HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-12, Page 3TH,URSGAY,, OCTOBER 12, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE News of Hensall IJ. isiriet Mr. and Mrs. George Hess spent Thansgiving with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and J. L. McCloy and family, at their summer cottage at Georg- ian Bay, Mr. and Mrs,. Murray Venner and little son, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Venner. MAININNINNININEMIMINIMMINNIIIMMIUMMINaranaiSna S DO Bf YS You CANADA SAVINGS BOND AT " BANH!P TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%— $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK OF MONTREAL 6r4 90mt V WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 n 335 Pian Carnival The Kinsmen are sponsoring an old time carnival and dance in the local arena Friday, Oct- tober 20, cash and fowl bingoes, paddle wheels and games of chance. Some lucky child will win a C.C.M. bicycle. Kinettes are sponsoring a rummage sale in the Legion Hall, this Saturday, at 3;00 p.m. At a special meeting of the CP & T committee of the IOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodges last Thursday night, $1Q was dona- ted to CNBI. Student Council Miss Peggy Goddard, of Hen- sall, was elected president of South Huron District High School student council, last weak, Other officers are Den- nis Mock, of Hensall, vice-presi- dent; Cathy Hodgins, Centralia, secretary; Mary Jane Hoffman, Dashwood, treasurer; Dale Tur- ney, Exeter, publicity. In Sarnia Hospital Wilfred Raymond Huffman, 43, of RR 1, Hensall, was ad- mitted to Sarnia General Hospi- tal last week when he fell out of a car on Highway 21, five miles north of Forest. He suf- fered head and possible internal injuries. Mr. Huffman was hitch-hicking to Hensall from Sarnia, when pickedup by a car driven by Benjamin ,Gressette, of Kettle Point Indian Reserva- tion. Mr. J. F. H. Paterson, of Tor- onto, visited last week with his neice, Miss Cassie Dougall,, and other relatives, Mr. Paterson, who will celebrate his 89th bir- thday in December, is very smart, active and alert for his years, and has fully recovered from a fractured hip he suffer- ed in a fall last winter. He en- joyed reminiscing with old firends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Pamela and Sheila, of London, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family. Wendy and Ruth Robinson, of London spent Thanksgiving with their grandmother, Mrs. W. B. Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and family spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Rochester N.Y. Miss Lillian MacKay, of Wind- sor, spent the weekend holiday with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shep- herd. Mr. and Mrs. John Skea and family expect to move into their new home on Queen street in the near future, which is near- ing completion. Mrs. Ron Mock and her new For the biggest ton of coal in town BIGGEST IN VALUE! BIGGEST IN QUALITY! A standard ton in size and weight but 'blue coal' outweighs all others in heating value and comfort. For the best co& and the best service, CALL LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 HENSALL daughter, Julie Ann, have re- turned home from South Huron Hospital. Enjoy Supper .Approximately 200 were ser- ved to a delicious hot turkey supper with all the trimmings last Tuesday evening at Carmel Church, and many favourable comments were heard regarding the fine supper. The proceeds were very gratifying for the Ladies Aid, who sponsored the supper. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bonth- ron and family,. and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay and family ex- pect to take up residence short- ly in their new homes in the new subdivision, at the east side of Hensall. Hensall Feeder Calf Club JOIN NOW A carload of feeder calves will be arriving soon in Hensall. Any boy or girl, age 10 to 21, in the Town- ship of Hay, Stephen, Stanley, Tu- kersmith, Hibbert and Usborne, wishing to feed calves should con- tact any director of the South Hur- on Agricultural Society, or Peter McNaughton, secretary, phone 55, Hensall. LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY Hobo teams were planned for the month of October, at the October meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall last Tuesday even- ing, and presided over by president, Mrs. Gordon Munn. Mrs. W.J. Cameron acted as se- cretary in the absence of Mrs. E. R. Davis. A thank -you letter was read from iiliss Lizmore receptionist at Westminster Hospital, Lon- don, thanking the auxiliary for gifts sent to two veterans. Plans were finalized for their 12th birthday party, held Friday night, with Legion members as special guests. One bowling team will partic- ipate in the bowling tournament at Wingham on October 4, and two teams will go to Exeter, November 1, to take part in a tournament. These tournaments are sponsored by the Legion Lathes Auxiliary. Mrs. Roy Smale won the mys- tery prize. A period of recrea- tion was enjoyed, and refresh- ments were served. 0 Rebekah Lodge installs Officers Mrs. R. A. Orr was installed. as noble grand of Amber Re- bekah Lodge, Hensall, at a cer- emony held last Wednesday ev- ening. The- installation was conducted by district deputy president Mrs. Ethel McPher- son, Clinton, and her installing staff of Huronic Lodge, Clinton. McKEE SALES AND SERVICE Local Representative CHECK ON THE FALL DISCOUNTS See Bill Clement Other officers are, junior past noble grand, Mrs, Ernie Chipchase; vice grand, Mrs. Hugh McEwen; recording sec- retary, Mrs.. John Ingram; fin- ancial secretary, Mrs, Clarence Volland; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Corbett; warden, Mrs, Archie MacGregor; conductor, Mrs. L. Eyre; chaplain, Mrs. Blighton Ferg; pianist, Mrs. William Fuss; inside guardian, Mrs. Geo- rge Parker; outside guardian, Mrs. Jack Corbett; RSNG, Mrs. Glenn Bell; LSNG, Mrs. Inez McEwen; RSVG, Mrs. Leona Parke; LSVG, Mrs. Eva Parker; scene supportors, Mrs. Elgin Thomson, Mrs. George Clifton, District deputy marshall, Mrs. Effie Beattie, of Clinton, con- ducted the installing staff. Soloist, Mrs. Mary Nediger, of Clinton, sang, "My Task." Mrs. McPherson was presented with a gift by JPNG Mrs. Chipchase, During the business session it was decided to cater to the Grand Master's Banquet, Nov- ember 20, to serve the baseball boys with a banquet; and to canvass the village for Tag Day for south Huron Hospital, Exet- er. Mrs. Orr reported for the visiting committee, Mrs. Lorne Chapman for the finance com- mittee, and Mrs. MacGregor gave the semi-annual report. Mrs. Glenn Bell expressed cong- ratulations to the DAP and her installing staff. Mrs. A. Shadd- ick, Noble Grand of the Clinton Lodge, also spoke. Other speak- ers included Mrs. B. Suitor, and Mrs. Nediger, Clinton, Mrs. Mac- Gregor and Mrs. Chipchase. A social hour was convened by Mrs. R.E. Shaddick and Mrs. Edna Corbett. PHONE 14 — HENSALL ommagemammummimr NOW IS THE TIME . ! To have your FALL CLOTHING DRY CLEANED Try the latest method of ODORLESS DRY CLEANING OUR AGENTS ARE: IN ZURICH GASCHO'S DRY GOODS AT ST. JOSEPH ESSO SERVICE STATION GRAND BEND DRY-CLEANERS YES, we Launder Shirts._ faulty y heating equipment; 12% by rubbish and trsh; 1O%o by electric wi ng +47 a of all home fires in Canada are caused bycareless smokers; 16%b Why not check your home for fire hazards today and make sure you don't give fire a place to start! OCTOBER 8-14 IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Co-operators Insurance Associat on Sugar and Spice (Continued frorla Page cost only about $8,000 each to raise. But the dividends are startin gto flow back in. I can now wear my son's socks, and do, when I can't find a pair of my own, and I'm sure I won't be out, except after dark. And ten lively years in the newspaper business, and I sup- pose a man should be thankful he was never horse -whipped, shot -gunned or even fisticuffed during that eventful decade of poking his nose into all the hec- tic, turbulent currents of small town life. Then into the teaching, and thankful I like the youngsters. It would be pure hell if one didn't. A n d here's another Thanksgiving gone by, and I've only begun to touch the things I'm thankful for. I wish they'd hold it twice a year. WILSON'S DRUG STORE Phone 20 REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS F.75 +ate' CANADA'S LARGEST SELLING VITAMIN -MINERAL PRODUCT 36 TABLETS FREE With 144 -Tablet Economy Size Hensall EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE $13°93 size for only $11®96 1 c SALE STARTS MON., OCT. 16 TRY YOUR RUG STORE FIRST (lhI111111111IIIIIIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIIIIIII!l!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII iii111111111111lllllllllllilill!IIIl11lllill MEAT DEPARTMENT Sweet - Pickled Cottage Roes Club Steaks Head Cheese Loin or Butt Pork Chops GROCERY DEPARTMENT COLGATE REG. 65c Dental Cream special 55c Velveeta Cheese 1/2 lb 29c Velveeta Cheese 1 lb 55c REG. 2 LB. PACK Parkay Margerine 50c lb. 49c ib. 59c per tin 79c lb. 59c SUPER SAVE 5 OZ JAR Instant Coffee 65c DOMESTIC 1 LB PKG. Shortening 2 for 65c MONARCH 7 LB BAG Pastry Flour 55c 10 LB. BAG Granulated Sugar 79c GLIDE 64 OZ Liquid Starch 3Ic COLOR KWIK 2 LB. PACK Parkay Margerine 60c Hard -Gloss Glo-Coat 99c Dog Food 8 for 79c I Spic & Span giant 73c Tomato Juice 2 for 49c Liquid Detergent 73c DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION 15 OZ. JOHNSON QUART FANCY QUALITY 48 OZ. MAPLE LEAF 24 OZ HORSEY 48 OZ .. o, .c≻_at Kam or Prem 12 oz tin 39c Grapefruit Juice 3 for $1. ALLEN'S48OZ.TINS,� Apple Juice 3 for 79c CREAM or KERNEL 10 OZ and 8 OZ York Corn 10 for $1.00 CHALLENGER b? LB TINS Sockeye Salmon 51c MACARONI and CHEESE o SUPER -SAVE 24 OZ e I�raft L)mners 2 for 29c Peanut Butter 45c Rose Margarine 4 l'bs $1. PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Calif. Lettuce 24's ea. 9c Onto Celery Hearts 2/29c LIBBY'S 2 LB. POLY BAG 69c Mixed Vegetables 47c 5 LB. BAG 138's Sunkist Oranges II11II11111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIiiiii1I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111 1