HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-11-23, Page 6PAGE SIX a."..MI:hi CIITtZENS CStWS THURSDAY, NovemagR 23, 1961 Federation of Agriculture Plans For Annual Meeting at Londesboro (By J. Carl Hemingway) Just a reminder that the Hu article with a report of the on County Federation of Agri- I OM annual, but you will get a culture annual dinner will be • much more comprehensive ac-; held at Londesboro, on Novem- I count in your Rural Co -Opera- ber 29. You will be receiving tor. your Federation annual survey! Some time ago you probably very shortly. Look up the par- l heard that there was to be an ticulars. 1 investigation into restrictive I could very well fill up this', trade practices in the meat pac- GOOD NEWS FOR MEN AND WOMEN OVER FORTY With good health comes good sleep — good appetite and good mental attitude Now for the First Time in Canada IRMARON SUPER TABS After years of research, this Super Tab has been found and proven with five essential vitamins for most members of the family, especially for those over forty. Low depressed feeling — lack of confidence — diz- ziness — nausea — faint run down feeling — worry about nothing — irritable — always tired and brood- ing — all can be caused by deficiency in minerals and vitamins. Don't despair no matter how long you have been afflicted. Get back on the road to good mental and physical helath. IRMARON is a new Super Tab absolutely guaran- teed. Money gladly refunded if after 30 days you are not satisfied with results. Now available — 30 day treatment — $5.00 (immediate delivery throughout Canada) HOW TO OBTAIN IRMARON . . Send cheque or money order (do not send cash) to: Natural Remedy Company, 774-1/2 Younge Street, Toronto 5, Ontario SOLE DISTRIBUTORS OF IRMARON FOR CANADA. Cedar Chests For Sae PRICED FROM $10.00 UP 1 !ffDkAtB1U CIUL,i' 388>{ zuctic h9H umlaut pi uL lia:-i�5 king industry. The report has been released and a few copies found their way into the Coun- ty. However, we have been in- formed that it is now out of print and no copies are avail- able. Since it is such an en- lightening manuscript it is un- fortunate that more farmers can't have it. It could be very briefly sum- med up by simply stating that the packing industry finds it much more profitable to elim- inate or intimidaet competition rather than to improve efficien- cy. Since the Hog Producers have made it possible for small pack- ers to obtain a supply of hogs through their open market me- thod of selling, another means of eliminating competition had to be devised. In chatting with a small pac- ker from eastern Ontario recen- tly, I find that the answer has been found. I had noticed that there is a concerted promotion of feder- ally inspected meat. I, innoc- ently, had thought that this was perhaps a good health precau- tion recaution but my packer friends tells met hat his effectively elimin- ates the small packer since his volume of business cannot af- ford a federal inspector. This has cut off all his sales to chain stores. In trying to continue by selling to small stores he suddenly found that salesmen from the large packers were of- fering 14 days credit. This means that the small packer must have enough wor- king capital to pay for three week's supply o f livestock. Small packers dont have en- ough money. While the small packer sel- ling locally has to meet this competition on his total sales, the large packer only needs to do this in the comparatively small area in which it wishes to eliminate competition. Accor- ding to my friend, the method is quite effective. If the inspection of all meat by inspectors under the Feder- al Health of Animals Branch of the Department of Agricul- ture is a necessary health pro- tection,then it should be avail- able to all processing plants re- gardless of size. It must not be the means of discriminating the small out of business under the pretense of a health precau- tion. McKEE SALES AND SERVICE Local Representative CHECK ON THE FALL DISCOUNTS 1,3 See Bill Clement PHONE 19 — HENSALL eesaimmuma* FEATURING SPECIAL PRICES ON A FIRST QUALITY LINE OF TOYS!! TRAINS, DOLLS, GAMES TRUCKS and Cards - See our complete range! Gingerich's Sales & Service Ltd' ZURICH-- SEA.I'OR'i'R 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110. I How To Bowl Fivepins 44446, Practise Your Scoring Skill For some reason, keeping score seems to confuse an as- tonishing number of people, in- cluding stllane who have been bawling for years. Basically, you score the value of the pins you knock down with three balls for each frame. The left corner pin must be knocked down in each frame. If left standing, there is no score for that frame. The rules of scoring and the symbols were explained in an earlier column. But to illus- trate how the system works, here is a sample game. The count for each individual frame is indicated by the figure in brackets; the cumulative score by the large figure. Frame 1: Joe knocks down all pins with three balls. Score 15. If you wish, a dot and a horizontal line niay be placed in the small square to help you keep track of game details. They indicate an "error" in not bowling either a strike with the first ball, or a spare with the second. Frame 2: First ball knocks all pins down for a "Strike." Mark X in small square. Next two balls bowled later will count in this frame. Frame 3: Joe knocks down all pins with two balls for a "Spare." Mark small square with "/". The 15 points from these pins are added to the ear- lier 15 in frame 2, for a frame 2 score of 30. For frame 3, he's entitled to 15 plus the count he gets on next ball. Frame 4: First ball picks out headpin. Mark "HP" in small square; add 5 points to frame 3, for frame 3 count of 20. The other two balls knock down all except the right corner pin. Count 13. Frame 5: All pins down with f'rst ball. for another Strike. Joe's foot skidded past foul line, and he's charged with a foul. Mark X in small square, and "F" in the corner of "To- tal" space. Frame 6: Joe's first ball takes out No. 5 and both No. 3 pins, leaving two corner pins stand- ing—called "Aces Up." Mark "A" in small square. Next two balls miss entirely. Add total of 11 to strike in frame 5, for frame 5 count of 26. Because Hockey Schedule Thursday, November 30 Hensall-Zurich at Strathroy Friday, December 1 Lambeth at Hensall-Zurich Wednesday, December 6 Exeter at Hensall-Zurich Friday, December 8 Hensall-Zurich at Exeter Friday, December 15 Watford at Hensall-Zurich Saturday, December 16 Hensall-Zurcih at Watford Monday, December 18 Hensall-Zurich at Lambeth Wednesday, December 20 Strathroy at Hensall-Zurich Thursday, December 28 Hensall-Zurich at Strathroy Friday, December 29 Lambeth at Hensall-Zurich Wednesday, January 3 Exeter at Hensall-Zurich Friday, January 5 Hensall-Zurich at Exeter Friday, January 12 Watford at Hensall-Zurich Saturday, January 13 Hensall-Zurich at Watford Monday, January 15 Hensall-Zurich at Lambeth You& �.✓."'"� iWE'REe6NE -TRIP SERVICE -AND THAT'S AFACT- ANY JCg WE DO. MUST BE EXACT...0 RADIO & AUTO RADIO NTE NAE 'SALES -MYNA 13y Bert Garside and Jim Heult Chief Bowling Instructors Double Diamond Advisory Council counter pip was left standing in frame 6, he gets no score here. This is a "Blow", indi- cated by two diagonal lines across frame. Frame 7: All pins down with two balls for a Spare. Count 15 plus score on next ball. Frame 8: First ball knocks down No. 5 and left hand No. 3 and No 2 pins. Called a "chop -off," marked "c.c", Add 10 to frame 7, for a frame 7 count of 25. Other two balls knock down remaining pins for frame 8 score of 15. Frame 9: A strike. Frame 10: First ball knocks down No. 5 and one No. 3 pin, called a "Split," marked "s" in small square. Second ball knocks dows No, 2 counter pin, Add 10 to frame 9 for a frame 9 count of 25. Final ball knocks down remaining pins for frame 10 count of 15. Total: Score for game would be 184 points. But the foul in frame 5 means 15 points are subtracted from this. Final game score is 169. We hope this example helps TOP PRICES PIM FOR -- CREAM • EGGS POULTRY Give Us A Call ! O'BRIENS PRODUCE IPHONE 101 — ZURICH solve any scoring difficulties, you may have if you have oth- er kinds of bawling difficulties hints or helpful suggestions for bowlers, we'd be glad too hear from you, Write us • care of this newspaper. Next: Four Ways to Aim Buy the coal that outsells all others Discover for yourself why more p ople buy 'blue coal' than any other hard coral. For the world's finest anthracite plus the town's best service, CALL LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 — HENSALL always FINE FOODS SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING LOUNGE ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equippec with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE Fh STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 — ZURICH FIGHTS DISEASE IN BIRDS '•3zE;;,k#:::o-:.,,a lira.., .: ...: Vis':....,.::. .. "smYs`, Nowi Get two-way insurance on poultry profits with Terramycin Poultry Formula with Anti -Germ 77. This double-barrelled weapon, specifically designed to fight poultry diseases, embodies a -powerful water disinfectant that kills germs in the drinking water while potent Terramycin fights disease in the birds. The superior antibiotic action of Terramycin controls more poultry diseases, faster, including profit -robbing CRD. It also combats secondary infections, enabling birds to get back on their feed fast after setbacks due to disease or stress. Use Terramycin Poultry Formula with AG 77 for prevention and treatment of disease, against stress and to stop laying slumps. It helps you get young birds off to a disease-free start and promotes greater uniformity of growth. Full direc- tions on package. Dissolves Instantly Stays Potent Longer Available wherever anitrnal health products are sold Tiarrarny'c1n ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula • Poultry Formula with Anti -Germ 77 • Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis • A & t) Scours Tablets • Terramycin Injectable Solution ' Pfizer Research Contributes to More Profitable banning Si 04 11010 IOWA WILSON'S REXALL DRUG STORE IN HENSALL, YOU CAN BUY TERRYMACtN PROM