HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1964-01-09, Page 6PAGE 51X
The Sunday School scholars 1
of St. Paul's Anglican Church
enjoyed their annual Christmas
p art y in the church school
rooms, S a t u r d a y afternoon.
Carols were sunk and games
play: ,i tinder supervision of
Hiss <Iean Henderson. Rev. J.
P. t;andon presented gifts, and
lunch was served.
Mr. and :firs. Don Gooding,
Debbie and Donnie, of Park-
hill, spent new Years with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Munn.
Dr. and Mrs. harry Joynt and
Judith. Toronto, spent the
Christmas holidays with Mrs.
Alice Joynt and Dr. W. T. Joynt,
Mrs. Earl Sproat was guest of
Dr. and Mrs. Sproat and family
in Windsor for Christmas.
Christine Cousins, London, is
visiting her :grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Smale.
Mrs, Kay Bedard and chil-
dren, of London, spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Bell, Pauline and Ann.
Master Ricky Bedard, of Lan-
don, has returned home after
Christmas Draws
At Hensall Stores
holidaying with his grandpar-
ent, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Be11.
Mrs. Minnie Sangster, who
has been a patient in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, has
been admitted to the Queens-
w.:y !ursine hone.
Diane and Karen Bedard, of
London, are holidaying with
their with their grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Bell,
Mrs. Marjorie Helm and fam-
ily, Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs.
George Jackson and family,
London, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Reid and Michael, Exeter, were
Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Reid and Allan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sweeney
and Heather, Zurich, visited on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Bell and family.
Mr. and 11,Trs, Clarence Reid
and Allan spent New Year's
Day with relatives in Tiverton.
Mrs, L. Webster, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Watson, Mr. and Mrs.
William Dodds, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Dodds, Seaforth, were New
Year's Day guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Clendon Christie and Ca-
tharine Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Reichert
have returned from Midland;
Texas, where they spent Christ-
i mas with Mr. and Mrs. Clem
Geisler, •
In a Christmas draw at Wes
Richardson's garage Saturday
winners of prizes donated by
Mr. Richardson were: Adults
draw, blanket, • Mrs. Harold
Campbell. RR 1, Exeter; Christ-
mas cake, Mrs. Don Munn, RR
2, Hensall.
Children's draw: candy cane
pack, two feet long filled with
small candy canes, John Char-
rette, Hensall; large bottle of
pop, Ann Knight, Hensall. Tick-
ets were drawn by Steven and
Barbara Cooper, grandchildren
of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Richard-
At Irwin's Ladies' Wear and
Dry Goods, winners were: hair-
dryer. Kathryn Roszell, Hensall;
sheets and pillow case; Jill
Drysdale, Hensall. Tickets were
drawn by Mrs. Don Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys
and family spent Christmas
Day at Stoney Creek with Mr.
and Mrs. I. W. Stephenson and
family, and Boxing Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burt and fam-
ily of St. Catharines.
Miss Dorothy Farquhar, Ron
Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Knox and family, Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar and
family, Exeter, were holiday
guests with Mrs. Emma Far-
The Misses Ruth Anne Tra-
quair and Ruth Anne Hume, of
St. Thomas, who have been
spending the Christmas and
New Years holidays with the
former's grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart McQueen, have re-
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beer,
Linda, Betty and Bryan and
Oil Burner
® Electrical Work
Swig ee Feeding Program
Another "First" for SHUR•GAIN for Canadian Hog
Producers. It's a hog feeding program producing
higher grades with lower feed costs. Control the
total feed intake with SHUR•GAIN's NEW Limit
Hog Feeding Program.
Let us give you the full details of this new system
of feeding market hogs.
M EITZ and S
Your application form for a new driver's licence may be in this picture—under the hand of
Ontario Transport Minister Irwin Haskett (left), who is examining the mailing machine that
sends out the forms at the rate of 60,000 a day. With him is Ken Sands, administrator of the
division that is handling the new system. Each application form has the name of the individual
driver on it, and the new drivers' licenses will be valid for periods varying from one to three
years. The Department of Transport started mailing in late November, and it will take two
months to send out the forms to every one of the 2M million drivers in the province.
Mrs. Chester Lee, of Hensall,
were New Year's Day guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer.
Mr. Sam Oesch suffered a
heart attack during the morning
service at Hensall Unite d
Church Sunday morning, and
was removed by Bonthron am-
bulance to Clinton Public Hos-
pital where he is resting com-
A joint installation of the
Hensall Branch of the Canadian
Legion and Auxiliary will take
place in the Legion Hall, Fri-
day evening, January 17. Zone
Commander Eric Johnston, of
Zone C.I. Goderich, and his
deputy, Allan Nicholson, Sea -
forth, will install the officers.
Hensall and district residents
saw a thrilling game of hockey
Sunday afternoon on Channel
13, Kitchener, between Toronto
Marlboros and Kitchener Rang-
ers, which ended in a 5-5 tie.
Playing defense for the Marlies
was Jack Chipchase, of Hensall.
Many local residents attended
the game at Kitchener.
Mrs. Oliver Geiger, of Fen-
elon Falls, is a guest with Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Kennedy and Mr.
Ira Geiger.
Following choir practice at
Hensall United Church Thurs-
day evening, a social hour was
enjoyed and refreshments
Miss Kathryn Sells, of Lon-
don, was a week -end guests with
the Misses Amy and Greta
Mr,. Martha Harvey, who has
been a patient at Clinton Public
Hospital recuperating from a
fall in which she fractured .her
hip, was admitted to the Queens-
way Nursing Home Hensall, Fri-
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haslip,
Susan and Joey, Hamilton, were
week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Kennedy.
Unit 4 of the U.C.W. will meet
Thursday afternoon, January 9,
at 2:30 p.m., under the leader-
ship of Mrs. James McAllister.
Rev. Harold Currie will discuss
some subject of interest to a
new •year.
Mrs. Jean Manson, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Laing and Danny,
Mr. David Beavers, Exeter; Miss
Ruth Anne Traquair and Miss
Ruth Anne Hume, St, Thomas;
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Snell, Hen-
sall, spent New Years with Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart McQueen,
Church Honours
Departing Cleric
Presentations were made last
Sunday to Rev. and Mrs. Ross
MacDonald and family at Car-
mel Presbyterian Church, Hen•
sale, prior to their leaving Tues-
day for Rodney where he has
accepted a, three-point charge.
The WMS and Ladies' Aid
presented then with a gift. The
Arnold Circle gave them a gold -
toned magazine rack with an
address read by Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm and presentation by
Mrs. Ed Fink and Mrs. R. A.
The CGIT group, of which
Mrs. MacDonald was leader,
gave her a carved maple tower
clock sewing kit,- Barbara
Schwalm, Rosemarie Neilands
and Ann .Lawrence making the
The congregation of Knox
Presbyterian Church, Bayfield,
gave them a Kenwood blanket
with H. II. Ormond making the
presentation on behalf of the
congregation. A reception fol-
lowed the Sunday afternoon
Miss Evelyn Howard
Funeral service for the late
Miss Evelyn Howard, of Toron-
to, was held from the Hopper.
Hockey funeral home, Exeter,
on Friday, January 3, with
burial in Bayfield cemetery.
Miss Howard, who passed away
suddenly in her apartment, was
born at Blake, and was the
daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. George Howard, of Exeter.
She was a former school teacher
and taught at Exeter, and at
the time of her death was a
translator of languages in the
Bank of Montreal, on King St.,
Toronto. She was a first cousin
of Mr. George Hess, of Hensall,
who, with Mrs. Hess, enjoyed a
visit with her over the Christ-
mas season,
Mrs. Gladwin Westlake were
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman and
Joanne; Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rob-
inson and Randy, Goderich; Mr.
and Mrs, Bert Greer, Wendy
and Patti Lynn; Mrs. Robert
Greer, Melvin ,and Clifford; Mr.
ler, all of London; Miss Joyce
Hamilton, Missouri; Mr. and
Mrs, Gerald Hamilton, Neil and
Betty, Exeter; Mr. E. A. West-
lake, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Deichert and Ricky, Scar-
borough; Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Erb and Karen, and Mr. Wayne
1VT.r. and Mrs. Richard Erb and
Karen were guests at the home
of his . parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Erb, on Christmas eve.
Present also were Mr, and Mrs.
Douglas Dick, Terri Lynn and
Brian, Hensall; Mrs. Dick, Lon-
don; Miss E. Zondag, Bayfield.
Christmas guests .,with Mr.
(Mrs. Russell Grainger,
Christmas Day guests with
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scotchmer
and Doyle were Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Scotchmer, Billy and
Marlene, Bronso Line; Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Scotchmer and Lynn -
da, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond Scotchmer, Petersburg;
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scotchmer,
Mrs. Jean. McKinley returned
on Sunday to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Scotchmer,
after spending a week with her
niece, Mrs. Harvey Coleman.
Mrs. Robert Greer, Melvin
and Clifford had as their Christ-
mas Day guests Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Layton and family; Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Layton and fam-
ily, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Greer, Wendy and Patti Lynn;
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson and
Randy, Goderich.
Mrs. Marie Leitch, Barbara
and David, London, spent Christ-
mas with her father, Mr. Leon-
ard Talbot, and brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Talbot, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Talbot
spent Christmas evening with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.
Reid, Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner,
Debbie, Stewart and Wendy
were with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Stewart, Clinton.
Present also were Mr. and Mrs,
Hugh Miller and family, Landes-
boro and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Stewart and family, IIanilton,
and Miss Helen Stewart, Clin-
Christmas Day guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger
and family included Mr. and
Mrs. Ardeil Grainger, Wallace -
burg; Robert and Barbara
Grainger, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Ryan and Susan, Miss Marilyn
Hamilton and Mr. Wayne Keil -
E. A. Westlake, Bayfield.
Mr,. and Mrs. Cliff Talbot and
three boys, London; and Mr.
and Mrs. Eric Cleave, spent
Christmas day with their moth-
er, Mrs. Mina Talbot, and
CL,' �* . �� �4�� *lids..
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Zurich Citizens News • The Hensall Observer