the groom, officiated at the ceremony. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She chose a floor -length gown of white bausieu with attachable train and wore a cumberband of se- quins and pearls. She chose a finger-tip veil, and carried white and mums with ivy. Miss Lorna Swift, of London, sister of the bride, was maid of honour, and bridesmaids were Miss Julie Swift, St. Thomas, sister of the bride, and Miss Sylvia Bedard, Zurich, sister of the groom. They wore identi- cal floor -length gowns of light green, and carried white mums with yellow roses, Groomsmen were Bernard Bedard, brother of the groom, Larry Bedard, and Peter Swift, brother of the bride. A reception in the St. Thomas Elgin Memorial Centre followed the noon ceremony. For a wedding trip to Mont- real and Quebec the bride wore a powder blue suit with white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Bedard will re- side in Norwich. Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, JUNE 21 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Re•v. A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesoh. Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 21 — 10 a.m.—Father's Day Service. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 2:30 p.m.—Decoration Day Service at the Bronson Line EUB Cemetery, conducted by the Salvation Army, London. We invite you to worship with us, St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. A. C. Blackwell, Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 21 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a,m,—Worship Service, 2:30 p.m.—Decoration Day Service. You Are Welcome 111r. and Mrs. 0. Ullerick and son, of Lodon, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Elda Wagner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Far- quhar, of Kitchener, spent the past week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Schmidt and Miss Nellie Bachert, all of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with 11'Ir, and Mrs. Bert Bachert. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe spent Sunday and Monday in London, visiting with friends. Dr. and Mrs. John Haberer, of Don Mills, spent the week- end at the home and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Haberer. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rose, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rose and family of Michigan, and Miss Stella Rose, of Lon- don, were week -end visitors with their mother, Mrs. Lerina Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schwatzep- truber and Mrs. Nancy Schwat- Bishop Confirms 76 Young People At St. Boniface Seventy-six children were con- firmed at St. Boniface Church, Zurich, on Saturday evening, by the Most Rev. E. G. Carter, Bish- op of London. The chuch was crowded for the occasion. The Bishop was assisted by the Revs. A, M. Williams, W. T. O'Rourke, D. L. Chisholm, G. C. McPhee—two deacons, Rev. Mr. Cartier and Rev. Mr. Hardy— and the pastor, Rev. C. A. Doyle. Preceding the church service, His Excellency blessed the new Sacred Heart Convent and the new addition to St. Boniface School. •rentruber were in Tavistock on Sunday attending the funeral of the late Noah Wagler. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parkins and Tanya and Mr. and Mrs. Har- rison Schoch are spending a few days this week on a fishing trip to the Shwanega area. The annual decoration day service of the Evangelical UB Church will be held on Sunday, Juno 21, at the Bronson Lane cemetery, 2:30 p.ni, The Salva- tion Army band of London will provide the music and the pro- gram. IZenrallalellMillittMEIVIZMINSOMEEEMIESSIMALULTManFairWASESESIMINUSSONNOWliek HEATING Oil Burner Service Electrical Work GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! HARDWARE, FURNITURE, COAL, CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD Weekend Spedals "FRESH FROM OUR MODERN BAKERY IN ZURICH l" Date Turnovers Only 40c Dozen Peanut Butter Cookies Only 30c Dozen All Other Varieties _ _ dozen 30c TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 — ZURICH f Sfii ' ;, .._ ," •it,n,. :�.: ,:v..�:•:�, :iia.. :�< of ta° st ®empti 1e' foods! Clover Cream—Assorted Flavors—i2 gal. Ice Cream 85c Kotex, regular _ _ 39c White Swan -2c Off 2 -Roll Pak Toilet Tissue - - _ - - 23c Mother Parker's — 6 Oz. — 15c Off Instant Coffee - - - $1.03 11 Ounce Aylmer Catsup _ _ 2/33c Aylmer — 15 Oz. Fruit Cocktail _ - - 2/49c Choice Halves -20 Oz. Aylmer Peaches _ _ 2/63c Aylmer 20 Oz. Crushed Pineapple _ _ 29c Aylmer -20 Oz. Sliced Pineapple - - _ 33c Aylmer -20 Oz. Tidbit Pineapple - - - 35c Tomato or Vegetables — 10 Oz. Aylmer Soup _ _ - - 3/39c Fancy Cream Style — 15 Oz. Aylmer Corn - - - - 2/35c Aylmer -20 Oz. Choice Peas _ _ 2/39c Heinz — 12 'Oz. Barbecue Sauce _ _ - 29c Doric_ 32 -Oz. Jar Liquid Honey 63c F_'} "dl° anti VEG T r LES NEW POTATOES, 5 Lb. Bag EACH 47c SUNK ST ORANGES, 180s - - - 3 DOZ. $1.00 FLORIDA CELERY, Large Size Bunches _ _ _ 25c MEAT SPECIALS SCHNIEDER'S Country Style SAUSAGE, LB. 49c SLICED SIDE BACON LB. 55c VISAING BOLOGNA 3 LBS. FOR 99c DOERR'S PHONE 140 -- ZURICH 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011