HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1961-10-05, Page 7THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1981 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Wheat Producer's Annual Meeting Discusses Importing American Grain (By J. Carl Hemingway) The annual meeting of the is serious this year. Some far - Ontario Wheat Producers was held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, September 27. The meeting was well attended and the actions of the board receiv- ed hearty approval. This does not mean that improvements cannot be made but real pro- gress is being made. After a year's effort with some million bushels of space at Port Colborne elevator the storage situation is better but still far from adequate. The Board was urged to continue its efforts to either find some way by which farmers could build their own storage or have a de- finate lease on storage facilit- ies. The problem of low quality wheat due to sprouting or rust mers received as little as 70 cents a bushel for this feed quality over which the board has no control except that a good price for milling wheat does have a strengthening affect of the feed grades. The meeting recommended that the board be given the right to negotiate prices on the lower grades as well. It is un- fortunate that so many farmers place themselves in the posit- ion that they have to sell. Un- doubtedly this 70 cent wheat will return in the feed trade at a handsome profit to the deal- ers. Everett Biggs, in speaking to the meeting, pointed out that producer marketing provides the `yardstick" in determining WE WANT BEANS CONTACT US FOR Prices and Storage We have increased our bean storage this year. We can give you good service and quick un- loading. E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. PHONE 103 — HENSALL price levels. Previously through energy, agressiveness and sales- manship, you may have obtain- ed a higher price than your neighbour but that .in no way proves that you got a fair price. When producers are in the Mar- keting business they are able to assess the market and know what their products should bring, In view of the much larger than usual quanity of feed gra- de wheat there was discussion on the question of the importa- tion of U.S. feed grains. It is reported that five million bush- els of US oats was allowed in, early in August, and a further quota of five hundred thousand bushels was released since. This importation of feed grain was permitted supposedly to prevent brokers from cornering the market. However its result's seem to be limited since grain on the Winnipeg exchange is still higher than. it was at the time of the first quotas. It un- doubtedly did help the large feed lot producers and the ver- tically integrated industries but with Ontario oats currently net ting the producers $40 per ton it didn't do much for the farm er. Freight assistance also came under discussion as detrimental to the Ontario wheat producer, and I was very interested to hear since the meeting that some of our large beef operators are beginning to realize that cheap grain means cheap beef. Farmers who produce their own grain -and feed it must sur- ely soon realize that their costs are the same regardless of the price on the grain market. It is the livestock produced on cheap grain, brought into Ontario that reduces their price and income. Barber Shops IN ZURICH CLOSED TUESDAY NIGHTS For The Winter Months keep 'em healthy Terramycin ANIMAL FORMULA FIG TS MO DISEASE STE Terramycin Animal Formula saves you, money by maintaining health, promoting growth, preventing stress setbacks and fighting specific diseases such as scours and respiratory diseases in livestock and poultry. Terramycin gives you unique two-way action against profit- robbing'diseases. First, it goes to work instantly in the stomach and intestines against germs that cause scouring and other dis- eases; it stimulates appetite, gets animals back on feed faster. Secondly, Terramycin is also absorbed into the blood stream where it continues to fight infections throughout the system. Terramycin Animal Formula acts faster against more diseases. When added to the drinking water it dissolves instantly— and unlike ordinary products -- stays in solution longer. Complete directions on package. Available wherever animal health products are sold. SINCE 1848 Terramycin ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula • Poultry Formula with Anti -Germ 77 New Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis • A & D Scours Tablets • Terramycin Injectable Solution. Pfizer Research Contributes to More Profitable Farming sloOIA MARRIED 40 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oesch, of Hensall, celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary with a family dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. The couple was married on September 16, 1921. Mrs. Oesch was the former Mary Bedard. They farmed in Stanley Township all their marr- ied life until moving to Hensall three years ago. The couple have four child- ren: Russell, Stanley Township; Kathleen, Mrs. Robert Bell, Bly- th; Anne, Mrs. Earl Flaxbard, Zurich; and Mae, Mrs. Ray Mc - Nail, Brucefield. They also have 19 grandchildren. Following the dinner, the fam- ily, relatives and friends gather- ed at the couple's home for a social evening. They were pres- ented with a chime clock by the family, flowers from the grand- children, and other beautiful gifts. The grandchildren enter- tained with a mock wedding and accordion numbers. Poultry Show at Zurich Fall Fair Best Best in History; More Local Entries Rose Comb Leghorns (Show): hen, Pepper, Pepper; cock, Pep- per, Becker, Pepper;,pullet, Pep- per; cockeral, Pepper. Wayandottes: pullet, Pepper, Pepper; cockeral, Pepper, Pep- per. Buff Orpingtons: hen, Beck- er, Becker, Becker; cock, Bec- ker, Pepper; pullet, Pepper, Pepper, Becker; cockeral, Pep- per, Pepper, Becker. Polish: hen, Becker. Rhode Island Reds: hen, Bec- ker, Becker, Pepper; cock, Pep- per, Pepper, Becker; pullet, Pepper, Pepper; cockeral, Pep. per, Pepper, Becker. Silver Grey Dorkins: hen, Bec- ker; cock, Becker; pullet, Bec- ker;, cockeral, Becker. Jersey Black Giants: hen, Pep per, Becker, Becker; cock, Pep- per. New Hampshire Reds: hen, Pepper, Pepper, Becker; cock, Pepper, Pepper; pullet, Pepper, Pepper, cockeral, Pepper, Pep- per Light Sussex: hen, Pepper, Becker, Pepper; cock, Pepper Pepper, Becker; pullet, Pepper, Pepper; cockeral, Pepper, Pep. per. Any Other Variety: hen, Pep- per, Pepper, Becker; cock, Pep- per, Pepper; pullet. Pepper, Pepper; cockeral, Pepper, Pep- per. Bantams Booted: hen, Battler, Becker, Becker; cock, Becker; cockeral, Battler, Battler. Bantams Unbooted: hen, Bat- tler; cock, Becker; cockeral, Bat- tler. Bantams W. Leghorn, hen, Becker; 'cock, Becker. Bantams Barred Rock: hen, Becker; cock, Becker. Bantams Silver Spangled: hen, Becker; cock, Becker; pul- let, Becker, Bantams Partridge Wyandot- te, hen, Becker; cock, Becker. Utility Pen Light Sussex: Pep- per. Utility White Rock: Pepper. Utility Rhode Island Red: Pe- pper. McKEE SALES AND SERVICE Local Representative CHECK ON THE FALL DISCOUNTS Ste Bill Clement PHONE 19 — HENSALL Utility White Leghorn. Pep- per. Pen Hybrid Pullets Light: Becker. Pekin Drake: Becker. OId Ducks: Becker, Becker. OId Drakes: Becker, Becker. Young Drake: Becker, Becker. Young Ducks: Becker, Becker. Any Other Variety: Old Dra- ke: Otto Willert. Any other Variety: young drake, Willert, Willert. Any other Variety: young duck, Willert, Willert. OId Gander: Becker, Willert. Old Goose: Becker, Willert. OId Drake: Willert, Willert. Old Duck: Willert, Willert. Young Duck: Becker, Wil- lert. Young Drake: Willert Guinea: Willert, Ken Thiel. Coll. of Pigeons: Peter Kraft, Robert Becker. ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION COMBINATION DOORS SCREENS and FIBRE GLASS SCREEN NEVER RUSTS Ask Us About Trellises and Picnic Tables A. Spencer St Son PHONE 102W HENSALL FABRICS FOR FAIL YES, our shelves are loaded with the finest of mater- ials for your fall sewing needs. Drop in and look them over ! ! WHITE SANFORIZED PRINTED BROADCLOTH1 FLANNELETTE 59c YARD Coloured 59c Yard ONLY 59c YARD NEW PATTERNS 40" UNBLEACHED PRINTS COTTON ONLY 59c YARD ONLY 45c YARD Printed an Plain Corduroys 36" and 40" Wide — $1.25 YARD and UP THREE DAY SERVICE ON McCALL'S PATTERN Pick your patterns from our counter pattern books GASCHO'S DRY GOODS PHONE 59 ZURICH ntomatic SEE THE NEW FR9GiDAIRE PAIR IDA ashers an GEORGE SAYS: RE ryers With cold and wet weather on its way, surely you don't expect your wife to hang the laundry out- doors, Come in now and see our FRIGIDAIRE LAUNDRY PAIR — while the prices are at their lowest! Priced to suit your budget. "EASY PAYMENT PLAN." We can give you this pair for a very small down payment, and easy credit terms. GINGEFHCH'S SALES 84 SERVICE Ltd. ZURICH SEAFORTH