HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-12, Page 7• THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1961. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEve ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE (AL. FRED. DUCHARME. Correamondentl Mrs. Paul Masse, of Windsor, spent a few days the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. RemiDenomme, and when there in company with Mrs. Denomme they were Wednes- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme. Both ladies are nieces to the Ducharmes. Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme and son Ronald, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. Ducharme, motored to Windsor on Satur- day where they attended a wed- ding. They returned to their home on Sunday after visiting with their children and friends. Mr. Nelson Papineau, of Windsor, spent the long week- endwith relatives on this high- way. Bridal Shower On Sunday last a miscellan- eous shower was held in the parish hall for Miss Cecil Be- dard, bride elect. It was largely attended by a large gathering of women. The shower was a success and many gifts were passed on to the bride -elect. The afternoon was an enjoyable one and all took part In refresh- ments to make it pleasant for the occasion. Miss Bedard thanked all for their kind thoughts and lovely gifts. Among the different national holidays put in practice in our land perhaps there is no one more deserving than is Thanks- giving Day. Not too many of us realize its grandeur and its im- portance, for few realize what we enjoy in this fair Iand which overflows with the necessities of life greeting us with abun- dance of all. Perhaps many of us do not realize that we are living in a land of freedom, where we are WEA WANT BEANS CONTACT US FOR Prices and Storage We have increased our bean storage this year. We can give you good service and quick un- loading. E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. PHONE 103 — HENSALL priviledged to live our life as we see it best, that which was intended by our creator, a priv- elege to exercise and practice our faith, and that in accord- ance from the teaching and ex- amples we reserve from our parents. Yet in the face of all that, how many of us on that day set aside by the authorities, answer that request to offer some prayer in thanksgiving or at least meditate on its mean- ing. Not only on Thanksgiving Day should we render thanks for all we are receiving, but we should appreciate that great privelege granted to us each day in this time when the world -is on the verge of destruction. 0 VARNA NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker and family, of King City, and, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Robinson, of Toronto, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont. Lee and Danny Talbot of Lon- don, are staying this week at the home of their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell. Rally Day Service will be held in the United Church, next Sunday, October 15, at 10:15 p.m., with Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. Mrs. A. Willis was able to leave Clinton hospital last week and is now staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wat Webster. The ladies of the United Church are holding a ham and turkey supper on Wednesday, October 18. For The Latest HAIR STYLING Give Us A CALL Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE keep'em healthy 3 F fa FIGHTS DISEASE IN BIRDS keep 'em' healthy. KILLS GERMS IN DRINKING WATER arra BQVI.TnY FORIVZUL4 wr ri Al`+T rz.G i:RNE 77 Now! Get two-way insurance on poultry profits with Terramycin Poultry Formula with Anti -Germ 77. This double-barrelled weapon, specifically designed to fight poultry diseases, embodies a powerful water disinfectant that kills germs in the drinking water while potent Terramycin fights disease in the birds. The superior antibiotic action of Terramycin controls more poultry diseases, faster, including profit -robbing CRD. It also combats secondary infections, enabling birds to get back on their feed fast after setbacks due to disease or stress. Use Terramycin Poultry Formula with AG 77 for prevention and treatment of disease, against stress and to stop laying slumps. It helps you get young birds off to a disease-free start and promotes greater uniformity of growth. Full direc- tions on package. Dissolves Instantly Stays Potent Longer Available wherever animal health products are sold Terramycin ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula . Poultry Formula with Antf-Germ 77 • Liquid TerramycF, for Mastitis • A dt D Scours Tablets + Terramycln Injectable Solution 81NCR 114! , Pfitler Research Contributes to More Profitable Farming AT THE BOWLING LANES Team High Triple ZURICH MEN'S BOWLING Pearson Kings (Bob Lavery 541) Pepsis (Don Hesse 691) The Angels (Jerome Geoffrey 548) Knight of Columbus (Geo. Sweeney 641 Hot Shots (Earl Horner 490) Car Penters (Neil Walker 559) Questionaires (Ernie Laidlaw 569) King Pins (Ken Parke 534) Blowers (Joe Crecess 492) Ink Spots (Cameron Witmer 449) Trotters and Pacers Globe Trotters (Bill Wagner 449) Tail Twisters (Leroy Thiel 446) Bull Dogs (Lee Surerus 515) Hornets (Bruce Moir 622) Weekly Team Point Points Standing LEAGUE 4 20 3 18 7 24 O 26 2 18 5 14 7 24 O 10 7 16 0 15 4 6 O 10 7 23 7 35 Butcherettes (Clare Geiger 646) 0 10 High single, Clarence Ducharme, 283, Bob Merner, 283; high triple, George Sweeney, 719; high average, George Sweeney, 205. ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE Dashettes (M. Rader 511) 7 Jokers (B. Sauder 409) 0 26 4 tips and Downs (P. Guenther 475) 5 18 Dominionaires (T. Johnson 507) 2 9 Star -tones (E. Hay 421) 7 26 Dreamers (G. Bedard 451) 0 14 Nighthawks (M. Schilbe 520) 7 21 Huronettes (I. Flannigan 439) 0 15 Lazy Six (1 Frayne 497) 0 8 H.L.A. (J. Smale 450) 7 11 Hi -Lights (M. Clarke 406) __. 2 11 Varieties (A. Oesch 522) 5 5 High single, M. Rader 315; high triple, M. Kraft 638; high average, M. Rader 174. ZURICH MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Kippen Trailers (Marg Lovell 501) 0 Lucky Strikes (Audery McKinley 441)7 Imperials (Bernie Denomme 459) 7 14 Guys & Gals (Marie Gelinas and Gar Denomme 467) 0 2 Hensall Hornets (Jean Cornell 481) 0 9 Busy Bees (Betty Simmons 547) 7 21 Tops (Don O'Brien 552) 5 17 Boo Boos (Rev. Fischer 482) 2 9 Hi Los (Allan Gascho 520) 0 18 Flying Frenchmen (Matt Ducharme 585) 7 24 Alley Cats (Ann Oesch 507) 7 23 Hardrocks (Harvey Clausius 396) 0 0 Ladies high single, Ann Oesch, 256; ladies high triple, Ann Oesch, 590. Mens high single, Bruce Moir, 338; high triple, Bruce Moir, 674. . 12 19 Yes! It Pays to 6e as EARLY BIRD ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT (By D. H. MILES Agricultural Representative for Huron County) Good weather is allowing far- mers to catch up on the farm work. Most harvest is complete with the exception of sugar beets, grain corn and late turn- ips. Grain corn is maturing re- markably well and some of it is now being picked. Pastures remain in fairly good supply and live stock IS doing quite well on fall pastur- es. visiting Toronto? ... be our honoured guest ■TV in every room . overlooking Lake Ontario ■hotel facilities .entertainment nightly ,cin y= 7: rnidutes from downtown via the Lakeshore Road at the fabulous free parking call RO 6.4392 at the door for reservations / SUNSHINE SPECIAL I for ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER /J BUYERS COMBINATION DOORS SCREENS and FIBRE GLASS SCREEN NEVER RUSTS Ask Us About Trellises and Picnic Tables A. Spencer & Son PHONE 102W Make every day a drying day ELECTRICALLY ...costs less than 5$ a load to operate • FLAMELESS •ODOURLESS • SAFER •FULLY AUTOMATIC •ECONOMICAL Choose from any of these famous makes of electric dryers: BEATTY BELWOOD COFFIELD-HAMILION CONNOR DOMINION GENERAL ELECTRIC G.M. FRIGIDAIRE INGLIS KELVINATOR LEONARD MAYTAG McCLARY-EASY MOFFAT PHILCO-BENDIX RCA WHIRLPOOL SIMPLICITY THOR WESTINGHOUSE ... AND OTHER FINE MAKES The finest and safest investment in Canada CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Some of the features of the new 1961 ,Series of Canada Savings Bonds — yield 4.60% if held to maturity, November l., 1971 -- prir'.e 100. Accrued interest will be charged after November 15, 1961 — may be purchased for cash or on the Monthly Savings Plan — available in amounts from $50 to $10,000 and, of course, Canada Savings Bonds can easily be cashed at any time at full face value plus earned interest. Phone or .nail your order to Mrs. Fred Rathwell Box 256, i-tensall Telephone 238 Authorized Sub -Agent of Wood, Gundy & Company Limited • Full double bed size • Full 2 -year guarantee • A top quality blanket made by Canada's largest electric blanket maker • Can be washed and dried automatically • Offer good from Oct. 14th— Nov. 30th 1961 A $29.95 VALUE This offer good at the stores displaying this symbol LIVE EI RELIi'CT. ALLY