HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-26, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS. PAGE THREE News of Heusi.i1 District Hallowe'en Party The Hensall Kinsmen Club is sponsoring a Hallowe'en party for the children of Hensall .and district, on Tuesday, October 31. There will be a parade from" the town hall to the arena at I 7:00 p.m., which will be headed by a local band. Films will he shown and prizes for best cost- umes given. There will also be free pop and hot dogs for the children, Jerry McClinchey, on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, is taking a two week's special banking course in Toronto. Mrs. Campbell Eyre, of Kip - pen, and Mrs. Ray Lee, Seaforth, attended a shower recently in London for Miss Nellie Baxter, of Arkona, a bride of Saturday, October 21. Bazaar and Tea Saturday, October 28, at ;:n0 p.m., the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will sponsor a bazaar, bake sale and tea in the Sunday School rooms. This promises to be an outstanding bazaar, with proceeds for the building fund of the church. 81st Birthday Mrs. Catherine Hedden, who can claim distinction to '94 de- cendants, including 10 sons, two $250 DOWN BUYS YOU. A CANADA SAVINGS BOND- AT "MY BRNB" BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS slaughters, 40 grandchildren and 42 great-grandchildren, will on Tuesday, October 31, quietly ob- serve her 81st birthday. Mrs. Hedden is in failing health and is confined to her room. Institute Workshop A South Huron District work- shop on Women's Institute pro- cedures is being held in Hensall Legion Hall, on Friday, Octo- ber 27, from 10;00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mrs:" R. J. Penny, King- ston, will be the instructor. Each member attending is to bring a box lunch, and also their WI handbook. Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. Florence Joynt spent Tuesday of last week in Kitchener, visit- ing the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and David. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Deeves spent the weekend with relatives in Clinton. Miss Ruth Smale spent the weekend with Cpl. and Mrs. L. E. Borden, Darryl, Shelley and Sharon, at RCAF Station, Clin- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Phillips, Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. Attend Wedding Attending the Eyre -Baxter wedding at St. Stephen's Ang- lican Church, Arkona, on Satur- day, from Hensall and district were: Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bell; Mrs. William Cole and Mrs. Jack Upshall; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobi; Don and Bill Brock; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre; Mr. and Mrs. George Pinney; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tinney; Mr. and Mrs. Hom- er Tinney; Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Eyre and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eyre. Prior to leaving for Exeter where she has taken up residen- ce, Miss Eliza Newell was pre- sented with a gift by her neigh- bours. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vanstone and family, visited on Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Brown, of Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Byran Kyle, Suzanne and Doug- las, spent the weekend in Port Huron, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay, Lin- da and. Keith, took up residence on Saturday in their new home in the new housing sub -division. A#tend Meeting - Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knight, Mr. and Mrs. John Heal, Mr. and Mrs. William Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks, Mr. and Mrs. William Fuss and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale, attended the Fall Council meeting of the Kins- men of District No. 1, held at Kitchener, when the Kitchener - Waterloo Kinsmen Club were hosts for the weekend. Approx- imately 650 attended. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Pamela and Sheila, of London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs.= -John Henderson and family. Mrs. Henry Whittiker recent- ly visited with her sons and daughter -in-laws and their fam- ilies, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker, London, and also visit- ed the Zoo at Detroit, Mich. Celebrates Birthday Mr. John Passmore celebrated his 83rd birthday over the week- end, with a family dinner at the New Commercial Hotel. Thirty- three members of his family at- tended the celebration and sat down to a delicious turkey din- ner, topped with an anniversary cake. Mr. Passmore was the re- cipient of many gifts and con- gratulatory messages. Following the dinner a social time was spent at the home of the celebrant. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Lean and family, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and family, Delhi; Mr. and Mrs. Lor- ne C. Elder and family, Hamil- ton; Rev. and Mrs. Robert Pass - DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%- $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND,, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK OF MONTREAL a. 9a<le taa084 WORKINP, WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 b tet• LEADER TRAINING SCHOOL A two day Local Leader. Training School was held at Hensall Legion Hall, on October 17 and 18. This year the cloth- ing project "Focus on Finishes" was taken by 20 Women's Insti- tute members of Huron County, conducted by Miss Dora Burke, of Toronto. These leaders will return to their community and teach a class of women from their Institutes, or anyone who is interested. A special County Summary Day will be held to conclude this project. Miss Isabelle Gil- christ, of Clinton, Home Econ- omist for Huron County, atten- ded. %par and Spice (Continued from Page Two) ter, whose "flag" was a Kleenex into which he was blowing his nose? Who can point the finger when this hunter hears the snarl of a sabre -tooth tiger, drops to one knee, and, cool as only a born killer can be, let's go with both barrels, right through the rear tire of the tractor the farmer has been try- ing to get started, just the other side of that copse? Preach on, you editors. But you're wasting your time. There's no thrill in life to equal that of creeping through the woods on a freezing fall day, with the birdshot ripping through the leaves just above your head, the high -powdered shells slamming into the tree four inches left of your heart, and the hope that you may get him the next time he lifts his head. more and family, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Passmore and family, Aylmer; Mrs. Pearl Pass- more and Norma, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Barnes and fam- ily, Aylmer; Miss Sharon Smith, Guelph; and Mr. and Mrs, Ron P. Passmore, London. Wins Bicycle Alan Arnett, 7, son of Cpl. and Mrs. Marvin Arnett, a grade 3 pupils at Hensall public school was the lucky winner of a CCM bicycle in a draw at the Old Time Carnival held Friday ev- ening at the arena. Chief Con- stable E. R. Davis drew the win- ning ticket. Cash and fowl bin- go, games of chance, and danc- ing were the highlights of the evening. Proceeds will be used for welfare work.. Although the carnival was at- tended by over 200, including many children, the Kinsmen were disappointed at the ab- sence of adults. Legion Bingo Jackpot this don't run REACH! 0 00. EXTENSION PHONES save wear and tear -come in 9 col- ours, 3 models. Call the BELL Business Office -or ask the man in our green truck. Saturday, October 28, will be 1 Sim Roobol. Mrs. Veldhoen $110 in 57 calls, with two door has been in Canada since June prizes. visiting her son Cornelius, at Mrs. R. Veldhoen, of Oud- Downsview, near Toronto, and Beyerland, Holland, spent the 1 expects to return to Holland in past week, guest of Mr. and Mrs. December. WILSON'S DRUG STORE Phone 20 Hensall A COMPLETE LINE OF INJECTABLES and DRUGS FOR Vefereaary Use CHECK OUR PRICES ON FOR THE TREATMENT OF Vibrio Ise Hogs TRY YOUR DRUG STORE FIRST Compare at 37c GOLD SEAL. TUNA FISH (solid white meat __ 3 tins $1.00 Compare at 59c BROWN BEAR HONEY, 2 Ib. tin 2 for $1.00 Compare at 21c CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES, 20 az 6 for $1.00 Compare at 29c each KELLOGG'S CEREALS, Corn Flakes, "K", Sugar Smacks, Sugar Pops 4 for $1.00 Compare at 25c each AYLMER BRAND JAMS or JELLIES, 9 oz. __ 5 for $1.00 Compare at 2 for 37c YORK CHOICE WAX or GREEN BEANS, 20 oz. 6 for $1.00 Compare at 2 for 27c ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS 8 for $1.00 Compare at 57 each SOCKEYE SALMON, 1/2s 2 for $1.00 Compare at 57c each KETA SALMON, l's 2 for $1.00 Compare at 2 for 37c YORK BEANS WITH PORK, 20 oz. 7 for $1.00 Compare at 2 for 31c KRAFT DINNERS 8 for $1.00 Compare at 2 for 37c, (regular or chubby) KLEENEX TISSUES _ 7 for $1.00 KNGSDALE CHOCOLATE MALLOWS, Cello pkg. 29c GOLDEN HOUR POPPING CORN _ __ Ib. 19c LARGE SELECTION OF HALLOWE'EN CANDIES Compare at $1.53 KING SIZE TIDE Compare at 2 for 27c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz. _ 9 for $1.00 Compare at 2 for 25c YORK CREAM CORN 10 oz. KERNEL CORN, 8 oz __...._ 10 for $1.00 Compare at 23c .QUEENSWAY DESSERT PEARS, 20 oz. 6 for $1.00 Compare at 29c AYLMER CHOICE APRICOTS, 15 oz. _ ___.__ 4 for $1.00 Compare at 25c each CRUSHED or SLICED PINEAPPLE, 20 oz. - 5 for $1.00 Compare at 24c CULVERHOUSE CHERRIES, 15 oz. _.- _ _ _ __ 5 for $1.00 Compare at 28c LIBBY FRUT COCKTAIL, 15 oz. ....___ 4 for $1.00 Comnare at 29r CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. __ 4 for $1.00 Compare at 32c ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE, 48 oz. _________ ____ 4 ofr $1.00 Comnare at 8 for 31e TOPS DOG FOOD, 15 oz. 12 for $1.00 Compare at $1.14 SUNSPUN ICE CREAM, buy 1/2 nal. at regular price. Get pint brick for llc, total price $1.00 NESTLE'S QUICK, 1 Ib. tin _.__ 45c NESTLE'S QUICK, 2 Ib. tin __ ..___ 79c LIPTON'S CHICKEN,NOODLE or TOMATO VEGETABLE SOUP MIX ._.____ 4 for 49c $1.19 SASE LIBBY'S 12 OZ. POLY BAG GREEN PEAS 5 BAGS $L00 OLD SOUTH 6 OZ. TINS ORANGE JUICE 5 TINS $1.00 BIRDSEYE 12 OZ. FILLETS OCEAN PERCH 29c PACKAGE h% • CHIQL ITA BANANAS 2 LBS 29c ONTARIO POTATOES 10 LBS. 25c CELLO TOMATOES 23c TUBE SIZE 140's SUNKIST LEMONS FOR 33c DUNCAN HINES White or Yellow CAKE MIXES 3 for $1.00 Smoked Sid acon eef or Pork Liver raising ' abs of ;oIoga Choic'.Hip +ks t Ir MI NM Ib. 9c ® ®Ib® 29c eef®11329- . lb er r:;, I eef br 51c er 11 60 PACK l8 OZ. PACKAGE SALADA TEA BAGS I Rahenhaed Pie Crest 35c (Plus 9 oz. pkg. FREE) �......,...,�,: rampczFxcvr.•. wrvaF+R'�: rSFitl,": -.ai'r:.¢ 75c PACKAGE MAPLE LEAF DETERGENT 24 OZ. TIN 73c MARKET