HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-04-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964 ST. JOSEPH and DRYS ALE (AL FRED DUCHARME. Corre4soondentl ilir. and Mrs. Garfield Den- was a son of the late Regis c mme of this highway and M and Mrs. Mozart trelinaa. Zurich, motored to Detroit o Saturday last, where they wi visit with some relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Morley Fourni and family, of London, wei week -end visitors with Mr. an Mrs. Ed. Corriveau of this hig way. Mr. and Mrs. E. Quigly, o Detroit, spent a few days th past week cleaning and makin their cottage in readiness fo the summer months. Yours truly and Mrs. Dt charme spent a few days th past week at the home of M and Mrs. Avila Ducharme o 'the Bluewater south, and whil there Mr. Ducharme took a wal to the lake where a few year ago there was no beach. Toda the beach is in places 50 fee wide, and a large stone that few years ago was three fee under water, today is on th dry. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Masse, o Detroit, spent the week -end i their farm home on this high way. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Care and daughter Theresa, nurs from Victoria Hospital, London .and youngest daughter Ger aidine, were Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme Armand Denomme The remains of the late Mr Armand Dennome, who passe away in St. Joseph's Hospita London, on Saturday last, Apri 18, 1964, were in charge of th Westlake parlors until Tuesda morning at 10 o'clock, whe mass was celebrated in St. Bon face Churc h, Zurich, wit Father Doyle, the parish pries officiating. Many attended show ing their respect to the decease and -as well paying a last tribut to a worthy parishman. Th remains were then taken to hi native parish of St. Joseph, an laid to rest in St. Peter's Churc cemetery. The deceased is survived by his wife, seven sons and three daughters, one s i s t e r, on brother and many friends t mourn his loss. The late Armand Denomme e and Hear Mr. and Mrs, Paul Erb, of Elkhart, Indiana Speakers for a week of Missions and the Christian Family emphasis AT THE ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH May 3rd to May 10th Each Evening at 8:00 Saturday Evening for th-: Youth Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, APRIL 26 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! mmsammersmmmmmsomm ussimmmemmmmmmmemsmsso EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rtv. A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister 'Aeraa. Milton Oesoh. Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 26 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service. All times Daylight Saving Time We invite you to worship with us. Denomme. he a descendant of a pioneer family, and was born along the lake bank in the year of 1850, the last child born to that family in the known par- ish of Point Aux Bouleux, to' one of the early settlers, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Denomme. The late Mr. Denomme was a native born of this parish 65 years ago, and he and his wife, the former Juliette Charrette, ' had lived in this parish through- out, till a few years ago when they disposed of their farm on this highway to live a life in retirement, in Zurich. Mr. Denomme had many friends, in fact mostly all who knew him and had business with him said how generous he was, always ready to give words of encouragement and give a helping hand to them, Mr. Denomme will be greatly missed in his home, in this community, and the surround- ings in Zurich. We join to share the grief of his wife and his family in their bereavement. 0 MRS. J. GALIENNE the former Mrs. Charles (Jessie) Brown of the Bronson Line, Hay Township, died Tuesday, April 7. Mr. Brown predeceased her in 1945 and her son, Charles Jr., a noted athlete, died in 1943. The funeral was conducted Friday, April 10, at 1 p.m., at the Exeter cemetery with Rev M. James, of Dashwood, officiat- ing. T. Harry Hoffman funeral service was in charge of ar- rangements. 0 Letters The Editor, Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario. Dear Sir: Group Captain K. R, Green- away, CD, Commanding Officer RCAF Station Clinton, would like to thank you for the excel lent coverage your newspaper gave the RCAF on the occasion of its 40th birthday. It is fitting that you chose to emphasize the contribution this station has made and is making to the important training role of the RCAF. Yours truly, J. M. Gibson, Fl. Lieut., For Commanding Officer, RCAF Station Clinton. The Editor, Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario. Dear Sir: I am delighted to send to you and your newspaper the sincere appreciation of the Ontario So- ciety for Crippled Children for the generous support you have given to the Easter Seal Cam- paign. Our annual appeal to the pub- lic is simply a letter inviting their financial assistance. With your help in reminding and en- couraging a response, our cam- paigns have been successfuli. I send this expression of thanks on behalf of our cam- paign volunteers throughout Ontario . , . and especially for crippled children,` Sincerely yours, J. C. Preston, Chairman, Provincial Easter Seal Committee. 2111111111111111111.11111111 St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 26 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! Comfort for the Christian; Beloved, think not strange the fiery trial among you which cometh upon you to prove you — as though ought strange has come upon you: but inasmuch, as ye are partakers of the sufferings of Christ, Rejoice. That at the revelation of his glory also, Ye may rejoice with exceeding joy. 12 ye be reproached in Christ's name, blessed ye, Becaues the Spirit of Glory and of Go.d resteth upon you. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE This year marks the 30th anniversary for a popular Canadian broadcaster, Don Messer. It was in 1934 that he first started network broadcasting on radio station CHSJ, Saint John, N.B. This picture shows his first group. Standing are Don Messer, Duke Neilsen, an- nouncer George Cromwell and Charlie Cham- berlain. Seated is Ned Landry, then featured on the mouth organ but now known for his country fiddling skill. Announcer Cromwell is still in the broadcast field—as general manager of CHSJ radio and TV station, Saint John. items About Zurich Mrs. Clara Todd, of Detroit, was a visitor for a few days with Mrs. John Albrecht and Rose, and other friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. James Hackett and family, of Galt, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinback. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, of Dearborn, Mich., and Mrs. Alice Johnston and family, of Bay- field, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. George Wilson, near Bayfield. They also held a birthday party for Danny Johnston, on Satuurday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oesch, of Paris, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Billington, of London, spent the week -end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turkheim. Home Decorating Show A special program on spring decorating, sponsored by Giner- ich's Sales and Service, Zurich, was held last Friday night in the Community Centre. A num- ber of interesting films were shown, and several numbers were presented by the staff. Lucky draws were won by the following. living room mirror, Mrs. Herb Turkheim, Zurich; gallon of paint, Mrs. Dr. Wilson, Zurich; set of glasses, Napoleon Renew Your Subscription Now Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters of general interest in this column but can't undertake personal replies. DEAR DORIS—I ant 17, and consider myself a normal red blooded Canadian boy. I am editor of the school paper, president of the student union. But I am a little mixed up as far as the subject of friendship goes. There are two boys, one of whom is my "best buddy." The other has a car. I've been out with them and had good times; hut am never invited. I have to ask, The other night I phoned the one with the car about going out. He said he'd call back. He didn't. Next day I learned he and my buddy had „gone rut. This may sound "girlish," but I feel terrible. What should I do? Mention it? Not mention it? Stay home? BAFFLED the table be all right? Of - course, there will be a cake on the table. I presume one can buy silver bells and streamers. MATRON OF HONOR DEAR MATRON No, not sil- ver bells and streamers. More appropriate for this occasion— which marks an important mile- stone—is ile- stone—is the use of shining silverware. Flat wear and tea service. Silver sandwich tray and cake plate. Silver candle- sticks with tall white tapers. The wedding cake could be professionally f r o s t e d, and trimmed with tiny silver bells, to provide a glamorous centre- piece. DEAR DORIS—Our daughter is in grade nine and finding maths and English very hard. I've been frantic trying to think of some way to help her before it's too late. She gets marks like 34, 41, 27, Both teachers have offered to help her, but they can't spend too much time on one student. I'd like to find a tutor but I expect the fee would be far too much for my pocket- book. FRANTIC DEAR FRANTIC Why is she failing? Are herstudy habits poor? Do you know her ca- pacities? Do her talents run more to practical subjects? Talk with her teachers. And write in for my leaflet, "HoW To Study", if this is where she is falling down. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed wive. lope and ten cents. A. tutor for a short time might give her the lift she needs. DEA BAFFLED—Threesomes present problems. Both boys have a perfect right to be with each other, even as you and your buddy do. But must you stay home if you have no car? An editor, a president, just has to be a creative person. Start off in another direction, on foot, with somebody else, and forget to be hurt. You'll be making new friends .all your life. ^z* DEAR DORIS Friends of mine will be celebrating their silver wedding anniversary soon and I would like to give a party for them. I was wondering about dec- orations. Would silver bells and streamers suspended over Corriveau, Zurich; set of mix- ing bowls, Mrs. Gordon Troyer, RR 2, Hensall. Pittsburg Paints were co-sponsors of the show, along with Gingerich's. Catholic Women Appoint Secretary St. Boniface Catholic Women's League held their monthly meeting in the Town Hall on April 14, with about 25 mem- bers present. Mrs. Louis Farwell was nomi- nated as secretary, replacing Mrs. Alice Masse. After the business portion of the meeting, wherein several matters were discussed, a love- ly program was enjoyed by all. Those taking part were Char- lene Bedard, choosing "Canada, Land of Opportunity", as the topic for her speech. Charles Regier chose "Important Devel- opments evel- opments in the field of Science". A piano recital by Dorothy Farwell and Peter Re- gier was enjoyed, and a vocal duet by Aubrey Bedard and Charles Regier. There was also a song by Richard Regier. The meeting closed with the League prayer, and a delicious lunch was served by the com- mittee in charged. 1 always FINE }� DER.N DINING R A1'fv50SPHFRc OF OUR SERVED IN OUR ENJOY THE FINE ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure OM WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS - CHICKEN .- FISH ominion Il PHONE 70 — ZURICH Chase & Sanborn — 6 Oz. — 12c Off Instant Coffee _ _ _ $1.05 Nabisco — 18 Oz. Shredded wheat - - _ 31c • Tip Top — 20 Oz. Tomato Juice _ Club House — 8 Oz. Jar _ _ 4/59c Manzanilla Olives _ _ 29c Jello — Assorted Flavours Jelly Powders _ Green Giant — 14 Oz. Niblets Corn _ _ — 3 Oz. - - 6/59c _ _ 2/35c Pillsbury — Assorted Flavours Cake Mixes _ _ _ _ 2/75c Solo Margarine _ _ 2 lbs. 53c Chicken Noodle Lipton's Soup _ _ _ 3/39c 2c Off — 14 Oz. Plastic Dutch Cleanser _ _ _ _ 41 c Van Camp — 15 Oz. Beans with Pork _ 2/33c Hyatts Choice — 15 Oz. Tender Peas _ _ _ _ 2/35c Fancy Cream Style — 15 Oz. Stokely's Corn Allen's — 48 Oz. Orange Drink Heinz — 15 Oz. _ _ 2/35c 39c _ 2/35c Cooked Spaghetti Maple Leaf — 3c Off — 8 Oz. Cheese Slices Pkg. Temple's — 5 Point — 12 Oz. Jar 31c Marmalade 39c FRUIT and VEGETABLES SUNKIST ORANGES, 138s DOZ. 49c KING SIZE CUCUMBERS 2 FOR 29c 14 OZ. TUBES SANSONE CELLO TOMATOES _ _ _ _ EACH 25c JUMBO SIZE CALIFORNIA HEAD LETTUCE 2 FOR 39c MEAT SPECIALS LAMB (HOPS LB. 59c SMOKED PICNICS LB. 43c HOFFMAN'S SUMMER SAUSAGE _ _ _ _ LB. 75c CANADA PACKERS — 8 OZ. PKG. ASSORTED SLICED MEATS 2 FOR 39c WE WILL BE OPEN ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS, STARTING THIS WEEK, DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS DOERR'S PHONE 140-- ZURICH