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Zurich Citizens News, 1963-12-19, Page 3
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1963 A' PAGE SEVEN -4001°4"g*,aa'wZW4agV:vWS°IM%%, R,0 FOR T : • E LADIES Megigailireal=ffigall Mt •• Aft 00, spray, steam or dry irop. c -413 SUNBEAM ELECTRIC FRY PANS Electric Toaster ELECTRIC Coffee eres© Electric Mixers SUNBEAM Et (irk Kettle WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ming tgre, &gni um w re GENERAL ELECTRIC Hair ryer Specially Priced to Suit Your Budget! See Our Complete Selection of Electric and Alarm Clocks •NININONINI4,04.4.1•41•04,0%.,., LADY SUNBEAM Electric Shavers APEX Vacuum Cleaners GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polishers At Greatly Reduced Prices! Bissel. Sweepers IF DE LUXE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC KETTLE For the YOL7NSTI RS Tann ns SLEIGHS — WAGONS TRICYCLES t, — BICYCLES — • SONY Transistor Radios s Record Players Timex Watches • Daisy Air Rifles MMILTMOMMISSEGIMEMMIS81115291ne HOCKEY MAURER HELMETS az, SHIN GUARDS HOCKEY PANTS • STICKS tii) PUCKS I) GLOVES We have a complete range of sup- plies for that young hockey enthusiast. Choose from our wide selection of wheel goods_—_the right item for every child, TerolfIc Gift 11 'EMC.ACCKP.EICIVOCtZtVCIMCWWWWZICAVC-MCZOCECtetCleVeKtVetn Your Christmas Shopping Centre Our store is chuck full of new articles for every member of the family — or for the home. Drop in and browse g around — you will be convinced we have the finest se- lection available. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST AROUND lf you wish a finance plan — we can arrange it. gai-20,01-M-DMDMI-Dai2M-Dili-A21:2121-212i-DtD1-24-Zi2i2atbrIt2M0121-2M-2MW421-1, FO T .1! E EN "3"ri:i=1"SXMZeZr..34Era2r=lingate=n3C=Sa BLACK AND DECKER Finisiiing Sander The ideal gift for any handyman —helps to give that special project the extra smooth finish you want. Saves hours of tiresome hand sanding. As Low As $20,95 Tabk Saws Skil Saws • JoiNtevs 4'7 BLACK AND DECKER Eeetric Drills 1/4" and 3/8" SIZES What can be more helpful to the man of the house than an electric drill. Reasonably priced, too! As Low As $12.95 ELECTRIC JIG SAWS Even the younger members of the family will enjoy working with this machine. Cuts any type of ply- wood, or other material with the greatest of ease. As Low As $17.95 000-1,0 • •N' ( Ai j onolija 4 S FOR THE SHERS, IS".1%.0,47,0 Here are a few Other Suggestions: Field Glasses — Rifles — Shotguns — Golf Balls — Bernzomatic Torch. • All Types of Hand Tools • RYERS, REFRIGERATORS, RANGES •••••• %::::Atx>.•fe • ... • • r-3MMVPMmii • k. Veigr • • , • r -,7001:000:t ( ,Television, ereo Hi -F, Radio Wringer Canadian Made OUTDOOR and INDOOR TREE LIGHTS ushers, clary Deep Freezers ZIVROMARMIREa Canadian Made ' 1.* • A•Vef?d•X:ibl%ViNNApbVtMieVAVX'I OUTDOOR FLOODLIGHT KITS • • V.2..• -4-'. 1.• '• Itst. e 4 ' Abe t (<74 NWA xi:4:44'44v iie2a11,:-..1