HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-12, Page 8MAGE. EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1941 News of Hensall Distrit Mr, Charles Mickle, of Med-ing weekend at the home of Mr. way Hall, UWO, spent the week -and Mrs. Alfred Smith, end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Weekend visitors with Mr. John Passmore were Mr. and Mrs. Gib Duncan, Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs, W. J. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilbur, Hamilton, and Mrs. James McLean and Mar- ion, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and family, of Oakville, were Thanksgiving visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. C. Cook. Beautiful decoration in Thanksgiving motif were very much admired in the United Church on Sunday last. Decora- tions were arranged by Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. Raye Pat- erson. Miss Amy and Miss Greta Lammie spent Thanksgiving Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Bob and Jean, at Cen- tralia. Miss Margaret Smith and Richard Tipping, and Miss Mar- ilyn Smith and Glenn Tedball, e•)f Thedford, spent Thanksgiv- Taken To Hospital Miss Mary McEwan, 93, was taken this week by ambulance to. South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter. United Church Notes Thanksgiving service was ob- served Sunday morning with a splendid congregation. Rev. R.. Currie Winlaw for his sermon topic spoke on "With Thankful Hearts." The choir for their se- lection sang "Let me walk with my Saviour," and a quartette composed of Mrs. C. Winlaw, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Ron Mock and Harry Horton, offered a se- lection "Come, ye thankful peo- ple, come." Mrs, Robert Pryde presided at the organ consol. Evening Auxiliary Plans Bake Sale "Thanksgiving" was the the- me used for the October meet- ing of the Evening Auxiliary LAFF . A . DAY DMI. 6tNC 'WM= filliVICAIM, II4608, noomm "Three or four days at the office and you'DI be ,AN ! r clwcys FINE FOODS SERVED IN OUR MODERN DINING LOUNGE ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Our Entire Hotel is Equipped j with "Hi-Fi" System for your Listening Pleasure WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS - CHICKEN - FISH Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 — ZURICH BEAMS We are in the market for new crop `beans ! ! HIGHEST PRICES PAID! We specialize in fast unloading, No Delay CONTRACTS WE ARE CONTRACTING FOR REGISTERED GENESSEE SEED WHEAT • Till OMPSON THE BEAN PEOPLE PHONE 32 — HENSALL of the Hensall United Church, held Monday evening. Mrs. Walter Spencer chaired the meeting, and Mrs. P. L. Mc- Naughton was in charge of the devotional. Mrs. Pearl Pass- more read Scripture passages and Mrs. McNaughton offered, prayer. The group aecepteda.n� invitation to join the Arnold Circle at their meeting Monday evening, October 16. Mrs. Spen- cer submitted the visiting re- port. In November the group will entertain the WMS and Arnold • Circle of Carmel Church, Chis- elhurts, and Kippen Societies, and their own WMS. Hostesses will be Mrs, Jack Drysdale and Mrs, Howard Scone. There will be a special guest speaker. Plans were finalized for the Bazaar, bake sale and tea in the church school room on Satur- day, October 28, at 3 p.m. Mrs. R. Boyce spoke on the School for Leaders at Alma College which she attended. Mrs, Boy- ce was thanked by Mrs. Dave Kyle. Mrs. Robert Reaburn and Mrs. Milton Lavery directed a recrea- tional period. Hostesses were Mrs. R. J. Drysdale and Mrs. Raye Paterson, In concluding his remarks, ors' Union has been too modest Mr. Taylor said that the Farm- in recognizing its accomplish - Huron Farm Union Elects Officers The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of Huron County Farmers' Un- ion, held in Clinton, on Octo- ber 5: Director, Roy Hanna, Auburn; sub directors, Edgar RathwelI, Bayfield; John Semple, Bay- field; George Campbell, Seafor- th; Orval Starey, Seaforth, Wo men's director, Mrs. Tom Gov- enlock, Seaforth; women's sub directors, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Clinton; Mrs. Orval Storey, Sea - forth; secretary, Carl Govier, Auburn; treasurer, Mrs. Carl Dalton, Seaforth; press secre- tary, Mrs. Gordon Hill, Varna. In his report, Director Robert Taylor said. one of the high- lights of the past year was the presentation of a brief to Hur- on County Council and urged this practice be continued. Mr. Taylor felt, in the future more emphasis should be placed on marketing and said it would be wise to devote one meeting per year to this. He expressed regret that pressure at home have made it impossible for him to continue as an official in the organization, but said he would do what he could as a member. Court of Revision Towns'hip of Hay 1962 Assessment Roll NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision on the As- sessment Roll for 1962 will be held in the Township Hall, Zur- ich, Ont., on the 2nd day of No- vember, 1961, at 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of hearing any ap- peals against the Assessment. All appeals must be deposited with the clerk, according to in- structions printed on the 1962 assessment Notice sent to each assessed person. V. L. BECKER, Reeve, H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk. Dated at Zurich, Oct. 12. 1961 41.2.13-b IFORTV-RADIO REPAI THAT WILL E1 DURE, , GIVE USTHE JOB _AND FEEL SECURE NO FISH STORY — This one is real, and was caught in the waters of southern James Bay by these two ardent fish- ermen, Gordon Surerus, left, and Charles Meyers, right. The northern pike, which they admitted gave them quite a battle, weighed in at two onces elss than 20 pounds. To get to the fishing site, the two had to travel 18 miles by water, but apparently it was well worth their while. They also brought along with them a number of small fish (as they called them) weighing around the five pound mark. (Staff Photo) SEAFORTH CAB Phone 411 Coll Collect BE SAFE! -- BE SURE! BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR FRONT-END ALIGNMENT AND Complete Steering Service 71 r mooern equipment will guarantee you satisfied -esults . . . make you feel sate when you drive. Wheel Balancing A Specialty! DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 33 — ZURICH sammuesausergaramwazazzorinarsz SEALY ETATTRESS GOLDEN SLEEP SPECIAL! * EDGE-GARD CONSTRUCTION * HEAVY DAMASK COVER b LIFE -LINE FLANGE CONSTRUCTION (The secret of Sealy's smooth button free surface) YOU COULD PAY $59.50 FOR THIS MATTRESS But YOU GET ALL THESE DELUXE COSTLY FEATURES All Sizes in Stock FOR ONLY $39.88 SEE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TABLE and TRILITE LAMPS END TABLES a COFFEE TABLES THESE ITEMS MAKE PERFECT WEDDING GIFTS Westlake Furniture PHONE 89.1 —» ZURICH Hensall K nnettes Plan Special Event Mrs, John Deitz was hostess for the regular meeting of the Hensall Kinettes on Tuesday night, when there were 100 per cent attendance. President Mrs. William Clement chaired the meeting. The group decided to take care of serving refreshments at the Kinsmen carnival on Octo- ber 20, Plans for the rummage sale on October 14, were fin- alized at the meeting The mem- bers will canvas the town for a Christmas cake draw on Tues- day, November 14. In other business the group decided to send a Christmas gift to their adopted Italian child, Mrs. William Fuss won the raffle. The next meeting will be held on November 14, at the home of Mrs, John Heal. 0 -- Renew -.. ., Renew Your Subscription Now POULTRY, EGGS and FEED POULTRY CULLING John Henderson PHONE 40 HENSALL SHOP SAVE1 SEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR 88c 11 OZ. Heinz Ketchup Solo Margarine, 1 1ba HEINZ STRAINED 5 OZ. Baby Foods 4 PACK White Cross Tissue 26 OZ. Pep Dog Food 2lh_ LBS. Domestic Shortening HENLEY 20 OZ. Fruit Cocktail ROBIN HOOD FAMILY .Cake Mixes IGA 15 OZ. Cream Corn SLICED OR CRUSHED 20 OZ. Fortuna Pineapple CLUB 15 OZ. Peach Halves Betty Crocker Cereals MOTHER PARKER'S Tea Bags MAPLE LEAF or CLOVER LEAF Sockeye Salmon, V2's 4 for 88c 4 for 88c 9 for 88c 2 for 88c 5 for 88c 88c 3 for 88c 3 for 88c 7 for 88c 4 for 88c 6 for 88c 3 for 88c 69c 53c GOLD BOND STAMP FEATURES 25 Stamps with MIL -KO, 3 Ib. $1.09 50 Stamps with BRYLCREAM, Ige. (free comb) MEAT FEATURES BLADE REMOVED TR Blade Roast ROUND BONE 43c Shoulder Roast 43c Rib Roast 49c Prime Rib Roast 69c Boneless Pot Roast .. 39c Pork Sausage 49c (25 Free Stamps) 1 Ib, pkg. TR Rindless SIDE BACON (25 Free Stamps) 1.Ib. pkg. or more RIB STEAKS (25 Free Stamps) 1 Ib, pkg. TR WEINERS l's TR SHORT TR SHORT CUT ROLLED, LEAN TR SKINLESS PRODUCE FEATURES HEAD LETTUCE, No. 1 Imported 24's 29t GRAPEFRUIT, New Crop Florida 48's, pink ____ 6 for 59c Tomatoes, No. 1 California, lb. 25c ORANGES, Sunkist, Valencia 138's doz. 49c FREEZER FEATURES PERCH, Lake Pack—with 25 Stamps 45c FRENCH FRIED POTATOES, Zero, 9 oz. 2 for 39c BROWN'S V.G.A.MARKET HENSALL OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS