HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1963-12-19, Page 1ZURICH NO. 51—FIRST WITH THE NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1963 $3.00 PER YEAR — 7 CENTS PER COPY Zurich Chamber of Commerce Holds Christmas ©inner; 3 New Members About 45 members and guests of the Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce gathered at the Dominion Hotel last Thursday night, for the annual Christmas m e e t i n g. Guest speaker for the occasion was Rev. 0, Jantzi, pastor of the Zurich Mennonite Church, who spoke on the topic, "God reveal- ing Himself to man at the time of the birth of Christ". The speaker was introduced to the group by Chamber presi- dent Gerald Gingerich, and thanked by past president, Jack Bannister. Three new members were in- troduced into the organization at the meeting by Albert J. Kalbfleisch, a past president. The new members are Dr. C. J. Wallace, Carl Thiel and Wayne Clausius. The president reviewed work that the organization has accom- plished during the past year, and also related some of the plans for the future. Vice-president Fred Haberer reported for the industrial de- velopment committee, which he is chairman of. "Within the next week or two we will have something definite on a new in- dustry we are trying to bring into Zurich," Mr. Haberer add- ed. He also spoke on the possi- bility of opening a nursing home home in the village, and pointed out that although Zurich does not belong to MIDWODA any- more, they are still receiving leads from them, for new in- dustry. Other committee chairmen who spoke briefly were Keith Westlake, of the retail mer- chants committee; Nap Corri- veau, of the entertainment com- mittee; Gord Erb, of the agri- culture committee; H. W. Brok- enshire, of the finance commit- tee; and Len Bates, of the membership committee. Members of the group ap- proved the staging of another sauerkraut supper early in the spring. This event has become an annual affair for the past few years. Charles Burgess, chairman of the special events committee, conducted several draws, which were won by Len Erb and Fred Haberer. The sum of $24.45 was realized from the draws. Guests present at the melt- ing included Bob Taylor, How- ard Klopp, Albert Deichert, and Clifford Pepper. Zurich Lions Club Plan Ahead For Children's Playground at New Park The members of the Zurich ing sing -song was led by Delbert Lions Club held their annual Christmas dinner on Monday night at the Dominion Hotel, with three guests in attendance. Present were H. W. Brokenshire and Clifford Pepper, both who assisted at the Santa Claus af- ternoon on Saturday, and Ron Stoner, a member of the Park- hill Lions Club. In the absence of tail twister Mozart Gelinas, Gordon Hess acted in that capacity. Presi dent Doug O'Brien was in charge of the meeting. A rous- Geiger. The president, at the meeting, urged the Club to start plan- ning for the development of a children's playground in the Community Park . The civic im- provement committee of the or- ganization is to bring in a rec- ommendation at a future meeting. A gift was presented to Mrs. Beatrice Hess, the club's pianist, for her faithful service during the past year. Lion Alvin Walper was the winner of a lucky draw. New Winter Sports Centre Opened Sunday Last South of Grand Bend Grand Bend—About 200 ski and toboggan enthusiasts were on hand for the re -opening of the Walker Ski Hills near here, Sunday. The ski run, formerly oper- ated by Fred Walker but closed to the public for several years, is to be operated again as a winter resort, this time by the Grand Bend Winter Sports Club. The group includes a dozen Grand Bend men. Mr. Walker's son Philip is general operations manager. Besides ski trails and tobog- gan slides, the resort has a hill -top ski chalet with kitchen and washroom facilities and a anile -and -a -half of wooded trails whieh visitors can explore in one and two-seater snowmobiles. Lorne Henderson, MPP (PC —Lambton East) cut a cere- monial white ribbon to mark the opening of the resort. Also present were Highways Minister C. S. MacNaughton, of Exeter; Grand Bend Reeve Stewart Webb, Sarnia Chamber of Com- merce manager Ray Beggs, Sarnia-Lambton Regional Tour- ist Council chairman James Nesbit and sports club president Stephen Smith. The club's facilities were free to all -comers Sunday and free coffee and soft drinks were available, The hills are about five mills south of Grand Bend on High- way 21. Hensall Women's Institute Hears Minister's Wife at Christmas Meeting The Legion Hall, lovely in decorations in Christmas motif, was the setting for the Christ- mas meeting of Hens a 11 Women's Institute .Wednesday evening, with 56 present. Presi- dent Mrs. Beverly Beaton pre- sided and extended a welcome to the members and guests. The roll call, a cash donation, amounted to $23, which will be forwarded to the Children's Aid Society, Goder.ich. Christmas cards from the various branches were on display. Mrs, R. M. Peck took the chair for the program, Mrs, Harold Currie, guest speaker, gave an interesting and appro- priate Christmas message. The Misses Jane Pyette and Joan S1 in o n s contributed vocal duets, and Bill Gibson demon- strated Christmas table centres. In the draw Mrs. R. A. Orr and Mrs. Chester Lee were the win- ners. Mrs. Orville Jones led in carol singing, with Miss Greta Lam- mie at the piano. Mrs, Pyette gave courtesy remarks, Delici- ous refreshments were served, lucky plate was won by Mrs, Garfield Broderick. Program conveners were.Mrs. R. M. Peck and Mrs, V, M. Pyette; hostesses, Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs. Joe Ferguson, Co -Op Announces Good Dividends On 1952 Business At the directors' meeting of the Hensall District Co-opera- tive held recently, the board instructed the manager to pay patronage returns accumulated on 1952 business, in cash. Cheques amounting to $9,327.91 have been mailed to all 1962 members, based on the business transacted by the mem- ber in that year. This action is in accordance with the system of financing by the deferred payment of divi- dends. 0 Not Too Late To Buy Friends Gift Subscription It is still not too late to send that gift which will be enjoyed for 52 weeks in 1964. Just drop into the newspaper office at Zurich; and buy a gift subscription to the home paper with the local news. Rates are only $3.00 per year in Canada, and $3.50 per year in United States and foreign countries. This is a gift that does not require wrapping, and we'll mail it for you. Aln, we'll send a seasonal gift card (no charge) to tell your friend or relative that the home paper is. on it's way for 1964. 0 Name Winners of Essay Contests At Area Fall Fairs The District 8 (Huron -Perth) results of the Ethel Brant Mon- ture essay competition, spon- sored by the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies, are as follows: first, Christine Mills, of Avon School, Stratford; second, Jane McIntosh, RR 7, St. Marys, and third, Stephen Brady, of Seaforth public school. Each were previously winners at their respective fair. Prizes of $5, $3 and $2 will be paid to these winners. The essay of Christine Mills will now be entered in the pro- vincial competition to be judged along with .15 other district winners. Agricultural Societies who sponsor the competition at their local fairs were: Listowel, Mil- verton, Stratford, St. Marys, Bayfield( Brussels, Dungannon, Exeter, Howick and Seaforth. This year's topic was: "What Our Fair Can Do for the Com- munity". Mrs, Monture, co-sponsor with the Ontario Association, was the first president of the women's section and now is its honorary president. 0 Santa Claus Was Hensall Visitor Santa Claus arrived in Hensall last Saturday afternoon in the fire truck, to welcome some 350 children of Hensall and district and their parents to the annual Christmas party, sponsored by the businessmen , and Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion, 468. Three hundred and fifty gifts of treats were handed out and 300 bottles of chocolate milk, the latter donated by ilurondale Dairy. Cartoons were shown in the town hall with Bill Fuss in charge of the. projector, Handing out the treats were Reeve Norman Jones. clerk Earl Campbell, Chief of Pollee' E. B. Davis and Rev. Ross MacDonald. Handing out the chocolate milk were members of the Senior Citizens' Euchre Club. New Fire Chief ppointed at Hensall Boxing Day Declred Public Holiday The council of the village of Hensall, at their final meeting of the year on Monday night, appointed David Sangster as Fire Chief. For a number of years Mr. Sangster has been serving as assistant Fire Chief. The new chief will replace Bryan Kyle, who retired recently after holding the position for over 10 years. Mr. Sangster is a building contractor in the village. In other business at their wind-up meeting on Monday night, the council declared Thursday, December 26, as Box- ing Day, to be observed as a public holiday. Building permits were ap- proved for Doug Cooper, How- ard Smale and Wes Richardson, for renovations and alterations. Clerk Earl Campbell was in- structed to send a letter of ap- preciation from the council to retiring fire chief Bryan Kyle. While the council was ap- pointing a successor for the chief, the members of the bri- gade were presenting Mr. Kyle with an engraved gold wrist watch, in the fireball. 0 Hensall Guides Aid .Park Plans The First Hensall Girl Guides donated the proceeds from their Christmas tag project, which amounted to $40, to the Kins- men Club of Hensall, to be used for their playground project. The presentation was made by first class guide Lois Sim- mons, at a dinner meeting of the Kinsmen Club Thursday eve- ning, n Also attending were Cheryl Little, Jane Pyette, and Captain Mrs. Jim Hyde. Hensall United Chi, Christ as {:eating The Hensall United Church Women held their annual Christ- mas meeting in a most beauti- fully decorated church sanctu- ary, enhanced by 'glowing can- dlebra, Monday evening. This meeting was in charge of the executive. President Mrs. Walter Spen- cer opened with a piece of Scripture followed by prayer. Mrs. E. T. Rowe p.-; sented an inspiring Christm-.; message from a book of :Et,e47Peter Mar- shall, entitled, "Let's Keep Christmas". Mrs. Dave Kyle led -in prayer. A solo, "Bethlehem", was sung by Mrs. William Fuss, accom- panied by Mrs. J. Goddard. Guest speaker of the evening was Dr. H. Cowen, of Exeter, who spoke on his trip to the Holy Land, and showed his colored slides taken of his trip. Mrs. T. Sherritt presided at the piano for the singing of Christ- mas carols. Bob Forrest favored with several Christmas carols on his trumpet, and his accom- panist was Mrs. William Fuss. Following the benediction all were invited to the Sunday School rooms for a short busi- ness session followed by re- freshments. The 1964 slate of officers was presented: honorary presi- dents, Mrs. George Armstrong, Miss Mattie Ellis; past presi- dent, Mrs. E. T'. Rowe; presi- dent, Mrs. Walter Spencer;; first vice-president, Mrs. H. F. Currie; Kippen East WI Gathered For Christmas Meet Kippen East Women's Insti- tute met at the home of presi- dent Mrs. W. J. F. Bell on Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Harry Caldwell, of Hensall, as co -hostess. This being the Christmas meeting, the children of pre- school age were in attendance and were entertained, Mrs. Ernie Chipchase and Mrs. Robert Bell were appointed leaders of the 4-11 Club. Mem- bers answered the roll call with "A Symbol of Christmas". Mrs. Charles Eyre gave a splendid account of Christmas customs in other lands, and Mrs. Vern Alclerdiee gave a humorous monologue. A min- ute's silence was observed for the late President John F. Kennedy. Members exchanged gifts and the children were given treats, Special guest, Santa Claus, was present, and distributed pres- ents. Lunch was served by the hostess and committee. rch omen Hold "With Entire Group second vice-president, Mrs. James Taylor; recording secre- tary, Mrs. A. W. Shirray; assis- tant, Mrs. P. L. McNaughton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. M. Peck; treasurer, Miss Mary Goodwin; unit leaders, Mrs. James McAllister, Mrs. Edison Forrest, Mrs. Robert Reaburn, Mrs. Ron Mock; chairman fi- nance committee, Mrs. V. M. Pyette; literature and commun- ications, Mrs. Doug Cook. Conveners of the following groups are: supply committee, Mrs. George Armstrong; mem- bership and recruiting, Mrs. Leona Parke; Christian citizen- ship and social action, Mrs. Ian McAllister; community friend- ship and visitation, Mrs. Ernie Chipchase; manse, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; Missionary and Chris- tian education, Mrs. Ross For- rest; press and publicity, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Mrs. James Tay - lar; pianists, Mrs. William Fuss, Mrs. J. Goddard; nominating committee, Mrs. W. B. Cross; representative official board, Mrs. Walter Spencer; Mission- ary and maintenance, Miss Ellis; Board of Stewards, Mrs. Glen- don Christie; Missionary and Christian education, Mrs. Ross Forrest, Mrs. Ed Corbett; manse, Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs. Howard Scane. 0 OBITUARY Calvin Williams Funeral service for the late John Calvin Williams, of Zurich, was held Tuesday, December 17, at the Westlake funeral home, with interment in the Bronson Line EUB Cemetery, Rev. A. M. Amacher officiated at the service. Mr. Williams passed away at his residence on Sunday, in his 83rd year, A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John A. Williams, he was born in Hay Township on February 22, 1881. For many years he owned and operated a shoe store in Buffalo, New York, be- fore returning home where he was associated for many years with his brothers in the Zurich Flour and Feed Mills. Surviving are, one brother, Robert, Zurich; three sisters. Mrs. Laura Whiteside, Manilla; Mrs. Eva Shaver, Bright, and Miss Ethel, Zurich. Mr. Wil- liams was not married, Pallbearers at the funeral were James Parkins, Ivan Yung- blut, Milton Desch, Menno Oesch„ Leroy O'Brien and Ken- neth Breakey. 0 Christmas Program The annual "Christmas Can- tata" will be presented at the Evangelical U.B. Church this Sunday night at '7:30 p.m. H Ui .'• H RR 7k Only 5 More Shopping Days Until Christmas Check the Ads in This Paper For Last Minute Gift Suggestions