HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1963-11-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1963 items About Zurich Mr. Lawrence Hoeicer, of the Town Line. is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and \Irs. 1. D. Brown Ted :1°-;i Suzanne, of Oshawa, spent the »•eekenc1 with theft parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H Meyers. Mrs. Lloyd Hope• Heather and Cynthia, of Streets- villc. ;also spent a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turkheim and Richard were Sunday vis- itors !n Toronto at the home of Rev. and Mrs. O. Winter. Mrs, Anne Turkheim, who has been in Toronto for a couple of weeks returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schnell, of Detroit, are visiting with friends in Bayfield and Zurich for a few days. Mr, Schnell, who is a noted singer, recently took part in a massed choir presentation of "Festival of Faith" at Cobo Hall, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hahn, of St. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Klinck. of Elmira, and Airs. William Clement, of Hensen, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ginger- ich are at present in New York city, from where Rev. and Mrs. Cyril Gingerich will sail for Nigeria this week. Blind Campaign The current campaign for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind needs only six dollars to react' '. ,~ year's donations of 3223.50. To date $317.50 has been turned in, and anyone who still wishes to do so make a donation at the local Bank of _Montreal. Mr. J. E. Bannister is chairman of the campaign in this area. Letters Clinton. Ont. Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario. Dear Sirs: The Bayfield Agricultural So- ciety wishes to thank the Junior Majorettes of Zurich for their part taken in the Bayfield Fair, on September 27. There were many fine com- ments on these girls, on their performance. Please convey our thanks to these girls. Robert Stirling, Secretary, Bayfield Agricultural Society. Institute News { The members of the Zuriel Women's Institute are invited to be guests of the Dashwood organization on Tuesday, De cetnber 3, in the new Commit ity Hall at Dashwood. The loea group are also catering to the Bean Board noon luncheon of Monday, December 9. The re cent cooking school on "Des sects" sponsored by the local group has concluded, and was termed quite successful by the leaders, Mrs. Delbert Geiger and Mrs. Newell Geiger. The Zurich Institute wishes to thank all those who sent clothing and toys for the Chil- dren's Aid. The articles will be delivered to headquarters at Goderich very soon, for Christ- mas distribution. Anyone who would still like to donate art- icles can do so by contacting Mrs. Meyers by •the end of this week. 0 Evangelical Ladies Will Cater To Federation Dinner The November meeting of the Women's Society of the Evan- gelical U.B. Church was held Wednesday evening, November 13. Mrs. Newell Geiger chaired the meeting, giving a very fine reading entitled, "The Master Is Coming". Mrs. Harrison Schoch read the Scriptur lesson and Mrs. Harvey Clausius led in prayer. A reading, "Examples of Stew- ardship", was taken by Mrs. Allan Gascho and Mrs. William Brown. A very fine quartette, Gwen Clausius, Ruth Ann Fleischauer, Joanne and Carolyn Thiel ren- dered several delightful num- bers. Rev. Amacher took charge of the election and installation of officers for 1964. The society is catering to the Federation of Agriculture ban- quet on November 27. A social half hour was spent with the committee, Mrs. Harri- son Schoch, Mrs. Newell Geiger, Mrs. Allan Gascho, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. Harvey Clausius, Mrs. Mary Manson and,Mrs. Blake Horner serving reresh- ments. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD ! "Whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved." This gracious invitation is clear and simple. Whoso- ever (without any help or interference from man) will call, shall be saved—no strings attached. There is one difficulty, however, you must discover the right name to call on. This is the difference between saving faith and religion, between life and damnation. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE Hensall United Church REV. HAROLD F. CURRIE, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. J. PHILIP GANDON, Rector 9:45 a.m.--Morning Prayer 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School First Sunday of the Month—Holy Communion Carmel Pres'byterian Church REV. D. R. MacDONALD, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. Dougall, Organist 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 •a.m, — Worship Service This Space Contributed By General Coach Works Kippen News United Church Women Kippen United Church held their November thank -offering meeting in 'the church on Tues- day evening, November 12, at 8:30 p.m., with Mrs. Eileen Consitt and Mrs. Thomas W. Reid as hostesses. Over 100 ladies attended the meeting. Guests included ladies from Hensall United Church, Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, and Bayfield United. Mrs. A. Jackson, of Belgravc, was the guest speaker. Bazaar A bazaar and tea was held in the Sunday School -rooms on Saturday, November 16, with a large crowd in attendance. One hundred and eighty dollars was realized from the booths and tea being served. Conveners were: fancy work, Mrs, A. Par- son; baking booth, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs, Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. Robert McGregor; fish pond, Mrs. Edison McLean: touch and take, Mrs. Emerson Kyle; produce, Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner; candy booth, Mrs. John Sinclair; tea room, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper. Lunch was in charge of the social committee and was con- vened by Mrs. Bert Fraser. The teen-age girls served at the tables. Personals Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Lavery attended the Routley -Powell wedding, on Saturday, at 2 p.m., in St. Paul's Church, Petrolia. Mrs. Gibson, Sr., of Wroxeter, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Mellis, and Mr. Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doig, of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long and Miss Janet Doig of "Huronview", Clinton. 0 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT Ladies' Aid The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran Church was held Wednesday, November 13, with group 3 and Mrs. Alvin Rader, convener, in charge of closing devotions and lunch. Pastor William Getz took the topic and •the history and beliefs of a religious sect was discussed. The president, Mrs. Milford Merner, dealt with the business. Donations are to be made to two boys from our church at- tending Lutheran colleges. The nominating committee for the officers of the coming year are, Mrs. Edgar Restemayer, Mrs. John Rader and Mrs. Herb Wein. A library is to be start- ed with Mrs. Harry Hayter in charge. Annual Meeting The election of officers for 1964 for Zion Luthern Church was held recently with the fol- lowing results: president, James Hayter; vice-president, Gordon Kraft; secretary, Kenneth Kraft; current treasurer, Ervin Rader; current secretary, Charles Tie - man; mission treasurer, Harald Schroeder; mission secretary, Lloyd Rader; elders, V. L. Beck- er, Cherie Martene and Lloyd Willert; trustees, Hubert Miller, Harold Stire and Oscar Miller; Sunday School superintendent, Albert Miller; assistant, Robert Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weiberg and Judy, of Lucan, .spent the weekend with Mr. Fred Wei - berg and Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Miller and Jeffery, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Ervin Rader has returned home from hunting the past er; finance committee, Mervyn EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev, A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesott. Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24-- 10:00 a,in,—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service, We invite you to warship with us ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT — Mr, and Mrs. Donald Hendrick, Dashwood, wish to announce the engagement of a their daughter, Alma Ruth, to Mr. Robert Frederick Westlake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake, Zurich — the wedding to take place on Saturday, December 21, 1963, at 5:30 p.m, in the Grand Bend United Church, Grand Bend. Obituary Edmund Sipple Edmund Sipple died in Lan- sing, Mich., on November 13, 1963. He had passed his 86th birthday on August 20th last. At the time of his collapse, he was repairing the lower hinge on his garage door, and seemed to have recovered from a severe cold which had lasted about four weeks. Edmund was the oldest of seven children of M'. and Mrs. Philip Sipple. He attended Zurich Public School and served his apprenticeship with the Hess Carriage Works, which prepared him for work with the Lansing Auto Body Company and the Fisher Body Co. He enjoyed a retirement of more t11ahh twenty years. He and his widow, Genevieve, were in Zurich briefly last sum- mer. He is survived by his sisters; Ida and Helma, and brother, Otto, as well as his widow.. Funeral service was held No- vember 15 in Lansing, in which city he lived for more than fifty years. week in the Parry Sound area. His party brought back one buck. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pattison and family, of Wingham, spent Sunday with Sim Willert and other relatives. Dashwood Men's Club The Dashwood Men's Club held •their supper meeting with the election of officers. Presi- dent, Hugh Boyle; vice-presi- dents, Glen Webb, Ron Merner, and Jack Gaiser; secretary -treas- urer, Harry Hayter; auditors, Ted Webb and Ralph Weber; attendance a n d membership committee, Hubert Miller, George Tiernan and Lorne Beck- Tieman, Stuart Wolfe and Al- bert Rader; education commit- tee, Dr. V. Gullens, Lorne Klein- stiver and William Haugh; pro- gramme and entertainment com- mittee, Cliff Salmon, Roy Mor- enz, Jim Hayter, Alvin Walper and Elgin Kipfer; press report- ers, Harry Hoffman and Ervin Rader. The November supper meeting will be held Monday evening at which time final ar- rangements will be made for solo party of December 6. Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST 1S LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 — 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOME! St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev, W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 10 •a.m.—Sunday School. 11 am.—Worship Service. '7 p.in. Luther League. 8 p.m.—Leadership Training. YOU ARE WELCOME St. Boniface CVL Plans Dinner The November meeting of St. Boniface Catholice W o n1 e n.' s League was held at the Town Hall with twenty-five members in attendance The president, Mrs. Lerina Rose, opened the meeting with the League prayer. A beauti- ful quilt was displayed and tickets were distributed to mem- bers present. The lucky draw for this quilt will take place at the December meeting. The December meeting will be in the form of a dinner party, to be held at the Domin- ion Hotel on Tuesday, Decem- ber 10, at 7:00 p.m. Any mem- bers wishing to attend must contact Mrs. Lloyd Denomme not later than December 7. A social evening of bingo was enjoyed and a delicious lunch was served by the•eonvener in charge. TAVISTOCK "LEND -A -HAND" LITERARY SOCIETY presents the three -act play "ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN" O11 Friday, November 29, 8:15 p.m. WOMMl1NITY (ENTRE Advance Tickets available at Earl Oesch's Barber Gingerich's Sales and Service Admission: 75 Cents Children, 10 years and under, admitted Free, if accompanied by an adult Shop Sponsored by the local Mennonite Youth Fellowship Group WATCH NEXT WEEK'S EDITION For the particulars of the Mammoth Christmas Promotion to be staged by the merchants of Zurich and District. s TREAT YOURSELF TO FOOD Fancy Cream Style — 20 Oz. York Corn _ _ _ 2 for 35c 64.Oz. Bottle (Plastic) Javex Quick or Instant — 3 Ib. Quaker Oats 11 -Oz. Bottles 43c 43c Heinz Catsup _ _ 2 for 45c Heinz — 48 Oz. Tomato Juice _ Heinz — 15.Oz. ___30c Cooked Spaghetti _ 2/35c Aylmer — 10.Oz. ; Tomato Soup _ _ _ 2/25c Heinz Baby Foods _ _ 3 tins 34c Heinz — 15.Oz, Tomato Sauce _ 2 for 39c Product of Holland Soup, Asst. _ 2 pkgs. 27c Minnette's — 28.Oz. Best Tomatoes _ 2 for 55c York — 15 -Oz. Choice Apricots _ _ _ 29c York — 15 -Oz. Tender Peas _ _ 2 for 37c Solo Margarine _ _ 2 lbs. 41 c Squeeze Bag Tulip Margarine _ Ib. 19c David's Coquette Mallows _ _ 39c Miracle Whip — 16 -Oz. Salad Dressing _ _ _ 39c Allen's — 20 -Oz. Apple Juice _ _ 2 for 33c Crest — Reg. 39c Tooth Paste 35c Crest — Reg. 69c Tooth Paste 59c FRUIT and VEGETABLES ONTARIO CABBAGE- LB. 5c ONTARIO SPY APPLES 3 LBs. FOR 29c No. 1 — BANDED GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS _ _ _ 2 LBS, FOR 29c MEAT SPECIALS VISKING BOLOGNA 3 LBS. FOR $1.00 SWEET PICKLED PORK ROLLS LB. 53c FRESH PORK HOCKS _ _ _ _ 4 LBS. FOR $1,00 Canada Packers GRADE 'A' FRYERS _ LB. 39c DOERR'S PHONE 140 -- ZURICH 1,0