HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-03-12, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1964 Letter to the Editor Zurich, Ontario, March 9, 1964 Dear Sir: In recent editions •of your paper, and the popular topic of the general public, regarding the location of a new school for the Hay Township School area, or whether a new school is needed at all, does not take a back seat from the nation's latest sensation—the Beatles. If I may be permitted to add views to the others already pre- sented in your columns, per- haps it will help to answer some of the questions being asked and going unanswered. First of all I would like to make myself clear on this sub- ject. I am a publicschool sup- porter, living in the village of Zurich, and also I am one of the many supporters who are strongly opposed to the present plans of the school board in re- gards to a new school, at any new location. Let us go back to the begin- ning of this great controversey. In 1963, the then Hay Township School Area board decided it was in the best interest of the public school ratepayers to cen- tralize the school, which I think is good financial judg- ment. An architect was then hired to draw plans for an ad- dition to the present school. located in Zurich, which pres- ently is taking care of most of the area. This being done, the school board asked the town- ship council to issue debentures" for this project, It was at this time that a few sections to the east end of the school area asked to be let out of the area so their children could attend the Hensall school, stating that Hensall was their town, and they felt that it seem- ed silly having to bus their children to Zurich, when a num- ber of them could see the Hen- sall school from their home. Be that as it may, the Hay School .Area board decided not to release these people, or break up the area in any way. Meanwhile, ratepayers in the southwest corner of Hay also came up with the same argu- ment, stating that they would like to have their children at- tend the Grand Bend school. Many things were said through the next few weeks which I am NOW Give Those Fall Crops a Boost ! USE AERO PRILLS E. L. HENSALL BROADCAST SPREADER SUPPLIED Harriston Fertilizer AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES CONTACT MICKLE & SON LIMITED PHONE 103 9 ■ r sure would not have, if there had been some serious and rea- sonable thinking done. Mean- while, Zurich, situated in the centre of the area, happy with. the past relationship with the school area, and I might add, never had or asked for a mem- ber to sit on the school board, finally were made the scapegoat and the initial fault of all this trouble. By this I mean Zurich was bluntly told by some people of the area that it was a detri- ment to the area, and they were no longer wanted. In my mind that is just like saying Zurich, or Section 7 (whatever w a y you wish to think) has no say or equity in the area and the taxes we have been paying don't mean a thing. Finally, the township council, not wishing to take a stand on the request from the school trustees to issue the debentures, decided to put it to the people and asked for a vote, "Are you in favour of issuing debentures in the amount of approximately $80,000 to build an addition to the Zurich school". As a re- sult the vote carried in favour of the issuing of the debentures. To my knowledge the plans have been passed by the On- tario Board of Education, and the issuing of the debentures has been passed by the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs for the addition. Why was the out- come of this vote not carried out? . Some area ratepayers felt that the vote was not valid be- cause the majority was not great enough 'and that Zurich, more -or -less, decided the vote. Well, let me tell you that if this is the only argument or excuse they have, they should look back to the last election, for the members of the school Seen any interesting ads lately? Spotted any big bargains lately? If so, why not buy with the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan? With this low-cost, life -insured plan, one regular monthly payment covers alt your credit needs—and you can take up to three years to pay. `MY BAN' When you see what you want—see the people toJMiuroxra)J)J at your neighbourhood B of M about a Family Finance Plan loan. .`.e2.3.K.`•iome„•..sk, t.; MEf ..a..r....r, n.'.i.,.Sr:,r...r x.s.,.. .».. .. <,3:'v...r;vr:....:. ANK Or MONTREAL Fami!ii Finance Plan • BRING ALLYOUR PERSONAL CREDIT NEEDS t! id +•':int:••^'.•+:ii`r:�i•rr..::i`�: �:'r:4`•;G:�?'.;%Shur.. WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE -INSURED Bat NI LOAN Hensall Branch: Zurich Branch: VICTOR PYETTE, Mgr. SOHN BANNISTER, Mgr. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS board, and I can just as easily say that the election was not valid. Would we then have a school board at all?, or for that matter members of council, provincial or federal represen- tatives. This is the democratic way of deciding an issue, and it does not matter what section or riding the majority comes from, as long as there is a majority. Then came the nominations and elections of the school boar d, well anyone inter- ested in the municipality knows the result of that elec- tion. With the new school board being inaugurated, they came up with the brilliant idea of a complete new school, out- side the village of Zurich, cast- ing aside and ignoring the out- come of the vote and the wishes of the people. Well, anyone with a little bit of knowledge could visualize the outcome of this idea. Not only the east and west, but now Zurich, is far from satisfied with this idea. How any school board or coun- cil can do such a thing and not expect to cause trouble is be- yond me. Not only are they insulting the integrity of the school area ratepayers by ignor- ing the vote, but they are just adding coal to the already hot fire. Now, as to the cost of this new brainstorm, first land has to be bought at prices ranging from $7000 for one parcel of land to $2500 for another. Sec- ond, the value of the present school will be a complete sacri- fice, plus a debenture that has to be paid, plus a penalty of 5% per year on the remaining de- bentures until it is paid, plus only a 50% grant of the as- sessed value of the land being bought, plus a new water sup- ply. Hydro will have to be made available, plus an added expense for bussing all the chil- dren of the area to school, then the difference between approxi- mately $80,000 and approxi- mately $300,000 for the school itself, or four times the esti- mate of the addition to the present school. Add all this to the expense of the vote taken, which ap- parently does not mean a thing, and to the cost of the Archi- tects being hired to draw plans and sit in on meetings being held, the whole idea is so ridic- ulous words cannot express it. PAGE SEVEN Surely if every ratepayer is thinking of the dollars this is costing they will demand the school board to carry out the wishes of the people, according to the vote taken. If not, each and every member of the school board should be asked to re- sign. I might add that if such Y FR;;rM A FIRkIw YOU ri' K OW a move is not taken, the rate- payers could hold every mem- ber of the school board and council personally responsible. Every day you hear and read of people complaining of the rising taxes, is it any wonder. Not only will we have a large increase in public school taxes, but through the actions of our councils the high school taxes are sure to be higher, to say nothing of the very possible increase in the general tax rate. If you think I am joking or blowing off hot air, fellow rate- payers, take a good long look at your tax notice next fall. All this, and who is being satisfied. In my opinion no one. If every councillor and member of the school board remembers the oath of office they took, and want to live by it, then their personal outlook has to be for- gotten and the interest of the people has to be their first and foremost objective. You don't have to be very scholarly to realize that to spend $300,000 when $80,000 will give the same results, possibly better, when you consider you will have the majority of the people satisfied, according to the vote taken. Recently a petition w a s signed by a great number of ratepayers of the village of Zurich, and presented to the school board, stating that they are not at all in agreement with the building of a new school. What has become of this peti- tion—has it been scrapped or ignored? Surely it should not be too difficult for the school board to realize the course they should take. Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have been doing business in Western Ontario for many years. Cus- tomers know they can be de- pended upon to provide quality seed that's true to variety at a reasonable price. Since seeds are Jones, MacNaughton Seeds only business they are experts in buying, cleaning and mer- chandising seed. Because they know where to buy and when to buy they can sell to you at worthwhile savings. Always ask for Jones, MacNaughton seeds for service . . . satisfac- tion . , . savings. FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER, OR Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Exeter Crediton London It was rumored that the coun- cil of the village of Zurich did not authorize this petition. Since when do a group of people have to get permission from a council to present a petition to anyone? From the action of the village council, I am beginning to wonder what municipality they are representing. In closing, I would suggest to the school board that if there are any logical answers as to the course they are taking, would it not be nice to at least leet the school area supporters know, through a public meeting, or through your paper, rather than using the present method of secret and closed meetings, of which I am strongly opposed, and which is also illegal. Thanking you for the space in your paper, I remain, MSS HEATING Oil Burner Service - Electrical Work GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! TI EMAN'S HARDWARE, FURNITURE, COAL, CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD Exciting New Profit Opportunities From Calves that grow and grow and grow You can grow calves for the profitable veal calf market in only 9-11 weeks with SHUR-GAIN Vealer. Less than 200 pounds of this exciting new product will raise a calf to market weight calves that will grade "good" to "choice". FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS and with a special high fat level, SHUR-GAIN Vealer gives you amazingly low feed conversions. M. 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