HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-19, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1961 News of Hansell Distract .Attention WI members. You are invited to attend the Dist riet Workshop on WI proceedur es to be held in Hensall Legion I-1a]l, October 27, front 10:00 a.m. to 4 p,m. Hand books will be required at this workshop, All WI members and friends interested in taking a bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, contact Mrs. Fred Beer as soon as possible, phone 178W. Mr. Cecil Maxwell is a pat- ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in the interests of his health, Mrs, Beverley Beaton is a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, in the interests of her health. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Niagara Falls, spent the week- end with Mrs. Catherine Ifed- den and Herb, Suffers Injuries Mrs. Agnes McLean is a pat- ient in St. Marys Hospital, Kit- chener, suffering a dislocated shoulder and fractured collar bone, received in an accident in a fall at the home of her son, Bernard, in Kitchener, with whom she was visiting. Doctor M. A. and Mrs. Hop- kinson, who spent the past two weeks in Banff and Vancouver, visited with Dr. Norma Hopkin - sons parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, prior to returning to their home in Lions Head. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, Mr. and Mrs. George Beer, Linda and Betty, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Beer and family, at Camp Borden. Miss Mildred Forrest, Reg.N., :t Brantford General Hospital, and Miss Marion 13rydon, Reg.N. at Stratford General Hospital, spent the weekend with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Forrest. Re -organize CGIT In Hensall Church The re -organization of the Carmel Presbyterian Church Canadian Girl's In Training, was held at the manse on Wednes- day evening, with seven girls present. Officers elected were: presi- dent, Gail Sangster; vice-presi- dent, Cheryl Little; treasurer, Marcia Little, secretary, Colleen Baynham. Plans were made to hold their meetings at the chur- ch every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Plans have been started for a Christmas Eve Candlelight Vesper Service. The girls will havea table of candy and fudge have a table of candy and fudge at the Ladies Aid bazaar on November 4, The purpose of the CGIT group is "A Canadian Girl in training under the leadership of Jesus. It is my purpose to cher- ish health, seek truth, know God, and serve others, and thus with his help become the girl God would have me be," All Presbyterian girls are invited between the ages of 12-17. The group is under the lead- ership of Mrs. D. Ross MacDon- ald. BINGO WINNERS Mrs. W. E. Redden, Niagara Falls and Miss Hannah Murray, were door prize winners at the Legion Bingo Saturday night. Share the wealth jackpot win- ners were Mrs. Bruce Walker, Mrs. Orville Smith; Mrs. D. Tay- lor. Other winners were Mrs. Bert Riley; Miss R, Murray; Mrs. Wes Venner; Mrs. Reich- ert; Miss Margaret Boa; Bob Up - shall; Mrs. Reichert; Fred Ken- nings; Mrs. Brennon, Mrs. G, Bisback. Mr, Swartzentruber, Mrs D. Taylor, Saturday next jackpot will be worth $105 in 56 calls. Chiselhurst Ladies In Joint Meeting Combined meeting of the Wo man's Missionary Society and Woman's Association was held Tuesday afternoon at Chisel- hurst United Church. Mrs. A. Ross took the chair for the WA and Mrs. Campbell Eyre con- ducted the devotional on "Thanksgiving," Plans were laid for a bazaar to be held ear- ly in November in ChiseIhurst Church. First vice-president Mrs. Per- cy Harris presided for the WMS. Mrs. Harold Parker gave a poem, and the study "Signals for the Sixties", was presented by Mrs. R. Taylor, and mission- ary prayer, Mrs. H. Parker. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wil- ]iam Brintnell and Mrs. R, Boy- ce. ANADA w Your Future's better if you're backed by Bonds No matter how young or how old—everyone has something to plan for and to save for! Whatever your plans, Canada Savings Bonds are a convenient and systematic way of building up savings to help you realize your goals. And there's nothing quite like a reserve of Bonds to give you a feeling of security and confidence in the future! Canada Savings Bonds are a guaranteed investment -- cashable anytime at full face value plus interest. Coupons pay 4%% the first year, 4M% for each of the next six years, 5% for each of the last three years. Denominations from $50 up. Limit per person $10,000. So simple to buy — on instalments or for cash at any bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company, or through your company's Payroll Savings Plan. Order yours today! BUY THE NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS good for You—and Canada tool ZURICH CJTJZENS NEWS Carmel WMS The WMS of Carmel Church held their meeting Wednesda evening, with Mrs. Earl Camp bell in charge, Mrs, MacDoug all read Scripture passages and Mrs. Earl Campbell offered prayer. Plans were made for "Fall Thank -offering" to be held Oct- ober 23, with Mrs. D. L. Elder, of Seaforth, to be guest speak- er. Miss Hannah Murray gave a report on the WMS Presbyter- ial, held in Blyth. The Ladies' Aid made plans for a bazaar to be held on Nov- ember 4 Iscouts and cubs and haliowe'en party for the children, but main- ly half of it went for minor ' hockey, Aid Hospital Fund Over $100 was realized Friday evening when members of Am- ber Rebekah Lodge canvassed the village for Tag Day for Wo- men's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Members taking part in the blitz were Mrs. R. A. Orr, Nob- le Grand of the Lodge; Mrs, E. Chipchase, Mrs, Leona Parke, Mrs. Hugh McEwen, Mrs, Clar- ence Volland, Mrs. John Ingram, Mrs. Blighton Ferg, Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Mrs. Garnet Mous- seau. The lodge would like to thank all those who gave so generously to the worthy pro- ject. Local Kinsmen Need Your Help (By a Kinsman) The Kinsmen Club in your community, with all the adver- tisements lately on radio, TV and newspapers to support the "United Appeal" in the respec- tive communities, is an impor- tant organization. I am sure we are all aware of what our Com- munity is, its responsibilities and the numerous organizations that try to make it a better place to live. We in Hensall, like to feel the Kinsmen Club have a small contribution to this end. Last year a total of $1,600 was spent in your community, including a school bursary, charities within the community, the aged and shut ins, families less fortunate than we are, Sugar and Spice (Continued from Page Two) vulgarity. And don't try to tell me that your literary works of art, from Will Shakespeare to Ernest Hemingway, aren't loaded with profanity. :k * This column is not suppos- ed to be morally uplifting, even though the writer is a school teacher, a potential Sunday School teacher, a former weekly editor, an ex -member of the church board of management, and one-time president of a Young Men's Bible Class. (Boy, just think of the people I could have corrupted in my time, and still could.) If the lady (it must be a lady) who threatens to cancel unless this column is tidied up caries out her threat, I hope she will also cease and desist from read- ing the Bible, which contains a lot of language a good deal stronger than anything she'll ever find in this space. Applications Applications will be received by the undersigned until Friday, November 3, 1961, for the fol- lowing positions: CLERK -TYPISTS STENOGRAPHERS STENOGRAPHER- BOOKKEEPRS Please supply the following information: Age Marital Status References Experience (i.e. typing, book- keeping, shorthand, etc) Education Salary expected Full time or part time employ- ment desired Envelopes for application must be secured from the un- dersigned, J, G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. Court House, 42-b inaminevirommummumeuraiimmoristwa The minor hockey program !also entails a total of between 32 and 40 man hours .a week to I operate, This the Kinsmen members can look after, but for the financialend we must have. the support of the community. With your continued good sup- port we feel we can look for- ward to even greater services. Let's start at the Kinsmen Old Time Carnival Friday, October 20, Youth For Christ On Saturday night South Hu ron Youth For Christ staged an other first in the South Huron Area when 550 people gathered in the auditorium of the Clin- ton District High School for three and a half hours of sacred PAGE THREE a leading gospel quartette in the Michigan State; the Salton Bro. thers trio from London and Sar- nia, recording artists of Gospel - songs; the Isaac Sisters trio, of London; third prize winners in their class for all North Amer- ica, and the Musical Messengers, an instrumental group from Guelph. Rev. Joe Baker, of Hanover Youth For Christ, was master of ceremonies. Rev. A. M. Schlenker, of Cred- iton, led in prayer, and Reg Mil- ler, of RCAF Station Centralia, The South Huron group, dir- ected by Alvin Cudmore, had been planning this gathering for several months. Those taking part were the Langolf Brothers quartetteo f P t H or uron, Mich., read the Scripture. arosimmuniumerstememiememilwarak Wilson's Drug Store Phone 20 "EXTRA" SPECIALS FEATURED DURING 1 c SALE "INN DR. CHASES DMB COUGH SYRUP — Reg, $150 — NOW 2 FOR $1.50 ELECTRIC BLANKET 72" x 84" Reg. 26.95 - FOR $1$.95 PORTABLE HAIR DRYER Reg. 19.95 - FOR $14.95 HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Only 3 More Days For 1c Sale Bargains FEATURING Vitamins, Cosmetics Household Drugs First Aid Supplies Stationery Christmas Cards, Etc. (ilillllllllllllll1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIlllllllllllllilllllllflillllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllil WEEK -END SPECIALS TV DINNERS, 11 oz. 59c each FLORIDA WHITE or PINK Grapefruit, 48's 4 for 29c 10 OZ. BAGS Cello Spinach 2 for 29c GO 24 OZ. Liquid Detergent 73c FLEECY 64 OZ. Laundry Rinse 67c King Size Tide $1.19 GIANT TINS Old Dutch Cleanser 2/45c IT'S BAKING TIME AUSTRALIAN Raisins 2 tbs. 49c VELET 7 LB. BAG Pastry Flour 59c AYLMER 8 OZ. Graced Cherries AYLMER 16 OZ. JAVEX 32 OZ. Liquid Bleach CHASE & SANBORN VAC. TIN Coffee„ 11b. ALLEN'S 48 OZ. 21c 77c Apple Juke 3 for 79c HUNT'S 48 OZ, Tomato Jpice 2 for 55c CHRISTIE'S Premium Crackers 35s Ib. CAMPBELL'S 10 OZ. Tomato Soup , - 11 c PILLSBURY Layer Type, yellow white, , Chocolate Fudge Coke Mixes 27c pkg., CHOICE HALVES 15 OZ. Sotden Peaches 6 for $11 HUNTS 11 OZ. 35c Catsup 6 for $LOO Cut Mixed Peel 41c MITCHELL'S 15 OZ, Apple Sauce 6 for $1 00 COOKED HAM 89c Ib. BONELESS ROLLED POT ROASTS 39c Ib. FRESH SIDE PORK 39c ib, MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF 49c Ib. AL'S MARKET HENSALL i1IIIIII111111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID(IIID111111IIIIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIfI11IIIIIII.II111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII