HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-03-12, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1964 PAGE FIVE FOR SALE 75 -ACRE FARM - all workable clay loam, 11/4 miles south of St. Joseph, Lot 16, LRE. Brick veneer house, 8 rooms, bank barn, drive shed, never -failing water supply, Call Zurich 99r19, or apply to Bell and Laughton, Exeter. 8,10,b 1952 FORD TRACTOR, in good condition, Property of the late • Emanuel Sararas. Phone Zur- ich 99r19, 10,11,b UNDERWOOD ADDING Ma - •chines, both electric and hand operated models in stock, Ask for a demonstration at South Huron Publishers L i m i t e d, phone Zurich 133. 5,tfb 1958 CHEV TRUCK, 3/4 -ton, 8 - foot fleet side box, with cab. Cash required. No reasonable offer refused. Phone Hensall 28. 10,b FOR SALE -1 only, brand new Lazy Boy Swivel Rocker, gold colour, regular $99.95, Sale $59.00. Crest Hardware, Phone 11 Hensall. 10,b OATS - Re -cleaned feed oats -$45 a ton, cash. Apply to W. G. Thompson and Son, Hen- sall. 10,b FOR SALE - General Electric Range, 30" Deluxe, in good con- dition, $125.00. Crest Hardware, Phone 11, Hensall. 10,b CHINA CABINET, like new. Also some baled hay. Apply to George Bedard, phone Zurich 78r15. 10,p BEATTY EQUIPMENT - Auto- mated Feeding Systems for dairy and beef cattle. Apply to Wes Hugill, phone 204, Zurich. 9,10,b FOR SALE - Frigidaire Port- able Dishwasher, large size, used one year. New $299.95, Sale $175.00. Crest Hardware, Phone 11 Hensall. 10,b FORMAL DRESS, size 7-9, aqua lace. Worn only once. Contact Mrs. Russell Grainger, phone Bayfield 60r3. 7,p PARKLAND BARLEY and Rod- ney Oats, mixed. Pure Rodney Oats, pure Russel Oats, and pure Parkland Malting Barley. .Apply to Amos Gascho, RR 2, Zurich. 8,9,10,p USED REFRIGERATOR a n d used stove suitable for home or summer cottage. Reasonable. Apply to Fink's Plumbing and Heating, Hensall. 10,1) GLIDDEN'S S P R E D SATIN, discontinued colours, half price. Current colours, reg. $2.80 for $2.38; spred lustre, reg. $3.10 for $2.60 quart. Fink's Plumb- ing and Heating, Hensall. 10,b PRIVATE SALE - Sherlock - lock Manning piano, platform rocker, occasional chair, secre- tary desk, bookcase, three small tables, floor and table lamps, radio with record player and records, 3/4 -bed and dresser, kit- chen suite, Frigidaire stove and refrigerator, wringer washer, 14 h.p. motor power mower, gar- den hose, chest of silver„ sew- ing machine. No reasonable of- fer refused. Apply at the resi- dence of Mrs. Milfred Schilbe, phone 153, Zurich. 10,b (ft - BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WER SAEAR SERVICE- OINSTALLATIONBAG GET A Jahn Beane, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. WANTED TO BUY WANTED - Used office safe. Lock not necessary, fireproof only. Contact South Iluron Publishers Limited, phone 133, Zurich, 7,p Property For Sale HOUSE IN ZURICH - Cedar grain shingle siding, three bed- rooms, bath, living room, kit- chen with built-ins, hot and cold water on tap, full basement, oil burning furnace. Reason- able down payment balance per month. Write to W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 10,11,12,b LARGE BRICK HOME, ideally located in Zurich. All modern conveniences. Write to Box .AB, South Huron Publishers Lim- ited, Zurich. 10,11,p WHITE FRAME House, single storey, three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, complete bathroom, with hot water heat- er, oil furnace double garage. Apply to Mrs. Milfred Schilbe, phone 153, Zurich, 10,b FOR RENT 55 ACRES PASTURE land. Lots of water (artesian well), on Bluewater Highway, 2 miles south of Zurich road. Apply to Max Forsythe, 34625 Brittany Drive, Farmington, Mich. 10,b WANTED TO RENT WANTED -FARM near Hensall, to rent. Must have house and barn. Call Blyth 523-4327, if you have something available. 10,b MISCELLANEOUS CATTLE SPRAYING - Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed for lice, contact Bill Watson, Dashwood 37r19. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 Drain Tile For quality drain tile in all sizes from 4" - 14". Now producing 3,000,000 tile annually. For prices either F.O.B. our plant at Elginfield or deli Br- ed to your farm or yard. Phone or white RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. RR 2, London, Ont. Phone 227-4721 Luoan Office open -7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriam*, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS - a Off if paid by Saturday t`o1lowing last internal. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill FREE Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. HELP WANTED WOMAN to do housework,and live in. Some experience in meeting the public helpful. Pleasant surroundings, 1 mile from lake. Phone 203, Zurich, or write to Factory and Refin- ery Surplus Sales, for appoint- ment. 10,b ENGAGEMENT The engagemeent is an- nounced of Marlene Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dignan, to Anthony Alphonse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Be- dard, Zurich. The wedding will take place at 10:30 in St. Boni- face R.C. Church Zurich, on April 11, 1964. Cards of Thanks No words, can adequately ex- press our appreciation to our friends, neighbors, relatives, for their many expressions of sym- pathy shown to us in the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks for the many floral tributes and donations, the Westlake funeral home and Dr. Wallace. Your kindness will always be remembered, - Mrs. Della Melick and Melvin. 10,p Our thanks to all who so kindly remembered us with gifts, letters and cards of con- gratulations, on the arrival of our son, Mark Daryll. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appre- ciated. -Albert and Mary Mae Wushke, Wapella, Sask. 19,p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Emanuel Sararas, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Emanuel Sararas, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 21st day of February, 1964, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 21st day of March, 1964, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 9,10,11,h Auction Sale LISTINGS Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood Saturday, March 14 - Merchandise Sale, Braid's Store, Dashwood. Monday, March 16 - Clearing Farm Sale, Emmerson Erb, Proprietor. Tuesday, March 17 - Household Effects, Kippen, Jean Ivison, Proprietress. Wednesday, March 18 - Extensive Farm Sale, John Kabat, Proprietor. Friday, March 20 - Clearing Farm Sale, Philip Hartman, Proprietor. Saturday, March 21 - Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Mrs. Clarence Gale, Proprietress. Monday, March 23- Clearing 3-Clearing Farm Sale Francis Corriveau, Proprietor. Wednesday, March 25 - Extensive Farm Sale, Louis Davey Proprietor. Thursday, March 26 - Clearing Farm Sale, Pearl Duncan, Proprietress. Saturday, March 28 - Clearing Farm Sale, William Webber, Proprietor. Tuesday, March 31 - Extensive Farm Sale, Noah Gingerich, Proprietor. Wednesday, April 1 -- Extensive Farm Sale, Louis Masnica, Proprietor. Friday, April 3 - Clearing Farm Sale, Rudolph Etue, Proprietor. Wednesday, April 8- Extensive Farm Sale, Joe Zuball, Proprietor. DAIRY SALE Auction Sale of Holstein Cows and Heifers HENSALL SALES ARENA on SATURDAY, MARCH 21 at 2 p.m. 35 Holstein Cows and Heifers Due to freshen in March and April. Terms, up to three years to pay. Terms can be arranged three days prior to sale. HAROLD JACKSON, HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneers VICTOR HARGREAVES, Sales Manager Clinton 482-7511 Hensall 235 10,11,b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of valuable Real Estate, Farm Implements, Auto, Hay, Straw, Household Effects and Miscel. Items, on the premises LOT 18, CON. 14, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, Highway 83, thence 2 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction, on SATURDAY, MARCH 21 at 1 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of 100 -acre farm on which is situated a frame dwell- ing covered with a s p h a 1.t shingles. Main floor: living and dining room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, bedroom and utility room. Second floor: 3 bedrooms and clothes closets. Full size basement, Large bank barn, drive shed and pig stable, Buildings in good state of repair, new roof- ing; land all tillable; never - failing water supply, Inspec- tion invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. Farm Implements: Cockshutt 13 -run "hoe" grain and fertilizer drill in good con- dition; 2 drum steel roller; rub- ber tire wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack; team mower, 5 -ft. cut; 3 -section diamond harrows; Cockshutt 6 - ft. binder; Oliver 2 -furrow trac- tor plow: horse-drawn manure spreader; Fleury tractor disc; M.H. horse-drawn bean scuffler and puller; Mc -Deering 3 -bar side rake; clump rake; sulky plow; walking plow; circular saw; 2 -wheel trailer; extension ladder; quantity new lumber; set of sleighs; large quantity 4 - inch tile; diamond harrows; snow fence; cutter; steel and wood barrels; logging chains; fanning mill; quantity slab wood; Viking cream separator; chains, forks, shovels, etc. Auto -1954 Ford sedan, in good mechanical condition, low mile- age. Hay and Straw -Quantity loose cut straw and baled hay. Household Effects - Studio couch; davenport, with 2 matching chairs; 3 complete bedroom suites, dressers, com- modes; toilet set; battery r a d i o; oak rockers; tables; chairs; sideboard; kitchen cabi- net; couch; new linoleum 9 x 12; folding chairs; mirrors, dishes; kitchen utensils; lamps; washing machine equipped with gas motor; coal oil stove; coal and wood heater; many articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash No reserve -everything will be sold to settle estate, ARTHUR A. GALE, Administrator for the estate of the late Clarence Gale GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. 10.11,b FARM EQUIPMENT TURNER'S QUALITY Farm Equipment; Freeman tractor loaders; George White Mach- inery; Tractor and Car Tires. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Thresher, Farm Im- plements, Hay, Household Ef- fects and Mise. Items. on the premises Lot 27, Con. 11, Hay Township 1 %z miles North of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 16, at 1 p.m. Tractor, Thresher and Farm Implements: M.M. Standard Tractor, in good condition; Go o d i s o n Thresher, 32 x 44 on steel, com- pletely equipped; Mc -Deering 15 -run grain and fertilizer drill, power lift, fully equipped, in new condition; John Deere 4 - bar side rake on rubber; Fluery Bissel 24 -plate tractor disc; Mc - Deering 32 -plate double disc; M.M. power take -off tandem wheel manure spreader; Mc - Deering 7 -ft. cut power take -off mower; Mc -Deering 3 -furrow plow on steel; Mc -Deering 3 -fur- row plow on rubber; diamond harrows; McDeering heavy duty spring 91/2 -ft. cultivator; Allis Chalmers 3 -point hitch corn planter ;Grove heavy duty rub- ber tire wagon;' self unloading 16 -ft. forage harvester. rack; 20 foot, 3 -inch grain auger; Letz grinder and bagger; Blizzard cutting box, including pipes; 50 feet, 6 inch endless hammer mill belt; 3 -section lever har- rows; 3 -point hitch snow blow- er; M.M. V -Z-445 and jet oil filters; 16 -ft. outboard motor boat, equipped with Elto 25 hp motor; 2 -wheel trailer, truck racks, pig crate, set of scales, anvil, electric welder, air com- pressor, block and tackle, trac- tor chains, drill press, forge blower, logging chains, snow fence, barrels, root pulper, elec- tric brooder, poultry and pig feeders, feed car, self feeders, wheelbarrow, steel posts, quan- tity 12 -inch plank, forks, shovels, chains, etc., etc. Hay: 1,000 bales permanent hay mix - true, choice quality, Household Effects: Propane 4 -burner gas stove, gas space heater, Annex coal and wood stove, combination desk and bookcase, library table, oak beds, springs and mattress, kit- chen cupboard, chairs, rockers, cistern pump, quantity stove wood. Many articles too numerous to mention. Terms - Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. EMMERSON ERB, Proprietor ERVIN GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 9,10,b MOW .ae� Tenders Wanted By the Asauble River Conserva- tion Authority for a small CRAWLER TYPE BULLDOZER with approximately 35 (draw bar) H.P. gasoline motor, 5 - track rollers, 14" semi grousers, 12 volt system, cushioned seat & swinging draw bar, etc. Unit must be equipped with a heavy- duty multi -position front end loader (3/4 yard) 60" bucket which can be interchanged with an 80' ' (maximum) bulldozer blade with skid shoe attach ments. Details and specifications may be obtained from the Authority office in Exeter, 61 Old Mill Road Box 459 Exeter, Ontario Sealed Tenders marked Tenders for Bulldozer will be received by the under- signed at Exeter, Ontario, until 12 o'clock noon, E.S.T., on FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1964 Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. MRS. C. HUME, Secretary -Treasurer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Truck, Cattle, Farm Implements, Hay and Miscellan- eous iscellameous Items on the premises LOT 18, CON. 12, HAY TOWNSHIP . 114 miles west of Zurich, ?� mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction, on FRIDAY, MARCH 20 at 1 p.m. Tractor and Truck - M.H. Farmall 22 tractor, equip- ped with 2 -row bean scuffler, in good condition, 1953 Chev. pick-up truck, newly reconditioned motor and body, in perfect condition. Farm Implements and Misc. Items - Mc-Deeering 16.run double disc grain and fertilizer drill, on rubber, completely equipped, in brand new condition; M -H 7?s ft. power lift spring tooth cul- tivator; Mc -Deering 2 -furrow tractor plow; M -H 7 ft. binder, in A-1 condition; M -H 8 ft, cul- tivator; Buehler heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. flat hay rack; M -H horse-drawn man- ure spreader; Cockshutt side delivery rake; sliding rack; 3 - section diamond harrows; 3 -sec- tion flexible harrows; bean ma- chine on steel, in good condi- tion; single scuffler; M -H dump rake; Cockshutt land packer; Viking electric 650 cap. cream separator; set of scales; quan- tity of lumber; quantity of 4 and 5 inch tile; iron kettle; elec- tric fencer; bean knives; grain bagger; wheelbarrow; trailer racks; bag truck; extension lad- der; hand saw; barrels; forks; ;shovels; davenport; etc., eetc. Cattle - Holstein cow carrying third calf, due in July; part Hereford; and Holstein cow carrying sec- ond calf, due in June. Quantity of baled hay. No Reserve as the farm is sold. Terms -Cash PHILIP HARTMAN, Proprietor GLENN WEBB Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. 10,11,b AUCTION SALE To close the Hugill Estate, on the 23rd concession, lot 1, HRS, Tuckersmith on Highway 8, three miles west of Seaforth, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1964 Household effects farm equip- ment, motors, tools, etc. Watch next week's paper for complete listing. BERT PEPPER, Auctioneer The Best Week TO ADVERTISE Is Every Week! Optical Service Glasses need not be expensive. Have your eyes examined with C. Passmore, Optometrist by appointment WE CAN FILL YOUR EXACT PRESCRIPTIONS with the smartest designs in Spectacle Ware, much below the prices in the cities. HEARING AID BATTERIES ALBERT HESS Jeweller and Optician ZURICH senomeneamoromor FARMERS! Be sure to get the lowest Prices on all your FARM TIRE REQUIREMENTS Special -New 12 x 26 - 6 Ply ONLY $55.00 AT HAUGH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT 114 miles east of Brucefield THIS WEEK! At The Hotel Imperial GRAND BEND FOR YOUR DANCING AND LISTENING PLEASURE FRIDAY NIGHT The Telltones, of London SATURDAY NIGHT Desjardine Orchestra FISH FRY AND CHICKEN IN BASKET - 50c Friday and Saturday Nights STOCK Reduction Sale CONSISTING OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, TO BE HELD IN THE Dashwood Community Centre The undersigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 14 at 1 p.m. Sale consists of 16 Men's and Boys' Jackets, Men's Winter Red Plaid Hats, Boys' and Men's Sweaters, Pullovers and Cardigans, Men's Flannel and Cotton Shirts, Men's Under- shirts. 21 pair ladies' cloth gloves; ladies', girls' and boys' mitts and gloves; ladies' summer T-shirts, scarves, kerchiefs; ladies' slacks and jeans, shorts and blouses; 66 ladies house dresses: 4 housecoats; girls', ladies' and children's lined jeans; ladies' Terry cloth shoe -tie pyjamas, crepe pyjamas; 16 wool skirts; cotton blazers. Girls' summer blouses; ladies' nighties; 7 children's plaid skirts; 13 ladies' summer skirts; ladies' brassieres; girls' winter cotton briefs and undershirts. Pillowcases; plastic drapes; infant and children's bonnets and caps; 24 baby sweaters; children's long stockings; ladies', boys' and men's over rubbers; variety of linoleum, etc., etc, Terms Cash Plan to attend this greeat opportunity sale. SHIRLEY AND RONALD BRAID, Proprietors Glenn Webb, Clerk Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer 10,b