HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-12-21, Page 641111 PA'^;': SI'� CELEBRATES 80th BIRTHDAY — Relatives and Friends gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Newell Geiger in Stanley Township, recently, to honour Mrs. Mary Manson on the occasion of her 80th birthday, At noon there were about 21 members of the immediate :Family present for dinner, and in the afternoon about 70 nieces and nephews, sisters and cousins were present for a tea in her honour. Mrs. Manson, who is still in good health, has three sisters living, Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Zurich, Mrs, Ed Erb, Zurich, and Mrs, Elda Smith, New York. She also has two brothers, Jacob Kennel, Kitchener, and Mike Kennel, New York. She has four sons, Gordon, Dundas, Will, Midland, Donald, Toronto, and Russell, R.R. 1, Zurich. Mrs. Geiger is the only daughter, Beatrice. Mrs. Manson is an active member of the Zurich Women's Institute and also attends church regularly. (Staff Photo) !!4erry Christmas and a Blessed New Year TO ALL MY FRIENDS in ZURICH and DISTRICT Father M. Daniel Monaghan Essex, Ontario to .Wo'z Saar Dagatksr2r0ra'r D4 To All Our FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS Orr Shoe Store "FOOTWEAR for the FAMILY" HENSALL °t t€tgozxe 'dwx—*tmtc-wmtwzte4JgttK-±eteu/-rz-ig2e-tP_-iP_vvo..4,�-RF,'aP a' �' iF •E and Best Wishes or a Merry Christmas. We wish to take this opportunity of thanking our many customers for their loyal patronage during the past year. It will be a pleasure serving you in 1962. Grand Bend Dry Cleaners A 7 115 VA JACK WALDRON, GRAND BEND dtd(di,iolacateioraaezeistdrarJmnat l.gidifddd*aDlat t AViDi21:NWAFil evcft z oE'•p. fl6"'itoc Aima'$ 7.oNesmt$$,:FaF;Pogf,goklooctfn'-tU e mtgtozwortt /Di!y. ''4:Jf§:v. Si':1�:2. j�•:+;�;f,.'�,µin :�r'•: •A, Ow it"' o v bd o b9 1 IPPEN NEWS Mrs. Norman hong, corres,. Several cases of the flu, measeles, mumps, and chicken pox are reported in the sur- rounding area. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stan - lake, Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick- ert visited Sunday with rela- tives in Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis attended the annual supper and Christmas Concert Monday ^'•onirm at Fturonview Home, Clinton. Mrs. Leonard Lovell is a pat- ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Her friends and neigh- bors wish her a speedy reco- very. WEDDING Mann - Anderson Rev. Harold Johnston officia- ted at the wedding ceremony in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Saturday, when Kath- ryn Elizabeth Anderson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John An- derson, R.R. 2, Hensall, became the bride of Lloyd Douglas Mann, of Clinton. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann, Clinton. The bride wore a white bustle back gown of peau -de, soie embroidered with floral motifs at the neckline. A head- dress of seed pearls held her tulle illusion veil and she car- ried a cascade of red roses and stephanotis. Miss Marie Sinclair, Strat- ford, was maid of honor, wear- ing a red peau-de-soie gown. Debra Anderson, sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid, wearing a similar gown. Keith Anderson, brother of the bride, was groomsman, and guests were ushered by Don. ald Denomme, Chatham, and Howard Rannie, Hensall. A reception was held in the Church parlours. For travelling in the northern United States, the bride chose a cocoa brown dress with matching accessor- ies, gold coat, and a corsage of bronze mums. The couple will live in Kippen. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS HENSALL About People You Know .. Attend. Funeral Mr, Tom Lavender received word of the death of his old- est brother, William Stanley, in Kingston General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lavender attend- ed the funeral, which was held in Madoc, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 19. Corporal and Mrs. Betts, and children, of Goose Bay, have taken up residence on Box Street, in Hensall. Corporal Betts has been transferred from Goose Bay to • Clinton RCAF station. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilford and family are holidaying in Nassau over Christmas and New Years. o• Bantam & Midget Hockey Schedule At a recent meeting in Sea - forth, the hockey schedule for local Bantam and Midget hoc- key teams for the coming sea- son was drawn up. Most of the games will take place as dou- bleheaders, with the Zurich teams playing their away games first, until ice is avail- able in the Zurich Arena. BANTAM SCHEDULE December:-- 22—Zurich at Hensall 29—Zurich at Mitchell Januaryr- 6—Zurich at Exeter 9—Clinton at Zurich 11--Goderich at Zurich 17—Hensall at Zurich 19 Exeter at Zurich 25—Mitchell at Zurich 31—Seaforth at Zurich MIDGET SCHEDULE December:- 22—Zurich at Hensall 29—Zurich at Mitchell January:- 9—Milverton at Zurich 11—Goderich at Zurich 17—Hensall at Zurich 19—Exeter at Zurich 25—Mitchell at Zurich 31—Seaforth at Zurich In cases of doubleheaders, the first game will start at 7 p.m., with the next game at 8 p.m. We Are In The Market For Milling :::heat and Sprouted Wheat WE PAY TOP PRICES ! W. G. THOMPSON and Sons Ltd. HENSALL AMOY tmtztzw.tmgtotgetgPgtvz-Et z-r,gtgPP4tar.. r s �m- '.t�?PtctPt�ePPa,'Wv.$P,t�t6tG'GtotS ,(�� „n ..•:v'' ,:. �C•: rs,• :: ii�w O :....:::{<:y:%kY?n+.':•+lbs;:.:::;:....:.,:.... ...,o......::.w........,.....n� A 51.71 II CV V V V st V V from all. of us to all of you! STADE WEIDO ZUR iC H Harold C, Stade -•- Earl E, Weido 1 HARDWARE r7tratr2**4 r,tadam,aria:OINAAN2a 1arZaAZIANaaaaD12120124ar aatr AZ04 ��r,:+n�..'�'N"1.•:1f••s?•v>;'•v::wvW�'F '%:s:?•1'sSY'•,�'i,�•y,`,I�i' We want to take this egtb...„ doitt >t .ate opportunity to wish you cheer...and to thank you for letting us serve you. M. G. DEIT.Z and SON. "SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE" ZURICH aatZrr r rsrar* r a* r r r r8rVali tZtsa ata41r1r r a rVW*tir A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1961 Be Sure To Attend Church At Christmas ...anal: Please, 01-t_LO Let then be Peace on Earth Candlelight CANTATA The Junior Choir of ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH, ZURICH will present the Cantata "THE CHORUS IN THE SKIES" ON Thurs., Dec. 21 AT 8 P.M. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this evening of song. Ammt HI-FASHION BEAUTY SALON Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. Specializing in HAIR STYLING and CUTS • PRESCRIPTION PERMS • HAIR COLOURING Delores Schilbe Phone 138, Zurich Season's Greetings To All armtvarzd-z i5r-DavtAzo-MrDa 3t asa tectaeomcletzteletzogt ?mPc el Zurich Mennoni4e Jesus Christ 1s Lord Jesus Christ Est. Seigneur 10.00 a.m.—Sunday .School 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service You are invited to worship with us! EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister Mrs,. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.05 a.m.—Sunday School MONDAY, DECEMBER 25- 10.00 a.m.—Christmas Service We invite all to worship with us at this Joyous Christmas Time. St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24- 10.00 a.m.—Woship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Christmas Eve Children's Service MONDAY, DECEMBER 25- 10.00 a.m,—C h r i s t mas Com- munion Service NEW YEAR'S EVE 7.30 p,m.—"Watch Night Ser vice." You Are Welcome We sing out greetings to you...warmly wishing you a joyous Christmas! Bert's Snack Bar arsot Bert Horton, Proprietor MENSAL!, tXlt i7at7g7t *7tr&rirrSh9t1ti7tr r Ift 11tr3i * Hensall United Church REV. CURRIE WINLAW, B.A., B.D., Minister 11.00 a.m. — Worship Service 9.45 a.m. — Church School St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. BREN deVRIES, Rector 9.45 a.m. — Morning Worship 10.15 — Sunday School First Sunday of the Month — Holy Communion Carmel Presbyterian Church REV. D. R. MacDONALD, B.A., Minister MRS. M. DOUGALL, Organist 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 8.00 p.m.—Evening Worship, Bible Study This Space Contributed By General Coach Works "UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN" "And His name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor" Counsel is advice given as a result of consultation. This consultation took place when Jesus was with the Father before the foundation of the world. As a result of this precreation consultation the child that is born unto us has the Spirit of counsel and might. Is He a Wonderful Counsellor to you, Or do you consider His counsel behind the times, outmoded, or inadequate to deal effec- tively with communism? Let us seek this Wonderful Counsellor together --write Boge M.E. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE