HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1963-10-24, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1963 Mrs, Clarence Volland Installed As Noble Grand of Amber Rebekah Lodge The regular meeting of Am- ber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday, October 16, with Noble Grand Mrs. Hugh Mc- Ewen presiding. The 1963-64 officers wer installed by the D.D.P., Mrs. 0. Osboldiston and her installing staff of Goderich. N.G., Mrs. Clarence Volland; V.G., Mrs. John Ingram; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Blighton Ferg; financial secretary, Mrs. Ernest Chipchase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Corbett; conductor, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre; warden, Mrs. G. Clifton; chaplain, Mrs. John Corbett; musician, Mrs. William Fuss; color bearer, Mrs. Howard Lemmon; R.C.N.G., Mrs, Glenn Bell; L.S,N.G., Mrs. Leon a Parke, R.S.V.G., Mrs. Inez Mc- Ewen; L,S,V.G., Mrs. Ross Rich- ardson; I.G., Mrs. Elgin Thomp- son; 0.S., Mrs. A. R. Orr; J.P.N.G., Mrs. Hugh McEwen. 1Vlembers of the Lodge can- vassed the town Wednesday eve- ning, October 23, for South Huron Hospital tag day. The Lodge is invited to visit Monkton Lodge Friday, October 25. Those wishing to go will meet at the lodge rooms at seven o'clock. N.G. Mrs. Hugh McEwen presented a gift to the D.A.P. on behalf of the lodge. After lodge a delicious lunch- eon was enjoyed by all. Union Meeting of Youth Fellowships A Union Youth Fellowship of Chiselhurst and Hensall congre- gations met Sunday evening in Hensall United Church hall, presided over by president Miss Cathy Scene. A special film strip, "The Be- loved Surgeon," covering the work of Dr. .Paul W. Brand at the Christian Medical College at Vellore, India, was shown. Pro- jectionist was Doug Curry, and narrator was Nancy Kyle. An election of officers was held and resulted as follows: president, Ted Mock; vice-presi- dent, Eric Ross; secretary, Nancy Kyle; treasurer, Douglas Curry; conveners, Patricia Har- ris, Robert McNaughton, David Pyette, Bill Chipchase. NOTICE A Carload of Calves will be arriving in Hensall soon. Any boy or girl, under 21, wishing to feed calves for the South Huron Agricultural Society, which will also include a limited number of groups of 4 — contact any of the directors or the secretary, for further information. P. L. McNAUGHTON, Secretary, Phone 55, Hensall. i Find EXTRA Dollars With Shur -Gain The Shur -Gain All -Mash Program was designed with your poultry profits in mind. With this Program, every bird is assured a properly balanced diet, virtually eliminating irregularities in egg production and quality due ti'o unbalanced feeding. Come in, we'll talk about your flock and the extra dollars you'll profit with the Shur -Gain All -Mash Program. M. G. DEITZ and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH 40 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1.923 On Tuesday, October 30, Father Stroeder united in mar- riage at St. Boniface Church, Zurich, Miss Pearl Ducharme and Exias Charrette, both of this area. The death occurred on Octo- ber 12 of John Alexander, of the fourth concession, Tucker - smith Township, who was a genial friend and an earnest Christian. After 39 years of service, W. Fasken, station agent at Kippen, will be retiring at the end of this month. He is 73 years old. Edmund Troyer, of the Hills - green district, made a large shipment of potatoes recently to Brigden. Fred Hess and N. Blatchford are both getting nicely settled in their new homes at Hensall. Thomas Sherritt, who has been doing a good business of selling milk and cream to the residents in Hensall, has pur- chased himself a new improved electric milker. Miss Florence Guenther, of Dashwood, had the misfortune of having her arm broke while playing at school last week. 25 YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1938 Ivan Kalbfleisch and Lloyd Klopp, of Zurich, accompanied by William McIntosh and Cecil Simpson, of Brucefield, enjoyed -OF - YEARS GONE a motor trip in northern On- tario for a few days, visiting at such places as Parry Sound. Mrs. Walter Eckel and little son Jack, of Zurich, are spend- ing a week visiting with rela- tives and friends in the Cale- donia district. A total of 1,350 persons .at- tended the big fowl supper at the Crediton Evangelical Church last Wednesday night. Peter McNaughton, of' Hen- sall, has rented the house of Emily Morrison on Queen Street. The rooms recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, James Dick in Hensall are being renovated, and will be used for a beauty parlour, which is to be operated by Miss Mildred Hackney. 15 YEARS AGO caught in a revolving belt sand- er at Jensen's Furniture shop in Exeter. Ross Dick, of the Parr Line, niet with a painful accident when a pipe fell from the top of ladder against a silo and hit him on the head. Russell Hoperoft, of Dash- wood, is in Victoria Hospital, London, suffering from injuries he received Friday night when his truck overturned into a •ditch, Mrs. Elam Shantz was a pa- tient in Clinton Hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. OCTOBER 1948 A jolly evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bedard, on the Zurich road near Hensall, prior to their moving to Seaforth, when neigh- bours and friends gathered to honour them an their departure. A number of members of the Zurich Lions Club attended the big Charter Night in Lucan re- cently. Mrs. Jacob Meidinger has moved her household effects to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Con- rad Siemon, in Zurich, where she is occupying an apartment. John Farquhar, of Hensall, was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London, when his hand became ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE (AL. FRED DUCHARME. Correspondent) The past weekend being mild and summer-like meant some who have cottages along the lake spent their long weekend in •thein. There will not be too many more of such, so perhaps during this past one they put all in safety before the chilly and freezing days. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Denomme over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Denomme and daughters, of Goderich. Home Completed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess of St. Joseph have had much work done on their new home, recently built. The finishing touches will add greatly to the appearance and as well will give comfort from the approach- ing winter season. Their home is near by their place of business. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey of Goderich were Sunday last visitors with the former's moth - Buyers of CORN! Highest Prices Paid Fast Unloading Service Large Dump Hoist for Trailer Trucks Automatic Weigh Scales Custom Drying Corn Shelling Costs -- 5 Cents a Bushel Drying Costs -- 10 Cents a Bushel (35% and under) IF YOU HAVE CORN TO SELL OR DRY, IT WILL PAY YOU TO CONTACT CANN'S AZILL LTD. PHONE EXETER 235.1782 10 YEARS AGO • OCTOBER 1953 Grant Case, of Zurich, who for the past number of years has been employed with the Hensall District Co-operative as manager of the Zurich branch, has given up •that position to take a post with the Swift Feed Company. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Cockburn, who have lived in Zurich for the past two years, left on Mon- day for their new Home at Lind- say, where the doctor is taking over a practice. A number •of new television sets are being installed on farms in the St. Joseph area, and people are receiving much en- joyment from these. 0 er, Mrs. Josephine Ducharme, and brother, Isidore. On Sunday last Master Ger- ard Ducharme, of the Bluewater south, entertained several of his school buddies and others on the occasion of his eleventh birthday. Mrs. Ducharme had made the necessary prepara- tions placing before those who were present a birthday cake with eleven candles burning, also refreshments to mark the occasion. As usual in such a gathering, all of the young guests had a little joke to pass on and all of that meant gaiety to the celebrant. When all had enjoyed a good time they ex- tended good wishes to the cele- brant and many more happy birthdays. Early Years Still they lived contented and always looking for a better day. But for many • of them that bet- ter day did not come, for there was too much to be done before they would receive a fair share for their past labor, and besides some of them had already passed the mid-day of their lives when they arrived in this Parish. I well remember in, some of school days when George Pol- lock, a native df this commun- ity, was our teacher, and on a Christmas Eve had given a school concert for the children. and at that. time it was before my sixth birthday and I had just entered into the first part, and so were the others in my class, as they were near about my age. There were six of us. Each of the boys had a trades- man verse to say, one was a blacksmith, another a farmer, another a carpenter, etc., while mine was a printer My verse started: I'll be a printer if I can, When I'm a man I'll print the news as a good deed, And pass them on for you to read. Sorry the remaining two lines I do not remember. At the close of the concert of the six boys and two girls in that part, we had to sing •a song, I can remember four lines as follows: Hold the first of education, While the battle stands, Which will be a joy for us, Fighting for our land. That incident took place eighty years ago this . coming Christmas Eve, P.S.--(Is it a wonder I forgot some part of it.) Kippen News of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, who have spent the summer visiting with relatives and friends in this area, left for their home this week. Robert Turner and Jim Consitt accompanied them home for a short holiday in Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley and girls spent Saturday in Lonclon. Recent newlyweds from. Kip - pen, in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Littleton, were ehivareed at •their home in Ex- eter on Saturday evening. Mrs. Norman Long, Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deichert, Miss Betty Stickle and friend, all of London, spent the week- end visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Me - Lachlan. Mr. Edgar •Schnell, of Cam - rose, Alberta, who has been visiting relatives and was in- jured in a car accident at Kip - pen last week, is reported to be improving quite well and at present is with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie, of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson visited Sunday with her father, Mr. Samuel Storey, who is hos- pitalized in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, ,Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston, i Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Lavery and Gregory visited friends in London on Sunday. Mr. W. L. Mills received word during the week that his niece's husband, George Ed- wardson, of Vancouver, had died suddenly of a heart attack. His wife was the former Edna Cud - more, daughter of the late Edwin Cudmore and Mrs. Cud - more. Mr. and Mrs. James Burnett and Mrs. F. Ducker, of Toronto, were Saturday ,overnice guests with Mr. and Mrs. N, Long. ' Cowtt4 4 ��Ap�NG�S' 10 OZ. TIN Heim To uto Soup _ _ _ 9/1.00 14 OZ. TIN York F ncy Kernel Corn _ 6/1.00 / WHITE OR PINK White swan Toilet Tissue 8/1.00 20 OZ. TIN Libby`s Tomato Juice _ _ 7/1.00 Heinz Baby Food _ _ _ _ 10/1.00 8 OZ. JAR Lucky Dopar instant Coffee 1.00 64 OZ. JAR Javex Liquid Bleach 43c CHICKEN NOODLE, TOMATO, VEGETABLE Lipton's Soup 8/1.00 SHIRRIFF'S INSTANT Mashed Potatoes 29c LIBBY'S — 20 OZ. TIN Deep Brown Beans _ _ _ _ 4/89c Oranges, 163's 39c Fish and Clips 55c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO — ZURICH imomonummissomme SAVE SOON to benefit from the next interest period Interest Account October in your on your BRITISH MORTGAGE Savings is computed twice each year, 31st and April 30th. This means that money account by October 31st will earn 4%. You'll be wise to make your deposit soon, or to open a new BRITISH MORTGAGE Account. Your money earns 4% interest. Come to the office, write us, or phone BRITISH MORTGAGE tT]UST meensenn Telephone 235.0530 CHARLES V. BARRETT, Manager, Exeter. or