HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1963-08-15, Page 2PAGE TWO
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Crime and the Who -Dun -Its!
One of the biggest problems facing
civilization today is that of the so-called
crime wave that is surging across most
countries. Sometimes we wonder if that
crime growth is not indirectly at least con-
nected to some extent with the growth of
litereey among the people.
Today nearly everyone can read. Any -
elle who has anything to do with public
libraries knows that the most popular books
are the mystery stories, commonly referred
to as who -dun -its. So popular are they that
,orae libraries cut the borrowing time on
them to one week instead of the usual two.
Some smart guy once seid that the
spinal column of religion is the fear of the
police. One might twist that to suggest
that contempt for the police might be the
spinal column of crime activity, and con-
tempt for the police is fostered by many
of these widely read books, Of course, the
fictional criminal never gets away with it.
The Master Mind always conies a cropper
in the end, But in too many books it is not
the police who bring them to book.
It is the "private eye," like Nero Wolfe,
or the smart lawyer like Perry Mason, who
shows up the incompetent policeman and
district attorney. The police are pictured
as a lot of blundering fools. They have to
be to make the fiction plausible. There
are, of course, exceptions. Those mystery
stories whose heroes are Scotland Yard
officers for example.
'We do not claim to be sold on this
theory. Perhaps we over estimate the in-
fluence of the printed word. At least we
know that we have been steady readers of
detective yarns since the days of Old Cap
Collier, and he was before Sherlock Hol-
mes, and have not been conscious of ab-
sorbing any incentive to crime from them.
But we do believe that the constant be-
littling of police intelligence that is so
rampart in such books cannot fail to make
the criminally inclined person think he is
smarter than they,
But there is also the •other type of
printed word—the newspaper. The crime
record shown from day to day can hardly
fail to create the impression that crime is
fashionable and a lot of people think it
smart to be in the fashion. It might give
them food for thought though if they
would note in those same newspaper re-
ports the promptness of the police in get-
ting results. They are not nearly so dumb
as the mystery writers like to make them
—The Ridgetown-Dominion
OId Age Recedes
To a child of five or six any adult aged
from twenty to ninety seems old. Parents,
grandparents, uncles and aunts all are lum-
ped together in the category of the aged.
They are gods to be propitiated, since they
hold authority and the power to reward or
punish; but essentially they belong to a dif-
ferent species from the young observer.
As the observer himself grows older,
he usually begins to distinguish among his
seniors. His parents naturally continue to
be old, and, worse still, hopelessly old-
fashioned. But their contemporaries, who
have not the worry of wondering whether
the adolescent is on the way to becoming
a juvenile delinquent, may begin to appear
fairly young, or at least well-preserved.
The young man in his twenties perhaps
thinks that forty-five marks the beginning
of old age, but when he reaches that stage
of maturity himself, provided his health is
good, he is likely to consider that he has
another good twenty years ahead before he
attains the degrading status of "senior citi-
Most pension plans have been based on
the theory that old age begins at sixty-five,
but those who have reached that age are not
in full agreement with the pension -planners.
Again provided that they have been bles-
sed with moderately good health, they can
contemplate the future with equanimity,
deferring thoughts appropriate to old age
until they are in their eighties. It does not
disturb them when their grandchildren per-
sist in treating them as anachronistic sur-
vivors from the dark ages, for the grand-
children may be better company, in spite
of their youth, than some contemporaries.
And to the moderately artive seventy -
year -old the haven of old age happily re-
mains somewhat beyond the horizon. And
no doubt it still is beyond the horizon for
a man in his mid -eighties like Sir Winston
Churchill, He might admit to maturity,
but never to, old age.—(The Printed Word)
A Bright Boy Needs Proof!
We know a personnel manager, em-
ployed in a small factory (100 employees
or a few more), who quit school himself
when he had his junior matriculation, after
Ontario Grade 12. That was about 30 years
ago, and now he is a respectable, somewhat
portly, and moderately successful citizen.
His job is hiring and firing. It amuses
him, wryly, to note occasionally that in
the course of doing his job, he turns down
job applications with more schooling than
he has himself, saying, "You haven't enough
education." He is well aware that if he
could suddenly be 30 years younger, and
come to himself to apply for a job, he
would probably turn himself down.
Things have changed in the last 30
years, but they are going to change even
more in the next 30. It is true that there
are people who are intelligent and well-in-
formed, without having spent much time
in school; their difficulty is to be able to
prove it to a prospective employer. It may
happen that a dull boy waves his gradua-
tion diploma and gets the job, while a
bright boy stays jobless, having no diploma
to show. That may be unfair, but it is also
to be expected; if the bright boy is really
bright, he had better get the diploma to
prove it.
Last year 36 per cent of all Ontario
students who quit school, quit with no cer-
tificate or diploma of any kind. Ontario
had the best record in this regard; in the
other nine provinces, the percentages were
higher than 36.
We wonder what will be the situation
of this 36 per cent, 30 years from now?
Will 64 per cent of our children be working
to support 36 per cent on the jobless relief?
(Stratford Beacon -Herald)
From the Editor's Chair!
From what we read in the daily press
the do-gooder witch hunters are prying
up pop bottle caps to see if they can find
a "lottery" under them. In other words,
they are becoming suspicious of the little
rewards to be found in the cap of certain
pop bottles,
We also read where a soft-drink firm
in an eastern province is already up on
the carpet for practicing this little game
whereby a youngster could be fortunate
enough to pick up a lucky buck while en-
joying his refreshing drink. Apparently
the beverage costs no more and these
prizes are only a little token of appreci-
ation from the manufacturer to his thirsty
customer, and a little advertising on the
Why is someone always trying to take
the joy out of life? If this form of adver-
tising is to be considered at lottery how
about the opportunities one meets at ev-
ery turnto win a car, boat and even a
trip to Honolulu.
No one will deny that gambling, like
anything else may be 'carried to extreme
where it becomes a pernicious form of
amusement and should be controlled, but
we say let the youngsters have their fun
as long as the fun lasts.
(Ou'Appelle Progress)
HERB TURKHEIM — F3ditor and Publisher
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department. Ottawa
and for the payment of postage in cash.
Subscription Rates: $3.00 per year in advance, in Canada; $4,00 in United States
and Foreign, single copies '7 cents'
A 4 :
If you hear any rude noises
while you're reading this col-
umn, pay no attention. It will
merely be my stomach trying
to remind me that I am not the
Emperor Nero.
For the past couple of weeks,
I've been trying to convince
the old grocery -chute, through
one orgy after another, that it
could handle anything I chose
to throw into it; half -raw steak
on top of skunky beer, rasp-
berries and ice cream on top
of gin and lemon.
All I'm trying to say is that
we poor people, simply because
we have some summer holidays,
shouldn't start acting as though.
life were just a gay, mad whirl,
a big bowl of caviar. It's more
like a blind stagger, a bowl
of cornflakes.
As our most recent carload
of old -friend visitors fades into
the exhaust fumes, and I wave
a shaky farewell, I can't help
thinking nostagically of those
good old days when I was a
weekly editor, and had one
week's vacation a year. Every-
thing was so simple. You went
to the editions annual conven-
tion, tottered home looking and
feeling like a skelton, and went
happily back to work for an-
other fifty-one weeks.
Now that I have those longer
holidays that used to look so
golden, I realize that man is a
creature of toil, and is happier
and better when he has his nose
to the old grindstone, his
shoulder to the good old wheel,
and his feet planted ecstatically
in that good; old, familiar rut.
Lengthy summer holidays,
and I say it with deliberation,
are a menace''ti':health, wealth
morale and marriage.
Take health. When niy holi-
days began, I was in good
shape. Just the usual smoker's
hack, crocked knee, touch of
bursitis in the shoulder, and
aching back. But clear of mind,
steady of nerve. Today, I'm a
wreck. My sunburn is peeling,
my stomach is snarling like a
scalded cat, and every time a
car stops outside our place I
run and hide in the attic.
My wife is in even worse con-
dition, she was pale but perky.
Today, she is brown on the out-
side, but a whimpering shadow
within. .And no wonder. Just
the other day, for example, she
was about to step from a dock
onto the deck of a millionaire's
cruiser. The gentleman, who
can run eight companies with
By Bill Smiley
one hand behind him, can't run
his boat. As she stepped, he
put it in reverse, by accident.
And there was the Old Girl,
with only ten feet of air
between her and fourteen feet
of water. It was like one of
those cartoon comedies in
which the hero runs 'off the
edge of a cliff and keeps run-
ning in air for a second until
he looks down. I might add
that she didn't have her swim-
ming attire on.
She'll never be the sane girl,
On her way to her watery wel-
come, she hit the dock a couple
of good ones, losing about a
foot of skin off her arm, and
picking up a bruise on her nice
tanned leg the size of a grape-
fruit and, next day, the color
of a baboon's bottom. She's off
millionaire boat drivers for life.
Take wealth. When we began
these holidays, I had two
month's salary to put me
through the summer. At the
end of one month, I had no
month's salary and a session
with the bank manager.
It seems that when you're
working, you can't spend
money. When you're not, you
can't. Most people save up for
their holidays and blow the lot
on •a glorious two weeks doing
something, or staying somee
where, they can't afford. Try
doing this for two months.
Take morale. Frankly, after
six weeks off the job, I have
become a total slob. It rhyms
but it doesn't reason. My total
accomplishment, on projects
around the house, has been the
erection of a twenty -foot
clothes -line. The book I was
going to write this summer has
turned into a- comic book. My
wife laughs every time I men-
tion it. Children imitate. When
the kids see their old man loll-
ing in a Iawn chair looking at
the trees, they lie down on the
uncut lawn and do the same.
As for marriage, you can
take it, too. Lengthy holidays
put more strain on a solid mar-
raige than drink, gambling or
other women. I won't go into
details. But lady, how would
you like to run a motel -without -
rates with one hand, and •try to
direct a lazy, unshaven brute
with the other? Dad, how
would you like two months of
togetherness with the old bat-
tleaxe? I leave it to your imagi-
If this is what a long holi-
day is like, I sure hope I die
before I retire.
Makes ,Combining Beans
"I would rather combine 100 acres of windrowed beans than 10 acres of
raked beans," one user wrote (name on request). And that one sentence
tells the advantages you'll gain using the Innes Bean Windrowea You
get windrows that dry faster, give better quality beans ... you windrow
1 f i l ^ and pull in
dockage problems ... with you eliminate t models extra you . , . you cut
combine expense.
New Tongue oh 200,
400A & 500 A con.
vert, for trailing or
3.point hitch.
Your choice of models to form windrow
SERIES fromlanfi2-,
ngs. Wr4-, 6-ite or for 8 rowsliterto 20"6o34"
pature to select
right model for your conditions.
Savings to 4Solo ...
and It Never Wraps, Can't Plug!
Who says you must pay big prices for a top pick.upt
You save up to 45% on the 15 L•C ... get features
not available on others. NEW Variable Speed Drive
tailors 15 L•C to your farm ... NEW Hold•Downs
standard —.and it never wraps, can't plug! 4 Regu-
lar models to 84"; 4 EXTRA WI•D•E's from 8' to 14'
use full capacity of conlbine, pick up two windrows
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Soo Your Dealer or Witte for Literature
Converts S.P. Swathor
To Make Bean Windrower
Get double.duty out of your S.P. Swather. Mount
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there's no twisted windrow for your combine to
untangle ... and users report less than 3% dirt.
H. L. Turner (Ontario) Ltd.
Blenheim, Ontario
DOR , to rp
Pumpkinseed Fish Found Most Often
In Deep Water with Sandy Bottom
The pumpkinseed, a mem-
ber of the surlfis.h family, is
one of our most abundant and
familiar species. Like other
members of t h e family,, the
spinous and soft -rayed portions
America and is the most corn -
mon and the most widely dis-
tributed of our sunfishes. It
is very abundant in most wa-
ters of southern and central
Ontario and north to the Sault
of the dorsal fin are united. and Timagami regions.
There are ten spines in the The pumpkinseed is partial
former portion and ten to to clear, cool and moderately
twelve in the latter. The body warm, water with sand or gra-
is laterally compressed and vel bottom in weedy lakes and
more rounded in outline than ponds and in similar parts of
any of the other sunfishes. The streams. In these areas, there
mouth is small and oblique, is often abundant food and
scarcely reaching the front of
the large eye; the body scales
are large; the gill cover is al-
so scaled.
Its coat of many colours
almost rivals the gaily tinted
fishes of the coral reefs in
tropical seas. Probably no oth-
er species of our freshwater
fish present a greater variety
of colours and markings. The
back is greenish -olive above,
with bluish shading, paling on
the sides, with orange and rust
coloured spots a n d blotches.
The cheeks are orange -colour-
ed with wavy, brilliant blue
streaks; t h e upper fins are
bluish and orange -spotted and
the lower fins are orange -col-
oured. There is a bright scar-
let spot on the, ear -like post-
erior extension of the gill cov-
er which distinguishes the
pumpkinseed, when adult, from
all other highly -coloured sun-
fishes. Several vertical bars
are visible on the sides of the
body. This condition occurs fre-
quently on immatures and ma-
ture females, The belly is a
bright orange -yellow.
The pumpkinseed is native
to the freshwaters of North
shelter from enemies.
Pumpkinseed are eager bit-
ers and may be taken readily
with wet and dry flies, with
light tackle. They rise readily
to small dark flies on hooks
No. 10 to No. 12. Using a vari-
ety of flies provides much
sport. They may also be
caught readily, still -fishing
with worms, grasshoppers and
other small live baits on hooks
No. 8 to No. 10. They strike
at any time of the day.
The statements contained in
this, and future articles deal-
ing with the fishes of Ontario
were taken from the recently
published book FISHES OF
ONTARIO, by H. H. MacKay,
M.A., Ph.D. Dr. MacKay is Su-
pervisor of the Fisheries Sec-
tion, Fish and Wildlife Branch,
Department of Lands and For-
ests. The price of this book is
$2.50 per copy. Cheque should
be made payable to the Treas-
urer of Ontario and request,
with cheque enclosed, sent to
Operations Branch, Conserva-
tion Information Section, De-
partment of Lands and For-
ests, Parliament Buildings,
Toronto 5, Ontario.
Business and Professional Directory
Prepaid Health Plan
at Cost
President, Fordyce Clark, RR
5, Goderich; Vice -Pres., Gord-
on Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow;
Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5,
Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor,
Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2,
Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1,
Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie;
Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Sea -
forth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Sea -
forth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gor-
don Richcardson, RR 1, Bruce -
field; Kenneth Johns, RR 1,
C. H. Magee
Secretary -Manager
Miss C. E. Plumtree
Assistant Secretary
For information call your
nearest director or our office
in the Credit Union Bldg., 70
Ontario Street, Clinton, Tele-
phone HUnter 2-9751.
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