HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-04-23, Page 3THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964 PAGE THREE News of HENSALL District Young People Meet Hensall -Chiselhurst Young People met Sunday evening. David Pyette led the meeting and for the devotional period Officers Elected For Kippers East Women's Institute District President Mrs, James Drummond, of Kippen, installed the 1964-65 slate of officers at Kippen East W,I, annual meet- ing, held at the home of Mrs, William Bell, Wednesday eve- ning, with Mrs. Charles Eyre co -hostess, Past president, Mrs. William Bell; president, Mrs. Vernie Al- derdice; first vice-president, Mrs. James McNaughton; sec- ond vice-president, Mrs. 'Grant MacLean; third vice-president; Mrs. Ken McKay; secretary, Mrs, Mrs. William Kyle; treas- urer, Mrs. Robert Bell; district director, Mrs. William Bell; assistant, Mrs. John Sinclair; public relations. Mrs. Harry Caldwell; branch directors, Mrs. Bell, Mrs, Drummond, Mrs. Stewart Pepper. Conveners of standing com- mittees: agriculture and Cana- dian industries, Mrs. Jack Con- sitt, Mrs. Cecil Pullman; citizen- ship and education, Mrs. Robert Gemmell, Mrs. Arthur Finlay- son; historical research and cur- rent events, Mrs. Ross Sararas, Mrs. William Gibson; home eco- nomics and health, Mrs, Wil- liam Caldwell, Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse; sunshine convener, Mrs. Drummond; curator, Mrs. Alex MacGregor; resolutions, Mrs. Ken McKay; sewing, Mrs. Alex MacGregor; pianist, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; assistant, Mrs. Sinclair; auditors, Mrs. White- house and Mrs. Gibson; district delegates, Mrs. Alderdice, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. Vivan Coop- er, Mrs. William Kyle. The new president, Mrs. Al- derdice, took the chair for the program. Arrangements were made for members to attend the district annual to be held in Thames Road United Church, May 14. MRS. VERN ALDERDICE President, Kippen East W.I. Miss Nancy Kyle read Scripture passages and also offered pray- er, A film, "New South Asia'„ was shown. Paul Drysdale di- rected games which included a "mind stumper"., A farewell tea for Mrs, Clif- ford MeKercher was held Tues- day evening, arranged by sev- eral friends who presented her with a gift. Mrs, MeKercher, Tracey and Kelly, are planning an extended visit to her parents at Greenwood, N,S., while her husband is taking a special course at Camp Borden. At the conclusion of his course he will be posted. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith leave this Friday by plane to spend the week -end in New York, combining business with pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes returned home Saturday after spending the winter in Cali- fornia and Arizona. Support the annual cookie sale conducted by the Hensall Guides and Brownies, which will be held Saturday, May 2. A number from Hensall at- tended the Hobby Show held at the Legion Hall, Exeter, on Sat- urday, April 18, sponsored by Caven Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. William Brock and Jeffrey, of Port Credit, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock. Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle spent the week -end in Toronto guests of their cousins, Miss Helen and Mr. Milton Boyle. Arnold Circle Discusses India The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church met Mon- day evening, April 20, with president Mrs. Gordon Schwalm presiding, who opened with the Lord's Prayer, and reviewed articles from the Presbyterian Record. Program and worship was in charge of Mrs. Don Mousseau and Mrs. Gerald Bell with the theme "How are we the Pres- byterian Church of Canada in India?—the beginnings of the Bhil and the Jhansi Areas". Mrs. John Baker read Scrip- ture passages, and Miss Hannah Murray gave a detailed report of the Synodical held in New St. James' Presbyterian Church, London, Members answered the roll with "Faith". Mrs, Cathy Hop- kins, who tendered her resig- nation as Leader of the Ex- plorers, was presented a gift, presentation address by Mrs. Schwalm, and gift presented by Mrs. John Skea. Mrs. Robert Taylor pronounc- ed the benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gerald Bell, Mrs. Mousseau and Mrs. John Baker. BEAN MARKET AVAILABLE GROW BEANS! BEAN CONTRACTS: SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED CROP ACCEPTED AT HARVEST QUALITY SEED ONTARIO REGISTERED — SANILAC SEAWAY SAGINAW MICHEL.ITE '62 MICHIGAN CERTIFIED — SANILAC All Seed Grown from Foundation Stock SEED TREATED WITH DIAZINON AND CAPTAN for Control of Seed Corn Maggots, Seed Maggots, Root Maggots, Seed Rots and other Fungus Diseases. This treatment recommended for use on "Resistant" Seed maggots. Contact E. L® MALE & SON LIMITED HENSALL PHONE 103 UCW Unit 1 Unit 1 of the UCW met Mon- day evening under the leader- ship of Mrs. Robert Reaburn, with 16 present. Mrs. V, M. Pyette and Mrs. Earl Soldan gave the devotional, and Mrs. Ian McAllister the Bible study. Members were informed of the order bake sale May 9. The May meeting has been moved ahead to May 11. Mrs. Rodger Venner contributed a humorous reading, and Mrs. Ross Richard- son directed contests, Mrs. Official Visits _ Amber Rebekahs Amber Rebekah Lodge met in the Lodge Rooms Wednes- day, with Noble Grand Mrs. Clarence Volland presiding District Deputy President Mrs> Elva Osbaldeston, of Gode- rich, paid her official visit to the Lodge and brought a very inspiring message, and asked members to attend the School of Instruction in Goderich on April 29. A donation was made to the Canadian Cancer Fund. After Lodge, a penny sale was held and lunch served by the social committee. 0 Obituary George Johnson George Henry Johnston, 74, a life long resident of the Varna area, died in South Huron Hos- pital, Tuesday, April 14, having been a patient since August. He was an active member of Varna LOL. His wife, the former Mary Coleman, predeceased him in 1945. He is survived by one son, Gordon, of Varna; one brother, Alfred Johnston, Varna. The body rested at the Bon- thron funeral chapel, Hensall, where funeral service was held Thursday, April 16, at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. Murdoch Morrison, Varna, with interment in Bayfield cemetery. Blighton Ferg and Mrs. Ian Mc- Allister were hostesses and served lunch., Mrs. Kay Bedard and chil- dren, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and Ann. Miss Ann Mickle spent the week -end in Kitchener with her sister and brother-in-law,. Mr. Ross MacMillan, and Daviel. 0 Chiselhurst UCW Meet In Church Mrs. Alvin Cole and 1VIrs. Jack Brintnell were hostesses for the April meeting of Chiselhurst UCW, held in the church Tues- day afternoon. Nineteen mem- bers answered the roll by a verse from the 22nd Psalm. Mrs, Ken Parker conducted the worship service, the theme being "Family Life". Mrs. Percy Harris gave the mission- ary prayer. A chapter on the study book on India was taken by Mrs. Russell Brock. Mrs. A. Boyce gave the report of the Presbyterial meeting held recently in Exeter. Mrs. Har- old Currie favored with a love- ly solo. The ladies finalized plans for a cement floor to be laid in the basement at an early date. President Mrs. Harold Parker chaired the meeting. Auxiliary Group Bowl in Tourney Two teams of bowlers from Ilensall Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary participated in a bowling tournament at Walkerton Bowl- ing Alley on Wednesday, April 15. Mrs. Jahn Skea, Mrs. Robert McKenzie, Mrs. Grant Bisbaek, Mrs. Howard Sinai°, Mrs, Wil- liam Smale, Mrs. Harold Camp- bell, Mrs, 'William Forrester, 1VIrs. Edna Ilay, Mrs. W. H. Bell, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs. Jack Simmons. 0 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT Mrs, Rudolph Miller spent last week at London with Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Miller and Jeffery. Mrs, William Baker and fam- ily, of Hanover, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Miller, and Grace. Nelson Willert, 78, of Smith Creek, Mich„ passed away Sat- urday at Port Huron General Hospital. He was born in Dash- wood, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willert. Many cousins live in this area. Allen Bills Allen Bills, 81, passed away in Elkton, Mich., Saturday, April 18. His wife, the former ..isC:I to e k00.0.414.`11.104.0i VILLAGE OF HENSALL TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and until 6 o'clock p.m., Friday, May lst, 1964. For the preparing and placing of asphalt pavement 22 feet wide on approximately 2500 feet on Brock, Mill, Queen and Elizabeth Streets. To be placed on in two coarses. The base coarse to be one and three-quarter inches thick of coarse material. And the top coarse to be one and one- quarter inches thick of fine material. Contract prices to be submitted by the ton. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be com- pleted by September lst, 1964. For further information apply at the Clerk's Office. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk, VILLAGE OF HENSALL. 15,6,7,b Olive Rader, passed away in 1939. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. John (Marjorie) Champagne, Caseville, Mich,; one son, Herbert, Cass City, Mich.; three sisters and two brothers. The funeral was held at Elkton Tuesday; graveside service was held at Dashwood Lutheran cemetery Wednesday, with the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Merner and Margaret. Mrs. Hilda Wein, Mrs. Harry Hayter, and Albert Rader were in Elkton, Mich., on Sunday due to the death of Allen Bills. They visited at Cass City with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bills and Mr. and Mrs. John Champagne. Mrs. Carl Stuckless enter- tained a number of Dianne's classmates, Monday, April 20, on the occasion of her eighth birthday. Games and a birth- day supper Were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. George 1VIaier, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gent- tner and family. • (4:ea k a 11'' d SM Turkey, Ha . , Salads, Desserts ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, HENSALL (ANGLICAN) SATURDAY, AP IL 25 SUPPER SERVED FROM 5:00 TO 7:00 P.M. ADULTS: 51.50 CHILDREN, UNDER 12:75c Pre-school Children Free urth tiIItliI!( Hensall United Church REV. HAROLD F. CURRIE, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. J. PHILIP GANDON, Rector 9:45 a.m.—Morning Service. 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. Carmel Presbyterian Church REV. D. R. MacDONALD, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. Dougall, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship Service This Space Contributed By G eraI Coach Works 'tF1A;"•e•.!Lr yi SCHNEIDER'S Minced Ham - 1 49c BEEF OR PORK LIVER - Ib, 29c1 Compare at Regular Price of 45c — Weston's Compare at FROZENFOOD CHUCK OR BLADE BIRDSEYE 6 -OZ. TINS ROAST Orange Juice 3fof$1.00 t� CALIFORNIA No. 1 Head Lett ,fce 2 for 29c 23c—Clark's-20 Oz. Tin Jelly Rolls 39c Chili Beans BEEF s ia■S ��n STORE HOURS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TILL 9 P.M. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT 'TILL 10 P.M. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Compare at 85c —Tenderleaf, packs of 60s _ Special 19c x Tea Bags 77c Compare at 75c—Miracle Whipe-32 Oz. Regular Prices 22 Each -11 Oz. Bottle Salad Dressing _ _ 59c Aylmer Catsup _ Eatwell — 7 Oz. Tuna Fish Flakes 18c • iDare's—Chocolate - - 3/59c Pom Poms Reguar Price 91c--Mir-2 24 -Oz. Bottes $ Compare at 5 for Liquid Detergent 79c $ Freshies - Biscuit with Cream Filling 29c lb. pkgs. 39c THIS WEEK _ Special 10/49c