HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1963-12-19, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1963 PAGE THREE News of HENSALL District Catherine Ann Christie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clen- don Christie, underwent minor surgery at Clinton Public Hos- pital on Monday of this week. Brian Talbot, 17 months, son of Mr. and Mrs, Doyle Talbot, who has been a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital, has return- ed home. Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Ann attended the concert presented by the University Choir in Thames Hall, U.W.O. Sunday evening. Bob is a mem- ber of the choir. Christmas Packs Twelve Christmas boxes were packed on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Earl Camp- bell, for the shut-ins of Carmel Church, Hensall. Several mem- bers of the W.M.S. of the church, who sponsored the proj- Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Bob attended the London Little Theatre last Thursday evening. Hensall Kinettes Give Good Cheer The Christmas meeting of the Kinette Club of Hensall was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Wednesday nigh t. Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Mrs. Robert Reaburn attended as guests. Two boxes of children's cloth- ing and toys were packed and will be sent to the Children's Aid Society at Goderich. A short business session preceeded a delightful evening of court whist, and prizes were won by Mrs. Reaburn and Mrs.. William Fuss. Mrs. Robert Caldwell won the raffle. The first meeting in January will be held at the home of Mrs. Jim Hyde, when a bake sale and white elephant sale will take place. The hostesses served a tasty Christmas luncheon. eat, assisted Mrs. Campbell with the packing and delivering. In the week -end comic section of the London Free Press, of Saturday, December 7, on the page by Jimmy Ratio, "They'll Do It Every Time", a carton ap- peared drawn by Wayne F. El- wood, when he attended school here. Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellwood, a former C,N.R. station agent here, took up residence some three years ago in Oshawa. George Smale, who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital where he underwent sur- gery, was removed to St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday. Betty Cameron was the lucky winner of the door prizes, a camera, at the Children's Square Dance Jubilee held at RCAF Air Base Clinton, Friday eve- ning last. Pam Taylor also won a gift in a spot dance. Twenty- two square dancers from Hen- sall, under direction of Robert Lammie, who was caller for the group, participated. Square dancers were also present from Exeter and Clinton. Arlene Chipchase, Linda Keys, Jane Pyette, Patricia Park, Chrissie Cameron, all members of the First Hensel Guides, and Karen Broderick, •of the Brownie Pack, on Friday evening last made 18 visits to shut-ins of the village„ singing lovely carols. The girls went out on their own, a lovely gesture on their part, and a good deed appreciated. With the Churches United Church The annual White Gift and Carol Service of the Sunday Church School was held Sunday evening. Clendon Christie, su- perintendent of the Sunday School, presided, assisted by Miss Lois Simmons and Paul Drysdale. The junior choir sang, and Miss Joyce Flynn ren- dered a solo, "The Birthday of the King". Miss Pam Taylor FREE 1, EVERY Saturday Afternoon DURING DECEMBER & JANUARY From 2 to 4 p.m. IN THE HENSALL ARENA and Miss Mary Mock, dressed as angels, lit the candlebra dur- ing the offering. Miss Greta Lammie presided at the organ consol. Mrs. James Toylar and Miss Lammie helped prepare the service. Two white poin- settias adding to the beauty of the lovely church decorations, were the gift of the First Hen- sall Girl Guides and Brownie Pack, Next Sunday morning at the regular Christmas service, an appeal for overseas relief through the white gift 'envel- opes will be received, Hensall and Chiselhurst Young People's Union met Sun- day evening in the church sanc- tuary for the devotional period, holding the first part of the fellowship with the rest of the Sunday School and church con- gregation for White Gift Serv- ice. Afterwards a social hour was held with a recreation period, under the direction of Paul Drysdale. Rev. H. Currie gave the benediction, and lunch was served, Carmel Presbyterian Church The annual Christmas service will be held Sunday morning at 11 a.m. Special music will be rendered by the senior and junior choirs, under direction of Mrs, Malcolm Dougall. Rev, Ross MacDonald will deliver a Christmas message. At 8:15 p.m. Sunday evening, the C.G.I.T. will hold a candlelight service in the church sanctuary, to be followed with an hour of fel- lowship in the church school rooms, The annual Sunday School concert was held Sunday eve- ning with a good attendance, de- spite the inclemency of the weather. Jim Dougall was chair- man. The program embraced recitations, carols, numbers by the various classes of the Sun- day School, and the presents• tion of a colored sound film, "The Birth of the Saviour". Treats and gifts were handed out and lunch served. VILLAGE OF HENSALL NO PARKING No parking will be allowed on the streets of the Village of Hensel! between the hours of 2 A.M. and 7 A.M., dur• ing the winter months, to allow for snow removal. The owner of any vehicle so found may be charged under Section 89, Subsection 9, of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL Village of Hensall. EARL CAMPBELL Clerk I eY'1, Ir I 31/4 CUBED 1,,d,„, , MEAT DEPARTMENT For that Affr day... the Dilmanfibbm Champagne .{••' IteDYC1Dalt '1111MMt 0 CO. twin ID • MUG.M,M„.CANMC. Ky •• a ;r A tits Crt1.0 O...,....tIOW CO IV ICI 11M1....MUM �4•. Mtt.e. of MAI ttttttttttt.\ICM IM MIICOI MI ••f tiaN4:..aa+:ax4:.4>: �,:a:+t;.s+saax4:xc'cra:aa-ao w4•.>.. �+` •: The "sparkle" of President Champagne is produced by the 200 -year old process of fermentation in the bottle. Aged in Bright's wine cellars, President Champagne is made om spooled grapes grown in the Niagara Peninsula. 268A -19D 1 SMOKED 1 2 lb. pkg. PLEASE NOTE: The Specials listed in this adver- tisement are good for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 19, 20 and 21; and Monday and Tuesday, December 23 and 24. PRODUCE FEATURES SIZE 210's — No. 1 FI®rida gerines - - -- - 3 Dzn 39c No. 1 imported Cauliflower - - - - each 29c Ontario Tur fps, No. 1 - - - 2 for 25c FR ZEN FOODS 15 OZ. PKGS. Birdseye Strawberries 39c P84'? pV.X14 .4tV''Ogg.R ?fid'-tV.V'.Cte-fit.-t: +MSP&',RPIVCV..G °C'PWV..? tF°fit F�'P€c 'ER6w P '<C P, PAk7%T.'-"E�'r,E'-,q°G:?6.::kP€?C.rpF;pVIVCtlVC.L'W.,7g..`CCV.Z. g"tr: aE.:t;r 5,,a w:C-6K' Ope Friday Till po 4i� -13 Saturday Till 10 pm. Monday and Tuesday Till 9 p.m. VP -P rZ.NF$6'PzR@,66'Pkv'? P6V4- WPcRVZPPtCt6MVEktbEkfM. .'Zr.vs,- vf;P. ',tnlp4@ ZteRgWtt?CtC? .,1 DVC.. Yg.', ?V8'..e ..nrK wa ..C,�?,�tv.e inn, g V4PCc qVZ.° ZP6'. VVV•Z .... F.NE? : F _tv,X JF,P, . eA"V . g'."�C'°g.,' °C-,VC Ct,Z"tg.' ' Seamless 14 Oz. Tins Nylons, Mesh _ _ 2 prs. 79c Schneider's —'8 Oz. Pkg. Cheese Slices 29c In Shell Mixed Nuts _ _ _ _ Lb. 55c In Shell Peanuts _ Lb. 35c, 3 Lbs. S'I Maple Leaf — 28 Oz. Tin Mincemeat 47c Green Giant — 15 O. Fancy Peas 2/35c e WE WISH TO EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL A VERY cup CIjn5ti a5 AND A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS pew err FROM THE SCHOLL'S AL, RETA, and EMPLOYEES ..et • t.Kl 1' " t "rii l I +N Niblets Corn 2/35c Henley — 15 Oz. Fruit Cocktail - - - - 2/45c Stuart House — 12 -inch width, Toil Wrap 75 -ft. length 79c Club House Stuffed — Loose -pack — 12 Oz. Jars Manzanilla Olives - - _ 45c Heinz — 48 Oz. Tin Tomato Juice _ - - - 3/89c Note -- 1 O ; „ Off GLACED FRUITS FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING