HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-12-21, Page 9THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE NINE WEDDING Scott - Guenther A honeymoon trip to Florida followed the ceremony uniting in marriage Joan Guenther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross C, Guenther, Dashwood, and James W. Scott, Brinsley, in the Evangelical UB church, Dashwood, on Saturday, Dec- ember 9 at 2.30 p.m. Poinsettias, ferns and lighted candelabra formed the setting for the ceremony performed by Rev. M. James. Mrs. Ken Mc- Crae. Dashwood, furnished the wedding music and accompa- nied the soloist, Miss Ann Koe- hler who sang "Wedding Pray- er" and "0 Perfect Love." Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a floor - length gown of peau de soie styled with a fitted lace over- lay on the bodice featuring lily point sleeves, and sabrina neck- line etched with sequins and pearls. A similar motif decora- ted the bouffant skirt which swept to a chapel train. A crown of seed pearls and se- quins held her finger-tip veil of silk illusion. She carried a prayer book crested with red roses, stephanotis and ivy. Mrs. Harold Scott, Brinsley, cousin of the bride, was mat- ron of honor and Miss Jane Restemeyer, Dashwood, and Miss Jeanette Taylor, Exeter, were bridesmaids. They were gowned alike in royal blue spun taffeta sheaths with over- skirts and matching hats. They carried bouquets of white carnations tinted blue. Flower girl, Jane Guenther was gown- ed in white organdy with royal blue sash and matching hat and carried a nosegay of white blue tinted carnations. Ring - bearer was Robert Guenther. Jane and Robert are daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guenther, Dashwood. Harold Scott, Brinsley, was best man and Eugene Guenther and Gordon Scott ushered. A reception was held in the church parlors where the bride's mother received in a turquoise wool sheath with matching hat and black acces- sories and the groom's mother chose a blue brocade dress with matching accessories. Serving were Misses Cathy Eagleson, Carol McGregor, Ca- rol Schade, Mary Jane Hoff- man, Lynda Tiernan, Helen Ra- der and Shirley Bender. For travelling the bride don- ned a beige and brown wool sheath with matching accessor- ies. Mr. and Mrs. Scott will re- side at Ailsa Craig, RR 3. °9' tgtg iAcgtabgtz,Vg---tc -WeAIse-iOgit'telete--WWW1rz'a tatiztglem teteT" u�5 a'o �Q s��k?'�\. � �;•`;.:;:i: •':�t•?,;;�'.:a,,r, i;. "�`', CnJ', v>"�^'( '<i�•isY'sj�h�{y<•":�"ti's:'8 t� .''3o-:•:' �.......�.....x:.>...�.a....�i...:.::+......ap�'.)r�3`.y`t,�`;a.:..:<5:.f..a`e'St': ::..::....... ....... •.w,.:,..:...a.n.,. o . ..coq ' ,,..a+""� r • 1 ✓1 Ie A • A X kg w All hail gHis birth. May you experience the w i warmth and peace of the Christmas Season. HURONDALE DAIRY hDaz..;m-3r`d'e.svataiD.`art art2tr9•NDI2t`D a8za'tal-D'Iran'dt9t'dt2sm-Damt'dirDmai-N-alzzrA 1. -mm ,€titmoomtgtva gtew(glowetzver vetgtg eletegrmcw--w-v tztzt 5 Lit Ron Mock and Staff HENSALL ZURICH ....$'n$iA'%i^>'v i+4v'OW •.:,`:J ,` ,• i,�,�f'` aMh"• :+urs 'f. ik4, .:vi 1t0r5..ri. "Poa.', ° taw tea.~""""' " -...., :,x*. :.4,44 :4>.N ? :>,Z /IRIS T-MASO 10 As you speaa this season with your loved ones, may great joy fill your home, aad peace fill your heart. DOMINION HOTEL m a ZURICH Ross and Marg Johnston "WHERE YOU ARE A STRANGER BUT ONCE" Eo xs "HEAD FOR CUBA..." ews of IDashw Ladies' Aid Annual Meeting The annual and Christmas meeting of Zion Lutheran Lad- ies' Aid was held Wednesday, December 13, with Mrs. Ken Keller, convener of Group 2, and its members, in charge. A number of guests were present as well as thirty-four members. Milfred Merner, the presidentp re sided for the business. Reports were given for the year by the various committees which showed a busy and profitable year. Christmas donations were made to the Lutheran Hour, the children's Aid at Goderich, and V'ARNA•Y ME it 4 S A Special Christmas Service will be held next Sunday, Dec- ember 24, in the United Church at 2 p.m., with the pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge, there will be special music by the choir. The United Church Sunday School Christmas tree will be held in the basement of the Church on Friday evening, of this week. od and District the two concordis students will dian Legion held their elec- also receive their usual Christ- tion of officers, Thursday, De- mas gift. Christmas boxes are being packed for all shut-ins Mrs. Arnold Becker reported on the Concordia College Guild. Officers elected for 1962 are; president, Mrs. Milfred Merner; vice-president, Mrs. Ervin Ra- der; secretary, Mrs. Ernest est Koehler; treasurer, Mrs. James and treatfund a ter flower H Y secretary, Mrs. Albert Miller; card secretary, Mrs. Herb Wein; pianist, Mrs. Edgar Rest- emayer; librarians, Mrs. Arn- old Becker and Mrs. Charles Marteni; auditors, Mrs. Ken Keller and Miss Helen Nadi - ger. Each group contributed to the Christmas program with readings, duets, and a Christ- mas play. The group in charge served a Christmas lunch. Miss Pauline Becker, of Con- cordia Teacher's College, River Forest, I11., is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Becker. Grand Bend Legion Branch 498 The annual meeting of Branch No. 498 of the Cana- cember 14, with Borden Clark being elected president. Other officers elected were: vice-presidents, Jack Turnbull and Ervin Rader; secretary, Harry Hamilton; treasurer, Burton Green; Sergeant -at - arms, Everett Desjardine. The installation service willb a held January 8. Mrs. and Mrs. Ervin Rader, David, Paul and Sharon spent the week -end at London with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelch, of Bradford, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelch and held a pre -Christmas din- ner. Mrs. Harold Stire, A.W.C.M., announces the results of two of her piano pupils with the Wes- tern Ontario Conservatory of Music. First class honours Rose- marie Weigand, Grade 1, pass; Janet Dietrick Grade 2. Christmas Program The Evangelical church held their Christmas program on Sunday, December 17, with the theme, "What does Christmas mean to you?" ab.ezeleKq{PtaKlateletat ?K�KWVi,Eea-W.W. a~... a -a LZ?�t6�ta�tatat�tatatat�ta�m � yy� du A ttt ...and our heartfelt gratitude for your kind friendship and patronage during the year. To each of our many friends, we wish a very happy Yuletide season. GEORGE HESS Jeweller YSDAME CREST HARDWARE E if fi HENSALL P, • These Pointers Help Whip Cream With the festive season so close, many homemakers will be planning desserts using whipped cream. For best re- sults chill the cream, bowl and beaters thoroughly b e f o r e whipping, advises the Food and Nutrition Department of Mac- Donald Institute, Guelph. Also keep in mind that cream dou- bles in volume when whipped, Add any sugar near the end of the whipping period and beat lightly during its addition. For flavour, x/3 teaspoon vanilla may be added for each cup of whipping cream. If whipped cream becomes slightly over -beaten, it may be recovered by adding a little un - whipped cream and beating lightly to obtain the desired consistency, To hold whipped cream or to prevent it breaking down be- fore serving, it may be stabili- zed, For each cup of whipping cream allow Va teaspoon un - flavored gelatin and 1 table- spoon cold water. Soften the gelatin in the cold water and dissolve over hot water in a double boiler. Add V4 cup whipping cream; blend well and cool in the refrigerator until the mixture begins to gel. Whip the remaining cream, add the gelatin mixture and combine, beating until the de- sired consistency is obtained. Chill until needed. WARM WISHES A 4# �a el FOR , g Ray", V " '� AN ��'?a` 1 TIEMAN'S A. V 4 A "< Hardware and Furniture se 0 £t DASHWOOD A KalaitZiDilat Milte'�8' ilti- t�Yt`ADI-Dit29t�diNt2M-thattiZi'WatrriVeil attdt`iRilat t .. ••,�. • . .. ..,s,.. •. •,y... .. . ••�,••• .:N f ,,,r t .nv 1 ..;i (..ai i .,li t •d1 t ,,,r ,,r -r)11 ,.�+= l ..N 1 l .,+i ..�% wr1 ..T° 1 " t ..N a 0.4 A SHOP SAVE ..ICIMICC'.a'� tK'.'tUtKt�t CKIZI � CC44/ZEMIetaIMVe-IMMI tCOMIC I.G.A. GINGER ALE QTS. 4 for 45c plus deposit STOKELY FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. 25c STOKELY HONEY POD PEAS 15 oz. 3 for 53e GREEN GIANT NIBLET CORN 14 oz. 3 for 53c HENLEY FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 oz. 2 for 49c BICKS SWEET MIXED PICKLES 32 oz. 49c BICKS SWEET GHERKINS 32 oz. 59c I.G.A. XMAS CAKES 4 lbs. $1.89 .. Mato°.�Latat�tPa'4•oitc-IPctGtC'itG' t<�t�ttctPctF'ocR6'%meati to '�tc6's�i6' € . ....p Extra Goad Bond Stamp Items v °p I.G.A. INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. $1.49 V g (50 Free Gold Bond Stamps) 1 WELCH GRAPE JUICE 24 oz. 39c (25 Free Gold Bond Stamps) fi)OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 27c °f oa (25 Free Gold Bond Stamps with 2 Tins) °f '' TREE SLICED PICKLED BEETS 16 oz. 23c (25 Free Gold Bond Stamps) I.G.A. STRAWBERRY JAM 24 oz. 49c V (25 Free Gold Bond Stamps) V KAISER FOILWRAP-14" 49c .V�¢ (25 Free Gold Bond Stamps) g 9 TONI HOME PERMANENTS $2.00 of (100 Free Gold Bond Stamps) rew I.G.A. METAL TRUCKS $3.98 g 20 (100 Free Gold Bond Stamps) Vg°.ns. .sva,ssa,-ter-9a 'r2� &drat-tr9. t5i tat -t - - -NV4z i.,`' ion` w Tabierite Meat Features VGrade "A" Oven Ready Turkeys At Attractive Prices uo Boneless Dinner Hams 2.3 Ib. Cry -O -Vac Ib. 89c Regal Brand Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Ib. 59c °-f (25 Free Stamps) Ib. 75c Tablerite Rindless Side Bacon T.R. Braunsweiger, Bacon & Liver, Chicken Chubs ____ 27c ng op, (25 Free Stamps) lb. 69c VT.R. Beef Steakettes w (25 Free Stamps) ;tgIMICtatgtgtgtgtg itatata to tatatatV,V oteKtatg�gt tmtat€? rata fi A HENSALL, ONTARIO d d"ddr`jrr9t"OMi'di`-21A-Dalta'+r`ri't2'do'tr'Ji'`r.7'd2d-OMPt ng: ;tgP,,M40.gPgrogigicigtgtgtgta" m.lgM �tg.,.,. ITS f We wish to extend our hopes for your great happiness on this joyous day, 0 cHRlsTTfig ...and may the joys of Christmas abound in your heart always. QUEENSWAY Nursing Home HENSALL " 0014 0m Awl r1 ' i"s PIPPI I rtrI Ti ,1", M*40 l tt 1104Mm0 iliiitl t �,4K* A. SPENCER and SON 1t7�i'�9+1i HENSALL 114.201794. 1130,12q '11a7'aima'toilimrtalkirst; PRODUCE FEATURES CALIFORNIA FANCY ORANGES Size 138 Ib. 49c 1,,,V No. 1 LARGE SIZE MEXICAN TANGERINES __ 2 doz. 69c Lo No. 1 LARGE SIZE CELERY STALKS each 19c im,-MIg'M,T,VcgtCsgtglgtve.tzkelatil tgt tgtat tgtgtgtotgAvcc--Imgtgtg 59 ZERO PAK SUNSHINE FREEZER FEATURES PEAS 2 Ib. Poly Bag __ 2 for 89c CORN KERNELS 2 Ib. Poly Bag 2 for 89c >t�'sgtgtgPg?g�aP/atgtgtgtCatgPPPgtgtgPgtgtg?gtgtgtgtgtgP$Pg Atla't'-.�' c�Ktcw�,GtSrit�. 59 V ^n V ..4 IT �',I 4( .e ,t .4," • .r% t 4h ,), mr .n1� ( .air•• 4.741.•- t; W. ri 1 r -ree 'hris t comas Draw_-ree 1 De U "' With every $5.00 worth of purchases you receive a g 6 ryFREE CHANCE on our Weekly Christmas Draw for hn 5! $20,00 worth of groceries. Second prize a Cuddly X ap Cathy Doll complete with 26 piece Layette Set. Third, A (7 fourth, and fifth prizes this week of a 4 Ib. Xmas g S2 Cake. Last weeks winner, Groceries, Mrs, Robinson, of Var- 61 5 w na; Doll, Mrs. Orville Smith, Hensell. ii Christmas Nuts, Christmas g Candies, Boxed Chocolates • ' Boxed ,.00 les, At Attractive Ca A Prices Cu y, c>�t+�c� p�y�s�s��y.4 RV p, q�� .3i9�9-�Y�3k :SA�.•}A.�e'k•]Arilr baw,yekaardiD tem E.I-i !J'I11x. iDatiA-ZakaKGiNi Qp, r'� i ;w t • w x« l ..,... t.. ti 1e"I "i, I)4,Ix." BROWN'S I.G.A. MARKET gOPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY, & SATURDAY EVENINGS vTHIS WEEK. HENSALL Wishing Everyone A Very Merry Christmas A A A A A A A A