HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-11-23, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1961 ZURICH CiTIENS NEWS Classified Rotes For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS 1/a Off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE -- 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE -- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE CHRISTMAS TREES — Choice quality Scotch Pine. Reason- able prices. Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound, phone FRanklin 6-6254. 44.5-6.7-b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensel! 696 r 2 28 to 36-p SPRAYED APPLES—Spy, King, Macintosh, Talman S w e e t, Snow, Delicious, Greening, Rus- set, Wilfe River and Cider ap- ples. Free delivery in Hensall and Zurich. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred McClymont and Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. 41-tfb. VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 28 to 36-p TWO - WHEEL TRAILER in good condition. No further use for same. Priced reasonable, Apply to N. Long, Kippen, phone Hensall 278W1. 45-x BEACH BODY WOOD, winter cut. Now available, Apply to Laird Schilbe, phone Goderich JA 4-7708. 45-6-7-p FEED TURNIPS—pick up your own at the farm of Keith Lov- ell, Kippen. Phone Hensall 265W/. 45-6-7b HOLSTEIN BULL — ready for service. Apply to Harold Erb, phone '79r1, Zurich. 47-p SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees. Call Russell Grainger, Bayfield, 60 r 3. 47 8 9-x SEVEN WEANER PIGS — sev- en weeks old. Also one DaIma- tion pup, about 2 months old. Apply to Allan Thiel, phone 127 Zurich. 47-p IT'S NOT HARD TO BUY TOYS FOR GROWING BOYS! We ha- ve the most complete selection of Chemistry Sets, Kenner Bri- dge and Turnpike, Girder and Panel Sets and everything for the boy who wants something new and different. Action ga- mes, archery, sports and body building equipment. Electric trains for dad and the lad, and planes that fly for the little guy. We hate to boast but we have the most for the girl in the family too. If she likes to bake or lace a shoe, or sew and keep house like mothers do, make your little darling's dream come true by shopping in our basement toytown. Beav- ers Crest Hardware, Exeter. 47-b HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS will be .receiv- ed for a lineman for the Hay Municipal Telephone System. For further information, con- tact Harold Zehr, foreman, or Reg Black, secretary, Hay Tele- phone System. 47-b LOST and FOUND STRAYED — HOLSTEIN and Hereford heifer and Holstein and Hereford calf. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Alphon- se Dietrich, RR 3, Zurich. 47-b LOST—Red Boned Fox Hound. Male, weights about 60 pounds. Lost since a week ago Saturday. Phone Dashwood 44r8. 46-7-p FARM EQUIPMENT MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE Farm Machinery: Firestone and Good year rubber tires. See us for the best buy. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 3741b GEORGE WHITE FAB Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Elevators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. CUSTOM WORK. CUSTOM SPRAYING and White Washing. Call now for prompt and efficient service. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich, call Dashwood 37r19, 35-tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Dashwood 26r17, or in case of emergency call Del Schwatzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock, 33-tfb, WANTED WANTED — Room and Board for young single man, in the village of Zurich. Herb Turk- heim, phone 133, Zurich. 47-x WANTED — Work wanted by day or week. Will look after children while mother works, will do thousework and baby sitting. Phone 189W, Hensall. WANTED TO RENT — Garage in Hensall. Call J. Jenkins, at Fink Apartments, phone Hen- sall 65J. 47-b 1,VANTED — FEATHERS and old feather ticks. Call Exeter salvage, phone 423 Exeter, col- lect. 22-tfb FOR RENT MODERN HOME in the village of Zurich, All conveniences, oil heated, three bedrooms, well located. Apply to Mrs. Leo Meidinger, Zurich, 47-b MISCELLANEOUS ROGERS-MAJESTIC Sales and Servicg, repairs to all makes and models—radio, TV, Hi-Fi. Service calls evenings only. Du - wart McAdams, phone Zurich 82r12. 46-7-8-p NEED for housing in Clinton area continues to grow. If you have a house or apartment for rent, why not use the classified section of the Clinton News -Re- cord? 50c cash for 25 words or less. Phone HU 2-3443 or write. Deadline each week is noon, Wednesday. 44-5-b AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass steering and wheel bal- ance. Undaspray for Rust pre- vention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 ATTENTION FARMERS— For prompt 24-hour 7 day a week service on all dead or disabled farm animals; truck licenced under Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence No. 66 c 61. Call Ed. Andrews, phone Sea f or t h 851r11. 9-30-p CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Corless and I wish to express our thanks and apprec- iation to all our neighbours and friends at Clinton and Zurich, who so kindly remembered us while patients in Victoria Hos- pital, and since our return we have received so many various contributions, phone calls, flor- al, and otherwise. To you all, we say "thank you."'—M. T, Corless, Clinton, 47-b Mr, Solomon Gingerich and family wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to ev- eryone who remembered us with prayers and expressions of sympathy in the loss of a dear wife and mother. A spec- ial thank -you to Mr. Keith Westlake, Rev. 0. Jantzi, Rev. M. Roth, the WMSA, and all neighbours and friends. 47-b We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to all our friends, neighbours and relatives, for the Masses and floral tributes, messages of sympathy, and many acts of kindness during our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Father C. A. Doyle, of Zurich, and Father Monaghan, of Goderich, the Ca- tholic Women's League of St. Boniface Church, Zurich, The Alexander Hospital, Goderich, the Westlake funeral home, Zurich, and all those who help- ed in any way.—Albert Bedour and family, 47-p I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my neighbours and friends who so kindly remembered me with flowers, cards and gifts and to all who visited me while a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital, and since returning home.— Margaret Mousseau. 47-b Mrs. E. B. Horner and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent cards, flowers and to those who visited Mr. Horner, while a patient at Victoria Hos- pital. We also wish to thank everyone for their sympathy and loving kindness during our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Amach- er, and Mrs. Oesch for their message in song, also Drs. Col- es, Carroll, Busby and Pickard, and the kind nurses on fifth floor, Victoria Hospital.—Mrs. Dora Horner and family. 47-p Clarence and I would like to express our sincerest thanks to our many friends who shower- ed me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. We would Nominations TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Stanley, that a Nomination meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Varna, on Friday. November 24, 1961 At the hour of 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., for the purpose of Nominating persons for the office of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and three Councillors for the year 1962, also three School Area Trustees for a 2 year term. iF AN ELECTION IS NECESSARY THE POLLS WILL BE OPEN IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES WITH THE FOLLOWING DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICERS PLACE SCHOOL NO. 1 SCHOOL NO. 10 ____ SCHOOL NO. 14 TOWNSHIP HALL SCHOOL NO. 5 ___ _ SCHOOL NO. 4 WEST __ MR: LOUIS DENOMME'S HOME, 25, SB CONCESSION TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD _.-_. _ D.R.O. LAWRENCE FALCONER JOHN AIKENHEAD NELSON HOOD _ _ _ LLOYD JOHNSTON WILLIAM ARMSTRONG .LEONARD TALBOT LOT PHILLIP DURAND _ KENNETH BRANDON ON Monday, December 4, 1961 And will be open from 9:00 o'clock a.m. until 5:00 o'clock p,m. and no longer Please note that when a proposed candidate is not pres- ent at the nomination meeting, his nomination paper will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidence that the proposed candidate consents to be so nominated. JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, Township of Stanley Dated at Varna, this 9th day of November, 1961. 46-7-b 30-tf* w egasweasensionsommemaiseafe/ especially like to thank Dr. Brady, Dr. Kennedy, the Box Ambulance Service, Rev. Win - law, Rev. Van Farowe, the nur- sing staff at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal and our neighbours who were so wonderful to our fam- ily at home.—Clarence and Ann Smillie, 47-b I wish to express my thanks to all my friends for the cards, my bowling team, Huronettes, and my sister Madeline, who helped while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Corriveave 47b —Mrs, Franklin AUCTION SALE To be held at the farm lot 14, con. 2, Stanley Township, 1V4 miles west 14 mile south off Brucefield, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 1:30 p.m. Consisting of: 40 head of registered and grade Holstein cows and heif- ers; 20 Holstein cows and heif- ers, recently fresh; 20 Holstein cows and heifers due in Decem- ber; Several Jersey cows fresh and springing; 12 young calves; 1 Hereford bull, 18 months old. All cattle vaccinated and blood tested, TERMS — CASH D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS, Proprietors HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 47-b IN MEMORIAM ARMSTRONG—In loving mem- ory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. John Arm- strong, who passed away 3 years ago, November 17, 1958: A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better, God nev- er made, A wonderful worker, loyal and fair, Tenderly helpful, 0 mother you were. Just in your judgement, always right, Honest and liberal, ever up- right, Loved by all, our pride they share, Pride in the wonderful one you were. —Ever remembered by t h e family. 47-b 0 ERB—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmoth- er, Lydia Ann Erb, who pas- sed away one year ago today, November 23, 1960: Tis' sweet to know we'll meet again. Where troubles are no more. And that the one we loved so well, Has just gone on before. —Lovingly remembered b y sons, Leonard, Emmerson, Al- bert, daughter Alice, and their families. 47-b WEEKEND FOOD SPECIALS YORK FANCY 14 OZ. TIN Kemal Corn 6 for $1.00 1 LEE'S 20 OZ. TIN Sliced Pineapple 5 for $1.00 KELLOGG'S 12 OZ. Corn Flakes WHITE SWAN Toilet Tissue GAY 12c OFF 25c 4 for 49c Liquid Detergent 55c Kam 12 oz. tins 37c CHALLENGER FANCY 1/2 LB. TIN Sockeye Salmon 53c LIBBY FANCY 48 OZ. TIN Tomato Juice YORK 20 OZ. TIN Beans and Pork 10 LB. BAG Granulated Sugar 79c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET 29c 7 for $1.00 CLARENCE GASCHO — ZURICH NO..; IN TION MEETING A PUBLIC MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF HENSALL Will be held in the Hensall Town Hal -i FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1961 From 7 to 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of nominating Candidates for the office of Reeve and Councillors; also Three Public School Trustees; and one Public Utilities Commissioner for the year 1962. In the event of more candidates qualifying for office then are necessary to be elected an ELECTION will be held MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1961 Poll to be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with the following officers presiding Poll D.R.Q. Poll Clerk 1-A Wilfred 0. Goodwin Mrs. Juline Keys 1-13 George R. Hess Mrs. Pearl Passmore And all electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. EARL CAMPBELL, Returning Officer Hensall, November 9. 46--7-b PAGE FIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS BRUCEFIELD IOOF Dance, at Seaforth Legion Hall, on Fri- day, December 1, Music by Desjardine Orchestra. Admis- sion 75c. Everyone Welcome. 47.8-b 16, TENDERS SNOW SHOVELLING TENDERS in writing will be received by the under- signed until 12:00 noon, Monday, November 27, 1961, for the removal of snow from walks and driveway adjacent to St. Boniface Church and Rectory for the entire winter season of 1961-62. Requisite conditions: 1. Snow shall be kept removed at all times and not allowed to pack, 2. Contracting party shall supply own equip ment (shovels, etc) Salt, as necessary, will be supplied by employer. REV. C. A. DOYLE, Pastor, St. Boniface Church, Zurich, Ontario. (Phone 62) PS—This employment is open to persons of all denominations. NOMINATI:';.N PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given in complian- ce with By -Law No. 22, pas- sed on November 3, 1961, under authority of the Municipal Act, a Meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Village of Zurich will be held in the Township Hall IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1961 At the hour from seven to eight o'clock p.m., for the pur- pose of nominating candidates for Reeve and four Coun- cillors, for the Village of Zurich, for the year 1962. When a proposed candidate is not present his nomin- ation paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in writing SIGNED by the proposed can- didate satisfactory to the returning officers that he con- sents to be so nominated. IN CASE A POLL IS DEMANDED, POLLS WILL BE OPENED ON: Monday, December 4th, 1961 (Said polis will be kept open from nine o'clock aim! until five o'clock p.m.) IN THE TWO POLLING SUB -DIVISIONS OF THE VILLAGE AS FOLLOWS: Poll Polling No. Place D.R.O. Poll Clark 1—Community Centre Jack Turkheim _ Mrs. M. Hoffman 2—Community Centre . Albert Hess _. Lorne Klopp A. J. KALBFLEISCH, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, Ontario, November 7, 1961 NOM 1 NATION PUBLIC NOTICE authority of the Municipal of the Municipality of the in the is hereby given in complian- ce with By Law No. 16, pas- sed October 3, 1961, under Act, a Meeting of the Electors Township of Hay will be held Township Hall IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1961 • At the hour from One to Two O'clock p.m. for the Purpose of Nominating Candidates for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1962, and for the Two Trustees for the Hay Township School Area Board for 1962 and 1963 When a Proposed Candidate is not present, his Nomin- ation Paper shall not be Valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in writing signed by the Proposed Candi- date satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be nominated. In Case A Poll Is Demanded POLLS WILL BE OPENED ON M'nday, December 4th, 1961 In The Several Polling Sub -Divisions of the Township as follows: Poll Polling No. Place D.R.U. Poll Clerk i --School House No, 2 Percy Campbell L. Chapman 2—Stewart Bell Residence, Lot 20, Con. 3 ...__.___.Hugh McEwan __. Allan Crerar 3—Town Hall __._ Bert Klopp .,Joe Hoffman 4—Town Hall .Ted Steinback ___ _ C. Deichert 5 --School House No. 12 Hilton Truemner -. _ C. Pepper 6—Earl Guenther Block _Reinhold Miller _Sidney Baker 7—School House No. 3 .Jas. A. McAllister _Glen Weido 8—St. Joseph Service Station F. Ducharme ____ E. Corriveau Said Polis will be kept open from Nine O'clock a.m. until Five O'clock p.m. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, Ontario, November 7, 1961