HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-12-21, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21.,,196:1 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE News of Hensall District Deliver Cheer On Monday, December 18, the C. P. and T. Committee of the 1-O.O.F. and Amber Rebe- kah Lodges delivered seven- teen plants, ten Christmas bo- xes, and two cheques to the sick and shut-ins of the village, In charge of the project were Mrs. Eva Parker (chairman) Mrs. Pearl Shaddick; Mrs. Inez McEwen; Mrs, A. Orr; Ted Taylor and Bill Coleman. Cake Draws Mrs. Grant MacLean was con- venor of the ticket sales for the three Christmas cakes re- cently drawn for, and a pro- ject of the Kippen East W.I., which was very successful, Jack Kippen East W.I. Christmas Meet Mrs. William F. Ball was hostess at her home for the Kippen East Women's Institute Christmas meeting, held Wed- nesday afternoon, December 13, with pre-school age child- ren and special guests for the occasion. Mrs. James Brum- mond presided for the meet- ing. Roll call "My first Christmas gift I remember" was answer- ed by the members, and a group composed of Mrs. Ho- ward Finkbeiner, IVIrs. Verne Alderdice, Mrs. Ross Sararas, Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Robert Bell, and Mrs. Drummond presented a Christmas skit. Several mem- bers who had taken the course "Focus on Finishes," modelled dresses they had made, and Mrs, Stewart Pepper, and Mrs. Alex McGregor, leaders of the project, were presented gifts from the sewing rippers. Tickets were sold on a Christmas cake and the win- ner was Mrs. Ross Sararas. Pro- ceeds from the sale, amounting to $10, will be forwarded to the Children's Aid at Goderich. Mrs. Cecil Pullman gave a christmas story. Mrs. William Kyle was co - hostess. Christmas refresh- ments were served. In charge of treats were Mrs. Russell Brock and Mrs. Percy Harris; lunch, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse, Mrs. Eldon Jarrett; ice cream, Mrs. Alex McGre- gor, Mrs. C. Eyre and Mrs. Ro- bert Kinsman. Fd. j Caldwell and Bill Gibson were first prize winners, having sold 29 books, Mr.. and Mrs. John. Jarrett, highly esteemed residents of the village, will on December 30 observe their 47th wedding anniversary, Rev. D. Ross IVlacDonald, was guest minister at First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth, on Sunday morning, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose, of Toronto, were week -end guests with the formers aunt Miss Agnes McEwen. Mr, John Wood, of Kippen, was the winner of $25.00 worth of groceries at Al's Supersave Market Saturday night. Winners of the $20.00 worth of groceries at Brown's T.G.A. Market, Saturday night, was Mrs. Dorothy Robinson, Varna; and the doll was won by Or- ville Smith, of R.R. 1, Hensall. Mr, James A. Paterson is a patient in Victoria Hospital London in the interests of his health. Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar, of Centralia, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc- Ewen. Plan Special Services Two Christmas Sunday ser- vices have been planned for Sunday, December 24, at the United Church. The 11 o'clock hour of worship, and a Christ- mas Eve Carol Service • at 7.30 P.m. The choirs have been en- gaged in the preparation of special music. As part of the Christmas eve carol service a "Christmas Gift" offering will be received. This offering will be credited to the Missionary and Maintainance Fund, and Choir Member Is Honoured At the conclusion of choir practice at Carmel Presbyter- ian Church Thursday evening, a social hour was held to honor Mrs. R. J. Cameron, who is re- tiring from the choir where she has been an active member for a number of years. A plaque of the Lord's Sup- per was presented to her, with the address read by Mrs. Law- rence Baynham; and the pre- sentation made by Mr. A. R. Orr. A smorgasbord luncheon was served from a table covered with a lace cloth and centered with Christmas candles. May we extend to you our warmest greetings and good wishes for a Merry Christmas to :;.... you and yours, i��l{.4�..'.�'.'X1"o]i5G'Rw:�rv:J.'v'H •��-•:•-•.X;}l'YG:LI•:Y��' WILSON'S DRUG STORE HENSALL tOztvoveletvcmgortvccrowctogyvvevg You Still Have Time! to puchase that .Christmas box of candy. We have Smiles 'n Chuckles and Jenny Lind, priced from $1.25 to $6.75 a2Z:Wk a)YrtarhaaAIN2t2mla2ir)aA'a ailtNII1NA2MMSLa$aSIZIIza nZa'i2e72Mt VMMZ/:;i21:�S 111 A F A a will be used to help others, at home and abroad. Rev. Lorne Sparks, of Bay- field, was guest minister at t Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, delivering a very interesting and informa- tive message. The choir under direction of Mrs. Malcolm Dou- gall, rendered two anthems. Soloists were Mrs. William Brown and Jim Dougall. Flo- wers in the church were in memory of the late Mr. Leonard Sararas, of the Zurich District, father of Mrs. Jim Love, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys, of Exeter, attended the funeral of the late Walter Moffatt, of Brucefield, held Friday from the Ball and Muteh funeral home, Clinton. Entertain Shut-ins The C-G.'[.'i. of Carmel Pres- byterian Church brought cheer to the patients of the Queens- way nursing home Sunday af- ternoon when they entertained with a medley of carols, with the Christmas message inter- mingled with the carols. The ,5, girls, numbering ten, accom- panied by their leader, Mrs. Ross D. MacDonald, looked very smart in their new uni- forms. Candlelight Service Plans are finalized for the C-G.I.T. candlelight Vesper Ser- vice Sunday evening, December 24, at 8 pan. at Carmel Presby- terian Church, with the C.G.I.T. girls taking the whole service. The mass choir, consisting of the senior choir, Explorers, and C.G.I.T., will sing two anthems. A Christmas story will be gi- ven and old familiar carols sung. The girls will also pre- sent a small play. The church will be decorated with the Christmas theme. Mr. William Caldwell, of Brucefield, was admitted to Clinton Hospital this week suf- fering a fractured leg. Mr. Caldwell was loading logs in the bush when one of the logs fell on his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Ven- ner, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drysdale enjoyed a pleasant evening attending the London Little Theatre production of Guys and Dolls, Monday even- ing. W 1PI' I„A"" I Y'1 Yom', 1!F' )K+', MSI W'1 S. •'F. •'.4. .• . -.'.k •• '.Y. w I Henson Institute Hears Church Man of Christmas Meet The Legion Hall, lovely in a setting of Christmas emblems, was the setting Wednesday evening, December 13, for the Christmas meeting of Hensall Women's Institute. President Mrs. Fred Beer opened the meeting and conducted the business. Final arrangements for the "sponsor a child" plan were made and it was decided to have a child of school age pre- ferred, Seasons greetings were on display from the other branches of South Huron. Guest speaker, Rev. Ross D. MacDon- ald, addressed the group choos- ing for his theme. "The Com- ing of the Ring." He spoke for- cibly stating that Love alone will conquer the world, and that it will all begin with us. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. William Brown and thanked by Mrs, James McAI- lister. Mrs. T. J. Sherritt directed carol singing with Miss Greta Lammie at the piano. Mrs. John Corbett gave a demonst- ration "Icing a cake to repre- sent Santa's face." Mrs. Mal- colm Dougall favoured with 41 lovely solo "0 Holy Night,"j followed with a second selec- tion. Miss Lammie was seem- j papist. The president extended seasons greetings. Mrs. R. D. Elgie announced about the 65 anniversary luncheon to be 1 held at Toronto, A recreation period of eon - tests were enjoyed, under dir- ection of Miss Lammie and Mrs. Elgie, Program conveners were Miss Laramie and Mrs. W. H. Weekes; hostesses, Mrs. James Bengough and Miss Phyllis Case. A Christmas luncheon was served. JUNIOR El IN THE CKEY HENSALL ARENA Boxing Day, Tues., Dec. 26 2000 P.M. Lambeth \IS. Hensall-Zurich Combines See the league leading Combines in action! w,,w, t,, a;arI r a I , i;r r, r e, Y !e • MEAT DEPARTMENT Our Christmas present to you... Smoked Side Bacon &b. 55c Hamburg 2 lbs. 85c Sausage Meat Ib. 39c DUNCAN HINES Layer Cake Mixes White, yellow, devils food, spice, fudge marble, burnt sugar, chocolate mint, cherry supreme, coconut 3 Packages $1.00 .e WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens PRODUCE DEPARTMENT SIZE 113's, No. 1 Sunkist Oranges per doz. 69c No. 1 Ocean Spray Cranberries Ib. 25c TROPIC BEAUTY 14 oz. No. 1 Cello Tomatoes tube 19c AYLMER STUFFED Manzanilla Olives 6 oz. Iar2for45c 16 oz. Iar49c FREE - LUCKY DRAW - FREE This Saturday, December 23, will be the last of the Lucky Draws for $25 worth of groceries. All tickets will remain in the box for GRAND PRIZE DRAW, on Saturday, Dec- ember 23, for A $100 BILL LAST WEEK'S WINNER — JOHN WOOD, R.R. 3, KIPPEN fir: INADr2r3rZM ar2t20t2Mr2aM-BrDu **1r2a Va asADt2t oWi iZa2aA', JELLO BRAND tl wOrange, Strawberry, Cherry, Raspberry, Lemon or V Lime. 6 OZ. PACKAGES — DOUBLE SIZE 3 for 49c Jello Powders KIMICICIMICIaCkCICICIMCIeteICI4IC-ICICIMICICICIMICkeIVAIeteleteieletzmirszvetmictetzteteta VeieICIMIZs a; ICICICACICaz IC etek*:KI€ rcre7e'oICICICICICIC+e s;IC+ C BAKE -EASY Burns Shortening LIBBY 28 OZ. Fruit Cocktail GREEN GIANT 15 OZ. Fancy Quality Peas ROSE BRAND Margerine YORK BRAND 14 OZ. Kernel Corn WAGSTAFFE 9 OZ. JARS Jams adJellies Westo's Saltines CHRISTIE'S 9 OZ. PKG. Party -thins 2 lbs. 49c 39c 3 for 55c 4 lbs. 89c 3 for 49c 5 for $LOO Ib. 33c 33c A A A A -**77 TO EVERYONE from AL SCHOLL and STAFF CLARK'S FANCY QUALITY 48 OZ. e Tomato Juice OCEAN SPRAY 15 OZ. Cranberry Sauce 1 LB. CELLO Fancy Mixed Nuts 16 OZ. PKG. Peanuts in Shed 14 OZ. Hostess Potato Chips 1 LB. Golden Hour Chocolates STUART-HOUSE 18 INCH 3 for 79c 23c 49c,. 35c 69c 89c 59c ,.,'F 1 1 .IN 1 '.nY I 1 Pr'' it ,"T.,J r'i' - . . l i.W Of