HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Items About Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schilbe, of Detroit, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Brokenshire, while attending the centennial celebration of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Mrs. P. J. Cunningham and two children, of Wollowdale, and Dr. Emmett Cunningham, of South Porcupine, were holi- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William Hess and son, David, of Woodstock, were holiday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Theresa Hartman were: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartman and Cyril Hartman, of Camp Borden, Miss Theresa Hartman and sister, Carolyn, of Stephen, and Mr. and Mrs, Michael Hartman, of Trenton. Roy Knoll, of Port Colborne, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer. Mrs. Knoll and sons Tommy and Peter returned home with Mr. Knoll after spending two weeks in Zurich. Lewis Gingerich, of Sturgis, Michigan, was a holiday visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gingerich. Rev. and Mrs. Heimrich, of Ayton, spent the Thanksgiving weekend at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weseloh, of Tecumseh, Mich., were holi- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Kalbfleisch of Detroit, were Sunday visitors in Zurich, also attending the centennial of the Lutheran Church. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer, were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oxland and family, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pulford and family, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hartman attended the wedding of her niece in Leamington, last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schnell, of Detroit, were visitors in Zur- ich over the weekend, attending the centennial of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Bob McKinley attended the Dr. Salisbury school in Mil- ton for several days last week. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Mary Hess were Mr. and Mrs. Quimby Hess and family of Dor- set, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hess and family, of Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schilbe and family, of London, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, of Detroit, spent the past week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Steinback. Miss Meda Surerus and Miss Jean McKaig, of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. Gord- on Surerus. Mrs. Nora Feiertag, of Detro- it, is spending a few days with, her friends, Mrs. Gertrude Da - tars, also attending the church centennial in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood, of Wingham, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel. Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geor- ge Thiel were: Mr. and Mrs. Simon Thiel, of Kitchener, and Mrs. George Truss, of London. OLD TIME Kinsmen Carnival AND DANCE at the Hensall Arena, Friday, October 20 DOORS OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. • Cash and Fowl Bingo • Paddle Wheels • Games of Chance FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! KIDS — WIN A NEW CCM BICYCLE FREE!! DRAW AT 10:00 P.M. ENJOY JITNEY DANCING — ADMISSION FREE Sponsored by the Hensall Kinsmen 10 BIG DISCOUNT DAYS I ! FULLY ADJUSTABLE IRONING BOARD ENSEMBLE Reg. value $12.53 — FOR ONLY $9.49 Electric Wall Clock Available in white, yellow or turquoise Reg. value $6.95 — FOR $5.49 Inside Frosted Light Bulbs Canadian made — 40, 60 or 100 watt Reg. value 26c each — 6 for 99s 7.4 FAN SHAPE BRUME RAKE The most effective tool for raking leaves Reg, price $1.09 — SPECIAL AT $1.59 WE HAVE DOZENS OF OTHER ITEMS ON SPECIAL, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES — See Our Flyers in the Mail for Complete List — Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" PHONE 72 -- - — ZURICH WEDDINGS OF INTEREST Amacher- Tomlinson Jane Elizabeth Tomlinson be- came the bride of Arthur Lorne Amacher, on Saturday, Septem- ber 20. The wedding ceremony took place at Riverside United Church. The groom's father, Rev. A. M. Amacher, of Zurich, officiated, assisted by Rev. Har- old J. Snell, minister of River- side Church. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, Mr. F. Tom- linson. She was lovely in a traditional floor length gown, of chantilly lace, and sheer over peau de soi, fashioned with scoop neckline, outlined with bead pearl, and long point sleeve. Panels of lace graced the front and the back of the gown, which swept to a chapel train. A crown of pearls and crystals held the tiered illusion rolled edged veil. The bride carried a cascade of white roses and stephanotis. The bride was attended by Miss Judy Meyers, of London, maid of honour, Miss Katherine Amacher, of Erie, Pa., and Miss Mary Tomlinson, of London, dressed in gold brocade, carry- ing bronze 'mums. Miss Cathy Gardner, of St. Marys, flower girl, was in white nylon sheer, with imported lace trimming, carrying white and yellow 'mums. The groom was attended by Mr. John Anderson, London. Hensall WMS The October meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hensall United Church was held Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. George Armstrong and her group in charge, Mrs. Arm- strong presiding. The devotion- al was taken by Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, Mrs. William Cole and Mrs. Orville Jones. Sacred pas- sages were read by Mrs. Jarvis Horton, and prayer offered by Mrs. Fred Beer. A duet, the 23rd psalm Was sung by Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Orville Jones, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt was accompanist. Miss M. Ellis reviewed chap- ters of the new study book "Sig- nals for the Sixties." Mrs. Armstrong spoke on the study book, "Hasten The Day." Presi- dent Mrs. E. Rowe chaired the business period, when it was announced that the Thank Of- fering service will be held the last Sunday in October, when Rev. R. A. Brook, of Acton, will be invited to be guest minister. Mrs. Sim Roobol gave a com- mentary on her trip to Holland this year. The bale will be packed Wednesday, November 1. Mrs. Albert Alexander read a letter of thanks for the bale of clothing sent to Toronto and for the bale to Bella Coola Hospital. Mrs. Rowe read a thank you letter sent to Mrs. M. A. C. Ri- chardson, for used stamps, which she collects for sale for Mission Leprosy. Invitations were accepted to the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church, October 16, and the Evening Auxiliary of the Un- ited Church, November 13. The president spoke on the new or- ganization of the church. Sev- eral thank notes to the flower committee were read. Miss El- lis, Mrs. Dillings, Mrs. L. Mick - le and Mrs. Armstrong were named delegates to the Section- al meeting at Whalen. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now PRICES FOR — CREAM • EGGS • POULTRY Give Us A Call ! O'BRIENS PRODUCE PHONE 101 ZURICH The guests were ushered by Mr. Lou Balgeon, London, and Mr. Paul Amacher, of the Clinton Air Force. Miss Margaret Reid, of St. Catharine's, soloist, sang, `Tntreat me not to leave thee, Ruth.. 1: 16, and "Perfect Love." Mrs. Napp, of London, presided at the organ. During the cere- mony, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered to the bridal couple. The reception was held at Glen Allan Inn, The couple will reside in London, where the groom is attending Medical School. 0 Watson - Laporte White 'mums and red carna- tions formed the setting in St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph, on Saturday, October 7, at 10:00 a.m., for the marriage of An- gela Laporte and Paul Joseph Watson. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte,' RR 2, Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, RR 3, Zurich. - Monsiegneur W. Bourdeau of- ficiated. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was lovely in a floor -length gown of white ny- lon over taffeta, with four pan els of lace streaming down from THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1961 her waist. The neckline of the lace bodice was trimmed with pleated nylon, The long sleev- es ended in a lily -point form. A crown of seed pearls and tear drops held her double veil of French illusion. She car- ried a crescent bouquet of white carnations and red roses. Marie Ann Ducharme, St. Joseph, cousin of the bride, was maid of honour and she wore a light blue nylon over taffeta dress with white accessories. She carried a bouquet of white carnations mixed with stephon- itis. Jack Watson, brother of the groom was best man and Isi- dore Laporte and George Wat- son ushered guests. Mrs. Armand Denomme, Zur- ich, was organist. For receiving guests, the bri- de's mother chose a blue shea- th, two-piece dress with brown accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's moth- er wore a brown suit with matc- hing accesories and a yellow rose corsage. The wedding dinner was ser- ved at the Town and Country restaurant, in Exeter, and the reception was held at the Zur- ich Community Centre. For a honeymoon to St. Ignace Michigan, the bride chose a two-piece suit of •green and brown with brown accesories, and a corsage of yellow roses. The young couple will reside in Exeter. WEEKEND FOOD SPECIALS WHITE CROSS Toilet Tissue 10 rolls $1.00 14 OZ. TINS Green Giant Niblets LUCKY DOLLAR 5 OZ. JAR Instant Coffee CHALLENGER FANCY Sockeye Salmon 3 LB. POLY BAG Crispy Carrots 2 for 35c 69c 1/21b 53c 2 for 29c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET CLARENCE GASCHO — ZURICH s TWO For ONE SALE On Sunworthy Wallpapers NOW ON AT D. A. KAY & SON'S 33 HURON STREET CLINTON 1 Single Roll at Regular Price PLUS 1 Single For Only 1 Cent More Sale begins -THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, and continues until the present stock is cleared to make room for the 1962 stock. STORE HOURS: DAILY 9-6 — WED. 9-12 Open Friday evening TERMS — ALL SALE PAPERS CASH PUMPKIN PIE With that delicious home style flavour ONLY 55c TRY THIS ! Date Orange Loaf ONLY 35c THEY'RE DELICIOUS Sugar . Fried Cakes 45c DOZEN p A }CHURCH DIRECTORY sessmosolsolimmossosis EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, BA BD, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesoh. Organist THURSDAY. OCT, 12 — 8:15 p.m., Youth Evangelism Service. Bill Ramey and Frank Thompson will con- duct this service. A film strip will be shown, `Bat- tle on a small planet." You- th and adults are welcome to attend. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15— 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.05 a.m.—Sunday School. You are welcome ammirommasszassilismolemilman Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor — Orval Jantzi SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15— 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service You are invited to worship with us! St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Ron Klopp, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15— Guest Speaker: Dr. Martin Dol - beer, Chaplain of Waterloo Lutheran University. You Are Welcome diet Hensall United Church REV. CURRIE WINLAW, B.A., B.D., Minister 11.00 a.m. — Morning Service 9.45 a.m. — Church School St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. BREN deVR1ES, Rector 9.45 a.m. — Morning Worship 10.15 a.m. — Sunday School First Sunday of the Month — Holy Communion Carmel Presbyterian Church REV. D. R. MacDONALD, B.A., Minister MRS. M. DOUGALL, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:30 p.m. — Annual Fall Church. Service of the Huron County Junior Farmers Dr. D. J. Lane, Clinton, will be the guest speaker at both services This Space Contributed By General Coach Works How is Your Sense of Value? And Jesus called them unto Him and said, Ye know that the princess of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister. And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.—Mat. 20: 25-27. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE WINTER IS AT OUR DOORSTEP Investigate your needs for winter footwear, now! All sizes are available at the present time, so why wait until the rush comes. The amount of the new Sales Tax will be discounted for the month of October. OESCH SHOE STORE PHONE 130 — ZURICH SHUR-GAIN MINERALS . . Even cattle on well balanced rations can suffer from "Mineral Hunger". Just as roughages vary so do individual animal's mineral requirements. It's not necessary to pay a lot of money for a good mineral mixture. SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS for cattle—a registered and guaranteed mineral mixture con- taining ALL and ONLY those minerals presently known to be required by cattle and containing molasses for extra palatibility and dust -free handling. 51111R -GAIN POULTRY FEEDS IT'S AVAILABLE AT OUR MILL AT A REASONABLE PRICE ,.••IM• - teras 1••••••••••••••1 =MEM= ___ w s M. G. DEITZ and SON PHONE 154 ZURICH ry+