HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-11-16, Page 1R'
REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE — Ideal weather con-
ditions helped to make the Remembrance Day Service at
Hensall, on Saturday, the most colorful in history. Shown
here in front of the Cenotaph during the Draping of the
Colours are, left to right: Padre Currie Winlaw, standard
bearers, Don Havens, A. Pincent, Mrs. Howard Smale, David
Taylor, Janet Jenkins and Michael Hoy. Immediately behind
the color party is Parade Marshall Wilmer Dalrymple, while
in the background are the members of Hensall Legion
Branch 468. (Staff Photo)
South Huron Women's Institute Plan
Changing in By-laws For All Branches
Eight of nine Women's In- district guidance, to be brought
stitute branches of South Hur-
on District, were represented
at an executive meeting at Hen -
sail on November 7, with Mrs.
Harry Strang, president in char-
ge. Present were Crediton,
Dashwood, Elimville, Grand
Bend, Kippen, Hurondale, Hen-
sall and Seaforth branch repre-
Highlights of the recent
County Rally, held at Elimville
were presented by Mrs. Earl
Heist, of Crediton. She also
summarized the recent area
convention held at London,
which she attended as altern-
ate delegate. Mrs. Strang com-
mended the district on the
splendid display of hobbies set
up at the rally. Summary Day
for WI branches taking the
project, "Focus On Finishes" is
set for December 5, at Clinton.
Mrs. James Drummond of
Kippen, was named district de-
legate to a County Leadership
Training School with date and
location to be announced. This
course is sponsored by the Fed-
eration of Agriculture.
A committee was named to
prepare a set of by-laws for
to the next district executive
meeting after all branches have
had an opportunity to discuss
them. This committee consists
of Mrs. J. Drummond, Kippen;
Mrs. J. E. MacLean, Seaforth;
Mrs. William Kyle, Kippen;
Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Exeter, and
the president, Mrs. H. Strang,
of Hensall. March 6 has been
selected as the date for the
spring executive meeting.
The district annual is slated
for the second Thursday of
May, 1962, in Hensall. A confer-
ence for presidents is to be
conducted again at the OAC
in Guelph, next May. The 1962
County Rally is set for East
Huron in early October.
The various WI branches are
being asked for special collec-
tions towards t h e Adelaide
Hoodless Fund and in aid of
recently organized branches in
Northwest Territories.
Mrs. J. E. MacLean, RR 3„
Seaforth, who recently had
been elected to the FWIO
board, representing subdivis-
ion 22, London Convention Ar-
ea, was introduced and spoke
Induct Officers at
Zurich Chamber
J. E. Bannister, of Zurich,
was officially inducted as pres-
ident of the Zurich and District
Chamber of Commerce, at the
dinner meeting of the group
held last Thursday night at the
Dominion Hotel. Also induc-
ted were Gerald Gingerich as
first vice-president, and Ted
Steinback, as second vice. The
ceremony was performed by
Albert J. Kalbfleisch, a past
Pu -Ei.c Health Nurse Tells Zurich
institute cc Er 7eriences in Arctic
Miss Norma 'Westgate, Rural
Public Health Nurse of Exeter,
showed slides and gave a talk
on her work while a nurse in
the hospital at Panyotung, on
Baffin Island, and at Copper-
Hensall Kinettes
Give Cheer Boxes
Mrs. John Heal was hostess
at her home on Tuesday even-
ing for the regular meeting of
Hensall Kinettes. Mrs. William
Fuss was presented with her
Kinette pin at the meeting, and
Mrs. John Baker attended as a
r dead of terLegionaware at
ra@.:t a in �`�atra a! Satr'
Legion Ausliary, Scouts, Cubs, and Mrs. Howard Smale; scouts,
Honoring the dead of two
world wars, Remebrance Day
was observed in Hensall on
Saturday under the auspices of
Hensall Legion Branch 468. At
the Cenotaph, Padre Rev. Cur-
rie Winlaw offered prayer. Last
Post was sounded and two min-
utes silence and Reville obser-
ved. Wreaths were placed by:
Province of Ontario, Mrs. Mary
Taylor; Hensall Legion, presid-
ent Jim Clark; Hensall Legion
Auxiliary, president, Mrs. Gor-
don Munn; village of Hensall,
Reeve John Henderson; Town-
ship of Hay, Reeve V. L. Beck-
er; Township of Tuckersmith,
Reeve Ivan Forsyth; First Hen -
sail Scouts, John Baker; First
Hensall Girl Guides, Mrs. W. J.
Cameron; First Hensall Wolf
Cubs, Jack Lavender; Kinsmen
and Kinettes, Mrs. William
Guides and Brownies. Parade David Taylor; Cubs, Michael
marshall was Wilmer Dalrymp-
le; color sergeant, Bill Broldn;
standard bearers, Don Havens
and A. Pinsent for the Legion;
Auxiliary, Mrs. Harry Horton
schedule •of dinner meetings
from ten to five per year, or
one every other month. Be-
tween the dinner meetings a re -
vier business meeting' will be
A request is being forwarded
to council of the village to have
more Christmas lighting erec-
ted throughout the village.
Mr. Bannister, the new presi-
dent, made a plea to those pres-
ent for better attendance at the
meetings during the next year.
T h e organization decided
they would stage a sauerkraut
supper sometime in the near
future, with the following nam-
ed as a committee to supervise
the event, Herb Turkheim,
Dennis Bedard, Charles Thiel,
William Decker, and Len Mern-
In other business the organ-
ization agreed to change the
Hoy; Guides, Janet Jenkins.
Chief constable E. R. Davis dir-
ected traffic, and the Auxiliary
served refreshments in the Le-
gion Hall.
District Basehag Scout Speaks To
Hensel! Bali Payers At Banquet
Two hundred and twenty-five
attended the IOOF baseball
banquet, held at the Hensall
arena auditorium, last Friday
night honoring the Hensall
juvenile team who won the On-
tario Baseball Championship,
the Hensall Bantams, WOAA
champions, and Hensall Pee
Rev. D. Ross MacDonald
was guest speaker at the ser-
vice in the town hall, which fol-
lowed, Mr. MacDonald's theme
was "The Price of Peace." He
spoke of the fear and dread
prevalent in the hearts of so
many today and the need of
our world to recognize itst rue
peril. "This is not," he said,
"nuclear weapons of the threat
of mass destruction, but the
need of a change in the hearts
of all men."
Rev. MacDonald reminded
his audience that Jesus said,
"except ye repent, ye shall all
likewise perish. The price we
must pay is the price of repen-
tance, transformation of hum-
an hearts that fear may be cast
out by love, and that in Jesus
Christ Peace may reign."
Mrs. R. Pryde accompanied at
the piano for the hymns and
musical prelude, and a union
chair lead the singing.
Following service in town
hall, the parade, headed by the
RCAF Centralia Trumpet Band
formed for march past and sal-
ute at the Cenotaph. Partici-
pating in the parade were the
There is still a great deal of
fall plowing to be done. There
is also a fair amount of corn
to pick.
Some live stock was housed
following the snow storm of
last week, but there is : till a
lot in the fields.
Zurich and Hurondale Ladies Guests
Of Hensel@ Institute Last Wednesday
mine, in the Arctic Circle,
where she was working under
the Anglican Church Mission
Board, at the November meet-
ing of the Zurich Women's In-
Rev. and Mrs. Amacher play-
ed a duet on the piano and
mandolin, "Now Is the Hour."
The ladies who tagged for.
Exeter Hospital reported pro-
ceeds of $56.55. A report was
given on "Focus on Finishes,"
Each convenor is to send in
her own program notice to the
local paper.
Mrs. J. E. Bannister gave in-
formation on growing of Afri-
can violet leaves, and making
flower containers from deter-
gent bottles.
Canisters for donations for
work of Muscular Dystrophy
have been placed in the follow-
ing business places: Dominion
Hotel, Bank of Montreal, O'B-
rien's Produce, Doerr's Super-
ior Store; Clarence Gascho, and
Witmer and Gascho's bakeshop.
Mrs. Nancy Koehler and Mrs.
Harold Thiel are in charge of and solos, "God gave us Hom-
M,D.A.C.. Let's help the work es," and "It took a miracle"
of Muscular Dystrophy as well by Mrs. A. M. Amacher, with
The group decided to have a
March of Dimes campaign in
January, with Mrs. Jim Hyde as
general chairman of the event.
The Hensall Kinettes will ap-
pear on the program "Act
Fast." on CFPL-TV, on January
27. This weekend the group
will distribute 50 cheer boxes
to shut-ins and hospital pat-
Prior to the meeting the Kin-
ettes canvassed the town selling
tickets on a Christmas cake.
Mrs, Harold Knight won the
raffle at the meeting.
Harry Moore, Detroit Tiger
head scout for Western Ontar-
io gave the youngsters valuable
tips on baseball. He told them
how they couldimprove them-
selves, and urged them to re-
main in school as long as pos-
sible. Mack Jay, of Sarnia, in-
troduced the guest speaker.
Juveniles were presented
with OBA crests for winning
the Ontario Championship, and
the Juveniles and Bantams for
WOAA championships. Pres-
entations were made by Doug
Thorndyke, of Clinton, and Jim
Inglis, of Atwood, president of
the WOAA.
Gifts of hassocks were pres-
ented to the coaches of the
Juveniles and Bantams, P. L.
McNaughton, Lloyd Mousseau,
Ernie Chipchase and Ed Cor-
bett. Don Havens, coach of the
Pee Wees was presented with
a TV lamp, and ornament.
Head table guests were Ed
Corbett, Ernie Chipchase, Lloyd
Mousseau, Bert Horton, Don
Havens, Jim Inglis, Doug
Thorndyke, Mack Jay, Harry
Moore, P. L. McNaughton, Earl
Campbell, Norman Hill and
Percy Campbell.
Rev. Currie Winlaw offered
prayer ,and during the inter-
mission Ron Mock led a sing-
song, accompanied by Mrs.
Winlaw at the piano.
Percy Campbell was M of C
for the evening, and the 1960
World Series film was shown.
Members of Amber Rebekah
Lodge catered for the banquet.
Hensall Women's Institute Laramie at the piano. Mrs. R.
entertained Hurondale and Zur- D. Elgie gave curtesy remarks.
ich branches at their public re- In a musical chairs contest
Iations meeting held last Wed- conducted by the president with
nesday evening. Mrs. Frecl Miss Greta Lammie at the pia -
Beer expressed a welcome to no, winners were Mrs. Albert
the members and guests of over Keys, Mrs. Alvin Moir, Mrs.
80 who attended the meeting. Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. Lloyd
Mrs. Laird Mickle gave a Ballantyne and Mrs. Arthur
commentary and showed Rundle. On behalf of the vis -
beautiful pictures of her trip iting members, Mrs. Harry
to the west this summer, going Dougall, president of Huron -
through the United States as dale WI and Mrs. Delbert Gei-
far as Glacier National Park, ger, president of Zurich WI ex -
driving through the mountains pressed thanks for a lovely ev-
up to Calgary and on to Banff, ening of entertainment social
Lake Louise, and through Jas-
per National Park and on to Program conveners were Mrs.
Edmonton, coming home by the M. Hedden and Mrs. G. Hess;
Canadian west. hostesses Mrs. Carl Payne and
Interesting and helpful ans.. Mrs. E. Norminton.
wers were received in response o
to the roll call "A service our (- ll 1�'
WI could render." (1
Contributing to the program
from Hurondale were Barbara Warrant Officer E. Lesnick.
and Linda Dougall, singing, of RCAF Station Clinton, ad -
"Those songs my mother used dressed Kinsmen from London,
to sing" and "Over the Hilltop," Stratford, Exeter, Clinton and
accompanied by their grand- Hensall, in a joint meeting at
mother Mrs. Andrew Dougall, the New Commercial Hotel,
and a skit "Table Manners" by Hensall, last Thursday evening.
members of the 4-H club, Bar- He spoke on "Space Travel."
bars Weber, Joan Westcott, The speaker was introduced
Margaret Hyde, with cornmen- by Kinsmen Bill Mickle. Presi-
tary by Margaret Oke. This dent Bill Fuss, of the Hensall
skit has been presented several Club, presided for the dinner
time including the area convene meeting, and special guests
tion at London. from Hensall were members of
From Zurich a humorous the band and those who helped
reading by Mrs. Newell Geiger, with their carnival and Hallo-
we'en party.
Dr. D. J. McKelvie, of Essex,
end (:Forge Sawyer, of Tillson-
as did for UNICEF Mrs Gracerace Harpole accompan-L1ee, former Kinsmen mem-
ensa unsmen
Zuric'h Council To
End Water Supply
There will be no more exten-
sions of the Zurich water sys-
tem outside of the village lim-
its, it was decided by council
at their meeting last Wednes-
day night. Members of the
council felt that there are en-
ough people outside of the vil-
lage hooked on to the system
now, so they are going to refuse
further applications.
Water rate for the Hay Town-
ship telephone shed and vehicle
shed, located on the Blind Line,
east of Zurich, has been set at
$14 per year. The same rate
applies to the new Co-op build-
ing and the residence of Seth.
Ammans, also east of Zurich.
An application was approved"
for village water to be supplied
to the residence of Arthur Ed-
ighoffer, • in the village of Zur-
In other business the council
approved the recommendation
of the hydro committee, to pur-
chase another 10 fluorescent
street lights.
we •
Lunch was served by Mrs. ist. Mrs. Hess who presided hers, and ,Task Sawyer, of Till-
Amacher, Mrs. Nancy Koehler for the program, conducted ^^e here attended„ There were
and Mrs. Leonard Erb. , sing -songs with Miss Greta '8 present.
MARRIED 50 YEARS -- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Masse, RR 3, Zurich, celebrated their
50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday. Shown here with Mr. and Mrs. Masse are, left,
Mrs. Alex Masse, bridesmaid of 50 years ago; and on the right, Alex Masse, the best man of
50 years ago.
At 11:00 a.m., High Mass was
sung at St. Boniface Church,
Zurich, by Father C. A. Doyle,
after which a family dinner was
held at the Dominion Hotel. In
the evening a reception was
held at the home of their son,
'"fare Masse, attended by about
'50 relatives and friends.
Present for the occasion was
the 85 -year old mother of Mr.
Masse, Mrs. Josephine Brisson,
who is living in Detroit at the
present time. Mrs. Masse was
the former Myrtle Meidinger.
Mrs. Alex Masse, who was the
bridesmaid at the wedding 50
years ago is the former Angel
ine Bedard. Father Stroeder
married the couple. Following
their marriage, Mr. and Mrs.
Masse lived at their present
home on the Bronson Line.
The couple have seven th'10.-
ren, five boys and two daugh-
ters. They•are Leonard, Lon-
don; Elzar, Zurich; Adelory,
Bedford, N.S.; Clare, Zurich;
Bill, Dashwood; Olivia, Mrs.
George Bedard, Zurich; and
,lean, Mrs. Art Guilmette, Lon-