HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-04-23, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964 PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS— % Off if paid ,hy Saturday following last inssrtkrn. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second b111. FRE E— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLiNE- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE PART HEREFORD and Holstein Oalves. Apply to Ted Geoffrey, phone Zurich 73r19. USED BEATTY Pump Jack, in good condition. Phone Zurich 279r3. 16,p USED FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGER- ATOR, 9 cu. ft., in good condi- tion. Priced reasonable. Phone Ed Datars, Zurich 43. 16,b ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE —Underwood, new model. Reg- ular price $215, special at only $175, for two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Lim- ited, Zurich. 16,7,p GARDEN and LAWN SUPPLIES We have a complete range of supplies, such as garden ferti- lizer, peat moss, milorganite, bonmeal, feed and weed -away fertilizer for lawns, grass seed, bug killer, etc. We also have a lawn and garden fertilizer spreader for rent. M. DEITZ & SON Zurich Drain Tile For quality drain tile in all sizes from 4" — 14". Now producing 3,000,000 tile annually. For prices either F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield or deliti Br- ed to your farm or yard. Phone or white RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. RR 2, London, Ont. Phone 2274721 Lucian Office open -7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. MAPLE SYRUP for Sale. $5.00 and $6.00 a gallon. Fred Mc- Clymont and Sons, Varna. 15,6,p CHOICE PROPERTY — T w o acres for good building lots. Adjacent to the northerly limits of the village ref Zurich. Con- tact Bert Klopp, secretary of the Hensall District Co-op. 15,b SILOS — A solid, poured con Crete silo •offers greater strength and longer life—does •a better safer storage job, yet the cost is often less than other types. Let us quote you silo prices, finan- cing and construction arrange- ments. Phone London 432-7101, Evenings 438 3778; or Forest 622r31. 14,5,6,7,b 75 -ACRE FARM, half mile south of Blake. Modern home with all conveniences, well-built barn, two never -failing spring wells, eight acres of hardwood bush. Apply to Glen Schwat zentruber, phone Zurich 75r6. 14,5,p GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION John Beane, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELO, ONT. HOLSTEIN COW due to freshen now, carrying second calf. One Holstein heifer, 2 years old, due in September. De Laval .cream separator, large size, prower driven, like new. Apply to Hilton Truemner, phone 85r11, Zurich. 16,p PORTABLE TYPEWRITER — Underwood, new model. Regu- lar price $69.95, for only $59,95, two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich, 16,7,p BUY HIM OR HER A CCM, Canada's finest bicycle, for graduation. From $36.95 up. We have tires, tubes and all accessories for every size of bicycle. Hess, the Jeweller, Zurich. 16,p IN ZURICH—Asbestos shingle clad house, on Walnut St., full basement, oil burning furnace, hot water, living room, bed- room, dining room, kitchen with sink and cupboards; upstairs, 2 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath. Easy down payment, balance per month. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. Bill Armstrong, sales- man. 16,tfb PORTABLE TYPEWRITER — Underwood model, new, regular price $94.50, for only $83.50. Two weeks only. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zurich. 16,7,p FOR RENT UPSTAIRS APARTMENT in Zurich. Available immediately. Apply to Lucky Dollar Food Market, Zurich. 12,tfb HELP WANTED WOMAN or MAN wanted for part-time work in printing shop. Light, interesting work. Must be available whenever needed. Apply to Herb Turkheim, at South Huron Publishers Lim- ited, Zurich. 16,tfb FEMALE HELP wanted to look after four small children, from 8:30 to 6, or someone to live in. Week -ends off. Write to Box 223, Zurich. 16,b STENOGRAPHER wanted for full time work. Must be com- petent typist. Apply evenings. Reg Black, Zurich. Part Time MALE or FEMALE HELP wanted, to work in the news department of this newspaper. We are looking for a man or woman who would be interested in assisting with the gathering of news; attending meetings as a reporter, etc., on a part-time basis, mostly evenings. Typing experience essential. Pay commensurate with ability. Apply in person to HERS TURKHEIM, Publisher Phone 133, Zurich MISCELLANEOUS CATTLE SPRAYING — Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, contact Bill Watson, Dashwood 37r19. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT TURNER'S QUALITY Farm Equipment; Freeman tractor loaders; George White Mach- inery; Tractor and Car Tires. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. s► AIM Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-83 BIRTHS RILEY — Mr, and Mrs. Ross Riley, Cromarty, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sheila, at Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April 13, 1964. IN MEMORIAM HENDRICK—In loving memory of a dear aunt, Miss Lewise Hendrick, who passed away one year ago, April 29, 1963. Nothing but memories as we journey on, Longing for smile that is gone, But we keep in our memory the love of the past, For deep in our hearts it was planted to last. —Always remembered by nieces from face HOUSTON—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Carl Houston, who passed away two years ago, April 25, 1962. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses him more than us, And when old times we oft re- call, It's then we miss him most of all. —Remembered always by wife, Ethel, and daughters Beatrice and Madge, and son -in-laws, Roy Allin and Vernon Oesch, and grandchildren. Cards of Thanks Jack Caldwell would like to sincerely thank all those friends who so kindly remembered him with cards, flowers and treats while he was in Clinton Public Hospital. I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who remembered me with prayers, cards, flowers and visits while in the hospital, and since returning h o In e. Special thanks to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lamont. — Mrs. E. Heide- man. 16,p WANTED WANTED Grass pasture for 15 head of cattle. Call Josiah Steckle, phone 698r22, Hensall. 16,p 0 TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE at HENSALL SALES ARENA on MONDAY, APRIL 27,at 7 P.M. STOCKERS and FEEDERS 400 Stockers and Feeders Terms—Cash Auctioneers: HAROLD JACKSON and HECTOR. McNEIL VICTOR HARGREAVES, Sales Manager For consigiunents, phone Hen- sall 235, or Clinton 482-7511. It Isn't Safe to take your tractor out on busy roads if you haven't got Liability Insurance to protect yourself against costs of dam- age your tractor might do! You might lose everything you own, if you were found liable because your tractor caused a traffic accident! PUBLIC LIABILITY is just one of the coverages available with CIA's FARM FAMILY PRO- TECTION PLAN, — Liability to the public — Liability to farm employees — Accidents and Sickness — Damage TO and BY tractors and other coverages most of which are optional Bert Klapp For information just call RR 3, Zurich Phone 93r1 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Choice Beef Cattle, Hogs, Tractors, Combine, Farm Ma- chinery, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Miscellaneous items on the premises LOT 18, CON. 2, OSBORNE TOWNSHIP 11/4 miles east of Exeter north Highway 83, thence first farm south of Morrison Dam. The undersigned auctioneer received instruction to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 24 at 1 p.m. Beef Cattle: Angus heifer, calf at foot; 2 Durham heifers, calves at foot; Durham cow, calf at foot; Dur ham cow carrying third calf, due June 20; Durham cow carry- ing third calf, clue May 15; 2 Durham cows carrying third calf, due latter part of May; 2 part Holstein and Angus cows carrying third -calf, due latter part of May; 8 Durham, Angus and Hereford yearling steers and heifers. Hogs: York sow carrying third lit- ter, bred Jan. 15; York sow, bred six weeks; York sow, car- rying first litter, due June 15; 6 York pigs averaging 150 lbs. each; 14 York stockers. Tractors and Combine: Case standard No. 300 tractor, fully equipped, in guaranteed SPECIAL! EACH and EVERY SATURDAY DANCING TO 'The Crescendos' AT THE VILLAGE INN GRAND BEND Dining Room open every Sun- day for delicious home -cooked meals. wool Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1. Weston, Ontario. 'Obtain sacks -ant twine without charge from. - RUSSELL MANSON (Shearer) RR 1, Zurich or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 1-'.0 St. Clair Avenue East. Toronto 7, Ontario. A-1 condition; M.H. standard No. 102 tractor, in good condi- tion: Case No. 55 power take- off combine, fully equipped, in A-1 condition. Farm Machinery : New Rolland power take -off No. 65 hay baler, used one sea- son; Case break -away ihydrualic 3 -point hitch 3 -furrow plow, like new; M.H. 15 -run power lift grain and fertilizer drill, completely equipped, like new; Kongskilde combination 8 -ft, 3 cultivator harrow, recently pur- chased; heavy duty John Deere spring tooth cultivator; Case 7 - plate one-way disc; Case tractor spreader; M.H. 4 -bar side rake; M.H. binder, 7 -ft. cut, in new condition; M.H. 28 -plate tractor disc; M.H. power take -off mow- er, 7 -ft. cut; 2 -drum steel roller; New Holland hay elevator; 3 - section lever harrows; M.H. 11 - inch grain grinder; power take- off grass seeder; 3 -section dia- mond harrows; oat roller; heavy duty rubber tire wagon, equip- ped with 6 ply tires; 21 -ft. grain auger; 16 -ft. hay rack; new grain box; 2 -wheel trailer; set sleighs; fanning mill; rubber - tire wheelbarrow; electric mo- tors; M.H. electric cream sep- arator; 8 milk cans; Universal milking machine, including 2 FRIGIDAIRE Frost- Proof efrigerator ends defrosting! units; root pulper; set of scales; pig crate; water hose; sling ropes; bag truck; pig feeders; 2 electric fencers; Stewart elec- tric clippers; cattle mineral; 400 feet snow fence; line shaft and pulleys; steel posts; power lawn mower; emery; single plow; electric water heater; grease gun; roll barb wire; log- ging chains; forks; shovels; bar- rels; 22 Remington rifle; many other miscellaneous itmes. Hay and Grain: 300 bales choice mixed hay; 500 bales oat straw; 200 bushel mixed grain; quantity grass seed. Household Effects: Combination writing desk and bookcase; sideboard; Quebec heater; daybed; Singer sewing machine; extension table; oak rockers; chesterfield; 3 bedroom THIS WEEK! At The Hotel Imperial GRAND BEND FOR YOUR DANCING AND LISTENING PLEASURE FRIDAY NiGHT SATURDAY NIGHT Desjardine Orchestra FISH FRY AND CHICKEN IN BASKET — 50c Friday and Saturday Nights 881812111381811111181.138113011,18815118 suites; dressers; commodes; electric radio; quantity dishes; glassware; electric washing ma- chine; sealers; crocks; etc. Plant to attend this outstand- ing Sale. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms — Cash THOMAS YELLOW, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer STARLITE DRIVE -1N THEATRE NOW OPEN! Friday and Saturday Nights APRIL 24 and 25 (Double Feature) "Stolen Hours" (Colour) Susan Hayward, Michael Craig "Wall of Noise" Ty Hardin, Suzanne Pleshette TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Box Office Opens at 7 p.m. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars Free! VILLAGE OF ZURICH Model FPD -148C-64 13,78 cu. ft., 4 colors or white • No frost, no defrosting even in freezer. • 150-Ih. zero zone bottom freezer. • Twin vegetable Hydrators for nearly % bushel, * Storage door holds even 1/2 -gal. cartons. ONLY $540. (and Your Trade-in) SEE OUR Used Appliances AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES GINGERICH'S Sales and Service Ltd. Clinton — ZURICH — Seaforth 1%1Y c Id at HUh� PUBLIC MEETING A meeting is being called for the purpose of considering the formation of an HISTORICAL SOCIETY ON Wednesday, May 6, 1964 AT 2A0 P,M., D.S.T. IN Council Chambers, Court House GODERiCH, ONTARIO ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS WELCOME JOHN. G. BERRY, Clerk-Treas., County of Huron, 16,17,b GODERICH, ONTARIO Notice: Re Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time will be observed in this community, during the 1964 season Effective Midnite, Sat., April 25 MILTON OESCH MRS. ELDA WAGNER Clerk Clerk -Treasurer GIANT AUCTION SALE AT THE CLINTON LEGION HALL, CLINTON ONTARIO Tuesday Evening, April 28, 1964 7:30 P.M. SHARP Auctioneer Leo E. Bird will sell without reserve a large selection of finance company repossessions; bankrupt stosks; bailiff seizures; personal concignments, consisting of modern household furniture, television sets, appliances and brand new clothing for the entire family. THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD Furniture—A 2 -piece chestabed living room suite that folds out to full %-size bed with spring -filled mattress built in- side; a 2 -piece French provincial chesterfield suite covered in a top grade nylon cover; 2 other assorted chesterfield suites with foam cushions; 2 two-piece davenport sets with swivel rockers; 2 nine -piece chrome or coppertone kitchen - dinette suites consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table; 2 seven -piece suites consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table with inlaid top; 1 five -piece deluxe coppertone dinette suite; 3 bookcase bedroom suites complete with bed, dress- er, chest of drawers and matching box spring and mattress; 2 sets of lamps consisting of a tri -light lamp and two table lamps to each set; 1 set of Colonial step and coffee tables in a natural maple finish; Other step and coffee tables; 2 39" continental beds, complete with headboards and legs; 1 54" continental bed complete; 4 full size spring -filled mat- tresses; 2 hostess chairs; platform rocker; 9 x 12 rug; 1ii- chair; telephone table; kitchen step stool; chrome rocker; AM and FM radio and writing desk. Appliances and TV—A Targe refrigerator with full cross -top freezer; 2 electric ranges, one being a deluxe model; a long skirt washer with pump; a 15 cu, ft, deep freeze that holds over 500 lbs. of frozen food; automatic washer and dryer (matching pair); combination radio and record player; 7 different television sets, 21" models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition. Clothing—Ladies' 2- and 3 -piece suits, dresses, slims, slacks, and nylons; Girls' wool dresses, slims, jeans, socks, coats,. jackets, etc.; as well as a variety of small children's cloth- ing for all ages and sizes. Truly an outstanding selection of brand new clothing. NOTE --All the appliances in this sale are guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up in your home. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE AUCTIONEER * LEO E. BIRD Terms—Cash Cheques Accepted on Furniture 3% Sales Tax in Effect