HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1963-09-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 items About Zurieh :Ur. and Mrs. E. 1). Brown.. Smith were: 1Ir, and Mrs. Suzanneand Ted. of Oshawa, were w,yekeud visitors at the home Af Mr. and Mrs. Toni Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Ronan Meid- Inge: and Linda. and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Denonune were in Chat':a:n on Monday. Linda re- maine:l in the city, where she will !.r> attending school at Urstliaa. College. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilhelm, of S l,e.speare, were Sunday. visit... at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. 11 e r b Desjardine, in Ztuca. On Saturday 11Ir, and Mrs. Leo Koebel, of Detroit, were visitors at the Desjardine home. Mr. and Mrs, Morley Witmer, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Sargenti, of Dearborn, were visitors on the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinback. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hesse spent the holiday weekend at the cot- tage of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin at Bayfield, in the Parry Sound district. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien spent the holiday weekend at Shwanega, in northern Ontario. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Yungblut were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yung- bult. London, and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Farquhar, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gascho and Jeff. of Hamilton, were holiday visitors with their families in Zurich and Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Art Risk, of Michigan, visited over the holi- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yungbult. Miss Judy Willcrt, of Detroit, was a weekend visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Willlert. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oesch .and family. of Paris, were visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Oberer, of Detroit, were Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Desjardine, Muskoka Baptist Church camp, Brian and Ricky, spent a week, from the 17-24 of August, at the Muskoka Baptist Church camp, near Huntsville. Recent holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Charles Zurbrigg, of Florida, who are spending the summer at their cottage at Keswick, Ont.. and were accompanied by Mr. and MTS. Nelson Craig of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cun- ningham and two children, of Willowdale, who were return- ing from a trip to Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Taylor. and Mr. Israel Wilhelm, of Milverton: Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker, and Mr, Ed Wendorf, of Clinton; and Mr. Mose Lein - weber. of Stratford. Mr. Zur- brigg is an old school churn of Mr. Smith, and they had a very happy get-together. CWL Meeting The first regular meeting of the Catholic 'Women's League will take place in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, September 10, at 8:30 pan. At this meeting Mrs, Norma Siebert will present a demonstration on varieties of driftwood. Mrs. Lerina Rose is the newly -elected president of the organization. Girl Guides A Girl Guide group is being organized in Zurich for the coming season. Anyone inter- ested in attending is asked to be at the home of Mrs. Pete Deitz on Monday night, Sep- tember 9, at 7 p.m. Sisters Arrive in Zurich Last week four Sisters of St. Joseph took up residence at Sacred Heart Convent, on Mary Street, across from St. Boniface Srhool. Two of the Sisters are teachers. They are Sister Eileen Marie, School Principal and Su- perior of the Convent, and Sis- ter Mary Magdalen who will teach the primary room. The other two Sisters are Sister St. Dorothy, housekeeper, and Sis- ter Lucy, companion. Sacred Heart Convent was formerly the residence of the Norman Fleis- chauer family. What was form- erly the kitchen is now the Community Room (living room). A kitchen and dining area have been added on the south side of the house. In the name of our readers in the area, this newspaper extends a sincere welcome to the Sisters. We wish them success, and hope that they will be happy in Zurich. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! Grace is the Krisis of death and life: "reckon yourselves to be dead unto sin and alive unto God." There can be no tension or polarity between grace and sir.—death and life cannot co -exist. in the baptism of the Holy Spirit a miracle of the Grace is accomplished which renders the man of sin to be dead. Simultaneously a life of faith is begun. Jesus died to put away sin. THE MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE wit rtlia s Hensall United Church REV. HAROLD F. CURRIE, Minister 9:45 a.m. — Church School 11:00 a.m, — Worship Service St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. J. PHILLIP GANDON, Rector 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship 10:15 a.m.---Sunday School First Sunday of the Month—Holy Communion Carmel Presbyterian Church REV. D. R. MacDONALD, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. Dougall, Organist 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service This Space Contributed By General Coach Works Letters Dear Mr. Editor, May I use the columns of your valued paper to convey some information of local in- terest? We are receiving en- quiries as to when "Open House" will be held at Sacred Heart Convent. Well, we had in- tended to invite the public to see through it early in August, before the arrival of the Sisters. Unfortunately, the place was not finished in time. Now with the Sisters still in process of getting settled, and with school beginning, it may a few weeks before "Open House" can be arranged. ' When the time comes, it will announced in the Citizens' News. It is a great happiness to the people of St. Boniface Parish to have the Sisters. Moreover we are deeply grateful to our seperated brethren for the kind- ness and good will already ex- tended to them during their first ten days in Zurich. The Sisters themselves are over- joyed at the friendliness shown to them. They tell me that they don't feel like strangers here at all. They feel that they are already happy members of a wonderful community. Who are the Sisters? The answer is actually quite simple. They are women who renounced the ordinary pursuits of life in order to give their entire time and efforts to helping others and, thus, serving Christ as per- fectly as possible. Not long ago, they were young girls with all the talents, school and home life, of any normal girl. Their faith was strong. Their hearts were generous. Like devoted soldiers who have left their homes and country to give their lives for their loved one, the Sisters have left everything for Christ's loved ones. They have, as St. Paul says, died to this world. This fact is symbolized by their black attire. They even gave up their names, hence- forth to be known only by the naive of one of God's saints. After they entered the Con- vent, they lived with tthe Sis- ters for almost seven years, learning about God's teachings in general, and about convent life in particular. Only after this long •study and probation were they allowed to take the perpetual vows of _ poverty, chasity and obedience. They made ,their vows without any compulsion whatever. That they do not regret their .choice is easily discernible in their happy faces. They have chosen Christ as their only Spouse, and have received in return His peace and security. We are glad to have them. When others get to know them, they will feel the same way, because the Sisters are happiest when they are helping 'others, without regard to race, colour, or creed. God bless the Sisters and all the tasks they undertake in our midst throughout the coming years, C. A. DOYLE, Pastor, St. Boniface Church. St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER. 8 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU ARE WELCOME EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rav, A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, M tnlster Mrs. Milton Oesott, Organist THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 — 8 p.m.—W.S,W.S. and Ladies' Aid Meeting SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 10 a,m,—Worship Service. 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School. We invite you to worship with us. Huron Liberals Pick Strong To . Op ose Minister (Continued from page 1) which included "the Northern Ontario gas scandal, race track charters ... the $20,000 cock- tail party to publicize the rhin- oceros symbol . , . the Liquor Control Hoard members with stock in hotels . , . and the White River improvement dis- trict." He dwelt at length on the "Tory record in municipal af- fairs" and the White River im- provement district "where the people have .asked for an inves- tigation." "When Municipal Affairs Minister Spooner told these people there are too many in - vestigations being called he was resorting to his Spoonerisms ... he repeats the same words over and over in a different order, and for emphasis uses `damn' and `bloody' for punctuation." "My reply to Mr. Spooner, to coin a Spoonerism, is they damn well have to investigate if they're paying any bloody at- tention to the problems of the people of Ontario." "These," he said, "are some of the more recent scandals. This is part of the record of your government, and therefore is part of the record of your member, Mr. MacNaughton. Three Others The three others nominated were John Armstrong rof Hal- lett Township, a former candi- date; Larry Wheatley, RR 1 Dublin, and Gordon Ratz of Crediton. Mr. Strang was defeated by about 1,400 votes in the 1959 election. A graduate of the On - BLAKE NEWS MRS. AMOS GINGERICH correspondent) Mr. Jerrome Corriveau and Mr. Andrew Corriveau, of Lon- don, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corriveau and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich were Sunday guests with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steckle, Robert and Dianne. Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Benedic- tus, John and Karen, of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin •Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Steckle and Mary Ellen. Mrs. Sarah Gingerich and Mrs. Emma Kipfer, of Zurich, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Gingerich and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Benedic- tus and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich, Norman and Elaine, and Mr. and Mrs, Amos Gingerich. Norma Jean returned home after spending a few days at Sarnia. Dashwood Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooke, of Baldwinville, New York, and Rev. and Mrs. George Sim and family of Listowel with Rev. and Mrs M. J. James and family. Mrs. A. C. Whittier and chil- dren of Peterborough, Miss Erma Wein of Clinton, and Robert Wein of Sudbury, with Mrs. Herb Wein. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Seebach and boys of Hamilton with Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reste- mayer and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraft with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kirk. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Annan, Larry and Nancy, of Pickering, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller. Zurich Mennonite JESUS CHRIST IS LORD JESUS CHRIST EST SEIGNEUR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 10 a,m. — Sunday School 11 a.m..-- Worship Service YOU ARE WELCOMEI tario Agricultural College, he has been clerk of Usborne for 17 years and assessor 15, He has been active in soil and crop improvement work in the coun- ty, and was president of the Ontario Soil and Crop Impro.ve- ment Association in 1958. He has been an elder at Caven Presbyterian 'Church in Exeter and a member of the Exeter Lions Club, Murray Gaunt, the Liberal candidate in Huron -Bruce rid- ing, said the Liberal party is in the best shape in 20 years. "We are stressing that the Tory Government has been in 20 years .... time for a change," Mr. Singer, in his opening re- marks, said "seeing Murray Gaunt here is evidence there is no riding in Ontario that can't be taken away from the Tories," Mr. Gaunt upset the Conservatives in a 1962 byelec- tion, when he wrestled the rid- ing from the party after it had ruled there 19 years. Robert Campbell, from the Ontario Liberal headquarters in Toronto, said he has noticed a "new attitude of respect to- ward our party and our leader in the past few weeks." A. Y. McLean, Seaforth, .an honorary president, spoke brief- ly. Beecher Menzies of Clinton, the Huron Liberal Association president, was program chair- man, Howard Aiken was sec- retary. OPTICAL SERVICE We have a large selection of Modern Frames for all ages. Broken Lenses DUPLICATED PROMPTLY! ALBERT G. HESS sssssss�� ZURICH New Wheat Seed Ready This Fall Several thousand bushels of Talbot, the new winter wheat variety, should be available to farmers for planting this fall. Talbot was bred at the Cent- ral Expermintal Farin, Ottawa, and first distributed to founda- tion seed growers last fall. It was grown on 32 farms in 15 counties in Ontario this year. The new variety is a soft white winter wheat which is in the same class as Genesee (the most common variety) in miI- ling quality. Talbot is similar to Genesee in smut resistance but superior in resistance to lodging, leaf rust and mildew. In comparative tests conduc- ted by the Ontario Winter Wheat Improvement Committee over the past five years, Talbot has given average yields equal to Genesee when lodging was not a factor but much higher yields when lodging did occur with Genesee. ationowervammunscasmessaraiii Memorial Service at DASHWOOD EUB CEMETERY Goshen Line Sunday, Sept. 8 at 2;30 p.m. Rev. D. Guest, Centralia will be Guest Speaker SPECIAL MUSIC Offering for Cemetery Improvement Milton Haugh Chairman T. Harry Hoffman Secty.-Treas. In case of rain the service will be held at the EUB Church DRESS- UP Your Home For the Fall Season WE HAVE OVER 100 Patterns of New Drapery Material! • READY-MADE • — MADE -TO -MEASURE — • YARDAGE 0 Priced as low as $1.00 Yard Let us measure your windows so your drapes will fit perfectly. We will gladly estimate the cost of your complete drapery program. GASCHO'S DRY GOODS PHONE 59 ZURICH IIINIEMMINENE6111M4‘":.S.1,17. "t;"''"'"'"N"'"%"'P4'rf v" TREAT YOURSELF TO FOOD 40) .. moo... PARAMOUNT FANCY — 73/4 OZ. Red Cohoe Salmon _ 43c NESTLE'S — 10c OFF — I LB. Chocolate Quik - _ _ 45c PILSBURY — CHOCOLATE, WHITE OR PINEAPPLE Cake Mixes _ 3 for 1.00 PUREX — WHITE OR COLORED — 2 ROLL PKG. Toilet Tissue 22c ASSORTED FLAVOURS Shirriffs Jello _ 3 for 31c ELLMAR — 16 OZ. Peanut Butter _ _ _ _ 35c CHEERY MORN — 10c OFF LABEL — 6 OZ. Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ 75c 15c SUGAR COUPON — 3 LB. PKG. Instant Milko _ _ 79c lc SALE — 5 BAR PKG. Palmolive Soap _ _ _ 49c McCORMICK'S — 1 LB. PKG. Sodas or Saltines _ _ 35c VAN CAMP — 2c OFF — 15 OZ. Pork & Beans 2 for 31c GOLDEN DEW -- 1 LB. PKG. Margarine _ _ _ 2 for 45c MAPLE LEAF — 3c OFF — 8 OZ. Cheese Slices _ - _ _ 29c TREESWEET — 48 OZ. TIN Orange Juice _ _ _ - 69c FRUIT and VEGETABLES TOMATOES — 59c 6 qt. Basket 3.00 Bus. Basket GEORGIA WATERMELON 85c SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT, 56's 4 for 39c NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES, 1 O's 43c MEAT SPECIALS FRESH PORK PICNICS 39c LB. SLICED BACON 59c LB. DOERR'S PHONE 140 — ZURICH