HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-19, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ruby, of Tavistock; and Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger- ich, Norma ,Bean and Elaine, spent the weekend at Wingham and Breslau. •. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Graber. of Indianopolis, Indianna, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ammans, Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle and Robert, were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ging- erich. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gascho and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ginger - !ch, spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Am - mans. Mrs. Menno Steckle, accomp- anied by Mrs. Peter Gingerieh, spentt his past week at Moore- field and Elmira with the for- mer's daughter. YVings S yRR MR. AND MRS. J. A. MORRIS of The Prescott Journal write of their "Week End in Victoria" flying six miles 'high across Canada at almost the speed of sound "A Weekend In Victoria" Trans Canada Air Lines, and in Ever think of spending a weekend in Victoria. Sounds far-fetched? Not in this jet age. Actually, Victoria isn't any farther away from Eastern Ontario than, say, Lon- don is by car. Six hours from Montreal in one of the big TCA DC -8 pure jets, riding six miles high, and the Pacific is yours. Mrs. Morris and I had that experience, at the invitation of For the best coal and service in town Enjoy better value and service; and greater heating comfort -- CALL LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 •— HENSALL Hensen Feeder Calf Club JOIN A carload of feeder calves will be or girl, age 10 to 21, in the Town - arriving soon in Hensall. Any boy ship of Hay, Stephen, Stanley, Tu- kersmith, Hibbert and Usborne, wishing to feed calves should con- tact any director of the South Hur- on Agricultural Society, or Peter McNaughton, secretary, phone 5, Hensall. as ma ssr Cedar Chests For Sale PRICED FROM $10.00 UP this and the next few stories we are going to try and describe our experience, one which we know we will never forget. However, we will digress a bit from the jet flight so that we can tell of the versatility of TCA when an emergency is met. Fog—an offshoot from Hurri- cane Caria — was the enemy and the reason behind this epi- sode. As we drove to Montreal, in the morning, we noted the fog coming in heavier from the St. Lawrence and Lake St. Francis. By the time we reached orval we began to wonder about the take -off. The man behind the TCA counter told us, as we checked in with our luggage and tickets, that our jet had circled the field for an hour and had turned about and gone back to Toronto. We would be tak- ing off on schedule in a four -en- gine turbo -prop Viscount to con- nect with the jet flight in Tor- onto. Here an incident reminded us of the truth that ours is a shrin- king world. Colonel and Mrs. Doug Powers spoke to us — the last time we saw them was in Soest, Germany, at the Canad- ian Infantry Brigade Headquar- ters where he was serving with our NATO force and we were doing a series of stories for our WOWNA papers last summer. We spent an hour Iooking ov- er this vast International air terminal taking pictures in black and white and color and being photographed by TCA while we awaited the 2:30 flight. Miss Beverly Sylvestri, our ste- wardess, showed us about the efficient looking Viscount stan- ding on the tarmac alongside its big brother, the Vanguard. Like their bigger brothers, the pure jets, the Viscount was- tes no time in getting airborne. Once clear of the runway, the pilot Lifts the nose, and up you go to 15,000. feet. Miss Sylves- tri welcomed us aboard, over the PA system, and told us we would be in Toronto in an hour and a half -- less time than it took us to drive to Montreal. The smoothness of the Vis- count amazed us. There was no roar of piston engines, just a steady whirr as the four preps bit into the air driven :by the turbine engines. . We had taken seats on the port side (left, you landlubbers), so as to watch the St. Lawrence and get a glimpse of Prescott from away up as we sped west- ward at more than 300 miles an hour. The haze persisted, but we were able to pick out land- marks such as Ste. Anne de Bellevue, and then refreshments came along— hot tea or coffee and biscuits, a soft pillow, a newspaper, and when we looked out again, we were lost. We believed we recognized Mantotick, near Ottawa, then the Rideau Lakes as we met sol- id cloud cover, and we trusted our pilot knew his way into that busiest of Canadian airports at Melton. Then, there was the airfield, and in less time than it takes to describe it the descent was com- plete and we had rolled to a smooth stop before the Interna- tional Air Terminal. Rain was pouring down, and we thought of our raincoats secure in our luggage — but another bit of TCA service popped up — a man with a bundle of big black umbrellas. We didn't find the activity of the big airports confusing, we followed signs and directions, and everything was in order in a matter of minutes. And sur- prise again, there were Mr. and Mrs. Hank Wightman of the Napanee Express. We had seen them just a week before at Upper Canada Village, near Cornwall, where the Eastern Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association had gathered in an- nual meeting in an atmosphere of pioneer history and ox carts. Today we were in the midst of the jet age, and in a matter of minutes we would be winging our way across Canada "to spend a weekend in Victoria:' Maybe, like Hank, and the mis- sus, you find that hard to be- lieve. In fact, it seems like a dream, now,.. to us. OLD TIME Kinsmen Carnival AND DANCE- at the Hensel!! Arena, Friday, October 20 DOORS OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. • Cash and Fowl Bingo • Paddle Wheels • Games of Chance FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! KIDS — WIN A NEW CCM BICYCLE FREE!! - DRAW AT 10:00 P.M. — ENJOY JITNEY DANCING — ADMISSION FREE Sponsored by the Hensall Kinsmen SHUR-CAIN MINERALS .. . Even cattle on well balanced rations can suffer from "Mineral Hunger". Just as roughages vary so do individual animal's mineral requirements. It's not necessary to pay a lot of money for a good mineral mixture. SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS for cattle—a registered and guaranteed mineral mixture con- taining ALL and ONLY those minerals presently known to be required by cattle and containing molasses' for extra palatibility and dust -free handihig. POULTRY FEEDS IT'S AVAILABLE AT OUR MILL AT A REASONABLE PRICE .. 16• 0•11/01.1il .01.11.111141ilail /Maid M. 6. DEITZ and S.ON PHONE 164 Z1IRICH 'led. Feldman Reports Meeting On October 10, Huron County Federation of Agriculture dir- ectors held regular monthly meeting, The president, Warren Zur- brigg, presided and reported on the meeting with CKNK, to plan the point of view program for the coming Farm Forum season. A committee of the president, the two vice-presi- dents and secretary was appoin- ted to attend future planning meetings. Voting delegates to the prov- incial annual were eletced as follows: Warren Zurbrigg, Gor- don Greig, Elmer Ireland; lady delegates, Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg, alternates, Alex McGreg- or, Alf Warner, Mrs, Alex Mc- Gregor. A delegate from the Junior Farmers and Junior In- stitute and alternate was left to them to _.elect. The county annual is set for November 29, at the Londes- boro, Hall, with the usual din- ner for township directors and I the meeting following. This year the ladies of the county federation are setting up a meeting of their own after they have heard the guest speaker. It is hoped that there will be a good representation of the lad- ies out to take part. Warren Zurbrigg reported for the concentrated milk producers stating that a petition request- ing a vote on a milk marketing plan is presently being circula- ted. This has been almost com- pleted by the other dairy groups and the concentrated hope to get their's done by October 31. Bob McGregor reported on the Ontario beef producers dir- ectors meeting in Toronto, of October 10, stating that the chairman of the farm products marketing board strongly reco- mmended that farmers should send a much larger number of their cattle to the public stock yards at Toronto to make it more competitive in establish- ing prices. However, Dr. Pat- terson, of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture . economies branch, reported that in a sur- vey his -department had conduc- ted thorughout the province and contacted 400 beef producers, it was found that 70 percent were opposed to the present auction method of selling now being used at the Toronto stockyards. The question of bonding of Community sales was discussed when it was learned that one of these had gone broke and was currently paying off at 62 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1961 cents on the dollar.. There had been some quest- ion en banding of cattle buyers generally and it was suggested that they too should be required to obtain a license at a nominal fee which would also require bonding. • Several resolutions were '.ap- proved for presentation at the OFA annual and no doubt you will hear about these at that time. TIEMAN'S HARDWARE • Plumbing • H a Electrical Work eating • Oil Burner Service SALES and SERVICE FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD WE WANT BEANS CONTACT UIS FOR Prices and Storage We have increased our bean storage this year. We_ can give you good service and quick un- loading. E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. PHONE 103 — HENSALL keep 'em healthy TOP MASTITIS FA T! LIQUID Terramycin FOR MASTITIS gets cows back to profitable milking sooner No other drug or antibiotic is effective against more mastitis causing organisms than Terramycin. In fact, no other mastitis preparation, at any price, can compare with Liquid Terramycin's complete solubility, rapid diffusion in the udder and quick effective control of mastitis. Liquid Terramycin milks out completely within 72 hours. Con- tains no grease, wax or oil and leaves no residue in the quarter after treatment. Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis comes in con- venient, ready -to -use applicator tubes-- dosage and directions on every package. The ,fastest, most -effective, treatment for mastitis and so economical -,- Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis! \BINCA 040 ' Terrarnycin ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula • Poultry formula with Ant9--Germ 77 New Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis • A at D Scours •Tablets 6 'Terramycin Injectable Solution. P$Uv Researcli Contributes to More Profitable Fanning CNA