HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-04-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1964 DASH OOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Go►'respondenO Dashwood W.1, Bridal Shower The annual meeting of Dash-, Misses Lynda Tiernan and wood W.I. was held Tuesday, Bonnie McCrae were joint host - April 7, with eaelt member pay-' esses at the former's home Fri- ing their dues in answer to the day, April 10, for a miscellan- eous shower for their cousin, roll call. The president, Mrs.' Syd Baker, presided for the business. Each member was to pay one dollar for fees and the bursary was to be taken out of the treasury. Mrs. Leonard Schenk gave a report of the ex- ecutive meeting held that after- noon in Hensall. The district annual is to be held May 14 in Thames Road United Church, Mrs. Leonard Schenk was ap- pointed county delegate and al- ternate area delegate. The secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Glen Webb, gave her annual re- port which showed a busy and profitable year. Standing com- mittee reports were givn by the agriculture and Canadian indus- try, Mrs. Charles Snell; citigen- ship and education, Mrs. Hugh Boyle; home economics and health, Mrs. Eben Weigand; his- torical research and current events, Mrs. Emil Becker; pub- lic relations officer, Mrs. Ervin Rader. Mrs, Leonard Schenk presid- ed for the election of officers and the installation. The new slate of officers was presented by Mrs. J. M. Tiernan. Officers are: Past president, Mrs. Leon- ard Schenk; president, Mrs. Syd B a a k e r; vice-presidents, Mrs. Mervyn Webb and Mrs. Glen Webb; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. John Rader; assistant, Mrs. Harold Rader; district director, Mrs. Leonard Schenk; alternate, Mrs. Ken McCrae; Tweedsmuir history curator, Mrs. Ervin Ra- der; public relations officer, Mrs. Charles Snell; resolutions convener, Mrs. Leonard Schenk; birthday secretary, Mrs. Mervyn Webb; pianist, Mrs. Ken Mc- Crae; auditors, Mrs. Otto Wil - ,lert and Mrs. Milford Merner; standing committee conveners, agriculture and Canadian indus- try, Mrs. Ervin Devine; histor- ical research and c u r r en t events, Mrs. Emil Becker; citi- zenship and education, Mrs. Hugh Boyle; home economics and health; Mrs. Valentine Becker. Social group conveners are: Mrs. Eben Weigand, Mrs. Ervine Devine, and Mrs. Addi- son Tiernan. The executive was in charge of the lunch. SEEM Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, APRIL 19 — 10 a.m. — Sunflay School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! a EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, BA SD, MInister Mrs. Milton Oeson,. Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 19 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. No evening service. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 — Mary Jane Hoffman, bride -elect of May. Thirty friends and rel- atives were present. Following group games Mary Jane was seated beneath an umbrella in a rose studded arbor and pre- sented with many useful gifts for which she graciously thank- ed all. with the girls making one, The next meeting will be at the home of Diane Becker. Mrs George Tiernan, Janice and Gary spent the Easter vaca- tion at Willowdale with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore. Mrs. Cud - more returned home with them and spent a week here. 11Irs. Effie Kleinstiver has re- turned to her home from South Huron Hospital, Exeter where she was a patient for several months. Farewell to Neighbors Some 25 neighbors of the Neebs gathered at Khiva public school to bid them farewell prior to their taking up resi- dence near Teeswater. Cards were played •after which Mr. and Mrs. Ward Neeb and fam- ily, Miss Esther Neeb and Har- vey Neeb, were presented gifts. Agrico Fertilizer Opens Depot The Agrico Fertilizer Coni- pany opened a depot in Dash- wood, Friday, April 10, with open house for the public, Lloyd Rader is the manager. Many took advantage of the op- portunity to view films and dis- cuss their problems with offic- ials. Doo prizes drawn for by Ron Braid were won by Jack Schade, an electric drill; and Melvin Stade, a hammer. Mrs. Ferd Miller accompan- ied Mrs. Roy Pask, of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill 11IcAdarn and Donald, of Zur- ich, to Royal Oak, Clawson and Mt. Clemens, Mich., last Thurs- day, where they visited with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Miller spent Friday with Mrs. Roy Pask, of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family spent Sunday at London with Mr, and Mrs. Wen- dell Gamble and family. They attended church services at Our Saviour Lutheran Church and were sponsors at the baptism of Kim Aryls Gamble, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wen- dell Gamble. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and family, Mrs. Bertha Hayter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce, of Windsor, and the former's sis- ter from Nova Scotia spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beavis and Barbara in Detroit. They had a triple celebration, for it was Jayne Hayter's and grandmother Hayter's birthdays and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hay- ter's wedding anniversary. An enjoyable time was had by everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene and Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Restemayer and Glen were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. Nine friends of Mrs. William Ziler gathered at her hame last week on the occasion of her birthday. Cards were played followed by a birthday lunch. Fifty housewives of the Dash- wood district gathered at the community centre last Thursday evening for the spring meeting of the "Huron Waves". A pot- luck supper preceded the busi- ness. Dashwood Merry Maids The seventh meeting of the Dashwood 4-H Girls' Club was held at the home of Margaret Merner, Monday, April 13. Curved seams were discussed Sf. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer SUNDAY, APRIL 19 — Service. j 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School, We invite you to worship 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. with us. You Are Welcome rd JESUS CHRIST IS LORD1 There are two basic concepts within Christendom. The one approach sees grace coming to man by focusing on the crucifix. This approach insists that the presence of Christ is to be found in a loaf of bread with the spotlight on the man who, it is thought, administers God. The other approach looks past the Empty cross to the Christ who is glorified with all authority at the right hand of God. In this approach every believer partakes of the bread and the wine as a symbol of the triumphant return of the one who suffered—whose presence now is not in the bread but in heaven. The grace that comes to the believer from Him in this communion is based an the attitude and faith of the communicant. Saving grace is available not because man regulates God but because the grace revealed in Christ comes from the God reveals himself to the believer and at the same time conceals himself from those who try to usurp the role which forever remains with God only. The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob is a God who both reveals and conceals. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Wedding Bedard -Dignan Anthony Alphonse Bedard, Zurich, and Marlene Grace Dignan, Hensall, exchanged marriage vows in St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, Zurich, on Saturday, April 11, at 10:30 a.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dignan, Hen- sall, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard, Zurich. Rev. Father C. A. Doyle offic- iated for the double ring cere- mony. Given in marriage by her uncle, Harvey Dignan, Dorches- ter, the bride wore a floor - Items About Zurich Mrs. Gordon Hess spent a few days this week visiting with relatives and friends in Sarnia and Chatham. Mrs. Laura Haberer spent last week at the home of her daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaufman, in Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Illsley, Lon- don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gaseho. Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien and Jimmy, of Belleville, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien, Mrs. O'Brien and Jimmy staying for this week. Mrs. Vera Schilbe, Kitchener, spent a couple of days last week visiting relatives and friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and fancily, London, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Datars. Miss Kathleen Hess, of Lon- don, spent a couple of days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Taylor and Mr. Israel Wilhelm, of Mil- verton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mrs. Ellen Thiel has return- ed from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, were she has been a patient for the past nine weeks, undergoing eye surgery and treatment. She is spending some time at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hugill, and family. Mrs. Pauline Jeffrey, of Blake, has returned home from Windsor, where she visited with her children, .also attending a bridal shower for her niece. Mr. and Mrs. William David- son were Sunday visitors at Dublin with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jantzi. Mrs. Davidson is spend- ing some time this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Gold- ing, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haberer and Ruth enjoyed a pleasant week -end in Waterloo and in Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaufman and family. Ivan L. Kalbfleisch, accom- panied by his daughter, Mrs. Edward Letts, of London, at- tended the National H o m e Builders' Show in Toronto on Friday. Wins Rug Peter Kuzrnich, of St. Cath- arines, was the lucky winner of a tapestry rug last week at St. Joseph Esso Service Station. Every hundredth gas customer at the service station receives a rug, with the compliments of Charlie Burgess. 0 Lutheran Women length wedding gown of white tylon sheer. The bodice was nig;hlighted by a scalloped sa- brina neckline of the most deli- cate French chantilly lace touched with shimmering se- quins, and long lily -point sheath sleeves. Medallions of the same lace accented the full flowing bouffant skirt, while a band of the chantilly formed a panier effect starting at the waist around to the back. To com- plete her bridal outfit, the bride wore a nylon illusion fingertip veil caught up by a queen's crown headpiece of tiny seed pearls and aurora borealis crys- tals. She carried a bouquet of dark pink frenched carnations. Lutheran Church Women held their meeting Tuesday evening, April 14. Mrs. Ray Fisher gave a reading entitled, "Ten Little Christians". Mrs. Ray Waters, Miss Anna Datars and Mrs. Fisher partici- pated with the program and devotions. The topic "Faith and Learning" emphasized Lu- theran higher education in col- leges, also mentioning confus• ion and accepting of the ever- changing ways of teaching. Mrs. H. W. Brokenshire took charge of the business. The visiting committee reported 13 calls made. Correspondence include invi- tations to Western District Assembly at Hanover on Wed- nesday, May 6, and to the sec- ond biennial convention at Wat- erloo Lutheran University, on June 10 and 11. A bus may be chartered for the trip to Han- over. The parsonage committee re- ported they had met with the congregation's property com- mittee and have asked help from the LCW to do some re- decorating in the parsonage next week. Donations of good used clothing will be accepted until April 30, to be brought to the church basement for pack- ing for LWR. DRY- CLEAN A Whole Basketful of Clothes 8 LBS. FOR ONLY $2.00 In Our Westinghouse Dry Cleaning Machines mnnJ FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE Protection Against MOTHS — MILDEW — During Spring Season FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE -- FREE ODOR P W N MM+. W M.I.ldJ N!^ P. ATTENDANTS WILL HELP YOU PROCESS YOUR LOAD AT WEST STREET LAUNDROMAT (Across from the Town Hall) GODERICH — ONTARIO SAMPLE LOADS • 1 Suit 1 Dress and Jacket 12 Pairs Slacks 2 Skirts 4 Sweaters $2.00 OR 2 PAIRS OF UNLINED DRAPES $2.00 Wilhemina Van D o n g e n, Grand Bend, was matron of honour, and bridesmaid was Monica Bedard, sister of the groom. They were gowned alike in cocktail length dresses of cameo pink satapeau, styled with a scoop neckline and a midriff of matching lace. They wore matching wedding ring headpieces and carried bouquets of white mums. Susan Lynn Dignan, sister of the bride, as junior bridesmaid, was dressed similarily in an aqua dress and carried a bou- quet of white mums. Percy Bedard was grooms- man, and Jim Bedard, Harry Van Der Vleuten, Niagara Falls, and Brian Dignan, ushered guests. The reception was held at the Dominion Hotel, urich. For receiving guests the bride's mother chose a soft pink satapeau dress and matching accessories, and a corsage of blue carnations and pink Sweet• h. e a r t roses. The groom's mother wore a dusty rose lace dress with matching accessor- les and a corsage of light pink carnations and white Sweet- heart roses. For travelling the bride chose a pink brocaded satin dress with matching three-quarter length coat, pink hat and gloves and black patent accessories, and she wore an orchid corsage. The groom is employed at the I.G.A. store in Exeter, and the bride was formerly employed on the staff of Brescia College, London. The couple will reside in Exeter. PIABEINSCIMENIMMISIMIMMAYMIMMINNE TIC Having sold my meat market and locker service in Zurich, to my brother, Albert, I wish to take this opportunity of thank. ing all my customers and friends for their loyal patron- age over the years. I hope you will continue to give him the same support you have given me. With the change of owner- ship, we would like to ask that all outstanding accounts be set- tled as soon as possible. Your co-operation will be appreci- ated. GEORGE DEICHERT always FINE FOODS SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING ROOM ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS -CHICKEN -FISH Dominion Hotel Shirriff's Good Morning — 24 Oz. Marmalade 55c Facelle — White or Colored — 2 Bathroom Tissue - - 21c 32 -Oz. Plastic Bottle Javex Roll 23c _ 3/55c _ 2/43c _ 2/27c _ 2/25c 11 -Oz. Bottle Aylmer Catsup — Choice Halves — 15 Oz. Aylmer Peaches _ Aylmer — 10 Oz. Vegetable Soup - Aylmer — 10 Oz. Tomato Soup - Red Rose — 6 Oz. Jar Robin Hood Asst. Pouch Pak Cakes Mixes _ _ _ _ 2/29c Assorted — 15 Oz. Size Canned Meats _ _ 3/89c Aylmer Blue Lake — 15 Oz. Green Beans _ _ _ _ 2/37c King of Hawaii — 48 Oz. Pineapple Juice - _ _ - 39c Rose Brand — 16 Oz. Sweet Mix Pickles _ 35c Aylmer — 48 Oz. Tin Tomato Juice 33c Aylmer or Delmonte — 15 Oz. Fancy Peas 2/33c Zip — 15 Oz. Dog Food 3/29c Red Seal — 734 Oz. Instant Coffee _ _ _ - 95c Cohoe Salmon - - - - 49c FRUIT and VEGETABLES FRESH TENDERGREEN ONIONS _ 2 bunches 17c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 56's 5 for 49c NEW TEXAS CARROTS, 20 oz. cello _ 2 for 25c No. 1 Small COOKING ONIONS _ _ 10 LBS. 39c DUTCH ONION SETS 2 LBS. 39c MEAT SPECIALS SLICED BACON LB, 55c WIENERS 2 LBS. FOR 79c FRYER SI 3 lbs. and Up LB. 39c FRESH SPARERIBS - _ _- LB. 49c DOERR'S PHONE 140 ZURICH