HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-03-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1964 Zurich Midgets Lose First Game of Semi -Finals to Strong Belmont Club The Zurich Lions Midgets Belmont went on in the bal- came out on the short end of a ance of the first period to take 15-3 score in their first game of their best -of -three OMHA semi- final series against Belmont last a 4-0 lead, and then increased it to 9-2 by the end of the sec- ond. They added six more in Friday night. Second game of the third while the Zurich gang the series was played in the managed to salvage only one Hensall Arena last night. Wed- more goal. nesday. Ken Westlake scared all three After a four-week layoff, the goals for the Zurich six, on Zurich crew were no match for the Belmont six, who have been playing continually in two dif- f e r en t leagues. They held them to a stand --still for the first 15 minutes of the game, but after that the lack of action started to show, as the Zurich crew became legweary. assists from Bill Hoffman and Robert Bannister. Despite the 15 goals that were scored against him, classy Gary Geoffrey, in the Zurich nets, turned in a sparkling perform- ance. Time after time he turn- ed shots that were labelled for sure goals. S OF KIPPE: DISTRICT Correspondent, Mr Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Kyle and Jinn attended the baptism of their grandson. Scott Donald, on Sunday, at the Lutheran Church, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert and family, of Zurich, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys. Mr. Nelson Hood was admit- ted Tuesday to Victoria Hos- pital, London, for surgery on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper and boys moved Saturday into their home at Kippen. Sunday visitors with Mr. Ro- bert Thomson included: Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Priestop of Mit- s. Norman Long chell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes of London, Mr. and Mrs. E. McDonald of Toronto, and Mrs. Charlie McDonald and son of Stratford. Presentation On Thursday night the choir of St. Andrew's United Church made a presentation to Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner and son, Carl, prior to their departure to Zurich. Miss Jean Ivison read the address and Mrs. Ed- gar McBride and Garry Ander- son made the presentation of a "wall plaque" to Mrs. Fink- beiner, and a "desk set" to Carl. A short programme followed, consisting of a contest which 4-H GaNI7.TION L EETINGS HURON COUNTY 4-H FARM & HOME ELECTRIC CLUB (Regular Meetings in Exeter Area) EXETER 4-H TRACTOR MAINTENANCE CLUB EXETER 4-H SWEET CORN CLUB AT SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Monday, March 30, 2:15 p.m . Zurich 4- Calf Club AT ZURICH TOWN HALL Monday, March 30, 3:30 p.m. HURON COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS' 4-H SWINE CLUB 1st and 2nd Year Projects) AT LONDESBORO HALL Thursday, April 9, 3,30 p.m. All boys and girls who have reached their 12th birthday by January 1, 1964, and have not reached their 21st birth- day by December 31, 1964, are invited to join a club of their choice. (Electric Club and 2nd year Swine Club Mem- bers -16 as of January lst, 1964, but who have not reached their 21st birthday before December 31st, 1964.) Huron C urfy Club Leaders ASSOC IATION .I: t:R )jin Award Contract Grand Bend—According to G, N. Scroggie, London, of the De- partment of Public Works of Canada, the contract for dredg- ing in the Grand Bend harbour has been awarded to the Dean Construction Company, Wind- sor, Dean was the second lowest tenderer and received the con- tract in preference to the low one, Geo. Crowe. Mr. Crowe had the contract in 1962, and did not accomplish the task then, nor was he able to complete the job in 1963. Clerk Murray DesJardins re- ports that Dean expects to move his equipment to the vil- lage early next week. While waiting for the main contract to proceed, a local contractor will install a crane on the north pier, and will attempt to cut an emergency channel for the use of the fishing boats. 0 Mrs. M. Sangster Bowling Scores ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Dashettes 3 — Elaine Datars 633. Huronettes 4 — Gladys Mc- Gregor 549. Ups and Downs 5—June Hay- ter 534. Wee Hopes 2—Gladys Bedard Mrs. Williamina (M inn i e) Sangster, a resident of Hensall for 60 years, passed away in Exeter nursing home, Monday, March 23. In her 79th year, she was born in Scotland, the f or m e r Williamina Sinclair, and came to Hensall when a young girl. Her husband, the late William Sangster, passed away in 1936. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, and a member of the Women's Mis- sionary Society, a former mem- ber of Amber Rebekah Lodge, and Hensall Women's Institute. Surviving are one son, Doug- las, London; two daughters, (Margaret) Mrs. John McFar- lane, Forest; (Norma) Mrs. Herb Stretton, Hensall; 10 grandchil- dren, •and a sister, Mrs. James Robertson, Scotland. Public funeral service was held on Wednesday, conducted by Rev. Douglas Fry, of Sea - forth. Interment was in Hen- sall Union Cemetery. Bearers were Jack Peebles, Leonard Noakes, Jim Bengough, Dave, Jime and John Sangster. SHIRRIFF'S M i shed Potato Fl kes - - - - 29c IN TOMATO SAUCE eine Coked Spa >! lietti _ 3/47c STUART HOUSE — 25 FEET hum . ,a AN : Fol /'Y rap - - Libby's Tomattr Juice _ 48 OZ. TINS MAPLE LEAF Canned Hams YORK — 14 OZ. TINS Fancy Kernel Corn Mir Liquid Detergent _ ___31c ---31c' $1.43 _ _ 2/35c ---7'9c WHITE OR PINK White Swan Toilet Tissue _ 4/49c LUCKY DOLLAR Yellow Label Coffee - _ _ _ 73c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO ZURICH 561. Startones 7—Kay Webb 539, Lucky Strikes 0—Ann Wilson 50'7. Lo Gals 2—Marg Weido 456. Hi Lites 5 — Dorothy Mous- seau 508. Packers 7—Cecile Meidinger 553. Dominionaires 0—Shirley De - bus 504. Greenhorns 0—Elda Laidlaw 490. H. L. A. 7 — 588. High single: 323. High 718. High 187. was directed by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper and Mrs. Laird Finlay- son. John Sinclair sang and played his own accompaniment at the piano; Kenneth and Grant Jones favored with musical numbers. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON FridOPENING ay, hilar. 27 FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 27-28 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "The Lion" WILLIAM HOLDEN CAPUCINE TREVOR HOWARD PLUS The Comancheros JOHN WAYNE Colour Cartoon SUNDAY MIDNITE ONLY March 29 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "The Young Hellions' RUSS TAMBLYN JAN STERLING Adult Entertainment PLUS triple: Mona Campbell Delores Schilbe Globe Trotters 3—Ernie Laid- law 635. Questionaires 2—Pat World 628. Bulldogs 2—Albert Hoffman 649. High single: Jim Becker 340. High triple: Jiin Bedard 802. High average:: Jim Bedard 212. Elaine Datars average: Elaine Datars Group "B" Clippers 3—Bill Pollock 710. Bean Kings 1—Dennis Over- holt 523. Hot Shots 3—Bob Horner 677, Knights of Columbus 1 — Willie Overholt 590, Butcherettes 0 — Lloyd O'Brien 577. Flyers 4—Phil Overholt 649, High single: Phil Overholt 333. High triple: Bill Pollock 757 High average: Clair Geiger 193. MEN'S LEAGUE Group "A" Bluewater Giants 1 — John Paul Rau 530. Casenites 3—Mike Denomme 668. Rockets 1—Jim Bedard 560. 1111111111111111111, Wendy Christine Jones; John Grant Jones; Kenneth Harold Jones; • James Thomas Kyle; Heather Cameron Reid; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid joined by certificate. STARLITE f d DRIVE-IN THEATRE NOW OPEN! Friday and Saturday Nights MARCH 27 and 28 (Double Feature) "Road to Hong Kong" Bing Crosby, Bob Hope "The Magic Sword" (Colour) Basil Rathborne, Estelle Winard TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Box Office Opens at 7 p.m. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars Free! "This Rebel Age" STEVE COCHRANE MAMtE VAN DOREN Adult Entertainment Cartoon COMING NEXT: FRIDAY and SATURDAY April 3.4 "4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse" and 'The Badlanders' One -Stop Service GIFTS 4 NOVELTIES GROCERIES and LUNCHES DO ALL YOUR SHOPPING WITH ONE QUICK STOP! FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE TO EVERY 1OOth Gas Customer we will be giving away, absolutely free, a beautiful 20" x 40" Tapestry Rug This offer good all through March and April FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE — FREE OPEN 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY ST. JOSEPH ESSO SERVICE Corner Highways 84 and 21 — St. Joseph NOW Give Those Fall Crops a Boost ! USE AERO ['TILLS BROADCAST SPREADER SUPPLIED Harriston Fertilizer AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES CONTACT E. Lot MICKLE HENSALL tit SON LIMITED PHONE 103 mstrOflg VINYL COR LON A beautiful floor styling made up of small square -faced cubes of vinyl plastic 1 Buy All Your Seed Requirements FROM A RELIABLE DEALER! Hardi-Green MIXTURES Climax Timothy, Vernal Alfalfa, Einar Alfalfa, English Red Clover. Long -Term MIXTURES AND HAY PASTURE MIXTURES Stade & Weida Hardware "PLUMBING HEATING -- TINSMITHTNG" PHONE 72 ZURICH Looking for something that's different in floor styling? You'll find it in the new Tessera Series in Arm- strong Vinyl Corlon. The small square -faced cubes of vinyl that make up the design are so uniform in pattern that they look as if they were cut and set by hand. But more important, these cubes go all the way through to the backing and are so thick that the finished flooring equals heavy gauge linoleum in wearing qualities. Exclusive Armstrong Hydrocord Back• ing assures long service on basement floors as well as suspended floors. Available in seven decorator- selected colors. SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF FLOOR COVERING! Westlake Furniture PHONE 89 — ZURICH EAT T E TAX! Buy your paint requirements before April 1st, and save that extra 4% sales tax. Don't delay — act right away. ALL COLORS CUSTOM -MIXED WHILE YOU WATCH! Take your pick from literally hundreds of modern, fashionwise hues, in 7 famous Pittsburgh Paint lines for either interior or exterior use. Come in today and choose your exact shade from our MAESTRO COLOR SELECTOR. S�wrs:.-ew,.o-.�s,w,ar�.sa�.�.�. nn..��..e.�^•..o.r•.s�ss-.+�.o�...,.owsae•r COLOUR CONTEST WINNER Mrs. Wilmer Adkins, Zurich, was the winner of Pittsburg Paints Colour Contest, and receives $250 worth of Paint Absolutely Free. Last year Mrs. Leonard Bowman was a Lucky Winner, You, too, can be a winner when you buy and use Pittsburg Paints for all your requirements. DROP IN RIGHT AWAY — BEAT THE TAX ! I Gingerich's Sales lc Service Ltd. ZURICH — SEAFORTH