HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-02-13, Page 3THURSDAY,. FEBRUARY 1:3, 1964. PAGE THROE News of HENSALL District Amber Rebekahs At the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge, the Charter was draped for four de- parted officers of the Rebekah .Assembly. Plans for the 15th birthday party of the lodge, scheduled to be held at their next regular meeting February 19, were discussed. Special guests for this party will be lodges from Goderich and Exe- ter. A Valentie euchre will be held in the lodge hall Friday evening, Februarl 14, with pro: seeds for the Eye Hank. Noble Grand Mrs. Clarence Volland chaired the meeting. Legion Auxiliary Twenty-one members attended the meeting held by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Le- gion Tuesday evening, with the new president, Mrs. Roy Smale, presiding. It was decided to have a bake sale and tea in the Legion Hall March 14. Past president's pin was presented to Mrs, William Smale, and honorary treasurer's pin to Mrs. Byran Kyle. Mrs. Ed Munn won the mystery prize, and Mrs. Jack Simmons the guessing prize. Bingo and lunch rounded out a delightful evening, Mrs. Y. Lafeber left Tuesday from Toronto by plane, to Den- helder, Holland, after spending a year with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Branderhorst, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton and four daughters have taken up residence in their home which .they recently purchased on Queen Street. Prior to leav- ing Lucan for their new home, Mrs. Stretton was honored with a far ewe 11 presentation by friends and neighbors and pre- sented with a gift of jewellry and a lamp. Mrs. Charles Mickle, of Ham- ilton, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, and Ann. Mr. Ross Jinks and three friends from London spent the weekend at Clinton, South Caro- lina, and enjoyed playing golf with the temperature at 68. They enjoyed the trip by motor. Mrs. Fred Rathwell has re- turned from visiting with her family at Belleville and Lindsay, and other relatives at Burling- ton and Port Dover. Mrs. Bert Horton, Reg.N., has accepted a position on. the nurs- ing staff ow South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. The World Day of Prayer Service will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Friday, March 14, at 3 p.m. Ladies from the United and Carmel Presbyterian churches will unite with them. Mr. William Henry celebrated his 86th birthday recently at Huronview, Clinton. Mrs. Minnie Sangster was re- moved from Queensway Nursing Hoene, Hensall, to a nursing home in Exeter, on Monday of this week. The C.G.LT. of Carmel Pres- byterian Church met for their regular meeting Wednesday eve- ning, February 5, in the church school rooms, opening with the purpose, motto and hymn. Miss Lois Wright conducted the de- votional. It was decided to send $15 to Missions, and four scrapbooks of assorted cards to War Memorial Children's Hos- pital, London. It was decided to go bowling and to a restaur- ant for a Valentine Party . Miss Barbara Schwalm was in charge of games. The meeting closed with taps. Leader Mrs, Ed Fink presided. 0 Obituary Mrs. B. Campbell Mrs. Byron A. Campbell, form- erly of Hensall, passed away in Toronto Sunday, February 9. The former Amy Murdock, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murdock of Hensall, and had resided in Toronto for 44 years. Mrs. Campbell taught music in Hensall ,and district and was organist in the Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband, Dr, Byron A. Campbell, who was a doctor in Zurich for many years; one son, Keith Campbell, Windsor; two daughters, Doro- thy and Jean at home. The Misses Amy and Greta Laramie, of Hensall, are first cousins. Public funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, on Tuesday, con- ducted by Rev, Harold Currie, Burial was in Hensall Union cemetery. Pallbearers were R. H. Mid- dleton, Ray Lammie, Donald Joynt, George Hess, Elgin Row- cliffe and Laird Mickle. 0 Hensall UCW Unit 4 Meets Unit 4 of UCW met Thursday afternoon, February 6, when Mrs. James McAllister opened with meditation, using as the theme "Blessed are the poor in spirit for their's is the Kingdom of God". "It is in striving to- wards perfection that we grow," she said. A moment of silence was ob- served followed by prayer in tribute to a member who re- cently passed away. Mrs. Fred Beer presided for program and had charge of the devotional. She also read an article written by Padre W. A. Young, of the O.A.C., Guelph, "Time is the Essence of Life'. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe, and Mrs. Beer a poem, "Sensible," by Edgar Guest. Chapter four of the study book, "From Brahma to Christ", was reviewed by Joe Flynn, and offering was taken by Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. James Smillie, Mrs. McAllister presided for the business and thanked the members who had assisted with the congregational supper, and Mrs. Beer and Mrs. Flynn, who had charge of the program for this meeting. Mrs. McAllister reported on the executive meet- ing held at the home of presi- dent Mrs. Walter Spencer. A motion was passed that each member lay away l0c a week as an extra project to raise money. The group leaders in Unit 4, Mrs, Beer and Mrs. Flynn,. are to appoint a commit- tee from their group to visit sick and shut-ins of the village, World Day of Prayer will be observed in St. i'aul's Anglican Church Friday, February 14, Quilting project was discussed.. Plans were made for quilting Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, with Mrs, George Arm- strong as convener. Miss Pauline Bell spent a few days last week with Miss Linda Monteith, of St, Thomas, while attending the St. Thomas figure skating carnival "Revue on Ice", in which she took part. Mr. Charles Mickle, of Ham- ilton, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, and Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones spent Monday in St, Thomas with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Jones. -----0--- General Meeting Of Hensall UCW The first general meeting of Hensall United Church Women was held in the Sunday School rooms Monday evening, under the leadership of Mrs. Edison Forrest, Unit 2. Presentations of Life Mem- bership phis were made to Mrs. Douglas Cook and Mrs. Robert Cook, by Mrs. Norman E. Cook, with the presentation address read by Mrs. W. B. Cross, A presentation of a U.C.W. pin was made by Mrs. George Arm- strong and Miss Mattie Ellis, Kipper News Titrifyt Kippenettes The second meeting of the 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Bell. The meet- ing opened with the 4-H pledge, and 11 members answered the roll call with two colors chosen for the two types of girls. to Mrs. W. B. Cross. Mrs. Edison Forrest gave a reading, and the devotional was taken by Mrs. Harold Currie on the "Beginning of Lent". Mrs. Dave Kyle offered prayer, Rev, George Sach, of Luean, presented his pictures and a talk on his work as a Medical Missionary in Little Tibbett, fol- lowed by an interesting question aril answer period. Mrs., Grant MacLean favored with a read- ing. Mrs. Ken Elder gave courtesy remarks. President Mrs. Walter Spen- cer chaired the business, at which the new budget was pre- sented and approved. Doris Riley read the minutes of the last meeting, The secre- tary for this meeting will be Donna Whitehouse. Mrs. Whitehouse told the girls what kind of clothes the differ- ent types of girls should wear. The group were given samples of material. The next meeting is to be at Mrs. Robert Bell's at 2 o'clock on Saturday, Feb- ruary 15. The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen". 0 Young People Plan Activities Hensall -- Chiselhurst Young People, meeting Sunday evening in the United Church, enjoyed the presentation of . a film "Pangnirtang", and planned for a party, Friday, February 14, at the Pinery. President Ted Mock chaired the meeting and offered prayer, with Scripture passages read by Robert McNaughton, during the devotional period. eststanisaaaalaaallikaallOMOIONEMSBOSIONSIOIMIIIINIM HARRIST N FERTILIZER AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES * Early Order Discount Quantity Discount 46 Cash Discount Bulk Discount CHECK OUR PRICES ON HARRISTON QUALITY FERTILIZER E. 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HAROLD F. CURRIE, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. J. PHILIP GANDON, Rector 9:45 a,m.—Morning Service. 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. Carmel Presbyterian Church REV. D. R. MacDONALD, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. Dougall, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship Service This Space Contributed By General Coach Works No.1 — SIZE 163's Sunkist Oranges 3 doze Bc No. 1 Hot House Rhubarb Lba 19c BAKERY FEATU nommommumaftweerzwormarammums SUPREME BRAND Baked Cherry Pies each 49c 1 -Lb. Pkg.—Coupons Worth 21c on Label Domestic Shortening _ _ 35c Gerber's Strained—For Babies --5 Oz. Orange Juice 6/59c Gerber's NEW Strained -5 Oz. Glass Mix -Cereal -Banana, Rice -Cereal and Banana, Protein and Banana, Oatmeal and Banana Bay Food - - - - - _ 6/65c Compare at 93c Giant Cheer 69c 1 PURE ,r 't r Ing CUBED 4r tewi BEEF OR PORK LIV DRESSED Pork Sh s 9c Ib :an5e Il qa c u N e rags lb. 37e Seamless Mesh Apple, Lemon, Chocolate, Carmel Robin Hood Nylons 3 pairs 95c Pudding -Cake Mixes 2/55c Mix or Match -10 Oz. Tins—Green or Wax Beans, Cream Corn, Peas, Beans with Pork 10 Noodle, Home -style Bean, Minestrone,sCanadian ato- Pea Tomato - York Brand Vegetables 9/$1 Aylmer Soups _ - _ - 8/$1 Seamless Oz. 7I.0z. Pkg. Fancy Pumpkin _ _ _ 2/23c s Kraft Dinners _ _ _ - 4/49c, Grand Valley, Choice Quality -15 Oz. Tins Personal Size Raspberries 2/65c ; Ivory Soap - - - 3 bars 29c •